Medicals – diving

医疗 - 潜水
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Performance of routine Chest X-rays (CXRs) in asymptomatic individuals to assess hyperbaric exposure risk is controversial. The radiation risk may overshadow the low yield in many settings. However, the yield may be higher in certain settings, such as tuberculosis-endemic countries. We evaluated the utility of routine CXR in diving and submarine medical examinations in South Africa.
    UNASSIGNED: Records of 2,777 CXRs during 3,568 fitness examinations of 894 divers and submariners spanning 31 years were reviewed to determine the incidence of CXR abnormality. Associated factors were evaluated using odds ratios and a binomial logistic regression model, with a Kaplan-Meier plot to describe the duration of service until first abnormal CXR.
    UNASSIGNED: An abnormal CXR was reported in 1.1% per person year of service, yielding a cumulative incidence of 6.5% (58/894) of the study participants. Only four individuals had a clinical indication for the CXR in their medical history. A range of potential pathologies were seen, of which 15.5% were declared disqualifying and the rest (84.5%) were treated, or further investigation showed that the person could be declared fit.
    UNASSIGNED: In South Africa, a routine CXR has a role to play in detecting abnormalities that are incompatible with pressure exposures. The highest number of abnormalities were found during the initial examinations and in individuals with long service records. Only four individuals had a clinical indication for their CXR during the 31-year span of our study. Similar studies should be performed to make recommendations in other countries and settings.






  • 文章类型: Guideline
    The South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) diving medical for recreational scuba divers was last reviewed in 2011. From 2011 to 2019, considerable advancements have occurred in cardiovascular risk assessment relevant to divers. The SPUMS 48th (2019) Annual Scientific Meeting theme was cardiovascular risk assessment in diving. The meeting had multiple presentations updating scientific information about assessing cardiovascular risk. These were distilled into a new set of guidelines at the final conference workshop. SPUMS guidelines for medical risk assessment in recreational diving have subsequently been updated and modified including a new Appendix C: Suggested evaluation of the cardiovascular system for divers. The revised evaluation of the cardiovascular system for divers covers the following topics: 1. Background information on the relevance of cardiovascular risk and diving; 2. Defining which divers with cardiovascular problems should not dive, or whom require treatment interventions before further review; 3. Recommended screening procedures (flowchart) for divers aged 45 and over; 4. Assessment of divers with known or symptomatic cardiovascular disease, including guidance on assessing divers with specific diagnoses such as hypertension, atrial fibrillation, cardiac pacemaker, immersion pulmonary oedema, takotsubo cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and persistent (patent) foramen ovale; 5. Additional cardiovascular health questions included in the SPUMS guidelines for medical risk assessment in recreational diving; 6. Updated general cardiovascular medical risk assessment advice; 7. Referencing of relevant literature. The essential elements of this guideline are presented in this paper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypertension is a common condition, which is highly prevalent amongst scuba divers. As a consequence, a substantial proportion of divers are hypertensive and/or on antihypertensive drugs when diving. In this article, we review available literature on the possible risks of diving in the presence of hypertension and antihypertensive drugs. Guidelines are presented for the diving physician for the selection of divers with hypertension suitable for diving, along with advice on antihypertensive treatment best compatible with scuba diving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Professional divers, like many other specialised occupational groups, are subject to regulatory constraints that include mandatory initial medical certification and routine recertification. The New Zealand system of diver certification and health surveillance has undergone modifications in recent years, but its acceptance among end-users has never been formally assessed. Because of the wide variety of tasks, circumstances and personalities encountered in the diving industry, unanimous satisfaction is an unrealistic expectation, but establishing the current mood of divers in this regard and canvassing opinions on possible improvements is an important step towards optimising the certification process.
    METHODS: A multi-choice satisfaction questionnaire was added, as a quality assurance measure, to the on-line health questionnaire completed annually by all New Zealand professional divers. A complete 12-month dataset was analysed to determine levels of satisfaction, areas of dissatisfaction and suggestions for improvement. Comparison of the opinions of various diver groups was achieved by stratification into employment-type sub-groups and those working locally, overseas or both.
    RESULTS: The responses of 914 divers who completed the survey established an 85% satisfaction rate with the existing diver certification system. Dissatisfaction was independent of diving locality. Compliance cost was the most common area of dissatisfaction, particularly among recreational diving instructors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most New Zealand professional divers consider the current certification system satisfactory. Effective communication between the regulating authority and divers was identified as an important area for further development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Approximately 77% of professional divers leave the industry within five years of entry, for reasons that are uncertain. One possibility is that attrition is due to ill-health. The health of New Zealand occupational divers is surveyed by a comprehensive medical examination every five years and by a health questionnaire in the intervening years. Divers are thereby confirmed \'fit\' annually. The aim of this study was to determine if divers quit the industry due to a health problem not identified by this health surveillance system.
    METHODS: 601 divers who had left the industry within five years of entry medical examination (\'quitters\') were identified from a computerised database. One hundred and thirty-six who could be contacted were questioned about their principal reason for quitting. Comparison was made between the health data of all those defined as \'quitters\' and a group of 436 \'stayers\' who have remained active in the industry for over 10 years.
    RESULTS: Health was the principal reason for abandoning a diving career for only 2.9% of quitters. The overwhelming majority (97.1%) quit because of dissatisfaction with aspects of the work, such as remuneration and reliability of employment. Besides gender, the only significant difference between the health data of quitters and stayers was that smoking was four times more prevalent among quitters.
    CONCLUSIONS: The key determinant of early attrition from the New Zealand professional diver workforce is industry-related rather than health-related. The current New Zealand diver health surveillance system detects the medical problems that cause divers to quit the industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Surveillance of professional divers\' hearing is routinely undertaken on an annual basis despite lack of evidence of benefit to the diver. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude and significance of changes in auditory function over a 10-25 year period of occupational diving with the intention of informing future health surveillance policy for professional divers.
    METHODS: All divers with adequate audiological records spanning at least 10 years were identified from the New Zealand occupational diver database. Changes in auditory function over time were compared with internationally accepted normative values. Any significant changes were tested for correlation with diving exposure, smoking history and body mass index.
    RESULTS: The audiological records of 227 professional divers were analysed for periods ranging from 10 to 25 years. Initial hearing was poorer than population norms, and deterioration over the observation period was less than that predicted by normative data. Changes in hearing were not related to diving exposure, or smoking history.
    CONCLUSIONS: Audiological changes over 10 to 25 years of occupational diving were not found to be significantly different from age-related changes. Routine annual audiological testing of professional divers does not appear to be justifiable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether long-term engagement in occupational diving causes significant changes in spirometric measurements.
    METHODS: All divers with adequate spirometric records spanning at least 10 years were identified from the New Zealand occupational diver database. Changes in lung function over time were compared with normative values derived using published prediction equations. Any significant changes were tested for correlation with age, duration of occupational diving, gender, smoking history and body mass index (BMI).
    RESULTS: Spirometry data spanning periods of 10 to 25 years were analysed for 232 divers. Forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) declined with increasing duration of diving, but slightly less than predicted with increasing age, while peak expiratory flow (PEF) declined more than expected for age in longer-term divers. The changes in PEF were statistically significant, and correlated with duration of diving exposure, initial age and final BMI. Nevertheless, the changes were small and probably clinically insignificant.
    CONCLUSIONS: We compared changes in spirometric parameters over long periods of occupational diving with normative data and found no clinically significant differences that could be attributed to diving. We found no justification for routine spirometry in asymptomatic divers.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Letter






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    An online survey was offered to recreational divers in Tasmania to ascertain if they have an understanding of how pressure affects their health and if they considered an annual dive medical necessary. A total of 98 recreational divers completed the survey, five of these had never had a dive medical while 74 felt that if they passed their dive medical they do not have any potential illness. Sixty five saw the dive medical as a comprehensive health check. This project provided an insight to Tasmanian recreational divers\' understanding of and attitude towards the value of a dive medical.





