Medical school

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Academic health centers have a responsibility to foster professional development approaches and engagement environments for faculty to elevate both knowledge and sense of belonging as medical educators. This new educational methods submission depicts faculty development and engagement initiatives implemented at a single institution that were created and influenced by the psychological framework of Professional Identity Formation. The authors suggest ways that academic medical centers can draw upon the formation of these programs to best serve their faculty for cultivating development and engagement for professional growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Staff is essential to the university\'s efficient administrative operations, which are critical for education, research, and service. Medical schools, often independent, need specialized administrative elements. This study explores how medical school staff perceives the organization using the Six-Box model and evaluates their perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment based on the concept of job attitudes.
    METHODS: This study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative data via a convergent parallel design. It simultaneously collects and analyzes data from a survey and consensus workshop for medical school staff. The survey data were statistically analyzed (IBM SPSS ver. 25.0; IBM Corp., USA), and the workshop discussions were subjected to content analysis. The findings combined provide a comprehensive understanding of the medical school administrative system.
    RESULTS: Quantitative analysis revealed purpose (3.80) as the highest-rated organizational perception and rewards (2.72) as the lowest. Similarly, job satisfaction was highest (3.63) in job attitudes, while perceived organizational support (2.96) was the lowest. Group differences were observed by gender, enrollment capacity, and contract type (p<0.05). In qualitative research, keywords appeared in relation to their experiences within the medical school organization, encompassing doctor training, emotional responses, administrative features, personal attributes, and cultural influences. Overload, faculty issues, and communication gaps are obstacles. Strategies for overcoming these challenges focus on improving staff treatment, resource allocation, training, and communication channels.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study was conducted to explore a broad understanding of the administration of medical schools. Findings suggest challenges with workload, communication, and organizational support. We propose a dedicated medical school administrative system, improved work conditions, and enhanced communication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Efficient learning strategies and resource utilization are critical in medical education, especially for complex subjects like renal physiology. This is increasingly important given the rise in chronic renal diseases and the decline in nephrology fellowships. However, the correlations between study time, perceived utility of learning resources, and academic performance are not well-explored, which led to this study.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with second-year medical students at the University of Bergen, Norway, to assess their preferred learning resources and study time dedicated to renal physiology. Responses were correlated with end-of-term exam scores.
    RESULTS: The study revealed no significant correlation between time spent studying and overall academic performance, highlighting the importance of study quality over quantity. Preferences for active learning resources, such as Team-Based Learning, interactive lessons and formative assignments, were positively correlated with better academic performance. A notable correlation was found between students\' valuation of teachers\' professional competence and their total academic scores. Conversely, perceived difficulty across the curriculum and reliance on self-found online resources in renal physiology correlated negatively with academic performance. \'The Renal Pod\', a locally produced renal physiology podcast, was popular across grades. Interestingly, students who listened to all episodes once achieved higher exam scores compared to those who listened to only some episodes, reflecting a strategic approach to podcast use. Textbooks, while less popular, did not correlate with higher exam scores. Despite the specific focus on renal physiology, learning preferences are systematically correlated with broader academic outcomes, reflecting the interconnected nature of medical education.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that the quality and strategic approaches to learning significantly impact academic performance. Successful learners tend to be proactive, engaged, and strategic, valuing expert instruction and active participation. These findings support the integration of student-activating teaching methods and assignments that reward deep learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to review and compare the research experiences and career outcomes of international medical graduates (IMGs) with those of US medical graduates (USMGs).
    METHODS: Neurosurgery graduates from 2018 to 2020 were evaluated on the basis of medical school, degree, residency program, publications before and during residency, postresidency fellowships, and career progression. Publications were further categorized by author order and type (laboratory, comprehensive clinical, or short communication).
    RESULTS: Of 550 neurosurgery graduates, 39 (7%) were IMGs, with the largest percentages from India (8/39, 21%) and in a residency position in Pennsylvania (5/39, 13%). Prior to residency, IMGs had a higher median number of all publications (4 vs 1, p < 0.001), first-author articles (2 vs 0, p < 0.001), comprehensive clinical articles (1 vs 0, p = 0.002), and short communication articles (1 vs 0, p < 0.001) than USMGs. Similarly, the median number of papers published by IMGs during residency was also higher compared with that of USMGs for all publications (20 vs 9, p = 0.004), laboratory articles (1 vs 0, p < 0.001), and short communication articles (4 vs 3, p = 0.04). The percentage of early academic appointments was higher for IMGs (25/39, 64%) than for USMGs (232/511, 45%) (p = 0.03). No significant difference was observed between the percentages of postresidency clinical fellowships completed by IMGs (28/39, 72%) and USMGs (302/511, 59%) (p = 0.15). No statistical significance was found between the ranking of neurosurgery residency programs attended by IMGs and USMGs (p = 0.65).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that IMGs often exhibit higher academic productivity than USMGs. Although there was no discernible difference in residency program rankings or postresidency fellowships completed, early academic appointments were more prevalent among IMGs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are one way to assess competencies, and are designed to bridge the gap between theoretical competencies and real world clinical practice.
    OBJECTIVE: This was a systematic review which aims to answer the question: \"Which EPAs related to Emergency Medicine are described for medical schools?\".
    METHODS: We included original qualitative, interventional and observational studies (cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort studies) that described EPAs relevant to Emergency Medicine for Medical School. The search strategy was created using a combination of keywords and standardized index terms related to EPAs and Emergency Medicine.
    RESULTS: The search strategy identified 991 citations. After screening the titles and abstracts, we identified 85 potentially relevant studies. After the full-text review, a total of 11 reports met the criteria for inclusion.
    CONCLUSIONS: Recognizing a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiating evaluation and management is the most common EPA related to Emergency Medicine described at Medical Schools. Use of EPAs is associated with increased student satisfaction and improved competences. However, there is a lack of undergraduate EM specific EPAs being systematically developed and published, and this should be an area to be explored in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The importance of mentorship in medicine is well-established. Access to mentors is pivotal in enhancing career opportunities and networking, increasing research productivity, and overall wellness and resilience at all career stages. Our study aims to assess the current status of radiology mentorship programs for Canadian medical students and radiology residents. Methods: We distributed an anonymous survey to Canadian radiology program directors in December 2022. The questions pertained to the existing mentorship programs\' specific goals, structure, and success. Our null hypothesis was that medical students and residents have similar mentorship opportunities. Results: We have received 12 responses (a response rate of 12/16 = 75%), 9 of which had formal mentorship programs and 3 (25%) did not. Comparing the mentorship program for medical students and residents yielded a P-value = .11 > .05. This result does not reject our null hypothesis, indicating there is no significant difference between these 2 groups. Using qualitative analysis, we categorized the responses into 4 main themes: mentorship programs\' goals, structures, evaluation methods, and their results. Conclusion: Although our result did not reach statistical significance (P-value = .11 > .05), the observed trend shows that one third of Canadian medical schools do not offer a radiology mentorship program for medical students, highlighting a potentially significant opportunity for improvement. Qualitative analysis shows that despite various methods for assigning mentees to mentors, developing formalized yet flexible mentorship models that allow students and residents to self-select their mentors might be more beneficial than randomly assigning mentors to them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic status (SES) is a social classification factor that takes into account income, parental education and occupation. SES has been shown to play an important role in shaping students\' academic performance, including in medical schools, but there still remains significant variation in findings around SES and academic achievement worldwide. We aim to assess and explore socioeconomic disparities and their effects on medical school performance at Sudanese public and private universities.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to assess the effects of age, sex, living conditions, parental education and income level on the academic achievement of medical students from universities in Sudan.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate medical students at ten public universities in Sudan between September and December 2023. Participants were included if they were older than 18 years and were studying in their 2nd year or older. The data were collected using an online questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions measuring age, living conditions, parental income level and education. A convenience sampling method was used to recruit participants from universities. The data were analyzed using SPSS v28.0.0, and a p value less than 0.05 was used to indicate statistical significance.
    RESULTS: We received 832 responses, 516 (62%) from females and 307 (36.9%) from males. The median age was 23 years. Most students lived with their families (61.1%), followed by student housing (28.2%). This study revealed age (p = .024) (95% Cl: 0.025- 0.023) andhigh family income (p = .019) (95% Cl: 0.018- 0.02) are associated with academic achievement in the long term, as demonstrated through cumulative grade point average (cGPA).
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings underscore the importance of targeted support systems to bridge the socioeconomic gaps that exist among medical students, allowing all students to thrive academically regardless of their background.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    University societies are student-led organisations which provide excellent opportunities for students to collaborate in a shared interest. Peer teaching is gaining recognition as an effective method of medical education. Peer teaching also provides student tutors with core educational skills and provides students with approachable peer mentors. This article offers practical guidance on organising, planning, executing and sustaining peer teaching via a medical education society at university and outlines the supporting literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolving landscape of healthcare necessitates a paradigm shift in professional education, blending clinical expertise with business acumen. This paper delves into the need for healthcare professionals to acquire a comprehensive understanding of both clinical intricacies and business dynamics while examining the emergence of joint degree programs aimed to equip graduates with multifaceted skills required to navigate the complexities our of modern healthcare delivery systems. Drawing from a diverse literature review, this paper highlights the pros and cons of this dual-degree education and the benefits that it brings given today\'s challenging healthcare landscape. It explores the profound impact of such programs on student outcomes, emphasizing the cultivation of leadership, financial acumen, and strategic thinking alongside clinical competencies. Moreover, it addresses concerns regarding academic rigor and the feasibility of integrating business education into an already demanding healthcare curricula. Analysis of current trends and future projections underscores the growing demand for professionals who possess hybrid skill sets. With healthcare workforce shortages and evolving industry challenges, individuals equipped with both clinical and business proficiencies are poised to lead innovation and drive organizational success.





