Medicago sativa

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the influence of different temperatures (35℃ High temperature and average indoor ambient temperature of 25℃) and lactic acid bacterial additives (Lactiplantibacillus plantarym, Lentilactobacillus buchneri, or a combination of Lactiplantibacillus plantarym and Lentilactobacillus buchneri) on the chemical composition, fermentation quality, and microbial community of alfalfa silage feed. After a 60-day ensiling period, a significant interaction between temperature and additives was observed, affecting the dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of the silage feed (p < 0.05). Temperature had a highly significant impact on the pH value of the silage feed (p < 0.0001). However, the effect of temperature on lactic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid was not significant (p > 0.05), while the inoculation of additives had a significant effect on lactic acid, acetic acid, and butyric acid (p > 0.05). As for the dynamic changes of microbial community after silage, the addition of three kinds of bacteria increased the abundance of lactobacillus. Among all treatment groups, the treatment group using complex bacteria had the best fermentation effect, indicating that the effect of complex lactic acid bacteria was better than that of single bacteria in high temperature fermentation. In summary, this study explained the effects of different temperatures and lactic acid bacterial additives on alfalfa fermentation quality and microbial community, and improved our understanding of the mechanism of alfalfa related silage at high temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an essential leguminous forage with high nutrition and strong adaptability. The TIFY family is a plant-specific transcription factor identified in many plants. However, few reports have been reported on the phylogenetic analysis and gene expression profiling of TIFY family genes in alfalfa.
    RESULTS: A total of 84 TIFY genes belonging to 4 categories were identified in alfalfa, including 58 MsJAZs, 18 MsZMLs, 4 MsTIFYs and 4 MsPPDs, respectively. qRT-PCR data from 8 genes in different tissues revealed that most MsTIFY genes were highly expressed in roots. The expression of MsTIFY14 was up-regulated after different times in both thrips-resistant and susceptible alfalfa after thrips feeding, and the expression of the remaining MsTIFYs had a strong correlation with the time of thrips feeding. Different abiotic stresses, including drought, salt, and cold, could induce or inhibit the expression of MsTIFY genes to varying degrees. In addition, the eight genes were all significantly up-regulated by JA and/or SA. Interestingly, MsTIFY77 was induced considerably by all the biotic, abiotic, or plant hormones (JA or SA) except ABA.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified members of the TIFY gene family in alfalfa and analyzed their structures and possible functions. It laid the foundation for further research on the molecular functions of TIFYs in alfalfa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In alfalfa (Medicago sativa), the coexistence of interfertile subspecies (i.e. sativa, falcata and coerulea) characterized by different ploidy levels (diploidy and tetraploidy) and the occurrence of meiotic mutants capable of producing unreduced (2n) gametes, have been efficiently combined for the establishment of new polyploids. The wealth of agronomic data concerning forage quality and yield provides a thorough insight into the practical benefits of polyploidization. However, many of the underlying molecular mechanisms regarding gene expression and regulation remained completely unexplored. In this study, we aimed to address this gap by examining the transcriptome profiles of leaves and reproductive tissues, corresponding to anthers and pistils, sampled at different time points from diploid and tetraploid Medicago sativa individuals belonging to progenies produced by bilateral sexual polyploidization (dBSP and tBSP, respectively) and tetraploid individuals stemmed from unilateral sexual polyploidization (tUSP).
    RESULTS: Considering the crucial role played by anthers and pistils in the reduced and unreduced gametes formation, we firstly analyzed the transcriptional profiles of the reproductive tissues at different stages, regardless of the ploidy level and the origin of the samples. By using and combining three different analytical methodologies, namely weighted-gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA), tau (τ) analysis, and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) analysis, we identified a robust set of genes and transcription factors potentially involved in both male sporogenesis and gametogenesis processes, particularly in crossing-over, callose synthesis, and exine formation. Subsequently, we assessed at the same floral stage, the differences attributable to the ploidy level (tBSP vs. dBSP) or the origin (tBSP vs. tUSP) of the samples, leading to the identification of ploidy and parent-specific genes. In this way, we identified, for example, genes that are specifically upregulated and downregulated in flower buds in the comparison between tBSP and dBSP, which could explain the reduced fertility of the former compared to the latter materials.
    CONCLUSIONS: While this study primarily functions as an extensive investigation at the transcriptomic level, the data provided could represent not only a valuable original asset for the scientific community but also a fully exploitable genomic resource for functional analyses in alfalfa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) plays an important role in plants as hubs for intracellular signaling regulation. The PIF gene family has been identified and characterized in many plants, but alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), an important perennial high-quality legume forage, has not been reported on the PIF gene family.
    RESULTS: In this study, we presented the identification and characterization of five MsPIF genes in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PIFs from alfalfa and other four plant species could be divided into three groups supported by similar motif analysis. The collinearity analysis of the MsPIF gene family showed the presence of two gene pairs, and the collinearity analysis with AtPIFs showed three gene pairs, indicating that the evolutionary process of this family is relatively conservative. Analysis of cis-acting elements in promoter regions of MsPIF genes indicated that various elements were related to light, abiotic stress, and plant hormone responsiveness. Gene expression analyses demonstrated that MsPIFs were primarily expressed in the leaves and were induced by various abiotic stresses.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study conducted genome-wide identification, evolution, synteny analysis, and expression analysis of the PIFs in alfalfa. Our study lays a foundation for the study of the biological functions of the PIF gene family and provides a useful reference for improving abiotic stress resistance in alfalfa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In view of the lack of accurate models for discrete element simulation in the current research and development process of forage harvesting and crushing machinery, the contact parameters were calibrated based on Hertz-Mindlin (no slip) contact model by EDEM simulation software with alfalfa stalk at primary florescence as the research object. Based on the angle of repose, the restitution coefficient, static friction coefficient, rolling friction coefficient of alfalfa stalks were determined through the Placket-Burman test, steepest ascent test and Box-Behnken test. The simulation test of the repose angle was carried out with the determined contact parameters. The results showed that the relative error between the simulated repose angle and the physical test repose angle was 0.48%, which indicated that the calibrated contact parameters could truly reflect the physical characteristics of alfalfa stalks at the primary florescence. It provided a reliable model and parameter calibration method for the discrete element simulation in the research and development process of forage machinery, and also provided a reference for the research and optimization design of forage harvesting, crushing and processing machinery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leaves are a key forage part for livestock, and the aging of leaves affects forage biomass and quality. Preventing or delaying premature leaf senescence leads to an increase in pasture biomass accumulation and an improvement in alfalfa quality. NAC transcription factors have been reported to affect plant growth and abiotic stress responses. In this study, 48 NAC genes potentially associated with leaf senescence were identified in alfalfa under dark or salt stress conditions. A phylogenetic analysis divided MsNACs into six subgroups based on similar gene structure and conserved motif. These MsNACs were unevenly distributed in 26 alfalfa chromosomes. The results of the collinearity analysis show that all of the MsNACs were involved in gene duplication. Some cis-acting elements related to hormones and stress were screened in the 2-kb promoter regions of MsNACs. Nine of the MsNAC genes were subjected to qRT-PCR to quantify their expression and Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression to verify their functions. The results indicate that Ms.gene031485, Ms.gene032313, Ms.gene08494, and Ms.gene77666 might be key NAC genes involved in alfalfa leaf senescence. Our findings extend the understanding of the regulatory function of MsNACs in leaf senescence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Drought stress restricts the growth, distribution and productivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). In order to study the response differences of alfalfa cultivars to drought stress, we previously carried out physiological and molecular comparative analysis on two alfalfa varieties with contrasting drought resistance (relatively drought-tolerant Longdong and drought-sensitive Algonquin). However, the differences in proteomic factors of the two varieties in response to drought stress still need to be further studied. Therefore, TMT-based quantitative proteomic analysis was performed using leaf tissues of the two alfalfa cultivars to identify and uncover differentially abundant proteins (DAPs).
    RESULTS: In total, 677 DAPs were identified in Algonquin and 277 in Longdong under drought stress. Subsequently, we conducted various bioinformatics analysis on these DAPs, including subcellular location, functional classification and biological pathway enrichment. The first two main COG functional categories of DAPs in both alfalfa varieties after drought stress were \'Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis\' and \'Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones\'. According to KEGG database, the DAPs of the two alfalfa cultivars after drought treatment were differentially enriched in different biological pathways. The DAPs from Algonquin were enriched in \'photosynthesis\' and \'ribosome\'. The pathways of \'linoleic acid metabolism\', \'protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum\' and \'RNA transport\' in Longdong were significantly enriched. Finally, we found significant differences in DAP enrichment and expression patterns between Longdong and Algonquin in glycolysis/glycogenesis, TCA cycle, photosynthesis, protein biosynthesis, flavonoid and isoflavonoid biosynthesis, and plant-pathogen interaction pathway after drought treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The differences of DAPs involved in various metabolic pathways may explain the differences in the resistance of the two varieties to drought stress. These DAPs can be used as candidate proteins for molecular breeding of alfalfa to cultivate new germplasm with more drought tolerance to adapt to unfavorable environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is crucial cell signal transduction mechanism that plays an important role in plant growth and development, metabolism, and stress responses. The MAPK cascade includes three protein kinases, MAPK, MAPKK, and MAPKKK. The three protein kinases mediate signaling to downstream response molecules by sequential phosphorylation. The MAPK gene family has been identified and analyzed in many plants, however it has not been investigated in alfalfa.
    RESULTS: In this study, Medicago sativa MAPK genes (referred to as MsMAPKs) were identified in the tetraploid alfalfa genome. Eighty MsMAPKs were divided into four groups, with eight in group A, 21 in group B, 21 in group C and 30 in group D. Analysis of the basic structures of the MsMAPKs revealed presence of a conserved TXY motif. Groups A, B and C contained a TEY motif, while group D contained a TDY motif. RNA-seq analysis revealed tissue-specificity of two MsMAPKs and tissue-wide expression of 35 MsMAPKs. Further analysis identified MsMAPK members responsive to drought, salt, and cold stress conditions. Two MsMAPKs (MsMAPK70 and MsMAPK75) responds to salt and cold stresses; two MsMAPKs (MsMAPK60 and MsMAPK73) responds to cold and drought stresses; four MsMAPKs (MsMAPK1, MsMAPK33, MsMAPK64 and MsMAPK71) responds to salt and drought stresses; and two MsMAPKs (MsMAPK5 and MsMAPK7) responded to all three stresses.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study comprehensively identified and analysed the alfalfa MAPK gene family. Candidate genes related to abiotic stresses were screened by analysing the RNA-seq data. The results provide key information for further analysis of alfalfa MAPK gene functions and improvement of stress tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endophytic bacteria can promote plant growth and accelerate pollutant degradation. However, it is unclear whether endophytic consortia (Consortium_E) can stabilize colonisation and degradation. We inoculated Consortium_E into the rhizosphere to enhance endophytic bacteria survival and promote pollutant degradation. Rhizosphere-inoculated Consortium_E enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation rates by 11.5-13.1 % compared with sole bioaugmentation and plant treatments. Stable-isotope-probing (SIP) showed that the rhizosphere-inoculated Consortium_E had the largest number of degraders (8 amplicon sequence variants). Furthermore, only microbes from Consortium_E were identified among the degraders in bioaugmentation treatments, indicating that directly participated in phenanthrene metabolism. Interestingly, Consortium_E reshaped the community structure of degraders without significantly altering the rhizosphere community structure, and strengthened the core position of degraders in the network, facilitating close interactions between degraders and non-degraders in the rhizosphere, which were crucial for ensuring stable functionality. The synergistic effect between plants and Consortium_E significantly enhanced the upregulation of aromatic hydrocarbon degradation and auxiliary degradation pathways in the rhizosphere. These pathways showed a non-significant increasing trend in the uninoculated rhizosphere compared with the control, indicating that Consortium_E primarily promotes rhizosphere effects. Our results explore the Consortium_E bioaugmentation mechanism, providing a theoretical basis for the ecological restoration of contaminated soils.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colletotrichum destructivum (Cd) is a phytopathogenic fungus causing significant economic losses on forage legume crops (Medicago and Trifolium species) worldwide. To gain insights into the genetic basis of fungal virulence and host specificity, we sequenced the genome of an isolate from Medicago sativa using long-read (PacBio) technology. The resulting genome assembly has a total length of 51.7 Mb and comprises ten core chromosomes and two accessory chromosomes, all of which were sequenced from telomere to telomere. A total of 15, 631 gene models were predicted, including genes encoding potentially pathogenicity-related proteins such as candidate-secreted effectors (484), secondary metabolism key enzymes (110) and carbohydrate-active enzymes (619). Synteny analysis revealed extensive structural rearrangements in the genome of Cd relative to the closely related Brassicaceae pathogen, Colletotrichum higginsianum. In addition, a 1.2 Mb species-specific region was detected within the largest core chromosome of Cd that has all the characteristics of fungal accessory chromosomes (transposon-rich, gene-poor, distinct codon usage), providing evidence for exchange between these two genomic compartments. This region was also unique in having undergone extensive intra-chromosomal segmental duplications. Our findings provide insights into the evolution of accessory regions and possible mechanisms for generating genetic diversity in this asexual fungal pathogen.





