McGurk effect

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The processing of speech information from various sensory modalities is crucial for human communication. Both left posterior superior temporal gyrus (pSTG) and motor cortex importantly involve in the multisensory speech perception. However, the dynamic integration of primary sensory regions to pSTG and the motor cortex remain unclear. Here, we implemented a behavioral experiment of classical McGurk effect paradigm and acquired the task functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data during synchronized audiovisual syllabic perception from 63 normal adults. We conducted dynamic causal modeling (DCM) analysis to explore the cross-modal interactions among the left pSTG, left precentral gyrus (PrG), left middle superior temporal gyrus (mSTG), and left fusiform gyrus (FuG). Bayesian model selection favored a winning model that included modulations of connections to PrG (mSTG → PrG, FuG → PrG), from PrG (PrG → mSTG, PrG → FuG), and to pSTG (mSTG → pSTG, FuG → pSTG). Moreover, the coupling strength of the above connections correlated with behavioral McGurk susceptibility. In addition, significant differences were found in the coupling strength of these connections between strong and weak McGurk perceivers. Strong perceivers modulated less inhibitory visual influence, allowed less excitatory auditory information flowing into PrG, but integrated more audiovisual information in pSTG. Taken together, our findings show that the PrG and pSTG interact dynamically with primary cortices during audiovisual speech, and support the motor cortex plays a specifically functional role in modulating the gain and salience between auditory and visual modalities.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-023-09945-z.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Differences between autistic and non-autistic individuals in perception of the temporal relationships between sights and sounds are theorized to underlie difficulties in integrating relevant sensory information. These, in turn, are thought to contribute to problems with speech perception and higher level social behaviour. However, the literature establishing this connection often involves limited sample sizes and focuses almost entirely on children. To determine whether these differences persist into adulthood, we compared 496 autistic and 373 non-autistic adults (aged 17 to 75 years). Participants completed an online version of the McGurk/MacDonald paradigm, a multisensory illusion indicative of the ability to integrate audiovisual speech stimuli. Audiovisual asynchrony was manipulated, and participants responded both to the syllable they perceived (revealing their susceptibility to the illusion) and to whether or not the audio and video were synchronized (allowing insight into temporal processing). In contrast with prior research with smaller, younger samples, we detected no evidence of impaired temporal or multisensory processing in autistic adults. Instead, we found that in both groups, multisensory integration correlated strongly with age. This contradicts prior presumptions that differences in multisensory perception persist and even increase in magnitude over the lifespan of autistic individuals. It also suggests that the compensatory role multisensory integration may play as the individual senses decline with age is intact. These findings challenge existing theories and provide an optimistic perspective on autistic development. They also underline the importance of expanding autism research to better reflect the age range of the autistic population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The visual system is not fully mature at birth and continues to develop throughout infancy until it reaches adult levels through late childhood and adolescence. Disruption of vision during this postnatal period and prior to visual maturation results in deficits of visual processing and in turn may affect the development of complementary senses. Studying people who have had one eye surgically removed during early postnatal development is a useful model for understanding timelines of sensory development and the role of binocularity in visual system maturation. Adaptive auditory and audiovisual plasticity following the loss of one eye early in life has been observed for both low-and high-level visual stimuli. Notably, people who have had one eye removed early in life perceive the McGurk effect much less than binocular controls.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study investigates whether multisensory compensatory mechanisms are also present in people who had one eye removed late in life, after postnatal visual system maturation, by measuring whether they perceive the McGurk effect compared to binocular controls and people who have had one eye removed early in life.
    UNASSIGNED: People who had one eye removed late in life perceived the McGurk effect similar to binocular viewing controls, unlike those who had one eye removed early in life.
    UNASSIGNED: This suggests differences in multisensory compensatory mechanisms based on age at surgical eye removal. These results indicate that cross-modal adaptations for the loss of binocularity may be dependent on plasticity levels during cortical development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans pay special attention to faces and speech from birth, but the interplay of developmental processes leading to specialization is poorly understood. We investigated the effects of face orientation on audiovisual (AV) speech perception in two age groups of infants (younger: 5- to 6.5-month-olds; older: 9- to 10.5-month-olds) and adults. We recorded event-related potentials (ERP) in response to videos of upright and inverted faces producing /ba/ articulation dubbed with auditory syllables that were either matching /ba/ or mismatching /ga/ the mouth movement. We observed an increase in the amplitude of audiovisual mismatch response (AVMMR) to incongruent visual /ba/-auditory /ga/ syllable in comparison to other stimuli in younger infants, while the older group of infants did not show a similar response. AV mismatch response to inverted visual /ba/-auditory /ga/ stimulus relative to congruent stimuli was also detected in the right frontal areas in the younger group and the left and right frontal areas in adults. We show that face configuration affects the neural response to AV mismatch differently across all age groups. The novel finding of the AVMMR in response to inverted incongruent AV speech may potentially imply the featural face processing in younger infants and adults when processing inverted faces articulating incongruent speech. The lack of visible differential responses to upright and inverted incongruent stimuli obtained in the older group of infants suggests a likely functional cortical reorganization in the processing of AV speech.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the McGurk effect, perception of a spoken consonant is altered when an auditory (A) syllable is presented with an incongruent visual (V) syllable (e.g., A/pa/V/ka/ is often heard as /ka/ or /ta/). The McGurk effect provides a measure for visual influence on speech perception, becoming stronger the lower the proportion of auditory correct responses. Cross-language effects are studied to understand processing differences between one\'s own and foreign languages. Regarding the McGurk effect, it has sometimes been found to be stronger with foreign speakers. However, other studies have shown the opposite, or no difference between languages. Most studies have compared English with other languages. We investigated cross-language effects with native Finnish and Japanese speakers and listeners. Both groups of listeners had 49 participants. The stimuli (/ka/, /pa/, /ta/) were uttered by two female and male Finnish and Japanese speakers and presented in A, V and AV modality, including a McGurk stimulus A/pa/V/ka/. The McGurk effect was stronger with Japanese stimuli in both groups. Differences in speech perception were prominent between individual speakers but less so between native languages. Unisensory perception correlated with McGurk perception. These findings suggest that stimulus-dependent features contribute to the McGurk effect. This may have a stronger influence on syllable perception than cross-language factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Network architectures and learning principles have been critical in developing complex cognitive capabilities in artificial neural networks (ANNs). Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are a subset of ANNs that incorporate additional biological features such as dynamic spiking neurons, biologically specified architectures, and efficient and useful paradigms. Here we focus more on network architectures in SNNs, such as the meta operator called 3-node network motifs, which is borrowed from the biological network. We proposed a Motif-topology improved SNN (M-SNN), which is further verified efficient in explaining key cognitive phenomenon such as the cocktail party effect (a typical noise-robust speech-recognition task) and McGurk effect (a typical multi-sensory integration task). For M-SNN, the Motif topology is obtained by integrating the spatial and temporal motifs. These spatial and temporal motifs are first generated from the pre-training of spatial (e.g., MNIST) and temporal (e.g., TIDigits) datasets, respectively, and then applied to the previously introduced two cognitive effect tasks. The experimental results showed a lower computational cost and higher accuracy and a better explanation of some key phenomena of these two effects, such as new concept generation and anti-background noise. This mesoscale network motifs topology has much room for the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We receive information about the world around us from multiple senses which combine in a process known as multisensory integration. Multisensory integration has been shown to be dependent on attention; however, the neural mechanisms underlying this effect are poorly understood. The current study investigates whether changes in sensory noise explain the effect of attention on multisensory integration and whether attentional modulations to multisensory integration occur via modality-specific mechanisms. A task based on the McGurk Illusion was used to measure multisensory integration while attention was manipulated via a concurrent auditory or visual task. Sensory noise was measured within modality based on variability in unisensory performance and was used to predict attentional changes to McGurk perception. Consistent with previous studies, reports of the McGurk illusion decreased when accompanied with a secondary task; however, this effect was stronger for the secondary visual (as opposed to auditory) task. While auditory noise was not influenced by either secondary task, visual noise increased with the addition of the secondary visual task specifically. Interestingly, visual noise accounted for significant variability in attentional disruptions to the McGurk illusion. Overall, these results strongly suggest that sensory noise may underlie attentional alterations to multisensory integration in a modality-specific manner. Future studies are needed to determine whether this finding generalizes to other types of multisensory integration and attentional manipulations. This line of research may inform future studies of attentional alterations to sensory processing in neurological disorders, such as Schizophrenia, Autism, and ADHD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autistic children (AC) show less audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task, which correlates with their reduced mouth-looking time. The present study examined whether AC\'s less audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task could be increased by increasing their mouth-looking time. We recruited 4- to 8-year-old AC and nonautistic children (NAC). In two experiments, we manipulated children\'s mouth-looking time, measured their audiovisual speech integration by employing the McGurk effect paradigm, and tracked their eye movements. In Experiment 1, we blurred the eyes in McGurk stimuli and compared children\'s performances in blurred-eyes and clear-eyes conditions. In Experiment 2, we cued children\'s attention to either the mouth or eyes of McGurk stimuli or asked them to view the McGurk stimuli freely. We found that both blurring the speaker\'s eyes and cuing to the speaker\'s mouth increased mouth-looking time and increased audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task in AC. In addition, we found that blurring the speaker\'s eyes and cuing to the speaker\'s mouth also increased mouth-looking time in NAC, but neither blurring the speaker\'s eyes nor cuing to the speaker\'s mouth increased their audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task. Our findings suggest that audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task in AC could be increased by increasing their attention to the mouth. Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of relations between face attention and audiovisual speech integration, and provide insights for the development of professional supports to increase audiovisual speech integration in AC. HIGHLIGHTS: The present study examined whether audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task in AC could be increased by increasing their attention to the speaker\'s mouth. Blurring the speaker\'s eyes increased mouth-looking time and audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task in AC. Cuing to the speaker\'s mouth also increased mouth-looking time and audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task in AC. Audiovisual speech integration in the McGurk task in AC could be increased by increasing their attention to the speaker\'s mouth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual cues are especially vital for hearing impaired individuals such as cochlear implant (CI) users to understand speech in noise. Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a light-based imaging technology that is ideally suited for measuring the brain activity of CI users due to its compatibility with both the ferromagnetic and electrical components of these implants. In a preliminary step toward better elucidating the behavioral and neural correlates of audiovisual (AV) speech integration in CI users, we designed a speech-in-noise task and measured the extent to which 24 normal hearing individuals could integrate the audio of spoken monosyllabic words with the corresponding visual signals of a female speaker. In our behavioral task, we found that audiovisual pairings provided average improvements of 103% and 197% over auditory-alone listening conditions in -6 and -9 dB signal-to-noise ratios consisting of multi-talker background noise. In an fNIRS task using similar stimuli, we measured activity during auditory-only listening, visual-only lipreading, and AV listening conditions. We identified cortical activity in all three conditions over regions of middle and superior temporal cortex typically associated with speech processing and audiovisual integration. In addition, three channels active during the lipreading condition showed uncorrected correlations associated with behavioral measures of audiovisual gain as well as with the McGurk effect. Further work focusing primarily on the regions of interest identified in this study could test how AV speech integration may differ for CI users who rely on this mechanism for daily communication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A weaker McGurk effect is observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); weaker integration is considered to be the key to understanding how low-order atypical processing leads to their maladaptive social behaviors. However, the mechanism for this weaker McGurk effect has not been fully understood. Here, we investigated (1) whether the weaker McGurk effect in individuals with high autistic traits is caused by poor lip-reading ability and (2) whether the hearing environment modifies the weaker McGurk effect in individuals with high autistic traits. To confirm them, we conducted two analogue studies among university students, based on the dimensional model of ASD. Results showed that individuals with high autistic traits have intact lip-reading ability as well as abilities to listen and recognize audiovisual congruent speech (Experiment 1). Furthermore, a weaker McGurk effect in individuals with high autistic traits, which appear under the without-noise condition, would disappear under the high noise condition (Experiments 1 and 2). Our findings suggest that high background noise might shift weight on the visual cue, thereby increasing the strength of the McGurk effect among individuals with high autistic traits.






