Maturity matrix

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A maturity matrix can be a useful tool for organisations implementing large-system transformation (LST) initiatives in complex systems. Insights from implementation of a local LST initiative using collaborative networks, known as Alliances, highlighted a tool was needed to help health system leaders prompt discussions on how and where to focus their change efforts. In the New Zealand (NZ) health system, Alliances were introduced to integrate the planning and delivery of health care between primary and hospital care.
    METHODS: The aim of this research was to use insights from Alliance members to develop a learning tool that collaborative networks could use to assess and improve their readiness for change. We constructed a maturity matrix using the knowledge of senior NZ health system leaders, in a workshop setting. The maturity matrix was empirically tested and refined with three Alliances and with feedback from the NZ Ministry of Health Māori Health Strategy and Policy team.
    RESULTS: The maturity matrix described the 10 key elements that had been found to support successful implementation of LST initiatives in the NZ health system, along with success indicators and different stages of maturity from beginning to excellence. Testing of the maturity matrix with three Alliances suggested that it functioned as a learning tool and stimulated collective thinking and reflection. The Māori Health Strategy and Policy team commented on the importance of such a tool to increase health system leaders\' responsiveness to improving Māori health outcomes. Comparisons with similar international matrices revealed common elements with ours. A strength of our maturity matrix is that it is specific to the NZ context and is the first practical tool to implement large-scale change in the health system that incorporates principles of the Government\'s treaty with Māori, the indigenous people of NZ.
    CONCLUSIONS: Through a regular self-assessment process, use of the maturity matrix may create feedback loops to support deliberate learning and knowledge sharing for senior health system leaders and collaborative networks. The maturity matrix fills an important gap in the NZ health system and contributes to implementation science literature internationally.
    UNASSIGNED: This study was approved by the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee (Ethics Approval Number 27,356). The research was supported by the Victoria University of Wellington research grant (222,809) and from the University of Auckland Department of Medicine research fund (H10779).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare systems are transforming into learning health systems that use data-driven and research-informed approaches to achieve continuous improvement. One of these approaches is the use of clinical pathways, which are tools to standardize care for a specific population and improve healthcare quality. Evaluating the maturity of clinical pathways is necessary to inform pathway development teams and health system decision makers about required pathway revisions or implementation supports. In an effort to improve the development, implementation, and sustainability of provincial clinical pathways, we developed a clinical pathways maturity evaluation matrix. To explore the initial content and face validity of the matrix, we used it to evaluate a case pathway within a provincial health authority in Saskatchewan, Canada.
    METHODS: By using iterative consensus-based processes, we gathered feedback from stakeholders including patient and family partners, policy makers, clinicians, and quality improvement specialists, to rank, retain, or remove enablers and sub-enablers of the draft matrix. We tested the matrix on the Chronic Pain Pathway (CPP) for primary care in a local pilot area and revised the matrix based on feedback from the CPP development team leader.
    RESULTS: The final matrix contains five enablers (i.e., Design, Ownership and Performer, Infrastructure, Performance Management, and Culture), 20 sub-enablers, and three trajectory definitions for each sub-enabler. Supplemental documents were created for six sub-enablers. The CPP scored 15 out of 40 possible points of maturity. Although the pathway scored highest in the Design enabler (10/12), it requires more attention in several areas, specifically the Ownership and Performer and the Performance Management enablers, each of which scored zero. Additionally, the Infrastructure and Culture enablers scored 2/4 and 3/8 points, respectively. These areas of the CPP are in need of improvement in order to enhance the overall maturity of the CPP.
    CONCLUSIONS: We developed a clinical pathways maturity matrix to evaluate the various dimensions of clinical pathways\' development and implementation. The goals of this initial work were to develop and validate a tool to assess the maturity and readiness of new or existing pathways and to track pathways\' revisions and improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Pharmaceutical care for people with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) has been described in professional guidelines. To apply their recommendations, organizational changes are needed. We aimed to describe, for the first time, the development of a maturity matrix for community pharmacy teams (MM-CP) to assess organizational readiness in implementing the guideline recommendations on pharmaceutical DMT2 care.
    METHODS: MM-CP development was conducted in a systematic consensus process with pharmacists from existing working groups. In three meetings with preparatory assignments, mutually exclusive domains were chosen for the DMT2 guideline implementation. After determining the growth steps, the resulting matrix cells were filled with examples of the organizational implementation activities. To explore the generalizability of domains and growth steps, two other working groups for \"medication surveillance\" and \"multidose drug dispensing\" guidelines were consulted.
    RESULTS: A five-by-five matrix was developed using the domains \"personalized care,\" \"teamwork,\" \"information systems and data exchange,\" \"external collaboration,\" and \"education and research\" on the horizontal axis, and the growth steps \"being aware and motivated,\" \"being able to,\" \"performing, evaluating and improving,\" and \"innovating\" on the vertical axis. The MM-CP cells were filled with examples to implement the core recommendations of the DMT2 guideline. The matrix is to be used by pharmacy teams as a formative instrument.
    CONCLUSIONS: The MM-CP is ready for use by community pharmacy teams for self-assessing their organizational readiness. However, further research is required to evaluate its potential in stimulating targeted improvement during the implementation of the DMT2-guideline recommendations in community pharmacies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scientific data stewardship is an important part of long-term preservation and the use/reuse of digital research data. It is critical for ensuring trustworthiness of data, products, and services, which is important for decision-making. Recent U.S. federal government directives and scientific organization guidelines have levied specific requirements, increasing the need for a more formal approach to ensuring that stewardship activities support compliance verification and reporting. However, many science data centers lack an integrated, systematic, and holistic framework to support such efforts. The current business- and process-oriented stewardship frameworks are too costly and lengthy for most data centers to implement. They often do not explicitly address the federal stewardship requirements and/or the uniqueness of geospatial data. This work proposes a data-centric conceptual enterprise framework for managing stewardship activities, based on the philosophy behind the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, a proven industrial concept. This framework, which includes the application of maturity assessment models, allows for quantitative evaluation of how organizations manage their stewardship activities and supports informed decision-making for continual improvement towards full compliance with federal, agency, and user requirements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite a call to action by accreditation bodies and payers alike, the infrastructure needed to continuously improve the quality and safety of behavioral health care has been slow to develop. The causes of this are complex and multifactorial yet likely include underdeveloped leadership and capacity to sustainably improve the quality of psychiatric care. This article proposes the use of a quality improvement maturity matrix to serve as both an implementation strategy and a self-assessment measure to strategically guide this infrastructure development. The matrix describes six phases of development across three domains that are generalizable to various behavioral health care settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nurse leaders driving strategic integration of genomics across nursing need tools and resources to evaluate their environment, guide strategies to address deficits, and benchmark progress. We describe the development and pilot testing of a self-assessment maturity matrix (MM) that enables users to benchmark the current state of nursing genomic competency and integration for their country or nursing group; guides the development of a strategic course for improvement and implementation; and assesses change over time.
    Mixed-methods participatory research and self-assessment.
    During a 3-day workshop involving nursing experts in health care and genomics, a genomic integration MM grid was built by consensus using iterative participatory methods. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques. This work built on an online survey involving the same participants to identify the critical elements needed for \"effective nursing which promotes health outcomes globally through genomics.\"
    Experts from 19 countries across six continents and seven organizations participated in item development. The Assessment of Strategic Integration of Genomics across Nursing (ASIGN) MM incorporates 55 outcome-focused items serving as subscales for six critical success factors (CSFs): education and workforce; effective nursing practice; infrastructure and resources; collaboration and communication; public/patient involvement; policy and leadership. Users select their current circumstances for each item against a 5-point ordinal scale (precontemplation to leading). Nurses representing 17 countries undertook matrix pilot testing. Results demonstrate variation across CSFs, with many countries at the earliest stages of implementation.
    The MM has the potential to guide the strategic integration of genomics across nursing and enables additional assessments within and between countries to be made.
    Nurse leadership and direction are essential to accelerate integration of genomics across nursing practice and education. The MM helps nurse leaders to benchmark progress and guide strategic planning to build global genomic nursing capacity.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide and genetic risk factors play a role in nearly all such cases. In the UK, health service capacity to meet either current or future estimated needs of people affected by inherited cardiac conditions (ICCs) is inadequate. In 2008 the British Heart Foundation funded nine three-year Cardiac Genetics Nurse (CGN) posts across England and Wales to enhance ICC services. The CGNs were experienced cardiac nurses who had additional training in genetics and acted to coordinate cardiac and genetics service activities.
    OBJECTIVE: To create and apply a framework against which progress in ICC service improvement could be measured over time following the CGN appointments.
    METHODS: A performance grid (Maturity Matrix, MM) articulating standards in five domains against stages of ICC service development was created by stakeholders through a consensus approach. The MM was used to guide staged self-assessments by the CGNs between 2009 and 2011. A six-point scale was used to locate progress from \'emerging\' to \'established\', represented graphically by spider diagrams.
    RESULTS: Progress in all domains was significant for new, emerging and established services. It was most notable for effective utilisation of care pathways and efficient running of clinics. Commitment to family-centred care was evident.
    CONCLUSIONS: The ICC-MM provided a comprehensive framework for assessing ICC services and has merit in providing guidance on development. CGNs can help integrate care across specialisms, facilitating the development of effective and sustainable ICC services at new, developing, and more established ICC service locations.






