Mating behaviour

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Socially plastic behaviours are widespread among animals and can have a significant impact on fitness. Here we investigated whether the socially plastic responses of female Drosophila melanogaster can evolve in predictable ways following long term manipulation of adult sex ratio and adult nutrient availability. Previous reports show that female D. melanogaster respond plastically to their same-sex social environment, and lay significantly fewer eggs after mating when previously exposed to other females. In this study, we tested two hypotheses, using females drawn from lines with an evolutionary history of exposure to variation in adult sex ratio (male biased, female biased or equal sex ratio) and adult nutritional environment (high or low quality). The first was that a history of elevated competition in female-biased regimes would select for increased plastic fecundity responses in comparison to females from other lines. The second was that these responses would also be magnified under poor nutritional resource regimes. Neither hypothesis was supported. Instead, we found that plastic fecundity responses were retained in females from all lines, and did not differ significantly across any of them. The lack of differences does not appear to be due to insufficient selection, as we did observe significant evolutionary responses in virgin egg laying patterns according to sex ratio and nutritional regime. The lack of variation in the magnitude of predicted plasticity is consistent with the idea that the costs of maintaining plasticity are low, benefits high, and that plasticity itself can be relatively hard wired.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speciation is a fundamental evolutionary process but the genetic changes accompanying speciation are difficult to determine since true species do not produce viable and fertile offspring. Partially reproductively isolated incipient species are useful for assessing genetic changes that occur prior to speciation. Drosophila melanogaster from Zimbabwe, Africa are partially sexually isolated from other D. melanogaster populations whose males have poor mating success with Zimbabwe females. We used the North American D. melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) to show that there is significant genetic variation in mating success of DGRP males with Zimbabwe females, to map genetic variants and genes associated with variation in mating success and to determine whether mating success to Zimbabwe females is associated with other quantitative traits previously measured in the DGRP. Incipient sexual isolation is highly polygenic and associated with the common African inversion In(3R)K and the amount of the sex pheromone 5,9-heptacosadiene in DGRP females. We functionally validated the effect of eight candidate genes using RNA interference to provide testable hypotheses for future studies investigating the molecular genetic basis of incipient sexual isolation in D. melanogaster.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exaggerated sexual traits, such as ornaments and courtship displays, are crucial for mate acquisition in many species and are often subject to directional runaway selection. However, in the face of high predation risk, natural selection can result in a reduction of conspicuous precopulatory displays to avoid detection by potential predators. Sexual selection may then favour increased investment in inconspicuous postcopulatory traits. Here, we investigated the transgenerational effects of predation on precopulatory male courtship and postcopulatory sexual traits (testes size, sperm length) in a dung fly, Sepsis punctum (Sepsidae). Behavioural assays prior to selection document a marked decrease in male courtship displays in the presence of a predator, the Asian Ant Mantis (Odontomantis planiceps). However, after ten generations of experimental evolution, flies exhibited a marked increase in courtship, both in the absence and presence of a predator. Additionally, under sustained predation pressure, male and female body size decreased but male postcopulatory traits were not significantly affected. These results suggest that precopulatory courtship can be under strong sexual selection even in the face of predation pressure. Larger flies were more susceptible to predation, and there could be canalisation of postcopulatory traits that are crucial for fertilisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fossilized mating insects are irreplaceable material for comprehending the evolution of the mating behaviours and life-history traits in the deep-time record of insects as well as the potential sexual conflict. However, cases of mating pairs are particularly rare in fossil insects, especially aquatic or semi-aquatic species. Here, we report the first fossil record of a group of water striders in copulation (including three pairs and a single adult male) based on fossils from the mid-Cretaceous of northern Myanmar. The new taxon, Burmogerris gen. nov., likely represents one of the oldest cases of insects related to the marine environment, such as billabongs formed by the tides. It exhibits conspicuous dimorphism associated with sexual conflict: the male is equipped with a specialized protibial comb as a grasping apparatus, likely representing an adaptation to overcome female resistance during struggles. The paired Burmogerris show smaller males riding on the backs of the females, seemingly recording a scene of copulatory struggles between the sexes. Our discovery reveals a mating system dominated by males and sheds light on the potential sexual conflicts of Burmogerris in the Cretaceous. It indicates the mating behaviour remained stable over long-term geological time in these water-walking insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anopheles gambiae continues to be widespread and an important malaria vector species complex in Uganda. New approaches to malaria vector control are being explored including population suppression through swarm reductions and genetic modification involving gene drives. Designing and evaluating these new interventions require good understanding of the biology of the target vectors. Anopheles mosquito swarms have historically been hard to locate in Uganda and therefore have remained poorly characterized. In this study we sought to identify and characterize An. gambiae s.l mosquito swarms in three study sites of high An. gambiae s.l prevalence within Central Uganda.
    METHODS: Nine sampling visits were made to three villages over a 2-year period. Sampling targeted both wet and dry seasons and was done for 2 days per village during each trip, using sweep nets. All swarm data were analysed using the JMP 14 software (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA), parametrically or non-parametrically as appropriate.
    RESULTS: Most of the An. gambiae s.s. swarms sampled during this study were single-species swarms. However, some mixed An. gambiae s.s. and Culex spp. mosquito swarms were also observed. Swarms were larger in the wet season than in the dry season. Mean swarm height ranged from 2.16 m to 3.13 m off the ground and only varied between villages but not by season. Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes were present in all three villages, preferred to swarm over bare ground markers, and could be effectively sampled by field samplers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that An. gambiae s.l swarms could be effectively located and sampled in South Central Uganda and provided in-depth descriptions of hitherto poorly understood aspects of An. gambiae local swarm characteristics. Swarms were found close to inhabited households and were greater in size and number during the rainy season. Anopheles gambiae s.s swarms were significantly associated with bare ground markers and were sometimes at heights over 4 m above the ground, showing a necessity to develop tools suitable for swarm sampling at these heights. While mixed species swarms have been reported before elsewhere, this is the first documented instance of mixed genus swarms found in Uganda and should be studied further as it could have implications for swarm sampling explorations where multiple species of mosquitoes exist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The exposure to sublethally high temperature reduces reproductive performance in diverse organisms. Although this effect has been particularly emphasized for males or male reproductive functioning, it remains largely unknown whether the effect of heat on fertility is sex-specific. Here we examined the impact of sublethally high temperature on male and female functions in a simultaneously hermaphroditic snail species, Lymnaea stagnalis. Examining hermaphrodites is useful to evaluate the sex-specific impacts of heat exposure, since they possess male and female functions within a single individual, sharing genetic and environmental factors. Moreover, previously developed sex allocation theory allows us to compare the differential performance of sex functions. In this study, we exposed snails to 20°C (control), 24°C and 28°C for 14 days and assessed their egg and sperm production, sperm transfer, mating behaviour and growth. Both types of gamete production were significantly reduced by higher temperature, leading to an overall reduction of reproductive investment. By quantifying sex allocation, we furthermore revealed that the heat-stressed snails reduced the relative investment in their male function. This study illustrates that examining simultaneous hermaphrodites can provide significant insights for the impact of heat, and the proximate mechanism, on reproduction in diverse organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual selection and the evolution of costly mating strategies can negatively impact population viability and adaptive potential. While laboratory studies have documented outcomes stemming from these processes, recent observations suggest that the demographic impact of sexual selection is contingent on the environment and therefore may have been overestimated in simple laboratory settings. Here we find support for this claim. We exposed copies of beetle populations, previously evolved with or without sexual selection, to a 10-generation heatwave while maintaining half of them in a simple environment and the other half in a complex environment. Populations with an evolutionary history of sexual selection maintained larger sizes and more stable growth rates in complex (relative to simple) environments, an effect not seen in populations evolved without sexual selection. These results have implications for evolutionary forecasting and suggest that the negative demographic impact of sexually selected mating strategies might be low in natural populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-induced climate change is leading to higher average global temperatures and increasingly extreme weather events. High temperatures can have obvious effects on animal survival, particularly in ectotherms. However, the temperature at which organisms become sterile may be significantly lower than the temperature at which other biological functions are impaired. In the fruit fly Drosophila virilis, males are sterilized at temperatures above 34 °C, but are still active and able to mate normally. We investigated the male behavioural changes associated with high-temperature fertility loss. We exposed males to a warming treatment of 34.4 °C or 36.6 °C for 4 h, and then recorded their mating behaviour after being allowed to recover for 24 h. Previous work in this species suggests that males exposed to 34.4 °C lose the ability to produce new sperm, but can utilize mature sperm produced before the heat shock. We therefore predicted that these males would increases their courtship rate, and reduce their choosiness, in order to try to ensure a mating before their remaining mature sperm die. In contrast, over two-thirds of males exposed to 36.6 °C are completely sterile. In standard mating trials, earlier exposure to 34.4 °C or 36.6 °C did not affect male courtship behaviour when compared to control males kept at 23 °C. Exposure to high temperatures also did not alter the extent to which males directed courtship toward females of the same species. However, males exposed to 36.6 °C were significantly slower to mate, and had a reduced likelihood of mating, when compared to control males. Overall, exposure to high temperatures did not alter male courtship behaviour, but did lower their likelihood of mating. This suggests that females can distinguish between normal and heat-sterilized males before mating, and that female mate choice may at least partly mitigate the population-level consequences of high-temperature induced male sterility in this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osmia cornuta Latr. is largely managed worldwide for the pollination of orchard crops, playing a key role in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems and ensuring economic and social benefits for human society. The management techniques of this pollinator include the possibility of delaying emergence from cocoons after diapause, allowing for the pollination of later-blooming fruit crops. In this study, the mating behaviour of bees emerging at the natural time (Right Emergence Insects) and of late-emerged bees (Aged Emergence Insects) was described in order to test if a delay in emergence could affect the mating sequence of O. cornuta. Markov analysis of the mating behaviour revealed the occurrence of antenna motion episodes that were repeated in a stereotyped manner at regular intervals during the mating sequence of both Right Emergence Insects and in Aged Emergence Insects. Pouncing, rhythmic and continuous emission of sound, motion of antennae, stretching of the abdomen, short and long copulations, scratching, inactivity, and self-grooming were identified as the stereotyped behavioural units of a behavioural sequence. The occurrence of short copulations, the frequency of which increased with the age of bees, could lead to a failure in the reproduction of the mason bee.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mating rate optima often differ between the sexes: males may increase their fitness by multiple mating, but for females multiple mating confers little benefit and can often be costly (especially in taxa without nuptial gifts or mala parental care). Sexually antagonistic evolution is thus expected in traits related to mating rates under sexual selection. This prediction has been tested by multiple studies that applied experimental evolution technique, which is a powerful tool to directly examine the evolutionary consequences of selection. Yet, the results so far only partly support the prediction. Here, we provide another example of experimental evolution of sexual selection, by applying it for the first time to the mating behaviour of a seed beetle Callsorobruchus chinensis. We found a lower remating rate in polygamy-line females than in monogamy-line (i.e. no sexual selection) females after 21 generations of selection. Polygamy-line females also showed a longer duration of first mating than monogamy-line females. We found no effect of male evolutionary lines on the remating rate or first mating duration. Though not consistent with the original prediction, the current and previous studies collectively suggest that the observed female-limited responses may be a norm, which is also consistent with the conceptual advances in the last two decades of the advantages and limitations of experimental evolution technique.





