
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Camouflaging of autistic traits involves hiding or compensating for autistic characteristics, often due to stigma or a desire to fit in with others. This behaviour has been associated with mental health issues in autistic individuals. The 2 5-item Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q) is the most commonly used self-report measure of camouflaging. In this study, a 9-item short form version was developed for use in clinical and research settings.
    OBJECTIVE: To construct and psychometrically validate a brief self-report measure of camouflaging.
    METHODS: The Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire - Short Form (CATQ-SF) was developed and its factor structure and psychometric properties were evaluated in two studies. Study 1 used a large, online sample of autistic and non-autistic adults (N = 832) to evaluate the factor structure, psychometric properties, and measurement invariance of the CATQ-SF. Study 2 used an independent sample of autistic and non-autistic adults (N = 80) to test Study 1\'s findings.
    RESULTS: In Study 1, evidence for a three-factor structure was observed, with good internal consistency (combined autistic & non-autistic α = 0.84). In addition, the instrument demonstrated measurement invariance, and reliably predicted higher levels of autistic traits. In Study 2, the 3-factor structure was replicated, and good internal consistency was again observed (combined autistic and non-autistic α = 0.89). In both studies, psychometric properties were of similar or higher validity compared to the full-form CAT-Q.
    CONCLUSIONS: The CATQ-SF can be used by clinicians and researchers to measure camouflaging in autistic and non-autistic adults quickly and reliably.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the effect of parallel stimulus presentation on the place specificity of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) in human listeners. Frequency-specific stimuli do not guarantee a response from the place on the cochlea corresponding only to that characteristic frequency - especially for brief and high-level stimuli. Adding masking noise yields responses that are more place specific, and our prior modeling study has suggested similar effects when multiple frequency-specific stimuli are presented in parallel. We tested this hypothesis experimentally here, comparing the place specificity of responses to serial and parallel stimuli at two stimulus frequencies and three stimulus rates.
    METHODS: Parallel ABR (pABR) stimuli were presented alongside high-pass filtered noise with a varied cutoff frequency. Serial presentation was also tested by isolating and presenting single-frequency stimulus trains from the pABR ensemble. Latencies of the ABRs were examined to assess place specificity of responses. Response bands were derived by subtracting responses from different high-pass noise conditions. The response amplitude from each derived response band was then used to determine how much individual frequency regions of the auditory system were contributing to the overall response.
    RESULTS: We found that parallel presentation improves place specificity of ABRs for the lower stimulus frequency and at higher stimulus rates. At a higher stimulus frequency, serial and parallel presentations were equally place specific.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parallel presentation can provide more place-specific responses than serial for lower stimulus frequencies. The improvement increases with higher stimulus rates and is in addition to the pABR\'s primary benefit of faster test times.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Autistic masking refers to some autistic individuals\' tendency to hide, suppress, or camouflage their autistic traits, autistic identity, or autism diagnosis. Autistic masking also may include unconscious or conscious attempts to mimic the behavioral, cognitive, or sensory styles of nonautistic neurotypical people and to suppress natural forms of autistic behavior, cognition, and reactions to sensory experiences. Since autistic people are a stigmatized minority in many neurotypical dominated societies, passing as nonautistic through autistic masking may be an attempt to avoid autism stigma and a reaction to previous interpersonal trauma. Increased autistic masking behaviors are associated with reports of increased depression, anxiety, burnout, and exhaustion in autistic people, and thus, exploring the roots and impact of autistic masking is an important mental health topic.
    UNASSIGNED: This study investigated the relationships between autistic masking and depression, anxiety, gender identity, sexual orientation, interpersonal trauma, self-esteem, authenticity, and autistic community involvement. Participants were autistic adults (n = 342) recruited through autistic social media groups.
    UNASSIGNED: This study found that higher self-reported autistic masking behaviors were associated with higher reports of past interpersonal trauma, greater anxiety and depression symptoms, lower self-esteem, lower authenticity, and lower participation within the autistic community. Autistic masking was not associated with gender identity or sexual orientation.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of this study highlight the relationship between autistic masking and past interpersonal trauma, finding that autistic masking behavior is associated with mental health, self-esteem, and authenticity risks for autistic adults. We call into question the teaching of autistic masking strategies in therapies and education programs for autistic people based on the negative associations with autistic masking presented in this study and other research in this field.
    Why is this an important issue? Autistic masking refers to autistic people suppressing their natural autistic traits, responses, and behaviors, in an attempt, consciously or unconsciously, to hide or reduce the visibility of their autistic traits, autistic identity, or autism diagnosis. High levels of autistic masking are associated with negative mental health, authenticity challenges, and burnout for autistic people. Interpersonal pressuring, past traumatic social experiences, and autism stigma potentially fuel autistic masking. What is the purpose of this study? This study aimed to investigate relationship between autistic masking and depression, anxiety, interpersonal trauma, self-esteem, authenticity, autistic community involvement, gender identity, and sexual orientation. What did the researchers do? We recruited 342 autistic adult participants through autistic social media groups on Facebook to complete a 30-minute anonymous survey online comprising validated scales to measure autistic masking, depression, anxiety, interpersonal trauma, self-esteem, and authenticity. Additional questions were asked about demographic factors, such as gender identity and sexual orientation, and we asked open-ended questions about past social trauma and intersectional issues. What were the results of the study? We found that higher self-reported autistic masking behaviors were associated with higher reports of past interpersonal trauma, specifically being shamed and teased about autistic traits, and broader experiences of emotional and physical abuse. Masking was also associated with greater anxiety and more depression symptoms, lower self-esteem, lower authentic living, greater accepting of external influence, higher self-alienation, and lower participation within the autistic community. Autistic masking was not found to be associated with gender identity or sexual orientation. Participants who reported involvement in previous applied behavior analysis therapy reported higher past interpersonal trauma than participants involved in some other forms of therapy such as cognitive behavior therapy. What do the findings add to what was already known? This study supports previous research associating autistic masking with depression and anxiety symptoms, and lower reported authenticity, such as autistic people feeling they were not being true to themselves, or revealing their genuine selves to others. This study is the first to quantitatively investigate relationships between autistic masking and past interpersonal traumas, self-esteem, authenticity, and autistic community involvement. What are potential weaknesses in the study? Our sample is not representative of the U.S. population when it comes to race, educational level, gender, and sexual orientation. It was very White, highly educated, had few cisgender men, and sixty three percent were members of sexual minority groups. The majority of participants reported late diagnosis of autism. This sample potentially contained an overrepresentation of people with high levels of autistic masking or who more recently realized they were autistic masking in comparison with the general autistic population. We did not analyze differences between early-diagnosed and late-diagnosed cohorts. How will these findings help autistic adults now or in the future? This research calls into question the teaching of autistic masking strategies in parenting, education, and therapy programs for autistic people based on the negative associations of autistic masking. Our findings should be utilized as a strong call to action to push back against practices that encourage autistic masking and autistic trait shaming. Instead we advocate for promoting forms of parenting, education, and therapy that respect autistic people\'s traits, communication styles, sensory needs, and autistic identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) remains a global health concern due to its poor survival rate. This study aimed to investigate the influence of medical determinants and socioeconomic status on survival outcomes of RCC patients. We analyzed the survival data of 41,563 RCC patients recorded under the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program from 2012 to 2020.
    METHODS: We employed a competing risk model, assuming lifetime of RCC patients under various risks follows Chen distribution. This model accounts for uncertainty related to survival time as well as causes of death, including missing cause of death. For model analysis, we utilized Bayesian inference and obtained the estimate of various key parameters such as cumulative incidence function (CIF) and cause-specific hazard. Additionally, we performed Bayesian hypothesis testing to assess the impact of multiple factors on the survival time of RCC patients.
    RESULTS: Our findings revealed that the survival time of RCC patients is significantly influenced by gender, income, marital status, chemotherapy, tumor size, and laterality. However, we observed no significant effect of race and origin on patient\'s survival time. The CIF plots indicated a number of important distinctions in incidence of causes of death corresponding to factors income, marital status, race, chemotherapy, and tumor size.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights the impact of various medical and socioeconomic factors on survival time of RCC patients. Moreover, it also demonstrates the utility of competing risk model for survival analysis of RCC patients under Bayesian paradigm. This model provides a robust and flexible framework to deal with missing data, which can be particularly useful in real-life situations where patients information might be incomplete.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Many autistic people use strategies known as \'camouflaging\' to change how noticeable their autistic traits are in social situations. Previous research suggests that camouflaging is largely motivated by psychological and social factors. However, most studies so far have only looked at a few psychosocial factors related to camouflaging. In this study, we explored a model that included several individual psychological factors (such as fear of being negatively judged, self-esteem and autistic identity) and broader social and cultural factors (such as perceived stigma, negative life events, cultural emphasis on conformity and desire to fit in or stand out). We surveyed 225 autistic adults aged 18-77 years online. Our findings showed that several sociocultural factors were indirectly linked to camouflaging through individual psychological factors. Fear of being negatively judged emerged as a strong predictor of camouflaging. Specifically, autistic adults who perceived greater stigma, felt greater pressure to conform, had a lesser desire to stand out and a greater desire to fit in tended to experience a greater fear of being negatively judged and reported more camouflaging. In addition, those who experienced more negative life events were more likely to engage in camouflaging. Our study identifies key psychological and social factors as potential targets for social change. Our findings emphasise that our societies need to shift away from stigmatising attitudes towards accepting and including autistic people, which could reduce the pressure on autistic individuals to camouflage in social situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many autistic people reportedly engage in camouflaging to navigate everyday social interactions; however, the function of this behavior remains largely unknown. We hypothesized that autistic people camouflage more toward neurotypical others than toward autistic others, employing it as a strategy to \"fit in\" within the neurotypical-majority community. This study aimed to empirically investigate this hypothesis for the first time. Autistic and neurotypical participants took part in a web-based survey. Data from 48 autistic and 137 neurotypical participants were analyzed. Camouflaging toward autistic and neurotypical others was separately measured using the modified Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q). For each CAT-Q item, a sentence describing a hypothetical interaction partner with autistic or neurotypical characteristics was added, creating respective sentence conditions. The interaction effect of the participants\' characteristics and sentence conditions was analyzed using a multilevel regression analysis, accounting for differing individual baselines. The analysis revealed an interaction effect between participants\' characteristics and sentence conditions. The autistic group showed significantly more camouflaging in the autistic sentence condition than in the neurotypical sentence condition. Conversely, the neurotypical group did not differ significantly in camouflaging levels in the sentence conditions. Contrary to our hypothesis, autistic people demonstrated more camouflaging toward autistic others than toward neurotypical others. This finding questions the assumption that autistic people camouflage to assimilate into a neurotypical-majority society. Instead, it could be conceptualized as a more general social strategy used by autistic people aiming to improve their relationships with others.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Randomized clinical trials provide reassurances that confounding factors are balanced at baseline whereas blinding is essential to assure the balance of extraneous factors thereafter. This article provides a three-part taxonomy of pitfalls that can arise because of inadequate blinding in clinical trials. We introduce a cautionary framework for readers interpreting a blinded randomized trial for evidence-based medicine. Each pitfall is illustrated with a relevant example of a potential bias resulting from knowledge of group assignment. Several pitfalls occur during the conduct of the study including inadequate blinding of the intervention group, control group, or responsible clinicians. Additional pitfalls relate to data analysis including unsubstantiated assertions of blinding and subverted tests for blinding. Further pitfalls arise due to surrounding oversight including unblinding of research ethics boards and scientific reviewers. These caveats are sources of misunderstanding when observing the apparent connection between a clinical intervention and patient outcomes. An awareness of specific pitfalls might help advance the interpretation and application of blinded randomized clinical trials to inform evidence-based medical care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast extracts (YEs) are used in foods because of their flavour properties and ability to reduce bitterness. The adenosine 5\'-monophosphate (AMP) found in YEs is known to decrease the bitterness of some compounds. This study aimed to investigate the ability of YEs to inhibit bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs) using in vitro cell-based assays. A screen of TAS2Rs activated by AMP and YEs revealed that AMP and the AMP-rich YE activated more TAS2Rs. The inhibitory effect of the AMP-rich YE on seven TAS2Rs activated by bitter agonists was studied. YE reduced TAS2R activation, increased the EC50 value and decreased the maximum amplitude, demonstrating competitive and non-competitive inhibitions. Amongst the nineteen TAS2Rs tested, seven showed 40 % or greater inhibition after treatment of AMP-rich YE. Our data provide a better understanding of the TAS2R inhibition mechanism of AMP-rich YEs and promote their use as a strategy to reduce bitterness in foods and medicines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, education systems globally implemented protective measures, notably mandatory mask wearing. As the pandemic\'s dynamics changed, many municipalities lifted these mandates, warranting a critical examination of these policy changes\' implications. This study examines the effects of lifting mask mandates on COVID-19 transmission within Massachusetts school districts. We first replicated previous research that utilized a difference-in-difference (DID) model for COVID-19 incidence. We then repeated the DID analysis by replacing the outcome measurement with the reproductive number (Rt ), reflecting the transmissibility. Due to the data availability, the Rt we estimated only measures the within school transmission. We found a similar result in the replication using incidence with an average treatment effect on treated (ATT) of 39.1 (95% CI: 20.4 to 57.4) COVID-19 cases per 1,000 students associated with lifting masking mandates. However, when replacing the outcome measurement to Rt , our findings suggest that no significant association between lifting mask mandates and reduced Rt (ATT: 0.04, 95% CI: -0.09 to 0.18), except for the first 2 weeks postintervention. Moreover, we estimated Rt below 1 at 4 weeks before lifting mask mandates across all school types, suggesting nonsustainable transmission before the implementation. Our reanalysis suggested no evidence of lifting mask mandates in schools impacted the COVID-19 transmission in the long term. Our study highlights the importance of examining the transmissibility outcome when evaluating interventions against transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The influence of light spectral properties on circadian rhythms is of substantial interest to laboratory-based investigation of the circadian system and to field-based understanding of the effects of artificial light at night. The trade-offs between intensity and spectrum regarding masking behaviors are largely unknown, even for well-studied organisms. We used a custom LED illumination system to document the response of wild-type house mice (Mus musculus) to 1-h nocturnal exposure of all combinations of four intensity levels (0.01, 0.5, 5 and 50 lx) and three correlated color temperatures (CCT; 1750, 1950 and 3000 K). Higher intensities of light (50 lx) suppressed cage activity substantially, and consistently more for the higher CCT light (91% for 3000 K, 53% for 1750 K). At the lowest intensity (0.01 lx), mean activity was increased, with the greatest increases for the lowest CCT (12.3% increase at 1750 K, 3% increase at 3000 K). Multiple linear regression confirmed the influence of both CCT and intensity on changes in activity, with the scaled effect size of intensity 3.6 times greater than that of CCT. Activity suppression was significantly lower for male than for female mice. Assessment of light-evoked cFos expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus at 50 lx showed no significant difference between high and low CCT exposure. The significant differences by spectral composition illustrate a need to account for light spectrum in circadian studies of behavior, and confirm that spectral controls can mitigate some, but certainly not all, of the effects of light pollution on species in the wild.





