Marker-assisted selection (MAS)

标记辅助选择 (MAS)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biofortification of provitamin A in maize is an attractive and sustainable remedy to the problem of vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. The utilization of molecular markers represents a promising avenue to facilitate the development of provitamin A (PVA)-enriched maize varieties. We screened 752 diverse tropical yellow/orange maize lines using kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) makers to validate the use of KASP markers in PVA maize breeding. To this end, a total of 161 yellow/orange inbred lines, selected from among the 752 lines, were evaluated for their endosperm PVA and other carotenoid compounds levels in two separate trials composed of 63 and 98 inbred lines in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Significant differences (p < 0.001) were observed among the yellow maize inbred lines studied for all carotenoid profiles. An inbred line TZMI1017, introduced by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) showed the highest level of PVA (12.99 µg/g) and β-carotene (12.08 µg/g). The molecular screening showed 43 yellow maize inbred lines carrying at least three of the favorable alleles of the KASP markers. TZMI1017 inbred line also carried the favorable alleles of almost all markers. In addition, nine locally developed inbred lines had medium to high PVA concentrations varying from 5.11 µg/g to 10.76 µg/g and harbored the favorable alleles of all the KASP PVA markers. Association analysis between molecular markers and PVA content variation in the yellow/orange maize inbred lines did not reveal a significant, predictable correlation. Further investigation is warranted to elucidate the underlying genetic architecture of the PVA content in this germplasm. However, we recommend strategic utilization of the maize-inbred lines with higher PVA content to enhance the PVA profile of the breeding program\'s germplasm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) plays a critical role in myoblast proliferation and fat deposition in animals. Our previous RNA-Seq analyses identified a close association between the JAK2 gene and muscle development. To date, research delving into the relationship between the JAK2 gene and growth traits has been sparse. In this study, we sought to investigate the relationship between novel mutations within the JAK2 gene and goat growth traits. Herein, two novel InDel (Insertion/Deletion) polymorphisms within the JAK2 gene were detected in 548 goats, and only two genotypes were designated as ID (Insertion/Deletion) and DD (Deletion/Deletion). The results indicate that the two InDels, the del19008 locus in intron 2 and del72416 InDel in intron 6, showed significant associations with growth traits (p < 0.05). Compared to Nubian and Jianzhou Daer goats, the del72416 locus displayed a more pronounced effect in the Fuqing breed group. In the Nubian breed (NB) group, both InDels showed a marked influence on body height (BH). There were strong linkages observed for these two InDels between the Fuqing (FQ) and Jianzhou (JZ) populations. The DD-ID diplotype was associated with inferior growth traits in chest width (ChW) and cannon circumference (CaC) in the FQ goats compared to the other diplotypes. In the NB population, the DD-DD diplotype exhibited a marked negative impact on BH and HuWI (hucklebone width index), in contrast to the other diplotypes. In summary, our findings suggest that the two InDel polymorphisms within the JAK2 gene could serve as valuable molecular markers for enhancing goat growth traits in breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice, a critical staple on a global scale, faces escalating challenges in yield preservation due to the rising prevalence of abiotic and biotic stressors, exacerbated by frequent climatic fluctuations in recent years. Moreover, the scorching climate prevalent in the rice-growing regions of South China poses obstacles to the cultivation of good-quality, heavy-grain varieties. Addressing this dilemma requires the development of resilient varieties capable of withstanding multiple stress factors. To achieve this objective, our study employed the broad-spectrum blast-resistant line Digu, the brown planthopper (BPH)-resistant line ASD7, and the heavy-grain backbone restorer lines Fuhui838 (FH838) and Shuhui527 (SH527) as parental materials for hybridization and multiple crossings. The incorporation of molecular markers facilitated the rapid pyramiding of six target genes (Pi5, Pita, Pid2, Pid3, Bph2, and Wxb ). Through a comprehensive evaluation encompassing blast resistance, BPH resistance, cold tolerance, grain appearance, and quality, alongside agronomic trait selection, a promising restorer line, Guihui5501 (GH5501), was successfully developed. It demonstrated broad-spectrum resistance to blast, exhibiting a resistance frequency of 77.33% against 75 artificially inoculated isolates, moderate resistance to BPH (3.78 grade), strong cold tolerance during the seedling stage (1.80 grade), and characteristics of heavy grains (1,000-grain weight reaching 35.64 g) with good grain quality. The primary rice quality parameters for GH5501, with the exception of alkali spreading value, either met or exceeded the second-grade national standard for premium edible rice varieties, signifying a significant advancement in the production of good-quality heavy-grain varieties in the southern rice-growing regions. Utilizing GH5501, a hybrid combination named Nayou5501, characterized by high yield, good quality, and resistance to multiple stresses, was bred and received approval as a rice variety in Guangxi in 2021. Furthermore, genomic analysis with gene chips revealed that GH5501 possessed an additional 20 exceptional alleles, such as NRT1.1B for efficient nitrogen utilization, SKC1 for salt tolerance, and STV11 for resistance to rice stripe virus. Consequently, the restorer line GH5501 could serve as a valuable resource for the subsequent breeding of high-yielding, good-quality, and stress-tolerant hybrid rice varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Among the Citrus species, lemon (Citrus limon Burm f.) is one of the most affected by the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch). Moreover, chemical control is hampered by the mite\'s ability to develop genetic resistance against acaricides. In this context, the identification of the genetic basis of the host resistance could represent a sustainable strategy for spider mite control. In the present study, a marker-trait association analysis was performed on a lemon population employing an association mapping approach. An inter-specific full-sib population composed of 109 accessions was phenotyped through a detached-leaf assays performed in modified Huffaker cells. Those individuals, complemented with two inter-specific segregating populations, were genotyped using a target-sequencing approach called SPET (Single Primer Enrichment Technology), the resulting SNPs were employed for the generation of an integrated genetic map.
    RESULTS: The percentage of damaged area in the full-sib population showed a quantitative distribution with values ranging from 0.36 to 9.67%. A total of 47,298 SNPs were selected for an association mapping study and a significant marker linked with resistance to spider mite was detected on linkage group 5. In silico gene annotation of the QTL interval enabled the detection of 13 genes involved in immune response to biotic and abiotic stress. Gene expression analysis showed an over expression of the gene encoding for the ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF098-like, already characterized in Arabidopsis and in rice for its involvement in defense response.
    CONCLUSIONS: The identification of a molecular marker linked to the resistance to spider mite attack can pave the way for the development of marker-assisted breeding plan for the development of novel selection coupling favorable agronomical traits (e.g. fruit quality, yield) with a higher resistance toward the mite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osteogenesis is a complex multilevel process regulated by multiple genes. The GATA binding protein 4 (GATA4) gene has been extensively studied for its pivotal role in bone genesis and bone differentiation. However, its relationship with the growth traits of Shaanbei white cashmere (SBWC) and Guizhou black (GB) goats remains unclear. This work aims to investigate the potential influence of genetic mutations in the GATA4 gene on the growth traits goats. Thus, two Insertion/deletion (InDel) polymorphisms (8-bp-InDel and 9-bp-InDel) were screened and detected in a total of 1161 goats (including 980 SBWC goats and 181 GB goats) using PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis. The analyses revealed that there were two genotypes (ID and DD) for these two loci. In SBWC goats, 8-bp-InDel and 9-bp-InDel loci were significantly associated with heart girth (HG) and hip width (HW). Notably, individuals with DD genotype of 8-bp-InDel locus were superior while those with DD genotype of 9-bp-InDel locus were inferior. Correlation analyses of the four combined genotypes revealed significant associations with cannon circumference (CC), body height (BH), HG and HW. This work provides a foundation for the application of molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) in goat breeding programs. Furthermore, the findings highlight the potential of the GATA4 gene and its genetic variations as valuable indicators for selecting goats with desirable growth traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7) is involved in lipid metabolism, which is considered as a candidate gene with close relation with muscle development by eGWAs and RNA-Seq analyses. To date, limited research has been conducted on the relationship between FGF7 gene and growth traits. The main objective of this work was to further investigate the association between novel InDel within FGF7 gene and growth traits in goat. Herein, FGF7 mRNA expression levels were investigated in various Fuqing goat tissues. We found that FGF7 gene was expressed in six adult goat tissues with the highest mRNA levels in adipose tissue. This result suggested that FGF7 gene might play a critical role in fat deposition. We also detected potential polymorphisms in Fuqing, Nubian and Jianyang Daer breeds. A 22-bp InDel polymorphism in FGF7 gene was detected in 396 goats and the three genotypes were designated as II, ID, and DD. Correlation analysis revealed that InDel polymorphism was significantly associated with growth traits (P < 0.05). Goats with genotypes ID and/or II had superior growth traits compared to those with genotype DD. In summary, our findings suggested that the 22-bp InDel within FGF7 gene could act as a molecular marker to improve the growth traits of goats in breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a member of the SNX family, the goat sorting nexin 29 (SNX29) is initially identified as a myogenesis gene. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the polymorphism in the SNX29 gene and its association with growth traits. In this study, we used an online platform to predict the structures of the SNX29 protein and used quantitative real-time PCR to detect potential copy number variation (CNV) in Shaanbei white cashmere (SBWC) goats (n = 541), Guizhou black (GB) goats (n = 48), and Nubian (NB) goats (n = 39). The results showed that goat SNX29 protein belonged to non-secretory protein. Then, five CNVs were detected, and their association with growth traits was analyzed. In SBWC goats, CNV1, CNV3, CNV4, and CNV5 were associated with chest width and body length (P < 0.05). Among them, the CNV1 individuals with gain and loss genotypes were superior to those individuals with a median genotype, but CNV4 and CNV5 of individuals with the median genotype were superior to those with the loss and gain genotypes. In addition, individuals with the gain genotype had superior growth traits in CNV3. In brief, this study suggests that the CNV of SNX29 can be used as a molecular marker in goat breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photoperiodic sensitivity of soybean (Glycine max L.) is one of the limiting factors affecting plant growth and yield. At higher latitudes, early flowering and maturity with neutral reaction to photoperiods are required for adaptation of soybean plants to long-day conditions. Currently, the production and distribution of new varieties of soybeans adapted to widespread agricultural regions in northern Kazakhstan is in strong demand. Eleven soybean hybrid populations were obtained from crosses between 17 parents with four maturity groups, MG 000, 00, 0, and I. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) was assessed for suitable SSR markers and successfully applied for genes E1, E3, E4, and E7, targeting homozygous genotypes with recessive alleles. The identified and selected genotypes were propagated and tested in the conditions of 53° N latitude in the Kostanay region of northern Kazakhstan. Finally, 20 early maturing F4 breeding lines were identified and developed with genotypes e1 e3 E4 e7, e1 E3 E4 e7, and e1 E3 e4 e7, all completing their growth period within 92-102 days. These breeding lines were developed by MAS and should provide very prospective superior varieties of soybean for northern Kazakhstan through a strategy that may be very helpful to other countries with high latitudes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soybean seed protein content (PC) and oil content (OC) have important economic value. Detecting the loci/gene related to PC and OC is important for the marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding of soybean. To detect the stable and new loci for PC and OC, a total of 320 soybean accessions collected from the major soybean-growing countries were used to conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) by resequencing. The PC ranged from 37.8% to 46.5% with an average of 41.1% and the OC ranged from 16.7% to 22.6% with an average of 21.0%. In total, 23 and 29 loci were identified, explaining 3.4%-15.4% and 5.1%-16.3% of the phenotypic variations for PC and OC, respectively. Of these, eight and five loci for PC and OC, respectively, overlapped previously reported loci and the other 15 and 24 loci were newly identified. In addition, nine candidate genes were identified, which are known to be involved in protein and oil biosynthesis/metabolism, including lipid transport and metabolism, signal transduction, and plant development pathway. These results uncover the genetic basis of soybean protein and oil biosynthesis and could be used to accelerate the progress in enhancing soybean PC and OC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A high-throughput genotyping platform with customized flexibility, high genotyping accuracy, and low cost is critical for marker-assisted selection and genetic mapping in soybean. Three assay panels were selected from the SoySNP50K, 40K, 20K, and 10K arrays, containing 41,541, 20,748, and 9670 SNP markers, respectively, for genotyping by target sequencing (GBTS). Fifteen representative accessions were used to assess the accuracy and consistency of the SNP alleles identified by the SNP panels and sequencing platform. The SNP alleles were 99.87% identical between technical replicates and 98.86% identical between the 40K SNP GBTS panel and 10× resequencing analysis. The GBTS method was also accurate in the sense that the genotypic dataset of the 15 representative accessions correctly revealed the pedigree of the accessions, and the biparental progeny datasets correctly constructed the linkage maps of the SNPs. The 10K panel was also used to genotype two parent-derived populations and analyze QTLs controlling 100-seed weight, resulting in the identification of the stable associated genetic locus Locus_OSW_06 on chromosome 06. The markers flanking the QTL explained 7.05% and 9.83% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Compared with GBS and DNA chips, the 40K, 20K, and 10K panels reduced costs by 5.07% and 58.28%, 21.44% and 65.48%, and 35.74% and 71.76%, respectively. Low-cost genotyping panels could facilitate soybean germplasm assessment, genetic linkage map construction, QTL identification, and genomic selection.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11032-023-01372-6.





