
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloroplasts develop from undifferentiated plastids in response to light. In angiosperms, after the perception of light, the Elongated Hypocotyl 5 (HY5) transcription factor initiates photomorphogenesis, and two families of transcription factors known as GOLDEN2-LIKE (GLK) and GATA are considered master regulators of chloroplast development. In addition, the MIR171-targeted SCARECROW-LIKE GRAS transcription factors also impact chlorophyll biosynthesis. The extent to which these proteins carry out conserved roles in non-seed plants is not known. Using the model liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, we show that GLK controls chloroplast biogenesis, and HY5 shows a small conditional effect on chlorophyll content. Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) revealed that MpGLK has a broader set of targets than has been reported in angiosperms. We also identified a functional GLK homolog in green algae. In summary, our data support the hypothesis that GLK carries out a conserved role relating to chloroplast biogenesis in land plants and green algae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rho/Rac of plant (ROP) GTPases are plant-specific proteins that function as molecular switches, activated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and inactivated by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). The bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha contains single copies of ROP (MpROP), GEFs [ROPGEF and SPIKE (SPK)] and GAPs [ROPGAP and ROP ENHANCER (REN)]. MpROP regulates the development of various tissues and organs, such as rhizoids, gemmae and air chambers. The ROPGEF KARAPPO (MpKAR) is essential for gemma initiation, but the functions of other ROP regulatory factors are less understood. This study focused on two GAPs: MpROPGAP and MpREN. Mpren single mutants showed defects in thallus growth, rhizoid tip growth, gemma development, and air-chamber formation, whereas Mpropgap mutants showed no visible abnormalities. However, Mpropgap Mpren double mutants had more severe phenotypes than the Mpren single mutants, suggesting backup roles of MpROPGAP in processes involving MpREN. Overexpression of MpROPGAP and MpREN resulted in similar gametophyte defects, highlighting the importance of MpROP activation/inactivation cycling (or balancing). Thus, MpREN predominantly, and MpROPGAP as a backup, regulate gametophyte development, likely by controlling MpROP activation in M. polymorpha.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: MpMYB02, a regulator of marchantin accumulation, also acts as a key regulator of oil body formation. MpMYB02 induces the expression of MpSYP12B and promotes oil body formation, subsequently leading to marchantin accumulation. The oil body observed in Marchantia polymorpha is a cellular organelle surrounded by a unit membrane, accumulating various secondary metabolites such as marchantins and terpenes. We observed that oil body formation is regulated by MpMYB02, a key regulator of marchantin accumulation. In the Mpmyb02 mutant, no oil bodies were observed, although idioblast-like cells were present in the gemma. We introduced MpMYB02-glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a steroid-inducible transcriptional activator, into Mpmyb02 and assessed the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) on oil body formation. Following DEX treatment, transformed liverworts began forming oil bodies within 12 h. During the initial stages of oil body development, we observed the aggregation of small globular structures. DEX treatment upregulated several genes implicated in oil body formation, including MpSYP12B. Our findings underscore that MpMYB02 plays a crucial role not only in marchantin accumulation but also in oil body formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endomembrane system in plants is composed of interconnected membrane organelles that contribute to intracellular structure and function. These organelles include the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, vacuole, trans-Golgi network, and prevacuolar compartment or multivesicular body. Through vesicle-mediated transport, secreted proteins are synthesized in the ER and subsequently transported along the secretory pathway to the vacuole or outside of cells to fulfill specialized functions. Genetic screening is a crucial method for studying plant protein secretion. It entails identifying phenotypic differences resulting from genetic mutations, such as ethyl methanesulfonate, T-DNA insertion, and RNAi, to investigate gene function and discover mutants with specific traits or gene functions. Significant progress has been achieved in the study of plant protein secretion through genetic screening. In this protocol, we provide a step-by-step guide to studying the protein secretion pathway using a genetic screen approach. We use the example of the free 1 suppressor of Arabidopsis thaliana and oil body mutants of Marchantia polymorpha. Additionally, we offer an overview of genetic screening and briefly summarize the emerging technologies in the field of protein secretion research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The NPR proteins function as salicylic acid (SA) receptors in Arabidopsis thaliana. AtNPR1 plays a central role in SA-induced transcriptional reprogramming whereby positively regulates SA-mediated defense. NPRs are found in the genomes of nearly all land plants. However, we know little about the molecular functions and physiological roles of NPRs in most plant species. We conducted phylogenetic and alignment analyses of NPRs from 68 species covering the significant lineages of land plants. To investigate NPR functions in bryophyte lineages, we generated and characterized NPR loss-of-function mutants in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Brassicaceae NPR1-like proteins have characteristically gained or lost functional residues identified in AtNPRs, pointing to the possibility of a unique evolutionary trajectory for the Brassicaceae NPR1-like proteins. We find that the only NPR in M. polymorpha, MpNPR, is not the master regulator of SA-induced transcriptional reprogramming and negatively regulates bacterial resistance in this species. The Mpnpr transcriptome suggested roles of MpNPR in heat and far-red light responses. We identify both Mpnpr and Atnpr1-1 display enhanced thermomorphogenesis. Interspecies complementation analysis indicated that the molecular properties of AtNPR1 and MpNPR are partially conserved. We further show that MpNPR has SA-binding activity. NPRs and NPR-associated pathways have evolved distinctively in diverged land plant lineages to cope with different terrestrial environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloroplast biogenesis is dependent on master regulators from the GOLDEN2-LIKE (GLK) family of transcription factors. However, glk mutants contain residual chlorophyll, indicating that other proteins must be involved. Here, we identify MYB-related transcription factors as regulators of chloroplast biogenesis in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha and angiosperm Arabidopsis thaliana. In both species, double-mutant alleles in MYB-related genes show very limited chloroplast development, and photosynthesis gene expression is perturbed to a greater extent than in GLK mutants. Genes encoding enzymes of chlorophyll biosynthesis are controlled by MYB-related and GLK proteins, whereas those allowing CO2 fixation, photorespiration, and photosystem assembly and repair require MYB-related proteins. Regulation between the MYB-related and GLK transcription factors appears more extensive in A. thaliana than in M. polymorpha. Thus, MYB-related and GLK genes have overlapping as well as distinct targets. We conclude that MYB-related and GLK transcription factors orchestrate chloroplast development in land plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germline fate determination is a critical event in sexual reproduction. Unlike animals, plants specify the germline by reprogramming somatic cells at the late stages of their development. However, the genetic basis of germline fate determination and how it evolved during the land plant evolution are still poorly understood. Here, we report that the plant homeodomain finger protein GERMLINE IDENTITY DETERMINANT (GLID) is a key regulator of the germline specification in liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha. Loss of the MpGLID function causes failure of germline initiation, leading to the absence of sperm and egg cells. Remarkably, the overexpression of MpGLID in M. polymorpha induces the ectopic formation of cells with male germline cell features exclusively in male thalli. We further show that MpBONOBO (BNB), with an evolutionarily conserved function, can induce the formation of male germ cell-like cells through the activation of MpGLID by directly binding to its promoter. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) MpGLID ortholog, MALE STERILITY1 (AtMS1), fails to replace the germline specification function of MpGLID in M. polymorpha, demonstrating that a derived function of MpGLID orthologs has been restricted to tapetum development in flowering plants. Collectively, our findings suggest the presence of the BNB-GLID module in complex ancestral land plants that has been retained in bryophytes, but rewired in flowering plants for male germline fate determination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The multicellular haploid stage of land plants develops from a single haploid cell produced by meiosis - the spore. Starting from a non-polar state, these spores develop polarity, divide asymmetrically and establish the first axis of symmetry. Here, we show that the nucleus migrates from the cell centroid to the basal pole during polarisation of the Marchantia polymorpha spore cell. A microtubule organising centre on the leading edge of the nucleus initiates a microtubule array between the nuclear surface and the cortex at the basal pole. Simultaneously, cortical microtubules disappear from the apical hemisphere but persist in the basal hemisphere. This is accompanied by the formation a dense network of fine actin filaments between the nucleus and the basal pole cortex. Experimental depolymerisation of either microtubules or actin filaments disrupts cellular asymmetry. These data demonstrate that the cytoskeleton reorganises during spore polarisation and controls the directed migration of the nucleus to the basal pole. The presence of the nucleus at the basal pole provides the cellular asymmetry for the asymmetric cell division that establishes the apical-basal axis of the plant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis arose in land plants more than 450 million years ago and is still widely found in all major land plant lineages. Despite its broad taxonomic distribution, little is known about the molecular components underpinning symbiosis outside of flowering plants. The ARBUSCULAR RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (ARK) is required for sustaining AM symbiosis in distantly related angiosperms. Here, we demonstrate that ARK has an equivalent role in symbiosis maintenance in the bryophyte Marchantia paleacea and is part of a broad AM genetic program conserved among land plants. In addition, our comparative transcriptome analysis identified evolutionarily conserved expression patterns for several genes in the core symbiotic program required for presymbiotic signaling, intracellular colonization, and nutrient exchange. This study provides insights into the molecular pathways that consistently associate with AM symbiosis across land plants and identifies an ancestral role for ARK in governing symbiotic balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meristems are crucial for organ formation, but our knowledge of their molecular evolution is limited. Here, we show that AINTEGUMENTA (MpANT) in the euANT branch of the APETALA2-like transcription factor family is essential for meristem development in the nonvascular plant Marchantia polymorpha. MpANT is expressed in the thallus meristem. Mpant mutants show defects to maintain meristem identity and undergo meristem duplication, while MpANT overexpressers show ectopic thallus growth. MpANT directly upregulates MpGRAS9 in the SHORT-ROOT (SHR) branch of the GRAS family. In the vascular plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the euANT-branch genes PLETHORAs (AtPLTs) and AtANT are involved in the formation and maintenance of root/shoot apical meristems and lateral organ primordia, and AtPLTs directly target SHR-branch genes. In addition, euANTs bind through a similar DNA-binding motif to many conserved homologous genes in M. polymorpha and A. thaliana. Overall, the euANT pathway has an evolutionarily conserved role in meristem development.





