Marangoni effect

Marangoni 效应
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study introduces magnetized EGaIn@Fe, an innovative material synthesized by incorporating iron powder into the eutectic gallium-indium alloy (EGaIn). Unlike traditional methods requiring electrolyte environments for electrical control, EGaIn@Fe can be manipulated using external magnetic fields, expanding control from 2D to 3D spaces. The material exhibits both active and passive splitting capabilities under magnetic and electrical control, demonstrating exceptional deformability, precision, and flexibility. EGaIn@Fe shows significant promise in applications such as microfluidic channels, circuit repair, and soft robotics. Specifically, 5 wt.% EGaIn@Fe is optimal for microfluidic tasks and circuit repairs in confined spaces, while higher concentrations (10 and 15 wt.%) enhance 3D control and reduce material usage. Additionally, 20 wt.% EGaIn@Fe displays octopus-like movements for navigating impassable channels. EGaIn@Fe can enhance fluid manipulation in microfluidics, bridge gaps in circuit repairs, and enable flexible actuators in soft robotics, driving advancements in adaptive materials and technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Small scale Marangoni motors, which self-generate motion by inducing surface tension gradients on water interfaces through release of surface-active \"fuels\", have recently been proposed as self-powered mixing devices for low volume fluids. Such devices however, often show self-limiting lifespans due to the rapid saturation of surface-active agents. A potential solution to this is the use volatile surface-active agents which do not persist in their environment. Here we investigate menthyl acetate (MA) as a safe, inexpensive and non-persistent fuel for Marangoni motors.
    METHODS: MA was loaded asymmetrically into millimeter scale silicone sponges. Menthyl acetate reacts slowly with water to produce the volatile surface-active menthol, which induces surface tension gradients across the sponge to drive motion by the Marangoni effect. Videos were taken and trajectories determined by custom software. Mixing was assessed by the ability of Marangoni motors to homogenize milliliter scale aqueous solutions containing colloidal sediments.
    RESULTS: Marangoni motors, loaded with asymmetric \"Janus\" distributions of menthyl acetate show velocities and rotational speeds up to 30 mm s-1 and 500 RPM respectively, with their functional lifetimes scaling linearly with fuel volume. We show these devices are capable of enhanced mixing of solutions at orders of magnitude greater rates than diffusion alone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Positional information is key for particles to adapt their behavior based on their position in external concentration gradients, and thereby self-organize into complex patterns. Here, position-dependent behavior of floating surfactant droplets that self-organize in a pH gradient is demonstrated, using the Marangoni effect to translate gradients of surface-active molecules into motion. First, fields of surfactant microliter-droplets are generated, in which droplets floating on water drive local, outbound Marangoni flows upon dissolution of surfactant and concomitantly grow myelin filaments. Next, a competing surfactant based on a hydrolysable amide is introduced, which is more surface active than the myelin surfactant and thereby inhibits the local Marangoni flows and myelin growth from the droplets. Upon introducing a pH gradient, the amide surfactant hydrolyses in the acidic region, so that the local Marangoni flows and myelin growth are reestablished. The resulting combination of local and global surface tension gradients produces a region of myelin-growing droplets and a region where myelin growth is suppressed, separated by a wave front of closely packed droplets, of which the position can be controlled by the pH gradient. Thereby, it is shown how \"French flag\"-patterns, in synthetic settings typically emerging from reaction-diffusion systems, can also be established via surfactant droplet systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Self-driven actions, like motion, are fundamental characteristics of life. Today, intense research focuses on the kinetics of droplet motion. Quantifying macroscopic motion and exploring the underlying mechanisms are crucial in self-structuring and self-healing materials, advancements in soft robotics, innovations in self-cleaning environmental processes, and progress within the pharmaceutical industry. Usually, the driving forces inducing macroscopic motion act at the molecular scale, making their real-time and high-resolution investigation challenging. Label-free surface sensitive measurements with high lateral resolution could in situ measure both molecular-scale interactions and microscopic motion.
    METHODS: We employ surface-sensitive label-free sensors to investigate the kinetic changes in a self-assembled monolayer of the trimethyl(octadecyl)azanium chloride surfactant on a substrate surface during the self-propelled motion of nitrobenzene droplets. The adsorption-desorption of the surfactant at various concentrations, its removal due to the moving organic droplet, and rebuilding mechanisms at droplet-visited areas are all investigated with excellent time, spatial, and surface mass density resolution.
    RESULTS: We discovered concentration dependent velocity fluctuations, estimated the adsorbed amount of surfactant molecules, and revealed multilayer coverage at high concentrations. The desorption rate of surfactant (18.4 s-1) during the microscopic motion of oil droplets was determined by in situ differentiating between droplet visited and non-visited areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smart actuators hold great potential in soft robotics and sensors, but their movement at the fluid interface is less understood and controlled, hindering their performances and applications in complicated fluids. Here an ethanol-containing polyelectrolyte actuator is prepared that demonstrates excellent actuating performance via the Marangoni effect. These actuators exhibit enduring (17 min), repeatable (50 cycles), and autonomous motion on the water surface. More importantly, the motion of actuators are dependent on their shapes. Polygonal actuators with more edges exhibit round motion attached to walls of containers, while the actuators with few edges move randomly. On the basis of this property, the circular actuators can pass through pipe bends with S-shaped complex geometry. These unique advantages lend the actuators to successful applications in wireless sensing (standard 0-5 V level signals) for locating obstructions inside invisible pipes and continuous energy harvesting (7700 nC per cycle) for micro mechanical energy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The yacon roots are rich in fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and highly perishable. Drying is crucial for food quality and extending shelf life. However, preserving thermosensitive compounds, such as FOS, poses a challenge in conventional drying methods. In this regard, microwave drying and ethanol pretreatment (ET) have emerged as promising solutions for maintaining nutrients and reducing drying time (DT). The objective of this study was to assess how ET and sample temperature affect quality and process parameters during intermittent microwave drying of yacon. Drying at 52°C treated with ethanol was the one that stood out for presenting the highest fructan retention (64.1%), low DT, lower energy consumption (EC) (364.00 ± 5.03 kWh kg water-1), higher retention of antioxidant capacity (73.9%) and total phenolic content (77.5%), and slight variation in color parameters. Therefore, microwave drying with a controlled temperature of yacon pretreated with ethanol effectively reduces DT and EC by maintaining quality parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2D materials, a key engineering challenge is the mass production of large-area thin films without sacrificing their uniform 2D nature and unique properties. Here, it is demonstrated that a simple fluid phenomenon of water/alcohol solvents can become a sophisticated tool for self-assembly and designing organized structures of 2D nanosheets on a water surface. In situ, surface characterizations show that water/alcohol droplets of 2D nanosheets with cationic surfactants exhibit spontaneous spreading of large uniform monolayers within 10 s. Facile transfer of the monolayers onto solid or flexible substrates results in high-quality mono- and multilayer films with high coverages (>95%) and homogeneous electronic/optical properties. This spontaneous spreading is quite general and can be applied to various 2D nanosheets, including metal oxides, graphene oxide, h-BN, MoS2, and transition metal carbides, enabling on-demand smart manufacture of large-size (>4 inchϕ) 2D nanofilms and free-standing membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quorum sensing enables unicellular organisms to probe their population density and perform behavior that exclusively occurs above a critical density. Quorum sensing is established in emulsion droplet swarms that float at a water surface and cluster above a critical density. The design involves competition between 1) a surface tension gradient that is generated upon release of a surfactant from the oil droplets, and thereby drives their mutual repulsion, and 2) the release of a surfactant precursor from the droplets, that forms a strong imine surfactant which suppresses the surface tension gradient and thereby causes droplet clustering upon capillary (Cheerios) attraction. The production of the imine-surfactant depends on the population density of the droplets releasing the precursor so that the clustering only occurs above a critical population density. The pH-dependence of the imine-surfactant formation is exploited to trigger quorum sensing upon a base stimulus: dynamic droplet swarms are generated that cluster and spread upon spatiotemporally varying acid and base conditions. Next, the clustering of two droplet subpopulations is coupled to a chemical reaction that generates a fluorescent signal. It is foreseen that quorum sensing enables control mechanisms in droplet-based systems that display collective responses in contexts of, e.g., sensing, optics, or dynamically controlled droplet-reactors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We demonstrate a simple droplet diagnostic approach to monitor the UiO-66 MOF (metal-organic framework) synthesis and its quality using the sessile droplet drying phenomenon. Drying a sessile droplet involves evaporation-driven hydrodynamic flow and particle-nature-dependent self-assembled deposition. In general, the MOF synthesis process involves different sizes and physicochemical nature of particles in every synthesis stage. Equivalent quantities of each of purified pore-activated UiO-66 MOF, yet-to-be-purified pore-inactivated UiO-66 MOF, and reaction precursors of UiO-66 MOF give different deposition patterns when a well-dispersed aqueous droplet of these materials undergoes drying over substrates of varying stiffness and wettability. Yet-to-be-purified, pore-inactivated UiO-66 MOF nanoparticles undergo transport toward the droplet periphery, leading to a thick ring-like deposition at the dried droplet edge. Under appropriate drying conditions, such a deposit leads to desiccation-type mud-like reticular cracking. We study the origin of such ring-like deposits and cracks to understand how the surface charge density of UiO-66 particles controls their stability. We demonstrate that ZrOCl2 salt trapped in a nonpurified pore-inactivated UiO-66 MOF moiety is the principal reason for ring-like deposit formation and subsequent cracking in its dried aqueous droplet edge. Qualitatively, we identified Lewis acid salts that are capable of acting as Bro̷nsted acid upon hydrolysis (like FeCl3, SnCl2, and ZrOCl2), influence surface charge density and colloidal stability of dispersed UiO-66 MOF particles. As a result, immediate particle coagulation is avoided, so those travel to the droplet edge, forming ring-like deposition and subsequent cracking upon drying. Further, we show that crack patterns on such deposits are highly dependent on the stiffness and temperature of depositing substrates via a competition between axial and lateral strains at the deposit-substrate interface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Full-Stokes polarization detection, with high integration and portability, offers an efficient path toward next-gen multi-information optoelectronic systems. Nevertheless, current techniques relying on optical filters create rigid and bulky configurations, limiting practicality. Here, a flexible, filter-less full-Stokes polarimeter featuring a uniaxial-oriented chiral perovskite film is first reported. It is found that, the strategic manipulation of the surfactant-mediated Marangoni effect during blade coating, is crucial for guiding an equilibrious mass transport to achieve oriented crystallization. Through this approach, the obtained uniaxial-oriented chiral perovskite films inherently possess anisotropy and chirality, and thereby with desired sensitivity to both linearly polarized light and circularly polarized light vectors. The uniaxial-oriented crystalline structure also improves photodetection, achieving a specific detectivity of 5.23 × 1013 Jones, surpassing non-oriented devices by 10×. The as-fabricated flexible polarimeters enable accurate capture of full-Stokes polarization without optical filters, exhibiting slight detection errors for the Stokes parameters: ΔS1 = 9.2%, ΔS2 = 8.6%, and ΔS3 = 6.5%, approaching the detection accuracy of optics-filter polarimeters. This proof of concept also demonstrates applications in matrix polarization imaging.





