Mammography screening

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast cancer is the second most common cancer globally, with 2.3 million new cases annually, constituting 11.6% of all cancer cases. It is also the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths, claiming 670,000 lives a year. This high incidence of breast cancer morbidity worldwide has increased the urgent need for standardized and adequate screening methods, including clinical breast examination, self-breast examination, and mammography screening tests for non-symptomatic individuals. Mammography is considered the gold standard for breast cancer screening, with early randomized control trials showing significant reductions in mortality rates in women aged 50 and over (International Agency for Research on Cancer and American College of Radiology). Despite this, discrepancies in mammography practices across different healthcare settings regarding adherence to international standards raise concerns. A comprehensive review of the vast literature looking at the practices and norms of mammography screening worldwide highlighted several domains that present limitations to screening. These include epidemiological data deficits, lack of educational training offered to radiographers and varied image quality indices, exposure technique, method of breast compression, dose calculation, reference levels, screening frequency intervals, and diverse distribution of resources, particularly in developing countries. These factors shed light on the substantial discrepancies in the implementation and efficacy of screening programs, underscoring the necessity for future research endeavors to collaborate in creating coherent, standardized, evidence-based guidelines. Addressing these issues can enhance the feasibility, sensitivity, and accessibility of screening programs, resulting in favorable impacts on the early diagnosis and survival of breast cancer on a global scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Sweden, 30 percent of breast cancer cases are detected between screenings, leading to later staged cancer diagnoses. Aileen Health is preventing later staged cancers by making a breast cancer prognosis with generative AI. This study investigates how breast radiologists perceive AI-generated images and their usability as cancer prognosis. Through literature review and formative usability testing, the research study emphasizes the challenges when integrating AI-generated medical images into clinical decision-making. Furthermore, our findings stress the importance of avoiding cognitive overload and following mental models. Future research should focus on radiologists\' use of breast cancer prognosis at various urgency levels, as well as AI accuracy of generated images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite the relatively low breast cancer incidence in Estonia, mortality remains high, and participation in mammography screening is below the recommended 70%. The objective of this register-based study was to evaluate incidence-based (IB) breast cancer mortality before and after the introduction of organized mammography screening in 2004.
    METHODS: Breast cancer deaths individually linked to breast cancer diagnosis were obtained from the Estonian Cancer Registry and used for calculating IB mortality. We compared age-specific IB mortality rates across 5-year birth cohorts and 5-year periods. Poisson regression was used to compare IB mortality for one age group invited to screening (50-63) and three age groups not invited to screening (30-49, 65-69, and 70+) during two periods before and after screening initiation (1993-2003 and 2004-2014). Joinpoint regression was used for age-standardized incidence and IB mortality trends.
    RESULTS: Age-standardized IB mortality has been decreasing since 1997. Age-specific IB mortality for birth cohorts never exposed to screening showed a continuous increase with age, while in cohorts exposed to organized screening the mortality curve flattened or declined after the age of first invitation. Significant decreases in mortality from 1993-2003 to 2004-2014 were seen in the 30-49 (age-adjusted rate ratio 0.51, 95% CI 90.42-0.63) and 50-63 (0.65, 95% CI 0.56-0.74) age groups, while no decline was seen in the 65-69 and 70+ age groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The age specific IB mortality curves in birth cohorts exposed to screening and the significant mortality decline in the target age group after the initiation of the organized program suggest a beneficial effect of screening. Improved treatment without screening has not reduced mortality in older age groups. Our results support raising the upper screening age limit to 74 years.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Mammography screening programs (MSP) have shown that breast cancer can be detected at an earlier stage enabling less invasive treatment and leading to a better survival rate. The considerable numbers of interval breast cancer (IBC) and the additional examinations required, the majority of which turn out not to be cancer, are critically assessed.
    OBJECTIVE: In recent years companies and universities have used machine learning (ML) to develop powerful algorithms that demonstrate astonishing abilities to read mammograms. Can such algorithms be used to improve the quality of MSP?
    METHODS: The original screening mammographies of 251 cases with IBC were retrospectively analyzed using the software ProFound AI® (iCAD) and the results were compared (case score, risk score) with a control group. The relevant current literature was also studied.
    RESULTS: The distributions of the case scores and the risk scores were markedly shifted to higher risks compared to the control group, comparable to the results of other studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Retrospective studies as well as our own data show that artificial intelligence (AI) could change our approach to MSP in the future in the direction of personalized screening and could enable a significant reduction in the workload of radiologists, fewer additional examinations and a reduced number of IBCs; however, the results of prospective studies are needed before implementation.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Dank Mammographie-Screening-Programmen (MSP) kann Brustkrebs erwiesenermaßen in früheren Stadien entdeckt werden, was weniger eingreifende Therapien erlaubt und zu einem besseren Überleben führt. Kritisch beurteilt werden die beträchtliche Zahl der Intervallkarzinome (IBC) und zusätzlich notwendige Abklärungen, bei denen sich in der Mehrzahl erweist, dass kein Karzinom vorliegt.
    UNASSIGNED: In den letzten Jahren wurden von Firmen und Universitäten mittels maschinellem Lernen (ML) leistungsfähige Algorithmen entwickelt, welche erstaunliche Fähigkeiten zum Lesen von Mammographien zeigen. Können dadurch MSP qualitativ verbessert werden?
    METHODS: Mittels der Software ProFound AI® (iCAD, Nashua, NH, USA) wurden retrospektiv die ursprünglichen Screening-Mammographien von 251 Fällen mit Intervallkarzinom untersucht und die Resultate (Case-Score, Risk-Score) mit denen einer Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Darüber hinaus wurde die relevante aktuelle Literatur studiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Verteilung des Case-Score wie auch des Risk-Score der Mammographien mit späterem IBC war signifikant zu höherem Risiko verschoben im Vergleich zur Kontrolle, ähnlich wie in anderen Studien.
    UNASSIGNED: Retrospektive Studien, wie auch eigene Daten zeigen, dass möglicherweise künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in Zukunft das Vorgehen bei MSP ändern wird in Richtung personalisiertem Screening, mit deutlicher Entlastung der Radiologen, weniger Abklärungen und einer verminderten Anzahl von IBC. Für eine solche Umsetzung braucht es die Resultate prospektiver Studien.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The randomized TOmosynthesis plus SYnthesized MAmmography (TOSYMA) screening trial has shown that digital breast tomosynthesis plus synthesized mammography (DBT + SM) is superior to digital mammography (DM) in invasive breast cancer detection varying with breast density. On the other hand, the overall average glandular dose (AGD) of DBT is higher than that of DM. Comparing the DBT + SM and DM trial arm, we analyzed here the mean AGD and their determinants per breast density category and related them to the respective invasive cancer detection rates (iCDR).
    METHODS: TOSYMA screened 99,689 women aged 50 to 69 years. Compression force, resulting breast thickness, the calculated AGD obtained from each mammography device, and previously published iCDR were used for comparisons across breast density categories in the two trial arms.
    RESULTS: There were 196,622 exposures of 49,227 women (DBT + SM) and 197,037 exposures of 49,132 women (DM) available for analyses. Mean breast thicknesses declined from breast density category A (fatty) to D (extremely dense) in both trial arms. However, while the mean AGD in the DBT + SM arm declined concomitantly from category A (2.41 mGy) to D (1.89 mGy), it remained almost unchanged in the DM arm (1.46 and 1.51 mGy, respectively). In relative terms, the AGD elevation in the DBT + SM arm (64.4% (A), by 44.5% (B), 27.8% (C), and 26.0% (D)) was lowest in dense breasts where, however, the highest iCDR were observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with dense breasts may specifically benefit from DBT + SM screening as high cancer detection is achieved with only moderate AGD elevations.
    CONCLUSIONS: TOSYMA suggests a favorable constellation for screening with digital breast tomosynthesis plus synthesized mammography (DBT + SM) in dense breasts when weighing average glandular dose elevation against raised invasive breast cancer detection rates. There is potential for density-, i.e., risk-adapted population-wide breast cancer screening with DBT + SM.
    CONCLUSIONS: Breast thickness declines with visually increasing density in digital mammography (DM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). Average glandular doses of DBT decrease with increasing density; digital mammography shows lower and more constant values. With the smallest average glandular dose difference in dense breasts, DBT plus SM had the highest difference in invasive breast cancer detection rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Ethnic minority women in the United States continue to experience racial disparities. Immigrant Arab women (IAW) underutilize mammography screening (MS) even compared with other ethnic minorities. This population still has gaps in knowledge regarding breast cancer (BC) and screening methods and encounters social barriers, highlighting the imperative role of the male figure and the family, which hinders screening. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional design with an exploratory and predictive approach was employed to examine knowledge gaps and perceived social barriers associated with MS and to identify predictive factors of MS among IAW in California. The analysis included 316 women that met the eligibility criteria. Results: Familiarity with MS and awareness of screening recommendations were the specific areas of knowledge significantly associated with mammography uptake (odds ratio [OR] 15.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5.6-40.8, p < 0.001) and (OR 12.07, 95% CI: 7-21, p < 0.001), respectively. Logistic regression revealed three MS predictors, the two knowledge areas and age. Perceived social barriers were significantly associated with age [F (3,312) = 4.684, p = 0.003]. There was a significant difference in social barriers between women in their 40s and those in their 60s (p = 0.002) and between women in their 50s and those in their 60s (p = 0.003), suggesting lower barriers among women in their 60s (M = 14.3). Living status was significantly associated with perceived social barriers [F (1,314) = 8.83, p = 0.003]. Conclusions: This study offered valuable insights for health care professionals, policymakers, and community organizations working to improve BC early detection in immigrant and ethnic women to reduce social disparities and reinforce social justice. Knowledge-deficit areas and social barriers must be analyzed and incorporated in awareness programs to improve screening practices of IAW.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overdiagnosis is the concept that some cancers detected at screening would never have become clinically apparent during a woman\'s lifetime in the absence of screening. This could occur if a woman dies of a cause other than breast cancer in the interval between mammographic detection and clinical detection (obligate overdiagnosis) or if a mammographically detected breast cancer fails to progress to clinical presentation. Overdiagnosis cannot be measured directly. Indirect methods of estimating overdiagnosis include use of data from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) designed to evaluate breast cancer mortality, population-based screening studies, or modeling. In each case, estimates of overdiagnosis must consider lead time, breast cancer incidence trends in the absence of screening, and accurate and predictable rates of tumor progression. Failure to do so has led to widely varying estimates of overdiagnosis. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) considers overdiagnosis a major harm of mammography screening. Their 2024 report estimated overdiagnosis using summary evaluations of 3 RCTs that did not provide screening to their control groups at the end of the screening period, along with Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Network modeling. However, there are major flaws in their evidence sources and modeling estimates, limiting the USPSTF assessment. The most plausible estimates remain those based on observational studies that suggest overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening is 10% or less and can be attributed primarily to obligate overdiagnosis and nonprogressive ductal carcinoma in situ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Breast cancer remains a significant public health issue globally and is notably pervasive within the female population, representing a leading cause of concern. It poses a challenge across different age groups and is influenced by diverse risk factors that include genetic predispositions and various elements of lifestyle. Saudi Arabia, mirroring the global situation, has also seen its share of this disease\'s impact, prompting a closer look at the factors contributing to its prevalence. Educating the public and advocating for lifestyle changes are crucial steps in cancer prevention. With early-stage diagnosis and screening, many lives can potentially be saved. Our research is focused on understanding the level of awareness and preventative practices among women in the Northern Border region of Saudi Arabia. It seeks to explore the influence of familial history on knowledge and perceptions surrounding breast cancer, which could guide future educational and screening programs. Methods This cross-sectional study engaged 643 female participants, aged 18 and above, from the Northern Border region of Saudi Arabia upon their informed consent. Data were compiled via a structured questionnaire encompassing sociodemographic information, breast cancer knowledge, and preventive practices. Results The data disclosed that a significant majority (86%) recognized breast lumps as indicative of breast cancer, with 69.1% cognizant of hereditary risks. Awareness about lactation as a preventative strategy was noted in 76.7% of the participants, followed by 70.6% acknowledging the merits of a healthy diet. The study unveiled no substantial awareness disparity between individuals with or without a family history of the disease. Alarmingly, 80.4% had never sought a breast examination, and a parallel 83.7% had not undergone mammography. Conclusion The study sheds light on the heterogeneity in breast cancer awareness among women in Saudi Arabia\'s Northern Border region. Although the recognition of lumps and the preventative role of lactation is relatively high, there remains a deficit in comprehending additional symptoms, signs, and risk factors. The conspicuously low rates of breast cancer examinations and mammography underscore an urgent need for enhanced educational initiatives and a strategic push toward bolstering participation in regular cancer screenings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There are limited data about food insecurity within the cancer screening setting. To inform the potential need for food insecurity interventions, our study evaluated the association between food security and mammographic screening among eligible participants.
    METHODS: Female respondents aged 40 to 74 years in the 2019 National Health Interview Survey without history of breast cancer were included. Food insecurity was assessed using the Six-Item Food Security Scale developed by the National Center for Health Statistics. The proportion of patients who reported mammographic screening within the last year was estimated, stratified by food security. Multiple variable logistic regression analyses evaluated the association between food security and mammography screening, adjusted for potential confounders. All analyses were performed accounting for complex survey design features.
    RESULTS: In all, 8,956 weighted survey respondents met inclusion criteria; 90.1% were classified as having high or marginal food security, of whom 56.6% reported screening; 6.1% were classified with low food security, of whom 42.1% reported screening; and 3.8% were classified with very low food security, of whom 43.1% reported screening. In our unadjusted analyses, participants with low food security (P < .001) and very low food security (P < .001) were less likely to report screening within the last year. In our adjusted analyses, participants with food insecurity (P = .009) were less likely to report screening.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a nationally representative cross-sectional survey, participants with food insecurity were less likely to report mammography screening. Radiology practices should consider screening patients for food insecurity and social determinants of health. Evidence-based food insecurity interventions may increase adherence to mammography screening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is a growing amount of evidence on the association between cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and breast calcification. Thus, mammographic breast features have recently gained attention as CVD predictors.
    OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the association of mammographic features, including benign calcification, microcalcification, and breast density, with cardiovascular diseases.
    METHODS: This study comprised 6,878,686 women aged ≥40 who underwent mammographic screening between 2009 and 2012 with follow-up until 2020. The mammographic features included benign calcification, microcalcification, and breast density. The cardiovascular diseases associated with the mammographic features were assessed using logistic regression.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of benign calcification, microcalcification, and dense breasts were 9.6 %, 0.9 % and 47.3 % at baseline, respectively. Over a median follow-up of 10 years, benign calcification and microcalcification were positively associated with an increased risk of chronic ischaemic heart disease whereas breast density was inversely associated with it; the corresponding aOR (95 % CI) was 1.14 (1.10-1.17), 1.19 (1.03-1.15), and 0.88 (0.85-0.90), respectively. A significantly increased risk of chronic ischaemic heart disease (IHD) was observed among women with benign calcifications (aHR, 1.14; 95 % CI 1.10-1.17) and microcalcifications (aOR, 1.19; 95 % CI 1.06-1.33). Women with microcalcifications had a 1.16-fold (95 % CI 1.03-1.30) increased risk of heart failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Mammographic calcifications were associated with an increased risk of chronic ischaemic heart diseases, whereas dense breast was associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Thus, the mammographic features identified on breast cancer screening may provide an opportunity for cardiovascular disease risk identification and prevention.





