Major facilitator superfamily

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane proteins play critical roles in cell physiology and pathology. The conventional way to study membrane proteins at protein levels is to use optimal detergents to extract proteins from membranes. Identification of the optimal detergent is tedious , and in some cases, the protein functions are compromised. While this detergent-based approach has produced meaningful results in membrane protein research, a lipid environment should be more suitable to recapture the protein\'s native folding and functions. This protocol describes how to prepare amphipathic membrane scaffold-proteins (MSPs)-based nanodiscs of a cation-coupled melibiose symporter of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (MelBSt), a member of the major facilitator superfamily. MSPs generate nano-assemblies containing membrane proteins surrounded by a patch of native lipids to better preserve their native conformations and functions. This protocol requires purified membrane protein in detergents, purified MSPs in solution, and detergent-destabilized phospholipids. The mixture of all three components at specific ratios is incubated in the presence of Bio-Beads SM-2 resins, which absorb all detergent molecules, allowing the membrane protein to associate with lipids surrounded by the MSPs. By reconstituting the purified membrane proteins back into their native-like lipid environment, these nanodisc-like particles can be directly used in cryo-EM single-particle analysis for structure determination and other biophysical analyses. It is noted that nanodiscs may potentially limit the dynamics of membrane proteins due to suboptimal nanodisc size compared to the native lipid bilayer. Key features • This protocol was built based on the method originally developed by Sligar et al. [1] and modified for a specific major facilitator superfamily transporter • This protocol is robust and reproducible • Lipid nanodiscs can increase membrane protein stability, and reconstituted transporters in lipid nanodiscs can regain function if their function is compromised using detergents • The reconstituted lipids nanodisc can be used for cryo-EM single-particle analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ergot alkaloids are fungal natural products with important roles in agriculture and medicine. We used heterologous expression and gene knockout approaches to investigate potential roles for the product of a major facilitator superfamily transporter gene (easT) recently found in an ergot alkaloid biosynthetic gene cluster in Aspergillus leporis. A strain of Aspergillus fumigatus previously engineered to accumulate lysergic acid, but which did not convert the precursor agroclavine to lysergic acid efficiently or secrete lysergic acid well, was chosen as an expression host for easT. Expression of easT in this strain resulted in accumulation of significantly more pathway intermediates but no detectable lysergic acid. Secretion of ergot alkaloids was reduced in the easT-expressing strain. EasT localized to discrete vesicle-like structures in the cytosol of A. fumigatus, with no localization detected in the plasma membrane. When easT was knocked out in A. leporis, accumulation of lysergic acid amides was reduced relative to the wild type. There was no negative effect on secretion of ergot alkaloids in the knockout mutant. The data indicate that easT encodes a product that contributes to accumulation of ergot alkaloids, perhaps by transporting intermediates between cellular compartments, but does not have a significant role in secreting ergot alkaloids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) of proteins constitutes a large group of related solute transporters found across all known living taxa of organisms. The transporters of the MFS contain an extremely diverse array of substrates, including ions, molecules of intermediary metabolism, and structurally different antimicrobial agents. First discovered over 30 years ago, the MFS represents an important collection of integral membrane transporters. Bacterial microorganisms expressing multidrug efflux pumps belonging to the MFS are considered serious pathogens, accounting for alarming morbidity and mortality numbers annually. This review article considers recent advances in the structure-function relationships, the transport mechanism, and modulation of MFS multidrug efflux pumps within the context of drug resistance mechanisms of bacterial pathogens of public health concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus, a gram-positive bacterial pathogen, develops antibiotic resistance partly through enhanced activity of transmembrane multi-drug efflux pump proteins like NorA. Being a prominent member of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS), NorA transports various small molecules including hydrophilic fluoroquinolone antibiotics across the cell membrane. Intriguingly, NorA is inhibited by a structurally diverse set of small molecule inhibitors as well, indicating a highly promiscuous ligand/inhibitor recognition. Our study aims to elucidate the structural facets of this promiscuity. Known NorA inhibitors were grouped into five clusters based on chemical class and docked into ligand binding pockets on NorA conformations generated via molecular dynamics simulations. We discovered that several key residues, such as I23, E222, and F303, are involved in inhibitor binding. Additionally, residues I244, T223, F303, and F140 were identified as prominent in interactions with specific ligand clusters. Our findings suggest that NorA\'s substrate binding site, encompassing residues aiding ligand recognition based on chemical nature, facilitates the recognition of chemically diverse ligands. This insight into NorA\'s structural promiscuity in ligand recognition not only enhances understanding of antibiotic resistance mechanisms in S. aureus but also sets the stage for the development of more effective efflux pump inhibitors, vital for combating multidrug resistance.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Filamentous fungi like Neurospora crassa are able to take up and metabolize important sugars present, for example, in agricultural and human food wastes. However, only a fraction of all putative sugar transporters in filamentous fungi has been characterized to date, and for many sugar substrates, the corresponding transporters are unknown. In N. crassa, only 14 out of the 42 putative major facilitator superfamily (MFS)-type sugar transporters have been characterized so far. To uncover this hidden potential for biotechnology, it is therefore necessary to find new strategies. By correlation of the uptake profile of sugars of interest after different induction conditions with the expression profiles of all 44 genes encoding predicted sugar transporters in N. crassa, together with an exhaustive phylogenetic analysis using sequences of characterized fungal sugar transporters, we aimed to identify transporter candidates for the tested sugars. Following this approach, we found a high correlation of uptake rates and expression strengths for many sugars with dedicated transporters, like galacturonic acid and arabinose, while the correlation is loose for sugars that are transported by several transporters due to functional redundancy. Nevertheless, this combinatorial approach allowed us to elucidate the uptake system for the disaccharide lactose, a by-product of the dairy industry, which consists of the two main cellodextrin transporters CDT-1 and CDT-2 with a minor contribution of the related transporter NCU00809. Moreover, a non-MFS transporter involved in glycerol transport was also identified. Deorphanization of sugar transporters or identification of transporters for orphan sugar substrates by correlation of uptake kinetics with transporter expression and phylogenetic information can thus provide a way to optimize the reuse of food industry by-products and agricultural wastes by filamentous fungi in order to create economic value and reduce their environmental impact. KEY POINTS: • The Neurospora crassa genome contains 30 uncharacterized putative sugar transporter genes. • Correlation of transporter expression and sugar uptake profiles can help to identify transporters for orphan sugar substrates. • CDT-1, CDT-2, and NCU00809 are key players in the transport of the dairy by-product lactose in N. crassa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aspergillus niger is an important filamentous fungus used for the industrial production of citric acid. One of the most important factors that affect citric acid production is the concentration of manganese(II) ions present in the culture broth. Under manganese(II)-limiting conditions, the fungus develops a pellet-like morphology that is crucial for high citric acid accumulation. The impact of manganese(II) ions on the transcription of the major citrate exporter encoding gene cexA was studied under manganese(II)-deficient and -sufficient conditions. Furthermore, citric acid production was analyzed in overexpression mutant strains of cexA in the presence and absence of manganese(II) ions, and the influence of CexA on fungal morphology was investigated by microscopy. Transcriptional upregulation of cexA in the absence of manganese(II) ions was observed and, by decoupling cexA expression from the native promoter system, it was possible to secrete more citric acid even in the presence of manganese. This effect was shown for both an inducible and a constitutive overexpression of cexA. Furthermore, it was found that the presence of CexA influences fungal morphology and promotes a more branched phenotype. According to this study, manganese(II) ions suppress transcription of the citrate exporter cexA in Aspergillus niger, causing citric acid secretion to decrease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biological membrane surrounding all living cells forms a hydrophobic barrier to the passage of biologically important molecules. Integral membrane proteins called transporters circumvent the cellular barrier and transport molecules across the cell membrane. These molecular transporters enable the uptake and exit of molecules for cell growth and homeostasis. One important collection of related transporters is the major facilitator superfamily (MFS). This large group of proteins harbors passive and secondary active transporters. The transporters of the MFS consist of uniporters, symporters, and antiporters, which share similarities in structures, predicted mechanism of transport, and highly conserved amino acid sequence motifs. In particular, the antiporter motif, called motif C, is found primarily in antiporters of the MFS. The antiporter motif\'s molecular elements mediate conformational changes and other molecular physiological roles during substrate transport across the membrane. This review article traces the history of the antiporter motif. It summarizes the physiological evidence reported that supports these biological roles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proton-dependent oligopeptide transporters (POTs) are promiscuous transporters of the major facilitator superfamily that constitute the main route of entry for a wide range of dietary peptides and orally administrated peptidomimetic drugs. Given their clinical and pathophysiological relevance, several POT homologs have been studied extensively at the structural and molecular level. However, the molecular basis of recognition and transport of diverse peptide substrates has remained elusive. We present 14 X-ray structures of the bacterial POT DtpB in complex with chemically diverse di- and tripeptides, providing novel insights into the plasticity of the conserved central binding cavity. We analyzed binding affinities for more than 80 peptides and monitored uptake by a fluorescence-based transport assay. To probe whether all 8400 natural di- and tripeptides can bind to DtpB, we employed state-of-the-art molecular docking and machine learning and conclude that peptides with compact hydrophobic residues are the best DtpB binders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial pathogens resistant to multiple structurally distinct antimicrobial agents are causative agents of infectious disease, and they thus constitute a serious concern for public health. Of the various bacterial mechanisms for antimicrobial resistance, active efflux is a well-known system that extrudes clinically relevant antimicrobial agents, rendering specific pathogens recalcitrant to the growth-inhibitory effects of multiple drugs. In particular, multidrug efflux pump members of the major facilitator superfamily constitute central resistance systems in bacterial pathogens. This review article addresses the recent efforts to modulate these antimicrobial efflux transporters from a molecular perspective. Such investigations can potentially restore the clinical efficacy of infectious disease chemotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proton-coupled oligopeptide transporters (POTs) are a fundamental part of the cellular transport machinery that provides plants, bacteria, and mammals with nutrition in the form of short peptides. However, POTs are not restricted to peptide transport; mammalian POTs have especially been in focus due to their ability to transport several peptidomimetics in the small intestine. Herein, we studied a POT from Clostridium perfringens (CPEPOT), which unexpectedly exhibited atypical characteristics. First, very little uptake of a fluorescently labelled peptide β-Ala-Lys-AMCA, an otherwise good substrate of several other bacterial POTs, was observed. Secondly, in the presence of a competitor peptide, enhanced uptake of β-Ala-Lys-AMCA was observed due to trans-stimulation. This effect was also observed even in the absence of a proton electrochemical gradient, suggesting that β-Ala-Lys-AMCA uptake mediated by CPEPOT is likely through the substrate-concentration-driving exchange mechanism, unlike any other functionally characterized bacterial POTs.





