
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To measure the size of jugular foramina in infants affected by external hydrocephalus (EH) and in a control group, to support the hypothesis that a jugular foramen (JF) stenosis may determine dural venous sinus alterations and increased venous outflow resistance as main pathophysiological factor.
    METHODS: Minimum, maximum, and mean values of JF areas were measured in a series of phase-contrast magnetic resonance venous angiography (angio MRV PCA3D) performed on 81 infants affected by EH. Results were compared with a group of 54 controls.
    RESULTS: Smaller JF area was significantly smaller in patients versus controls (43.1 ± 14.6 vs. 52.7 ± 17.8; p < 0.001) resulting in a significantly smaller mean JF areas in patients vs. controls (51.6 ± 15.8 vs. 57.0 ± 18.3; p = 0.043). In patients, smaller JF areas were significantly associated with higher venous obstruction grading score (VOGS) both on the right (p = 0.018) and on the left side (p = 0.005). Positional plagiocephaly (cranial vault asymmetry index > 3.5%) was more frequent among EH patients than controls (38/17) but the difference was not significant (p = 0.07). In the 38 plagiocephalic patients, JF area was smaller on the flattened side than the contralateral in a significant number of cases both in right (21/7) and left (9/1) plagiocephaly (p < 0.0005) as well as the mean area (48.2 + 16.4 mm2 vs. 57.5 + 20.7 mm2, p = 0.002) and VOGS was significantly higher on the plagiocephalic side than on the contralateral side (1.6 ± 1.1 vs. 1.1 ± 0.9, p = 0.019).
    CONCLUSIONS: In this series of infants affected by EH, the mean size of the ostium of both JF resulted significantly smaller than controls. JF stenosis was significantly associated with higher degrees of venous obstruction on both sides, suggesting a direct extrinsic effect of JF size on dural sinus lumen and possible consequent effect on venous outflow resistance. Positional plagiocephaly, when present, was associated with a decreased JF area and increased VOGS on the flattened side.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the anatomical variations of dural venous sinuses in children with external hydrocephalus, proposing a radiological grading of progressive anatomic restriction to venous outflow based on brain phase-contrast magnetic resonance venography (PC-MRV); to evaluate the correlation between positional plagiocephaly and dural sinuses patency; and to compare these findings with a control group to ascertain the role of anatomical restriction to venous outflow in the pathophysiology of external hydrocephalus.
    Brain MRI and PC MRV were performed in 97 children (76 males, 21 females) diagnosed with external hydrocephalus at an average age of 8.22 months. Reduction of patency of the dural sinuses was graded as 1 (stenosis), 2 (complete stop) and 3 (complete agenesis) for each transverse/sigmoid sinus and sagittal sinus. Anatomical restriction was graded for each patient from 0 (symmetric anatomy of patent dural sinuses) through 6 (bilateral agenesis of both transverse sinuses). Ventricular and subarachnoid spaces were measured above the intercommissural plane using segmentation software. Positional plagiocephaly (PP) and/or asymmetric tentorial insertion (ATI) was correlated with the presence and grading of venous sinus obstruction. These results were compared with a retrospective control group of 75 patients (35 males, 40 females).
    Both the rate (84.53% vs 25.33%) and the grading (mean 2.59 vs mean 0.45) of anomalies of dural sinuses were significantly higher in case group than in control group. In the case group, sinus anomalies were asymmetric in 59 cases (right-left ratio 1/1) and symmetric in 22. A significant association was detected between the grading of venous drainage alterations and diagnosis of disease and between the severity of vascular anomalies and the widening of subarachnoid space (SAS). Postural plagiocephaly (39.1% vs 21.3%) and asymmetric tentorial insertion (35.4% vs 17.3%) were significantly more frequent in the case group than in the control group. When sinus anomalies occurred in plagiocephalic children, the obstruction grading was significantly higher on the flattened side (p ≤ 0.001).
    Decreased patency of the dural sinuses and consequent increased venous outflow resistance may play a role in the pathophysiology of external hydrocephalus in the first 3 years of life. In plagiocephalic children, calvarial flattening may impact on the homolateral dural sinus patency, with a possible effect on the anatomy of dural sinuses and venous drainage in the first months of life.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Macrocephaly is a common finding in infants and is often idiopathic or familial. In the absence of clinical signs and symptoms, it can be difficult to determine when concern for underlying pathology is justified.
    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to determine the utility of screening head ultrasound (US) in asymptomatic infants with macrocephaly and to identify clinical factors associated with significant US findings.
    METHODS: A 20-year retrospective review was performed of infants undergoing head US for macrocephaly or rapidly increasing head circumference. Data collected included age, gender, head circumference at birth and at the time of US, specialty of the ordering physician, US findings, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and clinical course including interventions.
    RESULTS: Four hundred and forty infants met inclusion criteria. Two hundred and eighty studies (64%) were found to be normal, 137 (31%) had incidental findings, 17 (3.8%) had indeterminate but potentially significant findings, and 6 (1.4%) had significant findings. Twenty of the 23 infants with indeterminate or significant findings had subsequent CT or MRI. This confirmed significant findings in eight infants (1.8%): three subdural hematomas, two intracranial tumors, two aqueductal stenoses, and one middle fossa cyst. Five of the eight infants required surgical procedures. The only statistically significant association found with having a significant finding on head US was head circumference at birth.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound is a useful initial study to evaluate infantile macrocephaly, identifying several treatable causes in our study and, when negative, effectively excluding significant pathology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the characteristic neuroimaging features of a rare metabolic leukodystrophy in an 8-year-old boy, born of consanguineous parenthood. The child presented with macrocrania, regression of milestones, and dystonia. The patient was referred for magnetic resonance imaging with a clinical diagnosis of postmeningitic hydrocephalus. Imaging revealed ventriculomegaly, diffuse brain atrophy, bilaterally symmetric widened sylvian fissure with temporal lobe hypoplasia, periventricular white-matter hyperintensities, and atrophy with hyperintensity in bilateral basal ganglia was also seen. These imaging features were signatory to arrive at a diagnosis of glutaric aciduria type 1. This disorder may mimic other neurological diseases such as postmeningitic hydrocephalus, which delays the diagnosis. Since early diagnosis and treatment can arrest progression, increased awareness about this condition among radiologists will certainly prevent erroneous diagnosis as had occurred in our patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suprasellar arachnoid cysts (SAC) in children are considered rare, but the incidence is increasing due to the improvement of prenatal diagnosis. We present 15 cases of SAC diagnosed during the antenatal period between 2005 and 2015. The records were reviewed retrospectively by specifying the radiological characteristics, treatment modalities, outcomes, and long-term monitoring. Mean follow-up was 71 months. The forms (SAC-1) accounted for 2 cases (13%) with hydrocephalus. We observed 8 (53%) lower forms (SAC-2) with interpeduncular cistern expansion without hydrocephalus. The 5 (33.5%) remaining patients showed asymmetrical forms (SAC-3). Six patients (40%) were treated by ventriculo-cysto-cisternostomy, 1 by fetoscopy, 1 (6.5%) by ventriculo-peritoneal shunt, 2 (13.5%) by pterional craniotomy, and 6 (40%) were simply followed. The surgical outcomes were initially favorable in 9 cases (100%), 1 patient (13%) had to be re-treated later. Non-operated patients were all type 2 and showed no radiological changes. In the long-term, 1 patient (6.5%) had endocrine disruption, 1 had delayed development, 2 (13.5%) had minor neuropsychological impairments, and 1 had epilepsy. Combined monitoring with prenatal MRI and ultrasound can be used to distinguish three subtypes of SAC. SAC-1 and SAC-3 have an excellent prognosis after treatment in the perinatal period. SAC-2 can benefit from simple monitoring and remain asymptomatic in their majority. This classification allows a better prognosis estimation and better treatment decision.





