  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Periodic paralysis is a rare, dominantly inherited disorder of skeletal muscle in which episodic attacks of weakness are caused by a transient impairment of fiber excitability. Attacks of weakness are often elicited by characteristic environmental triggers, which were the basis for clinically delineating subtypes of periodic paralysis and are an important distinction for optimal disease management. All forms of familial periodic paralysis are caused by mutations of ion channels, often selectively expressed in skeletal muscle, that destabilize the resting potential. The missense mutations usually alter channel function through gain-of-function changes rather than producing a complete loss-of-function null. The knowledge of which channel gene harbors a variant, whether that variant is expected to (or known to) alter function, and how altered function impairs fiber excitability aides in the interpretation of patient signs and symptoms, the interpretation of gene test results, and how to optimize therapeutic intervention for symptom management and improve quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inherited myotonias are a complex group of diseases caused by variations in genes that encode or modulate the expression of ion channels that regulate muscle excitability. These variations alter muscle membrane excitability allowing mild depolarization, causing myotonic discharges. There are two groups of inherited myotonia, the dystrophic and the nondystrophic myotonias (NDM). Patients with NDM have a pure muscle phenotype with variations in channel genes expressed in muscle. The dystrophic myotonias are caused by genes that alter splicing leading to more systemic effects with myotonia being one of a number of systemic symptoms. This chapter therefore focuses on the key aspects of the NDMs. The NDMs manifest with varying clinical phenotypes, which change from infancy to adulthood. The pathogenicity of different variants can be determined using heterologous expression systems to understand the alteration in channel properties and predict the likelihood of causing disease. Myotonia itself can be managed by lifestyle modifications. A number of randomized controlled trials demonstrate efficacy of mexiletine and lamotrigine in treating myotonia, but there is an evidence that specific variants may be more or less well-treated by the different agents because of how they alter the channel kinetics. More work is needed to develop more targeted genetic treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuromyotonia is continuous peripheral nerve hyper-excitability manifesting in muscle twitching at rest (myokymia), inducible cramps and impaired muscle relaxation, and characterized by EMG findings of spontaneous single motor unit discharges (with doublet, triplet, or multiplet morphology). The disorder may be genetic, acquired, and often in the acquired cases autoimmune. This chapter focuses on autoimmune acquired causes. Autoimmune associations include mainly contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CASPR2) antibody-associated disease (previously termed as VGKC or voltage-gated potassium channel antibody-associated neuromyotonia) (van Sonderen et al., 2016, p. 2), leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 (LGI1) antibody disease, the Guillain-Barré syndrome, NMDAR encephalitis (Varley et al., 2019), and IgLON5 (Gaig et al., 2021) disease. Nonimmune associations include radiation-induced plexopathy. An association with myasthenia gravis and other autoimmune disorders, response to plasma exchange (Newsom-Davis and Mills, 1993) and physiologically induced changes in mice injected with patient-derived immunoglobulins led to the discovery of autoantibodies to juxtaparanodal proteins complexed with potassium channels (Shillito et al., 1995). The target of the antibodies is most commonly the CASPR2 protein. The disorder may be paraneoplastic, and a search for and treatment of an underlying tumor is a necessary step. In cases in which there is evidence for an immune cause, then immune suppression, with an emerging role for B cell-depleting therapies, is associated with a good clinical outcome. In parallel, sodium channel blocking drugs remain effective symptomatic therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pediatric skeletal muscle channelopathies include a spectrum of conditions including nondystrophic myotonias and periodic paralyses. They are rare inherited conditions that can cause significant morbidity. They are characterized by episodic stiffness and weakness. While there is significant phenotypic variability, there are distinct diagnostic features. The nondystrophic myotonias encompass myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, and sodium channel myotonia caused by mutations in chloride and sodium channels. The clinical manifestations vary across age groups and a small subset with sodium channel mutations may have severe presentation with fetal akinesia, laryngospasm, or congenital myopathy. The periodic paralyses include hypokalemic periodic paralysis, hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, and Andersen-Tawil syndrome. The phenotypic differences between the groups can be helpful in diagnosis. It is important to review the cardiac phenotype in Andersen-Tawil syndrome due to a risk of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Early and accurate diagnosis utilizing clinical features aided by investigations is important across all the pediatric channelopathies, as effective symptomatic treatment is available and can substantially improve quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in SCN4A gene encoding Nav1.4 channel α-subunit, are known to cause neuromuscular disorders such as myotonia or paralysis. Here, we study the effect of two amino acid replacements, K1302Q and G1306E, in the DIII-IV loop of the channel, corresponding to mutations found in patients with myotonia. We combine clinical, electrophysiological, and molecular modeling data to provide a holistic picture of the molecular mechanisms operating in mutant channels and eventually leading to pathology. We analyze the existing clinical data for patients with the K1302Q substitution, which was reported for adults with or without myotonia phenotypes, and report two new unrelated patients with the G1306E substitution, who presented with severe neonatal episodic laryngospasm and childhood-onset myotonia. We provide a functional analysis of the mutant channels by expressing Nav1.4 α-subunit in Xenopus oocytes in combination with β1 subunit and recording sodium currents using two-electrode voltage clamp. The K1302Q variant exhibits abnormal voltage dependence of steady-state fast inactivation, being the likely cause of pathology. K1302Q does not lead to decelerated fast inactivation, unlike several other myotonic mutations such as G1306E. For both mutants, we observe increased window currents corresponding to a larger population of channels available for activation. To elaborate the structural rationale for our experimental data, we explore the contacts involving K/Q1302 and E1306 in the AlphaFold2 model of wild-type Nav1.4 and Monte Carlo-minimized models of mutant channels. Our data provide the missing evidence to support the classification of K1302Q variant as likely pathogenic and may be used by clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The function of the chloride channel ClC-1 is crucial for the control of muscle excitability. Thus, reduction of ClC-1 functions by CLCN1 mutations leads to myotonia congenita. Many different animal models have contributed to understanding the myotonia pathophysiology. However, these models do not allow in vivo screening of potentially therapeutic drugs, as the zebrafish model does. In this work, we identified and characterized the two zebrafish orthologues (clc-1a and clc-1b) of the ClC-1 channel. Both channels are mostly expressed in the skeletal muscle as revealed by RT-PCR, western blot, and electrophysiological recordings of myotubes, and clc-1a is predominantly expressed in adult stages. Characterization in Xenopus oocytes shows that the zebrafish channels display similar anion selectivity and voltage dependence to their human counterparts. However, they show reduced sensitivity to the inhibitor 9-anthracenecarboxylic acid (9-AC), and acidic pH inverts the voltage dependence of activation. Reduction of clc-1a/b expression hampers spontaneous and mechanically stimulated movement, which could be reverted by expression of human ClC-1 but not by some ClC-1 containing myotonia mutations. Treatment of clc-1-depleted zebrafish with mexiletine, a typical drug used in human myotonia, improves the motor behaviour. Our work extends the repertoire of ClC channels to evolutionary structure-function studies and proposes the zebrafish clcn1 crispant model as a simple tool to find novel therapies for myotonia. KEY POINTS: We have identified two orthologues of ClC-1 in zebrafish (clc-1a and clc-1b) which are mostly expressed in skeletal muscle at different developmental stages. Functional characterization of the activity of these channels reveals many similitudes with their mammalian counterparts, although they are less sensitive to 9-AC and acidic pH inverts their voltage dependence of gating. Reduction of clc-1a/b expression hampers spontaneous and mechanically stimulated movement which could be reverted by expression of human ClC-1. Myotonia-like symptoms caused by clc-1a/b depletion can be reverted by mexiletine, suggesting that this model could be used to find novel therapies for myotonia.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Introduction. During the development of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Antioquia, we experienced epidemiological peaks related to the α, ɣ, β, ƛ, and δ variants. δ had the highest incidence and prevalence. This lineage is of concern due to its clinical manifestations and epidemiological characteristics. A total of 253 δ sublineages have been reported in the PANGOLIN database. The sublineage identification through genomic analysis has made it possible to trace their evolution and propagation. Objective. To characterize the genetic diversity of the different SARS-CoV-2 δ sublineages in Antioquia and to describe its prevalence. Materials and methods. We collected sociodemographic information from 2,675 samples, and obtained 1,115 genomes from the GISAID database between July 12th, 2021, and January 18th, 2022. From the analyzed genomes, 515 were selected because of their high coverage values (>90%) to perform phylogenetic analysis and to infer allele frequencies of mutations of interest. Results. We characterized 24 sublineages. The most prevalent was AY.25. Mutations of interest as L452R, P681R, and P681H were identified in this sublineage, comprising a frequency close to 0.99. Conclusions. This study identified that the AY.25 sublineage has a transmission advantage compared to the other δ sublineages. This attribute may be related to the presence of the L452R and P681R mutations associated in other studies with higher evasion of the immune system and less efficacy of drugs against SARS-CoV-2.
    Introducción. Durante el desarrollo de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en Antioquia se presentaron picos epidemiológicos relacionados con las variantes α, ɣ, β, ƛ y δ, donde δ tuvo la mayor incidencia y prevalencia. Este linaje se considera una variante de preocupación dadas las manifestaciones clínicas que desencadena y sus características epidemiológicas. Se han informado 253 sublinajes δ en la base de datos PANGOLIN. La identificación de estos sublinajes mediante análisis genómico ha permitido rastrear su evolución y propagación. Objetivo. Caracterizar la diversidad genética de los diferentes sublinajes δ de SARSCoV-2 en Antioquia y determinar su prevalencia. Materiales y métodos. Se recopiló información sociodemográfica de 2.675 muestras y de 1.115 genomas del repositorio GISAID entre el 12 de julio de 2021 y el 18 de enero de 2022. Se seleccionaron 501 por su alto porcentaje de cobertura (>90 %) para realizar análisis filogenéticos e inferencia de frecuencias alélicas de mutaciones de interés. Resultados. Se caracterizaron 24 sublinajes donde el más prevalente fue AY.25. En este sublinaje se identificaron mutaciones de interés como L452R, P681R y P681H, que comprendían una frecuencia cercana a 0,99. Conclusiones. Este estudio permitió identificar que el sublinaje AY.25 tiene una ventaja de transmisión en comparación con los otros sublinajes δ. Esto puede estar relacionado con la presencia de las mutaciones L452R y P681R que en otros estudios se han visto asociadas con una mayor transmisibilidad, evasión del sistema inmunitario y menor eficacia de los medicamentos contra SARS-CoV-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Myotonia is a clinical sign typical of a group of skeletal muscle channelopathies, the non-dystrophic myotonias. These disorders are electrophysiologically characterized by altered membrane excitability, due to specific genetic variants in known causative genes (CLCN1 and SCN4A). Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) is an epileptic syndrome identified as idiopathic generalized epilepsy, its genetics is complex and still unclarified. The co-occurrence of these two phenotypes is rare and the causes likely have a genetic background. In this study, we have genetically investigated an Italian family in which co-segregates myotonia, JME, or abnormal EEG without seizures was observed.
    METHODS: All six individuals of the family, 4 affected and 2 unaffected, were clinically evaluated; EMG and EEG examinations were performed. For genetic testing, Exome Sequencing was performed for the six family members and Sanger sequencing was used to confirm the candidate variant.
    RESULTS: Four family members, the mother and three siblings, were affected by myotonia. Moreover, EEG recordings revealed interictal generalized sharp-wave discharges in all affected individuals, and two siblings were affected by JME. All four affected members share the same identified variant, c.644 T > C, p.Ile215Thr, in SCN4A gene. Variants that could account for the epileptic phenotype alone, separately from the myotonic one, were not identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide supporting evidence that both myotonic and epileptic phenotypes could share a common genetic background, due to variants in SCN4A gene. SCN4A pathogenic variants, already known to be causative of myotonia, likely increase the susceptibility to epilepsy in our family.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study analyzed all members of an Italian family, in which the mother and three siblings had myotonia and epilepsy. Genetic analysis allowed to identify a variant in the SCN4A gene, which appears to be the cause of both clinical signs in this family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As the most common subtype of adult muscular dystrophy worldwide, large cohort reports on myotonic dystrophy type I (DM1) in China are still lacking. This study aims to analyze the genetic and clinical characteristics of Chinese Han DM1 patients.
    METHODS: Based on the multicenter collaborating effort of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta Alliance for Neuromuscular Disorders, patients with suspected clinical diagnoses of DM1 were genetically confirmed from January 2020 to April 2023. Peak CTG repeats in the DMPK gene were analyzed using triplet repeat-primed PCR (TP-PCR) and flanking PCR. Time-to-event analysis of onset age in females and males was performed. Additionally, detailed clinical features and longitudinal changes from the disease onset in 64 DM1 patients were retrospectively collected and analyzed. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Fatigue Severity Scale were used to quantify the severity of daytime sleepiness and fatigue.
    RESULTS: Among the 211 genetically confirmed DM1 patients, the mean age at diagnosis was 40.9 ± 12.2 (range: 12-74) with a male-to-female ratio of 124:87. The average size of CTG repeats was 511.3 (range: 92-1945). Among the DM1 patients with comprehensive clinical data (n = 64, mean age 41.0 ± 12.0), the age at onset was significantly earlier in males than in females (4.8 years earlier, p = 0.026). Muscle weakness (92.2%), myotonia (85.9%), and fatigue (73.4%) were the most prevalent clinical features. The predominant involved muscles at onset are hands (weakness or myotonia) (52.6%) and legs (walking disability) (42.1%). Of them, 70.3% of patients had daytime sleepiness, 14.1% had cataract surgery, 7.8% used wheelchairs, 4.7% required ventilatory support, and 1.6% required gastric tubes. Regarding the comorbidities, 4.7% of patients had tumors, 17.2% had diabetes, 23.4% had dyspnea, 28.1% had intermittent insomnia, 43.8% experienced dysphagia, and 25% exhibited cognitive impairment. Chinese patients exhibited smaller size of CTG repeats (468 ± 139) than those reported in Italy (613 ± 623), the US (629 ± 386), and Japan (625 [302, 1047]), and milder phenotypes with less multisystem involvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese Han DM1 patients presented milder phenotypes compared to their Caucasian and Japanese counterparts. A male predominance and an early age of onset were identified in male Chinese Han DM1 patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: DM1 is a multisystem disorder caused by expansion of a CTG triplet repeat in the 3\' non-coding region of DMPK. Neuropsychological consequences and sleep abnormalities are important associations in DM1.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical phenotype, disease progression and characterize the sleep alterations and cognitive abnormalities in a sub-set of patients.
    METHODS: A retrospective study on 120 genetically confirmed DM1 cases. Findings in neuropsychological assessment and multiple sleep questionnaires were compared with 14 age and sex matched healthy individuals. All 120 patients were contacted through letters/telephonic consultation/hospital visits to record their latest physical and functional disabilities.
    RESULTS: The mean age at symptom onset was 23.1 ± 11.4 years, M: F = 3.8:1, mean duration of illness = 14.3 ± 9.5 years. Clinically 54.2% had adult onset form, juvenile = 27.5%, infantile = 10.8%, late adult onset = 7.5%. Paternal transmission occurred more frequently. The predominant initial symptoms were myotonia (37.5%), hand weakness (21.7%), lower limb weakness (23.3%) and bulbar (10%). Twenty patients completed sleep questionnaires (SQ). Abnormal scores were noted in Epworth sleepiness scale (55%); Pittsburgh sleep quality index (45%); Berlin SQ (30%); Rapid eye movement sleep Behaviour Disorder SQ (15%); Restless leg syndrome rating scale (10%). Neuropsychological assessment of 20 patients revealed frontal executive dysfunction, attention impairment and visuospatial dysfunction. Frontal lobe was most affected (72%) followed by parietal (16%) and temporal lobe (12%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides a comprehensive account of the clinical characteristics in Indian patients with DM1. Hypersomnolence was most commonly seen. Excessive daytime sleepiness and Sleep disordered breathing were the most common sleep related abnormality. Cognitive impairment comprised predominantly of frontal lobe dysfunction.





