• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Golgi complex plays an active role in organizing asymmetric microtubule arrays, which are essential for polarized vesicle transport. The coiled-coil protein MTCL1 stabilizes microtubules nucleated from the Golgi membrane. Here, we report an MTCL1 paralog, MTCL2, which preferentially acts on the perinuclear microtubules accumulated around the Golgi. MTCL2 associates with the Golgi membrane through the N-terminal coiled-coil region and directly binds microtubules through the conserved C-terminal domain without promoting microtubule stabilization. Knockdown of MTCL2 significantly impaired microtubule accumulation around the Golgi, as well as the compactness of the Golgi ribbon assembly structure. Given that MTCL2 forms parallel oligomers through homo-interaction of the central coiled-coil motifs, our results indicate that MTCL2 promotes asymmetric microtubule organization by crosslinking microtubules on the Golgi membrane. Results of in vitro wound healing assays further suggest that this function of MTCL2 enables integration of the centrosomal and Golgi-associated microtubules on the Golgi membrane, supporting directional migration. Additionally, the results demonstrated the involvement of CLASPs and giantin in mediating the Golgi association of MTCL2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CLASPs are key modulators of microtubule dynamics throughout the cell cycle. During mitosis, CLASPs independently associate with growing microtubule plus-ends and kinetochores and play essential roles in chromosome segregation. In a proteomic survey for human CLASP1-interacting proteins during mitosis, we have previously identified SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1, whose mitotic roles remained uncharacterized. Here we performed an initial functional characterization of human SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1 during mitosis. Using specific polyclonal antibodies raised against SOGA proteins, we confirmed their expression and reciprocal interaction with CLASP1 and CLASP2 during mitosis. In addition, we found that both SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1 are phospho-regulated during mitosis by CDK1. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that SOGA2/MTCL1 co-localizes with mitotic spindle microtubules and spindle poles throughout mitosis and both SOGA proteins are enriched at the midbody during mitotic exit/cytokinesis. GFP-tagging of SOGA2/MTCL1 further revealed a microtubule-independent localization at kinetochores. Live-cell imaging after siRNA-mediated knockdown of SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1 showed that they are independently required for distinct aspects of chromosome segregation. Thus, SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1 are bona fide CLASP-interacting proteins during mitosis required for faithful chromosome segregation in human cells.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The establishment of epithelial polarity is tightly linked to the dramatic reorganization of microtubules (MTs) from a radial array to a vertical alignment of non-centrosomal MT bundles along the lateral membrane, and a meshwork under the apical and basal membranes. However, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanism of this polarity-dependent MT remodeling. The evolutionarily conserved cell polarity-regulating kinase PAR-1 (known as MARK in mammals), whose activity is essential for maintaining the dynamic state of MTs, has indispensable roles in promoting this process. Here, we identify a novel PAR-1-binding protein, which we call microtubule crosslinking factor 1 (MTCL1), that crosslinks MTs through its N-terminal MT-binding region and subsequent coiled-coil motifs. MTCL1 colocalized with the apicobasal MT bundles in epithelial cells, and its knockdown impaired the development of these MT bundles and the epithelial-cell-specific columnar shape. Rescue experiments revealed that the N-terminal MT-binding region was indispensable for restoring these defects of the knockdown cells. MT regrowth assays indicated that MTCL1 was not required for the initial radial growth of MTs from the apical centrosome but was essential for the accumulation of non-centrosomal MTs to the sublateral regions. Interestingly, MTCL1 recruited a subpopulation of PAR-1b (known as MARK2 in mammals) to the apicobasal MT bundles, and its interaction with PAR-1b was required for MTCL1-dependent development of the apicobasal MT bundles. These results suggest that MTCL1 mediates the epithelial-cell-specific reorganization of non-centrosomal MTs through its MT-crosslinking activity, and cooperates with PAR-1b to maintain the correct temporal balance between dynamic and stable MTs within the apicobasal MT bundles.





