• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The holoparasitic plant Lophophytum mirabile exhibits remarkable levels of mitochondrial horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Gathering comparative data from other individuals and host plants can provide insights into the HGT process. We sequenced the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) from individuals of two species of Lophophytum and from mimosoid hosts. We applied a stringent phylogenomic approach to elucidate the origin of the whole mtDNAs, estimate the timing of the transfers, and understand the molecular mechanisms involved. Ancestral and recent HGT events replaced and enlarged the multichromosomal mtDNA of Lophophytum spp., with the foreign DNA ascending to 74%. A total of 14 foreign mitochondrial chromosomes originated from continuous regions in the host mtDNA flanked by short direct repeats. These foreign tracts are circularized by microhomology-mediated repair pathways and replicate independently until they are lost or they eventually recombine with other chromosomes. The foreign noncoding chromosomes are variably present in the population and likely evolve by genetic drift. We present the \'circle-mediated HGT\' model in which foreign mitochondrial DNA tracts become circular and are maintained as plasmid-like molecules. This model challenges the conventional belief that foreign DNA must be integrated into the recipient genome for successful HGT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The duplication-triplication/inverted-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) structure is a complex genomic rearrangement (CGR). Although it has been identified as an important pathogenic DNA mutation signature in genomic disorders and cancer genomes, its architecture remains unresolved. Here, we studied the genomic architecture of DUP-TRP/INV-DUP by investigating the DNA of 24 patients identified by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) on whom we found evidence for the existence of 4 out of 4 predicted structural variant (SV) haplotypes. Using a combination of short-read genome sequencing (GS), long-read GS, optical genome mapping, and single-cell DNA template strand sequencing (strand-seq), the haplotype structure was resolved in 18 samples. The point of template switching in 4 samples was shown to be a segment of ∼2.2-5.5 kb of 100% nucleotide similarity within inverted repeat pairs. These data provide experimental evidence that inverted low-copy repeats act as recombinant substrates. This type of CGR can result in multiple conformers generating diverse SV haplotypes in susceptible dosage-sensitive loci.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The largest multi-gene family in metazoans is the family of olfactory receptor (OR) genes. Human ORs are organized in clusters over most chromosomes and seem to include >0.1% the human genome. Because 369 out of 856 OR genes are mapped on chromosome 11 (HSA11), we sought to determine whether they mediate structural rearrangements involving this chromosome. To this aim, we analyzed 220 specimens collected during diagnostic procedures involving structural rearrangements of chromosome 11. A total of 222 chromosomal abnormalities were included, consisting of inversions, deletions, translocations, duplications, and one insertion, detected by conventional chromosome analysis and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and array comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH). We verified by bioinformatics and statistical approaches the occurrence of breakpoints in cytobands with or without OR genes. We found that OR genes are not involved in chromosome 11 reciprocal translocations, suggesting that different DNA motifs and mechanisms based on homology or non-homology recombination can cause chromosome 11 structural alterations. We also considered the proximity between the chromosomal territories of chromosome 11 and its partner chromosomes involved in the translocations by using the deposited Hi-C data concerning the possible occurrence of chromosome interactions. Interestingly, most of the breakpoints are located in regions highly involved in chromosome interactions. Further studies should be carried out to confirm the potential role of chromosome territories\' proximity in promoting genome structural variation, so fundamental in our understanding of the molecular basis of medical genetics and evolutionary genetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant multisystem disorder caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1). A small portion of them is copy number variations (CNVs), which can occur through recombination-based, replication-based mechanisms or retrotransposition. Not many have been characterized precisely in MFS.
    A female patient with suspected Marfan syndrome was referred for genetic testing at our institute. After systematic sequencing of FBN1, TGFBR1, and TGFBR2 genes, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification was applied. Long-range PCR, subsequent Sanger sequencing with designed primers, and preliminary in silico analysis were applied for the precise characterization of the breakpoints.
    Primary analysis displayed a de novo large deletion affecting exons 46 and 47 in the FBN1 gene, which resulted in the loss of the 31st and 32nd calcium-binding EGFlike domains. Further examination of the breakpoints showed a 4916 nucleotide long deletion localized in intronic regions. Surprisingly a \'TG\' dinucleotide insertion was detected at the junction. We hypothesize that the CNV formation was generated by a rare event based on the known microhomology-mediated break-induced replication (MMBIR).
    An increasing number of CNVs are associated with Mendelian diseases and other traits. Approximately 2-7% of the cases in MFS are caused by CNVs. Up to date, hardly any model was proposed to demonstrate the formation of these genomic rearrangements in the FBN1 gene. Hereby, with the help of previous models and breakpoint analysis, we presented a potential mechanism (based on MMBIR) in the formation of this large deletion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germline mutations in the BRCA genes are associated with a higher risk of carcinogenesis, which is linked to an increased mutation rate and loss of the second unaffected BRCA allele (loss of heterozygosity, LOH). However, the mechanisms triggering mutagenesis are not clearly understood. The BRCA genes contain high numbers of repetitive DNA sequences. We detected replication forks stalling, DNA breaks, and deletions at these sites in haploinsufficient BRCA cells, thus identifying the BRCA genes as fragile sites. Next, we found that stalled forks are repaired by error-prone pathways, such as microhomology-mediated break-induced replication (MMBIR) in haploinsufficient BRCA1 breast epithelial cells. We detected MMBIR mutations in BRCA1 tumor cells and noticed deletions-insertions (>50 bp) at the BRCA1 genes in BRCA1 patients. Altogether, these results suggest that under stress, error-prone repair of stalled forks is upregulated and induces mutations, including complex genomic rearrangements at the BRCA genes (LOH), in haploinsufficient BRCA1 cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) are the most lethal type of DNA damage, making DSB repair critical for cell survival. However, some DSB repair pathways are mutagenic and promote genome rearrangements, leading to genome destabilization. One such pathway is break-induced replication (BIR), which repairs primarily one-ended DSBs, similar to those formed by collapsed replication forks or telomere erosion. BIR is initiated by the invasion of a broken DNA end into a homologous template, synthesizes new DNA within the context of a migrating bubble, and is associated with conservative inheritance of new genetic material. This mode of synthesis is responsible for a high level of genetic instability associated with BIR. Eukaryotic BIR was initially investigated in yeast, but now it is also actively studied in mammalian systems. Additionally, a significant breakthrough has been made regarding the role of microhomology-mediated BIR in the formation of complex genomic rearrangements that underly various human pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SNCA multiplication is a genomic cause of familial PD, showing dosage-dependent toxicity. Until now, nonallelic homologous recombination was suggested as the mechanism of SNCA duplication, based on various types of repetitive elements found in the spanning region of the breakpoints. However, the sequence at the breakpoint was analyzed only for 1 case.
    We have analyzed the breakpoint sequences of 6 patients with PD who had duplicated SNCA using whole-genome sequencing data to elucidate the mechanism of SNCA duplication.
    Six patient samples with SNCA duplication underwent whole-genome sequencing. The duplicated regions were defined with nucleotide-resolution breakpoints, which were confirmed by junction polymerase chain reaction and Sanger sequencing. The search for potential non-B DNA-forming sequences and stem-loop structure predictions was conducted.
    Duplicated regions ranged from the smallest region of 718.3 kb to the largest one of 4,162 kb. Repetitive elements were found at 8 of the 12 breakpoint sequences on each side of the junction, but none of the pairs shared overt homologies. Five of these six junctions had microhomologies (2-4 bp) at the breakpoint, and a short stretch of sequences was inserted in 3 cases. All except one junction were located within or next to stem-loop structures.
    Our study has determined that homologous recombination mechanisms involving repetitive elements are not the main cause of the duplication of SNCA. The presence of microhomology at the junctions and their position within stem-loop structures suggest that replication-based rearrangements may be a common mechanism for SNCA amplification. © 2020 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the features of the genomic rearrangements in a cohort of 50 male individuals with proteolipid protein 1 (PLP1) copy number gain events who were ascertained with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD; MIM: 312080). We then compared our new data to previous structural variant mutagenesis studies involving the Xq22 region of the human genome. The aggregate data from 159 sequenced join-points (discontinuous sequences in the reference genome that are joined during the rearrangement process) were studied. Analysis of these data from 150 individuals enabled the spectrum and relative distribution of the underlying genomic mutational signatures to be delineated.
    Genomic rearrangements in PMD individuals with PLP1 copy number gain events were investigated by high-density customized array or clinical chromosomal microarray analysis and breakpoint junction sequence analysis.
    High-density customized array showed that the majority of cases (33/50; ~ 66%) present with single duplications, although complex genomic rearrangements (CGRs) are also frequent (17/50; ~ 34%). Breakpoint mapping to nucleotide resolution revealed further previously unknown structural and sequence complexities, even in single duplications. Meta-analysis of all studied rearrangements that occur at the PLP1 locus showed that single duplications were found in ~ 54% of individuals and that, among all CGR cases, triplication flanked by duplications is the most frequent CGR array CGH pattern observed. Importantly, in ~ 32% of join-points, there is evidence for a mutational signature of microhomeology (highly similar yet imperfect sequence matches).
    These data reveal a high frequency of CGRs at the PLP1 locus and support the assertion that replication-based mechanisms are prominent contributors to the formation of CGRs at Xq22. We propose that microhomeology can facilitate template switching, by stabilizing strand annealing of the primer using W-C base complementarity, and is a mutational signature for replicative repair.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intrachromosomal triplications (TRP) can contribute to disease etiology via gene dosage effects, gene disruption, position effects, or fusion gene formation. Recently, post-zygotic de novo triplications adjacent to copy-number neutral genomic intervals with runs of homozygosity (ROH) have been shown to result in uniparental isodisomy (UPD). The genomic structure of these complex genomic rearrangements (CGRs) shows a consistent pattern of an inverted triplication flanked by duplications (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) formed by an iterative DNA replisome template-switching mechanism during replicative repair of a single-ended, double-stranded DNA (seDNA), the ROH results from an interhomolog or nonsister chromatid template switch. It has been postulated that these CGRs may lead to genetic abnormalities in carriers due to dosage-sensitive genes mapping within the copy-number variant regions, homozygosity for alleles at a locus causing an autosomal recessive (AR) disease trait within the ROH region, or imprinting-associated diseases.
    Here, we report a family wherein the affected subject carries a de novo 2.2-Mb TRP followed by 42.2 Mb of ROH and manifests clinical features overlapping with those observed in association with chromosome 14 maternal UPD (UPD(14)mat). UPD(14)mat can cause clinical phenotypic features enabling a diagnosis of Temple syndrome. This CGR was then molecularly characterized by high-density custom aCGH, genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and methylation arrays, exome sequencing (ES), and the Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing technology.
    We confirmed the postulated DUP-TRP/INV-DUP structure by multiple orthogonal genomic technologies in the proband. The methylation status of known differentially methylated regions (DMRs) on chromosome 14 revealed that the subject shows the typical methylation pattern of UPD(14)mat. Consistent with these molecular findings, the clinical features overlap with those observed in Temple syndrome, including speech delay.
    These data provide experimental evidence that, in humans, triplication can lead to segmental UPD and imprinting disease. Importantly, genotype/phenotype analyses further reveal how a post-zygotically generated complex structural variant, resulting from a replication-based mutational mechanism, contributes to expanding the clinical phenotype of known genetic syndromes. Mechanistically, such events can distort transmission genetics resulting in homozygosity at a locus for which only one parent is a carrier as well as cause imprinting diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Break-induced replication (BIR) is a pathway that repairs one-ended double-strand breaks (DSBs). For decades, yeast model systems offered the only opportunities to study eukaryotic BIR. These studies described an unusual mode of BIR synthesis that is carried out by a migrating bubble and shows conservative inheritance of newly synthesized DNA, leading to genomic instabilities like those associated with cancer in humans. Yet, evidence of BIR functioning in mammals or during repair of other DNA breaks has been missing. Recent studies have uncovered multiple examples of BIR working in replication restart and repair of eroded telomeres in yeast and mammals, as well as some unexpected findings, including the RAD51 independence of BIR. Strong interest remains in determining the variations in molecular mechanisms that drive and regulate BIR in different genetic backgrounds, across organisms, and particularly in the context of human disease.





