• 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Mastering intracorporeal suturing is challenging in the evolution from conventional to laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Among various techniques competing for superiority in overcoming this hurdle, we focus on exploring the potential of barbed sutures through a meta-analysis that compares outcomes to those of conventional non-barbed sutures in bariatric surgery.
    METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive search on PubMed, Scopus, and Embase to identify studies comparing barbed sutures with non-barbed sutures in bariatric surgeries, focusing on outcomes such as operative time, suturing time, postoperative complications, and hospital stay. The statistical analysis was carried out using RStudio version 4.3.2. Heterogeneity was assessed using the Cochrane Q test and I2 statistics.
    RESULTS: Incorporating data from 11 studies involving a total of 27,442 patients, including 3,516 in the barbed suture group across various bariatric surgeries, our analysis demonstrates a significant reduction in suturing time (mean difference -4.87; 95% CI -8.43 to -1.30; p < 0.01; I2 = 99%) associated with the use of barbed sutures. Specifically, in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, we observed a significant decrease in operative time (mean difference -12.11; 95% CI -19.27 to -4.95; p < 0.01; I2 = 93%). Subgroup analyses and leave-one-out analyses consistently supported these findings. Furthermore, we found that the mean body mass index did not significantly predict the mean difference in operative time outcome. No significant differences emerged in hospital stay or postoperative complications, including leak, bleeding, stenosis, and bowel obstruction (p > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study findings address barbed sutures as a potential alternative for laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing in bariatric surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: One-anastomosis-gastric-bypass (OAGB) has become a common bariatric procedure worldwide. Marginal ulcers (MU) are a significant non-immediate complication of gastric bypass surgeries. There seems to be concern among surgeons that MU are more common after OAGB compared with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) due to the constant and extensive exposure of the anastomosis to bile. The aim of this study was to compare the incidence, presentation, and management of MU between the two surgeries.
    METHODS: A retrospective study of prospectively collected data was performed to include all consecutive patients between 2010 and 2020, who underwent elective OAGB or RYGB at our institution. Patients diagnosed with symptomatic MU were identified. Factors associated with this complication were assessed and compared between the two surgeries.
    RESULTS: Symptomatic MU were identified in 23/372 OAGB patients (6.2%) and 35/491 RYGB patients (7.1%) (p = 0.58). Time to ulcer diagnosis was shorter in OAGB patients (12 ± 11 vs. 22 ± 17 months, p < 0.01). Epigastric pain was the common symptom (78% OAGB vs. 88.5% RYGB, p = 0.7) and approximately 15% of ulcers presented with perforation upon admission (17% vs.11.4%, p = 0.7). Re-operation was required in 5/23 OAGB (21.7%) and 6/36 RYGB (17%) patients (p = 0.11) while the rest of the patients were managed non-operatively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The risk of developing a marginal ulcer is similar between patients who underwent OAGB and RYGB. Patients diagnosed with MU following OAGB tend to present earlier; however, the clinical presentation is similar to RYGB patients. The management of this serious complication seems to be associated with acceptable outcomes with comparable operative and non-operative approaches.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The auditory steady-state response (ASSR) is a cortical oscillation induced by trains of 40 Hz acoustic stimuli. While the ASSR has been widely used in clinic measurement, the underlying neural mechanism remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the contribution of different stages of auditory thalamocortical pathway-medial geniculate body (MGB), thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN), and auditory cortex (AC)-to the generation and regulation of 40 Hz ASSR in C57BL/6 mice of both sexes. We found that the neural response synchronizing to 40 Hz sound stimuli was most prominent in the GABAergic neurons in the granular layer of AC and the ventral division of MGB (MGBv), which were regulated by optogenetic manipulation of TRN neurons. Behavioral experiments confirmed that disrupting TRN activity has a detrimental effect on the ability of mice to discriminate 40 Hz sounds. These findings revealed a thalamocortical mechanism helpful to interpret the results of clinical ASSR examinations.Significance Statement Our study contributes to clarifying the thalamocortical mechanisms underlying the generation and regulation of the auditory steady-state response (ASSR), which is commonly used in both clinical and neuroscience research to assess the integrity of auditory function. Combining a series of electrophysiological and optogenetic experiments, we demonstrate that the generation of cortical ASSR is dependent on the lemniscal thalamocortical projections originating from the ventral division of medial geniculate body to the GABAergic interneurons in the granule layer of the auditory cortex. Furthermore, the thalamocortical process for ASSR is strictly regulated by the activity of thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) neurons. Behavioral experiments confirmed that dysfunction of TRN would cause a disruption of mice\'s behavioral performance in the auditory discrimination task.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Severe malnutrition following one-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) remains a concern. Fifty studies involving 49,991 patients were included in this review. In-hospital treatment for severe malnutrition was needed for 0.9% (n = 446) of patients. Biliopancreatic limb (BPL) length was 150 cm in five (1.1%) patients, > 150 cm in 151 (33.9%), and not reported in 290 (65%) patients. OAGB was revised to normal anatomy in 126 (28.2%), sleeve gastrectomy in 46 (10.3%), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in 41 (9.2%), and shortening of BPL length in 17 (3.8%) patients. One hundred fifty-one (33.8%) patients responded to treatment; ten (2.2%) did not respond and was not reported in 285 (63.9%) patients. Eight (0.02%) deaths were reported. Standardisation of the OAGB technique along with robust prospective data collection is required to understand this serious problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of groundwater resources is under increasing pressure to meet the demands of the society. Despite this, the understanding of its availability is still limited when compared to other water reserves. The aquifer studied was the volcanic Serra Geral Aquifer System (SASG) located in a humid subtropical region. This research aims to explore in a pioneering way the large-scale hydrogeological processes taking place at the SASG using a unique and complementary tool of intensive field monitoring, remote sensing data, and hydrological modeling. Results showed a fast response of groundwater levels to rainfall, with an average of 29 days of lag times. We also identified areas in the southern region of the basin with higher depletion rates, with GRACE results indicating a negative trend (- 57 mm year-1) associated with a major recharge event that occurred in the region before the period monitored. Also, the interflow calculated using the MGB hydrological model showed that the flow within the limits between the soil and the volcanic rocks (different in hydraulic conductivity) varies spatially, influencing the baseflow of rivers as for slopes and soil capacity to store water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought increasing attention to proximity travel. This mode of travel is a convenient travel setup for both tourists and neighboring destinations. With the help of the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB), this study investigates the influence of tourists\' perception of epidemic risk on their intentions for proximity travel during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. This study takes Shenzhen, China as the research area, and carried out the investigation in the context of normalization of the epidemic in China. A total of 489 pieces of valid sample data were collected through questionnaire surveys. Statistical analysis software, such as SPSS26.0 and AMOS23.0, were used to analyze the collected data information quantitatively, including descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity test, CFA and SEM. The results showed that attitude, subjective norms, positive anticipated emotions, and perceptual behavior control have significant positive effects on travel desire. Travel desire has a significant positive impact on travel intention, whereas negative anticipated emotions have no significant effect on travel desire. Meanwhile, the epidemic risk perception has a significant positive effect on attitudinal travel desire and travel intention. Under the background of the COVID-19, the stronger that the epidemic risk is perceived by tourists, the more the desire and intention to proximity travel are enhanced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chronic tinnitus can have an immense impact on quality of life. Despite recent treatment advances, many tinnitus patients remain refractory to them. Preclinical and clinical evidence suggests that deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a promising treatment to suppress tinnitus. In rats, it has been shown in multiple regions of the auditory pathway that DBS can have an alleviating effect on tinnitus. The thalamic medial geniculate body (MGB) takes a key position in the tinnitus network, shows pathophysiological hallmarks of tinnitus, and is readily accessible using stereotaxy. Here, a protocol is described to evaluate the safety and test the therapeutic effects of DBS in the MGB in severe tinnitus sufferers.
    METHODS: Bilateral DBS of the MGB will be applied in a future study in six patients with severe and refractory tinnitus. A double-blinded, randomized 2 × 2 crossover design (stimulation ON and OFF) will be applied, followed by a period of six months of open-label follow-up. The primary focus is to assess safety and feasibility (acceptability). Secondary outcomes assess a potential treatment effect and include tinnitus severity measured by the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI), tinnitus loudness and distress, hearing, cognitive and psychological functions, quality of life, and neurophysiological characteristics.
    CONCLUSIONS: This protocol carefully balances risks and benefits and takes ethical considerations into account. This study will explore the safety and feasibility of DBS in severe refractory tinnitus, through extensive assessment of clinical and neurophysiological outcome measures. Additionally, important insights into the underlying mechanism of tinnitus and hearing function might be revealed.
    BACKGROUND: NCT03976908 (6 June 2019).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory loss leads to widespread cross-modal plasticity across brain areas to allow the remaining senses to guide behavior. While multimodal sensory interactions are often attributed to higher-order sensory areas, cross-modal plasticity has been observed at the level of synaptic changes even across primary sensory cortices. In particular, vision loss leads to widespread circuit adaptation in the primary auditory cortex (A1) even in adults. Here we report using mice of both sexes in which cross-modal plasticity occurs even earlier in the sensory-processing pathway at the level of the thalamus in a modality-selective manner. A week of visual deprivation reduced inhibitory synaptic transmission from the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) to the primary auditory thalamus (MGBv) without changes to the primary visual thalamus (dLGN). The plasticity of TRN inhibition to MGBv was observed as a reduction in postsynaptic gain and short-term depression. There was no observable plasticity of the cortical feedback excitatory synaptic transmission from the primary visual cortex to dLGN or TRN and A1 to MGBv, which suggests that the visual deprivation-induced plasticity occurs predominantly at the level of thalamic inhibition. We provide evidence that visual deprivation-induced change in the short-term depression of TRN inhibition to MGBv involves endocannabinoid CB1 receptors. TRN inhibition is considered critical for sensory gating, selective attention, and multimodal performances; hence, its plasticity has implications for sensory processing. Our results suggest that selective disinhibition and altered short-term dynamics of TRN inhibition in the spared thalamic nucleus support cross-modal plasticity in the adult brain.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Losing vision triggers adaptation of the brain to enhance the processing of the remaining senses, which can be observed as better auditory performance in blind subjects. We previously found that depriving vision of adult rodents produces widespread circuit reorganization in the primary auditory cortex and enhances auditory processing at a neural level. Here we report that visual deprivation-induced plasticity in adults occurs much earlier in the auditory pathway, at the level of thalamic inhibition. Sensory processing is largely gated at the level of the thalamus via strong cortical feedback inhibition mediated through the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). We found that TRN inhibition of the auditory thalamus is selectively reduced by visual deprivation, thus playing a role in adult cross-modal plasticity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines the behavioural intentions of international tourists travelling to Beijing when faced with smog pollution. An extended MGB (model of goal-directed behaviour) was employed as the theoretical framework by integrating mass-media effect and perception of smog. The role of mass-media effect and perception of smog were considered as new variables in the international tourist\'s decision-making process for travel to Beijing. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to identify the structural relationships among research variables. Our research results showed a strong correlation between positive anticipated emotion and desire. The mass-media effect is a significant (direct) predictor of both the perception of smog and behavioural intention. The Chinese government could attach great importance to the mass-media effect to reduce the negative impact caused by smog pollution on inbound tourism.






