• 文章类型: Case Reports
    Although titanium allergies are not commonly diagnosed, they can present with a variety of conditions years after the implantation of titanium-containing medical devices. Furthermore, there are few options to effectively manage the long-term outcomes of these conditions. We present the case of a 41-year-old female who experienced neck swelling, pain, and difficulty swallowing 16 years after a right thyroid lobectomy for benign follicular adenoma, requiring the implantation of titanium-containing surgical clips in her neck. This was accompanied by an extensive symptomatic history, and the patient showed mild reactivity to nickel and titanium on a metal lymphocyte transformation test analysis. X-ray and computed tomography of the neck later confirmed the location of 18 surgical clips. The patient was diagnosed with a chronic immune disease including immune complex disease and mast cell activation-related symptoms. Symptoms were managed with low-dose naltrexone until the surgical clips were removed. Further research is needed to identify more accurate testing methods to diagnose titanium hypersensitivity. Alternative treatment methods should be explored to reduce disease burden and complications related to titanium-containing implants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is currently a lack of guidelines for clinicians regarding titanium hypersensitivity in implant dentistry. Diagnostic tests such as the epicutaneous test or the lymphocyte transformation test showed inconsistent results regarding reliability and validity and thus, evidence-based consensus recommendations regarding diagnostic and therapeutic options may be helpful in clinical decision-making. Therefore, the German S3 guideline on titanium hypersensitivity in implant dentistry was developed.
    In the objectives, procedure, voting method and venue were defined and the consensus participants were invited. A systematic literature research was performed, and the overall quality of the evidence was rated according to the GRADE working group. Eight recommendations were formulated within the framework of a structured consensus conference under independent moderation and could be voted on with strong consensus (> 95% agreement). The formulated statements and recommendations were developed in small groups according to the guidelines of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) and were discussed and agreed upon in the plenum.
    For reasonable decision-making, a patient\'s clinical symptoms should be regarded as leading parameters, which are usually expressed by a local inflammatory reaction with subsequent disturbed osseous integration. Allergy tests, such as the epicutaneous test or the lymphocyte transformation test are not helpful in titanium intolerance assessments, since these tests indicate T cell-mediated allergies, which are not observed in titanium intolerance reactions. Other metals and impurities that might be present in superstructures or alloys also need to be considered as the cause of an intolerance reaction and a trigger for contact sensitization. In the case of a suspected titanium particle-related, local immunologically induced inflammatory reaction with subsequent impaired osseous integration, dental ceramic implants can be considered as a therapeutic option.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Diagnosis of human infection by various species of the bacterial genus Borrelia is mainly reliant on serological testing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or culture but such serological tests have been reported to have heterogeneous sensitivities, while Borrelia PCR and culture have been reported as being of modest diagnostic value. It has been suggested that the adjunctive use of the lymphocyte transformation test-memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay (LTT-MELISA) may be helpful in this regard; however, the clinical usefulness of this assay has been questioned. The Borrelia immunodominant 41-kDa flagellin protein almost always gives rise to a marked human antibody response following infection. It was therefore decided to determine whether the LTT-MELISA detects the human antibody response to this antigen.
    METHODS: Blood samples from consecutive patients with possible borreliosis attending a clinic were independently tested by both Western blots and LTT-MELISA.
    RESULTS: After omitting cases with indeterminate Western blot results and equivocal LTT-MELISA results, multiple linear regression modelling demonstrated that the 41-kDa flagellin immunoglobulin (Ig) M level was predictable from two LTT-MELISA variables (F 2,51 = 5.981, P = 0.005). Similarly, the corresponding 41-kDa IgG model also contained two LTT-MELISA variables (F 2,57 = 3.700, P = 0.031).
    CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the LTT-MELISA appears to be able to detect the response to this antigen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are rising concerns about titanium hypersensitivity reaction regarding dental endosseous implants. This review aims to summarize and compare the validity and reliability of the available dermatological and laboratory diagnostic tests regarding titanium hypersensitivity. The following PICO design was used: In Patients with titanium dental implants (P) does epicutaneous testing (ECT) (I), compared to lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) or Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay (MELISA) (C) detect hypersensitivity reactions (O)? A literature search was performed including all studies dealing with this topic. Studies regarding orthopedic implants were excluded.
    Three databases (MEDLINE PubMed, Cochrane Library, SciELO) were screened for suitable studies and an additional manual search was also performed. Literature regarding hypersensitivity reactions in orthopedic implants, hypersensitivity reactions regarding implants not related to dental or maxillofacial surgery, animal studies and in vitro studies were excluded. A quality assessment of all selected full-text articles was performed. Randomized, controlled trials were evaluated with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool I. Cohort studies were assessed according to the New Castle-Ottawa Scale and case series according to Moga et al. (Development of a quality appraisal tool for case series studies using a modified Delphi technique. 2012).
    10 studies were included in the quantitative synthesis and available for the endpoint diagnostics of intolerance reactions to titanium dental implants: 2 clinical studies, 7 cohort studies and 1 case series. The potential for bias (internal validity) for these studies was overall rated as high.
    The study of the available literature regarding ECT and MELISA or LTT in patients with suspected titanium hypersensitivity showed inconsistent results in terms of reliability and validity and thus, those tests should be regarded cautiously. There is strong evidence that titanium hypersensitivity in dental implants is associated with innate immunity: unspecific pro-inflammatory responses due to particle induced hyperreactivity of macrophages or toxicological responses especially towards nanoparticles rather than activation of the adaptive immune system. Therefore, tests detecting allergies do not seem expedient and inflammatory clinical signs should be regarded as leading parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amanita poisoning is one of the most deadly types of mushroom poisoning. α-Amanitin is the main lethal toxin in amanita, and the human-lethal dose is about 0.1 mg/kg. Most of the commonly used detection techniques for α-amanitin require expensive instruments. In this study, the α-amanitin aptamer was selected as the research object, and the stem-loop structure of the original aptamer was not damaged by truncating the redundant bases, in order to improve the affinity and specificity of the aptamer. The specificity and affinity of the truncated aptamers were determined using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), and the affinity and specificity of the aptamers decreased after truncation. Therefore, the original aptamer was selected to establish a simple and specific magnetic bead-based enzyme linked immunoassay (MELISA) method for α-amanitin. The detection limit was 0.369 μg/mL, while, in mushroom it was 0.372 μg/mL and in urine 0.337 μg/mL. Recovery studies were performed by spiking urine and mushroom samples with α-amanitin, and these confirmed the desirable accuracy and practical applicability of our method. The α-amanitin and aptamer recognition sites and binding pockets were investigated in an in vitro molecular docking environment, and the main binding bases of both were T3, G4, C5, T6, T7, C67, and A68. This study truncated the α-amanitin aptamer and proposes a method of detecting α-amanitin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Johne\'s disease (JD) is a life-threatening gastrointestinal disease affecting ruminants, which causes crucial economical losses globally. This ailment is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), a fastidious intracellular pathogen that belongs to the Mycobacteriaceae family. This acid-fast, hard-to-detect bacterium can resist milk pasteurization and be conveyed to dairy product consumers. Many studies have emphasized the zoonotic nature of MAP, suggesting an association between MAP and some gastroenteric conditions such as Crohn\'s disease in humans. This underlines the importance of utilizing efficient pasteurization alongside a state-of-the-art diagnostic system in order to minimize the possible ways this pathogen can be conveyed to humans. Until now, no confirmatory MAP screening technique has been developed that can reveal the stages of JD in infected animals. This is partially due to the lack of an efficient gold-standard reference method that can properly evaluate the performance of diagnostic assays. Therefore, the following research aimed to compare the merits of qPCR and ELISA assessments of milk for the detection of MAP in a total of 201 Sardinian unpasteurized sheep milk samples including 73 bulk tank milk (BTM) and 128 individual samples from a MAP-infected flock (MIF) applying various reference models. Accordingly, milk qPCR and ELISA assessments, together and individually, were used as reference models in the herd-level study, while serum ELISA and fecal PCR were similarly (together and in isolation) considered as the gold standards in the individual-level diagnosis. This study showed that the type of gold-standard test affects the sensitivity and specificity of milk qPCR and ELISA significantly. At the individual level in the MAP-infected flock, serum ELISA in isolation and together with fecal PCR were recognized as the best references; however, the best correlation was seen between milk and serum ELISA (p < 0.0001). Regarding the detection of MAP in BTM, qPCR IS900 was recognized as the most sensitive and specific diagnostic test (p < 0.0001) for monitoring the MAP shedders and animals with clinically developed symptoms within herds, under the condition that both milk qPCR and milk ELISA tests formed a binary reference model. The BTM analyses (qPCR and ELISA) revealed that MAP positivity has a seasonal pattern. This hypothesis was proven through a longitudinal study on 14 sheep herds.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although consumption of Tetraodontidae species is prohibited in the EU, intoxications are still reported. The evaluation of tetrodotoxins (TTXs) by mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS and LC-HRMS) and a screening immunoassay (mELISA) in tetraodontid fishes caught along the Western Mediterranean Sea revealed high concentrations of TTXs in Lagocephalus sceleratus while no TTXs were identified in L. lagocephalus and Sphoeroides pachygaster individuals. The high TTXs content found in the L. sceleratus analysed herein demonstrate the occurrence of highly toxic puffer fish in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Being L. sceleratus a recent invasive species in the Mediterranean, surveillance, risk assessment and risk management measures are necessary. The strategy used within this research work could be a valuable tool for future food safety monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Determination of disease biomarkers in clinical samples is of crucial significance for disease monitoring and public health. The dominating format is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which subtly exploits both the antigen-antibody reaction and biocatalytic property of enzymes. Although enzymes play an important role in this platform, they generally suffer from inferior stability and less tolerant of temperature, pH condition compared with general chemical product. Here, we demonstrate a metal-linked immunosorbent assay (MeLISA) based on a robust signal amplification mechanism that faithfully replaces the essential element of the enzyme. As an enzyme-free alternative to ELISA, this methodology works by the detection of α-fetoprotein (AFP), prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) at concentrations of 0.1 ng mL(-1), 0.1 ng mL(-1) and 1 ng mL(-1) respectively. It exhibits approximately two magnitudes higher sensitivity and is 4 times faster for chromogenic reaction than ELISA. The detection of AFP and PSA was further confirmed by over a hundred serum samples from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and prostate cancer patients respectively.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to carry out an independent evaluation of the proposition that the lymphocyte transformation test-memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay (LTT-MELISA) may be diagnostically useful in the confirmation of active Lyme borreliosis in clinically and serologically ambiguous cases. Blood samples from 54 patients consecutively presenting to a British center with clinical suspicion of Lyme borreliosis were tested for this disease by immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) Western blots and by LTT-MELISA. Forty-five of these patients had Western blot results which were negative for both IgM and IgG by the criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); of these patients, 19 (42%) were LTT-MELISA-positive. Two of the patients who had IgM positive results by the CDC criteria were LTT-MELISA-negative. It is concluded that, for putative European-acquired Lyme borreliosis infections, it would be sensible to carry out both the LTT-MELISA and Western blot assay.





