Müllerian remnants

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prostatic utricle (PU) consists of the caudal remnant of the Müllerian duct and the urogenital sinus. The term \"vagina masculina\" is used if other Müllerian structures are associated with the PU. This work aims to investigate the incidence, management, and follow up of enlarged PUs and Müllerian remnants in males with posterior hypospadias.
    This study presents a retrospective review of cases presented with posterior hypospadias over a 5-year period. Prior to hypospadias repair, retrograde urethrograms were used to investigate enlarged PU. Subsequently, they were classified according to the Ikoma score and further assessed by karyotyping and cystoscope. Surgical excision was indicated in cases with symptomatic utricles or vagina masculina.
    Thirty patients were included in the study in the period between 2015 and 2020 (Table). All cases were asymptomatic initially. Twelve patients were diagnosed with enlarged PU; three of them had vagina masculina. One case with perineal hypospadias had a separate perineal opening for PU. Following hypospadias repair, three of the eight cases treated conservatively turned symptomatic.
    The incidence of enlarged PU and Müllerian remnants varied among different studies. However, it increased as the severity of hypospadias increased. Preoperative urethrogram was helpful in the diagnosis and classification of PU, but it had its limitations. Cystoscope was more advantageous in diagnosing vagina masculina. Although most cases were asymptomatic, some turned symptomatic after hypospadias repair. Some cases with perineal hypospadias had PU with a separate perineal opening.
    The incidence of enlarged PUs or Müllerian remnants was 40%. Although cases were asymptomatic before hypospadias surgery, some cases turned into symptomatic after hypospadias repair. In some cases, the PU or Müllerian remnants had a separate perineal opening. They can be classified as a particular form of Ikoma grade III necessitating surgical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this review article was to summarize our current understanding on the etiologies and pathogenesis of human adenomyosis and to clarify the relative association between adenomyosis and infertility. The exact pathogenesis of adenomyosis is still elusive. Among different reported concepts, direction invagination of gland cells from the basalis endometrium deep into myometrium is the most widely accepted opinion on the development of adenomyosis. According to this concept, endometrial epithelial cells and changed fibroblasts, abnormally found in the myometrium in response to repeated tissue injury and/or disruption at the endometrium-myometrium interface (EMI), elicit hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the surrounding smooth muscle cells. In this review, a comprehensive review was performed with a literature search using PubMed for all publications in English and Japanese (abstract in English), related to adenomyosis and infertility, from inception to April 2021. As an estrogen-regulated factor, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) exhibits multiple functions in endometriosis, a disease commonly believed to arise from the functionalis endometrium. As a mechanistic basis of gland invagination, we investigated the role of HGF, either alone or in combination with estrogen, in the occurrence of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in adenomyosis. Aside from microtrauma at the EMI, metaplasia of displaced Müllerian remnants, differentiation of endometrial stem/progenitor cells within the myometrium and somatic mutation of some target genes have been put forward to explain how adenomyosis develops. In addition, the possible role of microRNAs in adenomyosis is also discussed. Besides our knowledge on the conventional classification (focal and diffuse), two recently proposed classifications (intrinsic and extrinsic) of adenomyosis and the biological differences between them have been described. Although the mechanistic basis is unclear, the influence of adenomyosis on fertility outcome is important, especially considering the recent tendency to delay pregnancy among women. Besides other proposed mechanisms, a recent transmission election microscopic (TEM) study indicated that microvilli damage and an axonemal alteration in the apical endometria of human adenomyosis, in response to endometrial inflammation, may be involved in negative fertility outcomes. We present a critical analysis of the literature data concerning the mechanistic basis of infertility in women with adenomyosis and its impact on fertility outcome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of sexual development in males, defined by the presence of Müllerian remnants with otherwise normal sexual differentiation. Mutations in anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and AMH receptor type 2 (AMHR2) genes are the main causes of PMDS. In this study, we performed molecular genetic analysis of 11 unrelated cryptorchidism patients using whole-exome sequencing and classified the variants. Three of the 11 patients had biallelic mutations in AMH or AMHR2. Case 1 carried a homozygous 4-bp deletion; c.321_324del:p.Q109Lfs*29 in exon 1 of AMH (NM_000479 transcript), which is a frameshift mutation, leading to the loss of function of AMH. Case 2 carried compound heterozygous mutations; c.494_502del (p.I165_A168delinsT) in exon 4 and g.6147C>A of AMHR2 (NM_001164690 transcript). Case 3 carried compound heterozygous mutations; c.G1168A (p.E390K) in exon 9 and c.A1315G (p.M439V) in exon 10 of AMHR2 (NM_001164690 transcript). All three patients were admitted due to azoospermia- and oligospermia-caused infertility. They were furtherly diagnosed with PMDS, as pelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed the presence of Müllerian remnants. Our study suggests that PMDS and genetic analysis should be considered during the differential diagnosis of cryptorchidism.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Crossed testicular ectopia is a rare form of urogenital anomalies in which both testes are migrated and descend through a single inguinal canal, one or both testes may be ectopic in the abdomen, the inguinal region or descent to the hemi-scrotum with empty contralateral hemi-scrotum.
    METHODS: A 1.5-year-old male patient had an empty left scrotum with no palpable testis in the inguinal region with a palpable testis in the right scrotum with palpable other testis in the right inguinal region. Ultrasound examination showed the right testis in the right scrotum and another testis measuring in the right inguinal region giving suggestion of both testes in the right side. During operation two testes was found in the right inguinal region with two small indirect inguinal sacs. Herniotomy was performed for both sacs. The right testis was placed and fixed in the right hemi-scrotum and the left testis was fixed in the left hemi-scrotum through trans-septal window.
    CONCLUSIONS: During surgery, the surgeon should adopt a conservative approach to preserve the fertility. Trans-septal orchiopexy or extra-peritoneal transposition orchiopexy is advised. In case of persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, preservation of the Müllerian remnants is recommended to preserve blood supply to the vas deferens and testis. Karyotyping may be required in some cases specially if associated with other congenital anomalies of the genitalia. Patients usually need long term follow up because such patients may have future fertility problems and there is an increased risk of the development of testicular cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenomyosis is a commonly diagnosed estrogen-dependent gynecological disorder that causes pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, and infertility. Despite its prevalence and severity of symptoms, its pathogenesis and etiology have not yet been elucidated. The aim of this manuscript is to review the different hypotheses on the origin of adenomyotic lesions and the mechanisms involved in the evolution and progression of the disease. Two main theories have been proposed to explain the origin of adenomyosis. The most common suggests involvement of tissue injury and the repair mechanism and claims that adenomyosis results from invagination of the endometrial basalis into the myometrium. An alternative theory maintains that adenomyotic lesions result from metaplasia of displaced embryonic pluripotent Müllerian remnants or differentiation of adult stem cells. Previous investigations performed in human adenomyotic lesions and corroborated by studies in mice supported the involvement of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition process in the early stages of progression and spread of adenomyosis. However, studies conducted in a recently developed baboon model indicate that collective cell migration may be implicated in the later events of invasion. This suggests that the invasiveness of this complex uterine disorder is not driven by a single mechanism of migration but by a time-dependent combination of two processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fertility potential should be considered by the multidisciplinary team when addressing gender assignment, surgical management, and patient and family counselling of individuals with disorders of sex development. In 46,XY individuals, defects of gonadal differentiation or androgen or anti-Müllerian hormone synthesis or action result in incomplete or absent masculinization. In severe forms, raised as females, motherhood is possible with oocyte donation if Müllerian ducts have developed. In milder forms, raised as males, azoospermia or oligospermia are frequently found, however paternity has been reported. Most 46,XX patients with normal ovarian organogenesis are raised as females, and fertility might be possible after treatment.





