Lysosomal storage diseases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II; Hunter syndrome) is a rare, X-linked disorder caused by deficient activity of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase. Signs and symptoms typically emerge at 1.5-4 years of age and may include cognitive impairment, depending on whether patients have the neuronopathic or non-neuronopathic form of the disease. Treatment is available in the form of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with recombinant iduronate-2-sulfatase (idursulfase). A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the evidence regarding efficacy, effectiveness, and safety of ERT with intravenous idursulfase for MPS II. Electronic databases were searched in January 2023, and 33 eligible articles were found. These were analyzed to evaluate the effects of intravenous idursulfase and the overall benefits and disadvantages in patient subgroups. Studies showed that intravenous idursulfase treatment resulted in improved short- and long-term clinical and patient-centered outcomes, accompanied by a favorable safety profile. Patients with non-neuronopathic MPS II had more pronounced improvements in clinical outcomes than those with neuronopathic MPS II. In addition, the review identified that improvements in clinical outcomes are particularly apparent if intravenous idursulfase is started early in life, strengthening previous recommendations for early ERT initiation to maximally benefit patients. This review provides a comprehensive summary of our current knowledge on the efficacy of ERT in different populations of patients with MPS II and will help to inform the overall management of the disease in an evolving treatment landscape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Genetic substrate reduction therapy (gSRT), which involves the use of nucleic acids to downregulate the genes involved in the biosynthesis of storage substances, has been investigated in the treatment of lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs).
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the application of gSRT to the treatment of LSDs, identifying the silencing tools and delivery systems used, and the main challenges for its development and clinical translation, highlighting the contribution of nanotechnology to overcome them.
    METHODS: A systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) reporting guidelines was performed. PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were used for searching terms related to LSDs and gene-silencing strategies and tools.
    RESULTS: Fabry, Gaucher, and Pompe diseases and mucopolysaccharidoses I and III are the only LSDs for which gSRT has been studied, siRNA and lipid nanoparticles being the silencing strategy and the delivery system most frequently employed, respectively. Only in one recently published study was CRISPR/Cas9 applied to treat Fabry disease. Specific tissue targeting, availability of relevant cell and animal LSD models, and the rare disease condition are the main challenges with gSRT for the treatment of these diseases. Out of the 11 studies identified, only two gSRT studies were evaluated in animal models.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nucleic acid therapies are expanding the clinical tools and therapies currently available for LSDs. Recent advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology and the growing impact of nanotechnology are expected to boost the clinical translation of gSRT in the near future, and not only for LSDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lysosomal degradation pathways coordinate the clearance of superfluous and damaged cellular components. Compromised lysosomal degradation is a hallmark of many degenerative diseases, including lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), which are caused by loss-of-function mutations within both alleles of a lysosomal hydrolase, leading to lysosomal substrate accumulation. Gaucher\'s disease, characterized by <15% of normal glucocerebrosidase function, is the most common LSD and is a prominent risk factor for developing Parkinson\'s disease. Here, we show that either of two structurally distinct small molecules that modulate PIKfyve activity, identified in a high-throughput cellular lipid droplet clearance screen, can improve glucocerebrosidase function in Gaucher patient-derived fibroblasts through an MiT/TFE transcription factor that promotes lysosomal gene translation. An integrated stress response (ISR) antagonist used in combination with a PIKfyve modulator further improves cellular glucocerebrosidase activity, likely because ISR signaling appears to also be slightly activated by treatment by either small molecule at the higher doses employed. This strategy of combining a PIKfyve modulator with an ISR inhibitor improves mutant lysosomal hydrolase function in cellular models of additional LSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rare disorders comprise of ~ 7500 different conditions affecting multiple systems. Diagnosis of rare diseases is complex due to dearth of specialized medical professionals, testing labs and limited therapeutic options. There is scarcity of data on the prevalence of rare diseases in different populations. India being home to a large population comprising of 4600 population groups, of which several thousand are endogamous, is likely to have a high burden of rare diseases. The present study provides a retrospective overview of a cohort of patients with rare genetic diseases identified at a tertiary genetic test centre in India.
    RESULTS: Overall, 3294 patients with 305 rare diseases were identified in the present study cohort. These were categorized into 14 disease groups based on the major organ/ organ system affected. Highest number of rare diseases (D = 149/305, 48.9%) were identified in the neuromuscular and neurodevelopmental (NMND) group followed by inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) (D = 47/305; 15.4%). Majority patients in the present cohort (N = 1992, 61%) were diagnosed under IEM group, of which Gaucher disease constituted maximum cases (N = 224, 11.2%). Under the NMND group, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (N = 291/885, 32.9%), trinucleotide repeat expansion disorders (N = 242/885; 27.3%) and spinal muscular atrophy (N = 141/885, 15.9%) were the most common. Majority cases of β-thalassemia (N = 120/149, 80.5%) and cystic fibrosis (N = 74/75, 98.7%) under the haematological and pulmonary groups were observed, respectively. Founder variants were identified for Tay-Sachs disease and mucopolysaccharidosis IVA diseases. Recurrent variants for Gaucher disease (GBA:c.1448T > C), β-thalassemia (HBB:c.92.+5G > C), non-syndromic hearing loss (GJB2:c.71G > A), albinism (TYR:c.832 C > T), congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CYP21A2:c.29-13 C > G) and progressive pseudo rheumatoid dysplasia (CCN6:c.298T > A) were observed in the present study.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present retrospective study of rare disease patients diagnosed at a tertiary genetic test centre provides first insight into the distribution of rare genetic diseases across the country. This information will likely aid in drafting future health policies, including newborn screening programs, development of target specific panel for affordable diagnosis of rare diseases and eventually build a platform for devising novel treatment strategies for rare diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are sulfated polysaccharides comprising repeating disaccharides, uronic acid (or galactose) and hexosamines, including chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and keratan sulfate. Hyaluronan is an exception in the GAG family because it is a non-sulfated polysaccharide. Lysosomal enzymes are crucial for the stepwise degradation of GAGs to provide a normal function of tissues and extracellular matrix (ECM). The deficiency of one or more lysosomal enzyme(s) results in the accumulation of undegraded GAGs, causing cell, tissue, and organ dysfunction. Accumulation of GAGs in various tissues and ECM results in secretion into the circulation and then excretion in urine. GAGs are biomarkers of certain metabolic disorders, such as mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) and mucolipidoses. GAGs are also elevated in patients with various conditions such as respiratory and renal disorders, fatty acid metabolism disorders, viral infections, vomiting disorders, liver disorders, epilepsy, hypoglycemia, myopathy, developmental disorders, hyperCKemia, heart disease, acidosis, and encephalopathy. MPS are a group of inherited metabolic diseases caused by the deficiency of enzymes required to degrade GAGs in the lysosome. Eight types of MPS are categorized based on lack or defect in one of twelve specific lysosomal enzymes and are described as MPS I through MPS X (excluding MPS V and VIII). Clinical features vary with the type of MPS and clinical severity of the disease. This chapter addresses the historical overview, synthesis, degradation, distribution, biological role, and method for measurement of GAGs.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Fabry\'s disease is a rare X chromosome-linked inherited lysosomal storage disease characterized by insufficient metabolism of the substrate globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) due to reduced alpha-galactosidase A (AGAL) activity. Lysosomal Gb3 accumulation causes a multisystemic disease which, if untreated, reduces the life expectancy in females and males by around 10 and 20 years, respectively, due to progressive renal dysfunction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia and early occurrence of cerebral infarction. The diagnosis is confirmed by determining the reduced AGAL activity in leukocytes in males and molecular genetic detection of a -mutation causing the disease in females. The treatment comprises enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), agalsidase alfa, 0.2 mg/kg body weight (BW), agalsidase beta 1.0 mg/kg BW or pegunigalsidase alfa 1.0 mg/kg BW every 2 weeks i.v. or oral chaperone therapy (one capsule of migalastat 123 mg every other day) in the presence of amenable mutations. This article summarizes the data on the treatment of Fabry\'s disease and on complications in practice. The current guideline recommendations are addressed and new study results that could expand the therapeutic repertoire in the future are discussed.
    UNASSIGNED: Morbus Fabry ist eine seltene X‑chromosomal vererbte lysosomale Speichererkrankung, bei der das Substrat Globotriaosylceramid (Gb3) durch eine reduzierte α‑Galaktosidase-A(AGAL)-Aktivität unzureichend metabolisiert wird. Die lysosomale Gb3-Akkumulation bedingt eine Multisystemerkrankung, die unbehandelt durch eine progrediente Nierenfunktionseinschränkung, hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie, Herzrhythmusstörungen und frühzeitig auftretende Hirninfarkte die Lebenserwartung bei Frauen und Männern um etwa 10 Jahre bzw. 20 Jahre reduziert. Zur Diagnosesicherung dienen die Bestimmung der reduzierten AGAL-Aktivität in Leukozyten bei Männern und der molekulargenetische Nachweis einer krankheitsverursachenden Mutation bei Frauen. Die Behandlung erfolgt mithilfe der Enzymersatztherapie (EET; Agalsidase alfa, 0,2 mg/kg KG; Agalsidase beta, 1,0 mg/kg KG oder Pegunigalsidase alfa 1,0 mg/kg KG) alle 2 Wochen i.v. oder bei Vorliegen ansprechender Mutationen mithilfe der oralen Chaperontherapie (1 Kaps. Migalastat, 123 mg, jeden 2. Tag). Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Datenlage zur Behandlung des M. Fabry und zu Komplikationen in der Praxis komprimiert zusammengefasst. Auf aktuelle Leitlinienempfehlungen wird eingegangen, aber es werden auch neue Studienergebnisse, die das therapeutische Repertoire perspektivisch erweitern könnten, diskutiert.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs) are a group of heterogeneous genetic disorders resulting in substrate accumulation, energy deficiency, or complex molecular defects due to the failure of specific molecules to act as enzymes, cofactors, transporters, or receptors in specific metabolic pathways. The pathophysiological changes seen in IMDs are sometimes associated with intellectual disability (ID) or neurocognitive decline, necessitating multidisciplinary input. We here describe our experience at one tertiary metabolic centre in the UK. We reviewed the case prevalence and existing service provision in one adult IMD service covering a multi-ethnic population of 10 million in North England. In our cohort of 2268 IMD patients, 1598 patients had general metabolic conditions (70.5%), and 670 had lysosomal storage disease/disorders (LSD)s (29.5%). The overall prevalence of ID and neurocognitive decline was found to be 15.7% (n = 357), with patients with LSDs accounting for 23.5% (n = 84) of affected patients. Given the prevalence of ID in adults with IMDs, access to multidisciplinary input from neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry services is important. Education of healthcare professionals to diagnose IMDs in patients with ID, in addition to neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric presentations, will avoid missed diagnoses of IMD and will have a positive effect on patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropathic lysosomal storage diseases (NLSDs), including ceroid lipofuscinosis neuronal 3 (CLN3) disease and Gaucher disease type 2 (GD2), are typically present in adolescents; however, there are no approved therapies. CLN3 disease is the most common of the 13 types of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, and Gaucher disease is the most common type of lysosomal storage disease. These NLSDs share oxidative stress and lysosomal dysfunction with Parkinson\'s disease. In this study, we used patient-derived cells (PDCs) and resorcinol to develop a therapeutic agent based on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) activation. PPARγ is a major regulator of autophagy and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Resorcinol, a polyphenolic compound, has been reported to exhibit PPARγ agonistic potential. Protein levels were analyzed by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence microscopy. Changes in cellular metabolism, including ROS levels, lipid droplet content, and lysosomal activity, were measured by flow cytometry. Resorcinol reduced ROS levels by suppressing hypoxia-inducible factor 1α levels in CLN3-PDCs. Resorcinol upregulated autophagy and reduced lipid accumulation in CLN3-PDCs; however, these effects were abolished by autophagy inhibitors. Resorcinol increased nuclear PPARγ levels in CLN3-PDCs, and PPARγ antagonists abolished the therapeutic effects of resorcinol. Moreover, Resorcinol upregulated nuclear PPARγ levels and lysosomal activity in GD2-PDCs, and reduced lipid accumulation and ROS levels. In summary, resorcinol alleviated the shared pathogenesis of CLN3 disease and GD2 through PPARγ upregulation. These findings suggest that resorcinol is a potential therapeutic candidate for alleviating NLSD progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) constitute a group of metabolic disorders characterized by the accumulation of substrates within lysosomes. For their treatment, disease-specific enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is employed. In cases of hypersensitivity reactions that may occur during these treatments, desensitization of enzyme therapy becomes necessary. Repeated desensitization procedures may result some degree of tolerance. This study presents cases of patients received abbreviated desensitization protocols following repeated desensitization procedures.
    METHODS: During the period between September 2019 and January 2024, pediatric patients who experienced anaphylactic reactions to ERT and whose desensitization protocols were abbreviated after receiving uneventful treatment with desensitization for at least a year were included in the study.
    RESULTS: Six patients, four with Pompe disease, one with mucopolysaccharidosis type 2, and one with mucopolysaccharidosis type 4, had been receiving uninterrupted ERT by desensitization for at least 1 year. The mean age of the patients was 117.6 months (median: 104.5, IQR: 85.2-144). All patients experienced anaphylaxis as the initial reaction. Skin and intradermal tests were repeated on patients prior to protocol abbreviation. Premedication previously given to all patients was discontinued, and desensitization protocols were subsequently shortened by increasing the infusion rate and/or reducing the number of steps.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study investigated patients whose desensitization protocols were abbreviated. It demonstrated that some level of tolerance could be attained through repeated applications. This approach aims to identify concise, safe, and efficient protocols, thereby reducing hospitalizations, nosocomial infections, and treatment expenses.





