Lycaon pictus

Lycaon pictus
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While territoriality is one of the key mechanisms influencing carnivore space use, most studies quantify resource selection and movement in the absence of conspecific influence or territorial structure. Our analysis incorporated social information in a resource selection framework to investigate mechanisms of territoriality and intra-specific competition on the habitat selection of a large, social carnivore. We fit integrated step selection functions to 3-h GPS data from 12 collared African wild dog packs in the Okavango Delta and estimated selection coefficients using a conditional Poisson likelihood with random effects. Packs selected for their neighbors\' 30-day boundary (defined as their 95% kernel density estimate) and for their own 90-day core (defined as their 50% kernel density estimate). Neighbors\' 30-day boundary had a greater influence on resource selection than any habitat feature. Habitat selection differed when they were within versus beyond their neighbors\' 30-day boundary. Pack size, pack tenure, pup presence, and seasonality all mediated how packs responded to neighbors\' space use, and seasonal dynamics altered the strength of residency. While newly-formed packs and packs with pups avoided their neighbors\' boundary, older packs and those without pups selected for it. Packs also selected for the boundary of larger neighboring packs more strongly than that of smaller ones. Social structure within packs has implications for how they interact with conspecifics, and therefore how they are distributed across the landscape. Future research should continue to investigate how territorial processes are mediated by social dynamics and, in turn, how territorial structure mediates resource selection and movement. These results could inform the development of a human-wildlife conflict (HWC) mitigation tool by co-opting the mechanisms of conspecific interactions to manage space use of endangered carnivores.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    There are few studies on diseases affecting endangered African wild dogs. We report our findings on malignant tumors in two African wild dogs. Case 1 was a 6-year-old intact female diagnosed with inflammatory mammary carcinoma with pulmonary metastasis. Case 2 was an 11-year-old male diagnosed with primary hemangiosarcoma of the left atrial coronary sulcus with metastasis to multiple organs. Additionally, the tumor had grown through the cardiac wall, causing cardiac tamponade. The identification of disease incidence trends provides important information which will allow for the early detection and treatment of malignant tumors, and aid in the conservation of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This retrospective study documents the occurrence of single and multiple cutaneous apocrine gland tumours (CATs) on the dorsal midline of 16 captive African wild dogs (AWDs, Lycaon pictus) derived from 161 submissions to diagnostic laboratories in South Africa, France and Germany between 1997 and 2022. Animals included in the study came from zoological institutions in South Africa (n = 2), France (n = 5) and Germany (n = 1) and ranged from 5 to 14 years of age. Fifteen affected animals were female (94%) and one was male. CATs presented as raised, hairless, multilobular, grey firm masses, consistently located along the dorsal midline. Apart from a single cutaneous apocrine adenoma and a cystadenoma occurring concurrently with two non-cystic adenocarcinomas, neoplasms were consistent with malignant cutaneous apocrine adenocarcinomas with lymphatic spread and visceral metastases. Advanced age and female sex were identified as risk factors. A genetic component or association with the increasing use of GnRH agonist contraceptives was suspected but could not be established. This study highlights the need for close clinical monitoring of AWDs over the age of 5 years for the development of CATs along the dorsal midline and supports early surgical intervention. More research is needed to determine the role of inbreeding, endocrine changes and husbandry factors that may play a role in the development of CATs on the dorsal midline of AWDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractMortality is considered one of the main costs of dispersal. A reliable evaluation of mortality, however, is often hindered by a lack of information about the fate of individuals that disappear under unexplained circumstances (i.e., missing individuals). Here, we addressed this uncertainty by applying a Bayesian mortality analysis that inferred the fate of missing individuals according to information from individuals with known fate. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that mortality during dispersal is higher than mortality among nondispersers using 32 years of mark-resighting data from a free-ranging population of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) in northern Botswana. Contrary to expectations, we found that mortality during dispersal was lower than mortality among nondispersers, indicating that higher mortality is not a universal cost of dispersal. Our findings suggest that group living can incur costs for certain age classes, such as limited access to resources as group density increases, that exceed the mortality costs associated with dispersal. By challenging the accepted expectation of higher mortality during dispersal, we urge for further investigations of this key life history trait and propose a robust statistical approach to reduce bias in mortality estimates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reliable estimates of population size and demographic rates are central to assessing the status of threatened species. However, obtaining individual-based demographic rates requires long-term data, which is often costly and difficult to collect. Photographic data offer an inexpensive, noninvasive method for individual-based monitoring of species with unique markings, and could therefore increase available demographic data for many species. However, selecting suitable images and identifying individuals from photographic catalogs is prohibitively time-consuming. Automated identification software can significantly speed up this process. Nevertheless, automated methods for selecting suitable images are lacking, as are studies comparing the performance of the most prominent identification software packages. In this study, we develop a framework that automatically selects images suitable for individual identification, and compare the performance of three commonly used identification software packages; Hotspotter, I3S-Pattern, and WildID. As a case study, we consider the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, a species whose conservation is limited by a lack of cost-effective large-scale monitoring. To evaluate intraspecific variation in the performance of software packages, we compare identification accuracy between two populations (in Kenya and Zimbabwe) that have markedly different coat coloration patterns. The process of selecting suitable images was automated using convolutional neural networks that crop individuals from images, filter out unsuitable images, separate left and right flanks, and remove image backgrounds. Hotspotter had the highest image-matching accuracy for both populations. However, the accuracy was significantly lower for the Kenyan population (62%), compared to the Zimbabwean population (88%). Our automated image preprocessing has immediate application for expanding monitoring based on image matching. However, the difference in accuracy between populations highlights that population-specific detection rates are likely and may influence certainty in derived statistics. For species such as the African wild dog, where monitoring is both challenging and expensive, automated individual recognition could greatly expand and expedite conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Dispersal of individuals contributes to long-term population persistence, yet requires a sufficient degree of landscape connectivity. To date, connectivity has mainly been investigated using least-cost analysis and circuit theory, two methods that make assumptions that are hardly applicable to dispersal. While these assumptions can be relaxed by explicitly simulating dispersal trajectories across the landscape, a unified approach for such simulations is lacking.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we propose and apply a simple three-step approach to simulate dispersal and to assess connectivity using empirical GPS movement data and a set of habitat covariates.
    UNASSIGNED: In step one of the proposed approach, we use integrated step-selection functions to fit a mechanistic movement model describing habitat and movement preferences of dispersing individuals. In step two, we apply the parameterized model to simulate dispersal across the study area. In step three, we derive three complementary connectivity maps; a heatmap highlighting frequently traversed areas, a betweenness map pinpointing dispersal corridors, and a map of inter-patch connectivity indicating the presence and intensity of functional links between habitat patches. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed three-step approach in a case study in which we use GPS data collected on dispersing African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) inhabiting northern Botswana.
    UNASSIGNED: Using step-selection functions we successfully parametrized a detailed dispersal model that described dispersing individuals\' habitat and movement preferences, as well as potential interactions among the two. The model substantially outperformed a model that omitted such interactions and enabled us to simulate 80,000 dispersal trajectories across the study area.
    UNASSIGNED: By explicitly simulating dispersal trajectories, our approach not only requires fewer unrealistic assumptions about dispersal, but also permits the calculation of multiple connectivity metrics that together provide a comprehensive view of landscape connectivity. In our case study, the three derived connectivity maps revealed several wild dog dispersal hotspots and corridors across the extent of our study area. Each map highlighted a different aspect of landscape connectivity, thus emphasizing their complementary nature. Overall, our case study demonstrates that a simulation-based approach offers a simple yet powerful alternative to traditional connectivity modeling techniques. It is therefore useful for a variety of applications in ecological, evolutionary, and conservation research.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10980-023-01602-4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contagious yawning (CY), which is yawning elicited by sensing another yawning, has been observed only in social species and is considered linked to high sociality. Although this idea-the social communication hypothesis-is supported by previous studies, investigating the occurrence of CY in various species remains necessary. We investigated the occurrence of CY in one of the most social canine species, the African painted dog (Lycaon pictus). We recorded 1387 yawn events from five pairs (10 individuals) in captivity. Temporal analysis showed that subsequent yawns occurred frequently within 15 s or 30 s after spontaneous yawns (SYs). SYs that were detectable by another individual (i.e., visible to the other individual or performed in close proximity) were more likely to elicit subsequent yawns by the other individual. However, the influence of contextual factors on CY differed according to the time window, implying that a conservative time window should be used to reduce overcounting of CY and misattribution of its determinants. The proportion of CY was positively related to time spent in physical proximity to another, a proxy for a social bond. Overall, our results provide the first evidence of CY in African painted dogs and further support the notion that such behavior is prevalent among social animals. They also strongly imply that an appropriate time window should be used to define yawn contagion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this present article the draft sequence data for Clostridium perfringens FA, which was isolated from the faecal material of a critically endangered African Wild dog, is reported. The bacterium is widely distributed in the environment and in the normal intestinal flora of humans and animals. The genome of strain C. perfringens FA was assembled into 21 contigs with a total length of 3, 044, 349 bp and a GC content of 28.20%. There are 2742 CDS, 70 tRNAs and 5 rRNAs. Five putative virulence genes were detected. There were no plasmid replicons found. The genome of few environmental isolates has been sequenced. The draft genome of strain FA can be compared to disease causing isolates cultured from humans to aid in a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the bacterium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large carnivores increasingly inhabit human-affected landscapes, which exhibit heterogeneity in biotic resources, anthropogenic pressures, and management strategies. Understanding large carnivore habitat use in these systems is critical for their conservation, as is the evaluation of competing management approaches and the impacts of significant land-use changes. We used occupancy modeling to investigate habitat use of an intact eastern African large carnivore guild across the 45,000 km2 Ruaha-Rungwa landscape in south-central Tanzania. We determined the relative impact on five large carnivore species of biotic, anthropogenic, and management factors at the scales of home range selection and short-term use within home ranges. We also specifically tested the effect of abandonment of trophy hunting areas on large carnivore occurrence. Patterns of habitat use differed among species. Lions (Panthera leo) appeared affected by top-down limitation, as their occurrence was significantly negatively associated with illegal human activity (β = -0.63 [SE 0.28]). African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), instead, were limited by biotic features; the species was negatively associated with riverine areas of high sympatric predator density (β = -1.00 [SE 0.43]) and used less-productive habitats. Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) and leopard (Panthera pardus) persisted in more disturbed areas and across habitat types. Large carnivore occurrence was not affected by whether an area was used for photographic or trophy hunting tourism; regular law enforcement was instead a better predictor of occurrence. All species fared better in actively managed hunting areas than those that had been abandoned by operators. Overall, our findings highlight the divergent habitat requirements within large carnivore guilds and the importance of adopting an integrated approach to large carnivore conservation planning in modern systems. We also identified a novel threat to African conservation areas in the form of decreased management investments associated with the abandonment of trophy hunting areas.
    Uso de Hábitat y Amenazas para los Grandes Carnívoros de África en un Paisaje de Uso Mixto Resumen Cada vez más, los grandes carnívoros habitan paisajes afectados por los humanos, los cuales presentan heterogeneidad en los recursos bióticos, las presiones antropogénicas y las estrategias de manejo. El conocimiento sobre cómo usan el hábitat los grandes carnívoros en estos sistemas es crucial para su conservación, como lo es la evaluación de las estrategias competitivas de manejo y los impactos de los cambios significativos en el uso de suelo. Usamos modelos de ocupación para investigar el uso de hábitat por parte de un gremio intacto de grandes carnívoros en el este de África a lo largo de los 45,000 km2 del paisaje Ruaha-Rungwa en el centro-sur de Tanzania. Determinamos el impacto relativo que tienen los factores bióticos, antropogénicos y de manejo sobre cinco especies de grandes carnívoros a escala de selección de extensión doméstica y uso a corto plazo dentro de la extensión doméstica. También analizamos específicamente el efecto que tiene el abandono de las áreas de caza de trofeos sobre la presencia de los grandes carnívoros. Los patrones de uso de hábitat difirieron entre las especies. Los leones (Panthera leo) parecieron estar afectados por la limitación de arriba-abajo ya que su presencia estuvo asociada negativamente de manera importante con la actividad humana ilegal (β = - 0.63 [SE 0.28]). El perro salvaje africano (Lycaon pictus) estuvo limitado por los elementos bióticos; la especie estuvo asociada negativamente con las áreas de alta densidad simpátrica de depredadores (β = - 1.00 [SE 0.43]) y utilizó los hábitats menos productivos. La hiena moteada (Crocuta crocuta) y el leopardo (Panthera pardus) persistieron en áreas más perturbadas y en todos los tipos de hábitat. La presencia de los grandes carnívoros no se vio afectada si el área se usaba para caza de trofeos o turismo fotográfico; la aplicación regular de la ley fue un mejor pronóstico de la presencia. A todas las especies les fue mejor en las áreas de caza con gestión activa que en aquellas abandonadas por los operadores. En general, nuestros descubrimientos resaltan los distintos requerimientos de hábitat dentro de los gremios de grandes carnívoros y la importancia de adoptar un enfoque integrado para la planeación de la conservación de estas especies en los sistemas modernos. También identificamos una amenaza nueva para las áreas de conservación africana a manera de inversiones de manejo disminuidas asociadas con el abandono de las áreas de caza de trofeos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The African wild dog (AWD) (Lycaon pictus) is a critically endangered species. These animals are hypercarnivores, hunting mostly medium-sized antelope. In this study, using bacterial tag-encoded FLX-Titanium amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP®), the microbiota in the fecal material of AWDs living in the Great Plains Zoo & Delbridge Museum of Natural History was investigated. In both samples, the most predominant bacterial phylum was the Firmicutes with members of the genus Blautia spp. being the most dominant bacteria.





