Luminal progenitors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aberrant amplification of mammary luminal progenitors is at the origin of basal-like breast cancers associated with BRCA1 mutations. Integrins mediate cell-matrix adhesion and transmit mechanical and chemical signals that drive epithelial stem cell functions and regulate tumor progression, metastatic reactivation, and resistance to targeted therapies. Consistently, we have recently shown that laminin-binding integrins are essential for the expansion and differentiation of mammary luminal progenitors in physiological conditions. As over-expression of the laminin-binding α6 integrin (Itgα6) is associated with poor prognosis and reduced survival in breast cancer, we here investigate the role of Itgα6 in mammary tumorigenesis.
    METHODS: We used Blg-Cre; Brca1F/F; Trp53F/F mice, a model that phenocopies human basal-like breast cancer with BRCA1 mutations. We generated mutant mice proficient or deficient in Itgα6 expression and followed tumor formation. Mammary tumors and pretumoral tissues were characterized by immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, RT-qPCR, Western blotting and organoid cultures. Clonogenicity of luminal progenitors from preneoplastic glands was studied in 3D Matrigel cultures.
    RESULTS: We show that Itga6 deletion favors activation of p16 cell cycle inhibitor in the preneoplastic tissue. Subsequently, the amplification of luminal progenitors, the cell of origin of Brca1-deficient tumors, is restrained in Itgα6-deficient gland. In addition, the partial EMT program operating in Brca1/p53-deficient epithelium is attenuated in the absence of Itgα6. As a consequence of these events, mammary tumor formation is delayed in Itgα6-deficient mice. After tumor formation, the lack of Itgα6 does not affect tumor growth but rather alters their differentiation, resulting in reduced expression of basal cell markers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that Itgα6 has a pro-tumorigenic role in Blg-Cre; Brca1F/F; Trp53F/F mice developing basal-like mammary tumors. In particular, we reveal that Itgα6 is required for the luminal progenitor expansion and the aberrant partial EMT program that precedes the formation of BRCA1 deficient tumors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate cancer (PCa) has a predominantly luminal phenotype. Basal cells were previously identified as a cell of origin for PCa, but increasing evidence implicates luminal cells as a preferred cell of origin for PCa, as well as key drivers of tumor development and progression. Prostate luminal cells are understudied compared with basal cells. In this review, we describe the contribution of prostate luminal progenitor (LP) cells to luminal cell development and their role in prostate development, androgen-mediated regeneration of castrated prostate, and tumorigenesis. We also discuss the potential value of LP transcriptomics to identify new targets and therapies to treat aggressive PCa. Finally, we propose future research directions focusing on molecular mechanisms underlying LP cell biology and heterogeneity in normal and diseased prostate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The existence of slow-cycling luminal cells in the prostate has been suggested, but their identity and functional properties remain unknown. Using a bigenic mouse model to earmark, isolate, and characterize the quiescent stem-like cells, we identify a label-retaining cell (LRC) population in the luminal cell layer as luminal progenitors. Molecular and biological characterizations show that these luminal LRCs are significantly enriched in the mouse proximal prostate, exhibit relative dormancy, display bipotency in both in vitro and in vivo assays, and express a stem/progenitor gene signature with resemblance to aggressive prostate cancer. Importantly, these LRCs, compared with bulk luminal cells, maintain a lower level of androgen receptor (AR) expression and are less androgen dependent and also castration resistant in vivo. Finally, analysis of phenotypic markers reveals heterogeneity within the luminal progenitor cell pool. Our study establishes luminal LRCs as progenitors that may serve as a cellular origin for castration-resistant prostate cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hormones drive mammary development and function and play critical roles in breast cancer. Epidemiologic studies link prolactin (PRL) to increased risk for aggressive cancers that express estrogen receptor α (ERα). However, in contrast to ovarian steroids, PRL actions on the mammary gland outside of pregnancy are poorly understood. We employed the transgenic NRL-PRL model to examine the effects of PRL alone and with defined estrogen/progesterone exposure on stem/progenitor activity and regulatory networks that drive epithelial differentiation. PRL increased progenitors and modulated transcriptional programs, even without ovarian steroids, and with steroids further raised stem cell activity associated with elevated canonical Wnt signaling. However, despite facilitating some steroid actions, PRL opposed steroid-driven luminal maturation and increased CD61+ luminal cells. Our findings demonstrate that PRL can powerfully influence the epithelial hierarchy alone and temper the actions of ovarian steroids, which may underlie its role in the development of breast cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammary gland morphogenesis depends on a tight balance between cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, to create a defined functional hierarchy within the epithelia. The limited availability of stem cell/progenitor markers has made it challenging to decipher lineage relationships. Here, we identify a rare subset of luminal progenitors that express the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Blimp1, and demonstrate that this subset of highly clonogenic luminal progenitors is required for mammary gland development. Conditional inactivation experiments using K14-Cre and WAPi-Cre deleter strains revealed essential functions at multiple developmental stages. Thus, Blimp1 regulates proliferation, apoptosis and alveolar cell maturation during puberty and pregnancy. Loss of Blimp1 disrupts epithelial architecture and lumen formation both in vivo and in three-dimensional (3D) primary cell cultures. Collectively, these results demonstrate that Blimp1 is required to maintain a highly proliferative luminal subset necessary for mammary gland development and homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hormone-sensing mammary epithelial cell (HS-MEC-expressing oestrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PGR)) is often represented as being terminally differentiated and lacking significant progenitor activity after puberty. Therefore while able to profoundly influence the proliferation and function of other MEC populations, HS-MECs are purported not to respond to sex hormone signals by engaging in significant cell proliferation during adulthood. This is a convenient and practical simplification that overshadows the sublime, and potentially critical, phenotypic plasticity found within the adult HS-MEC population. This concept is exemplified by the large proportion (~80 %) of human breast cancers expressing PGR and/or ERα, demonstrating that HS-MECs clearly proliferate in the context of breast cancer. Understanding how HS-MEC proliferation and differentiation is driven could be key to unraveling the mechanisms behind uncontrolled HS-MEC proliferation associated with ERα- and/or PGR-positive breast cancers. Herein we review evidence for the existence of a HS-MEC progenitor and the emerging plasticity of the HS-MEC population in general. This is followed by an analysis of hormones other than oestrogen and progesterone that are able to influence HS-MEC proliferation and differentiation: androgens, prolactin and transforming growth factor-beta1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality for females worldwide.1 Improving early screening strategies and understanding the events that lead to tumor initiation have led to demonstrable improvements in clinical outcome. Our previous work revealed a variance in the tumorigenic capacity between different mammary epithelial cell populations in an MMTV-ErbB2 mouse model. In order to greater understand how different mammary epithelial cells influence the tumorigenic capacity in ErbB2-induced breast cancer, we transplanted different cell populations from pre-neoplastic MMTV-ErbB2 female mice into recipient mice for tumorigenic study. We found that different mammary epithelial cells bear different tumorigenic potential even when induced by the same ErbB2 proto-oncogene. To understand the difference in tumors formed from different epithelial cells, we performed gene expression profiling using these tumors (GSE64487). Several genes were further validated using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Here we provide further details on the experimental methods and microarray analysis. This data provides a resource to further understanding how different mammary cell populations can initiate ErbB2-driven tumors and the role of these cell populations as putative tumor-initiating cells (TICs).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the role of estrogen signaling in breast cancer development has been extensively studied, the mechanisms that regulate the indispensable role of estrogen in normal mammary gland development have not been well studied. Because of the unavailability of culture system to maintain estrogen-receptor-positive (ERα(+)) cells in vitro, the molecular mechanisms that regulate estrogen/ERα signaling in the normal human breast are unknown. In the present study, we examined the effects of estrogen signaling on ERα(+) human luminal progenitors using a modified matrigel assay and found that estrogen signaling increased the expansion potential of these progenitors. Furthermore, we found that blocking ERα attenuated luminal progenitor expansion and decreased the luminal colony-forming potential of these progenitors. Additionally, blocking ERα decreased H19 expression in the luminal progenitors and led to the development of smaller luminal colonies. We further showed that knocking down the H19 gene in the luminal progenitors significantly decreased the colony-forming potential of the luminal progenitors, and this phenotype could not be rescued by the addition of estrogen. Lastly, we explored the clinical relevance of the estrogen-H19 signaling axis in breast tumors and found that ERα(+) tumors exhibited a higher expression of H19 as compared with ERα(-) tumors and that H19 expression showed a positive correlation with ERα expression in those tumors. Taken together, the present results indicate that the estrogen-ERα-H19 signaling axis plays a role in regulating the proliferation and differentiation potentials of the normal luminal progenitors and that this signaling network may also be important in the development of ER(+) breast cancer tumors.





