Live Imaging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons form cell-type-specific morphologies that are shaped by cell-surface molecules and their cellular events governing dendrite growth. One growth rule is dendrite self-avoidance, whereby dendrites distribute uniformly within a neuron\'s territory by avoiding sibling branches. In mammalian neurons, dendrite self-avoidance is regulated by a large family of cell-recognition molecules called the clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs). Genetic and molecular studies suggest that the cPcdhs mediate homophilic recognition and repulsion between self-dendrites. However, this model has not been tested through direct investigation of self-avoidance during development. Here, we performed live imaging and four-dimensional (4D) quantifications of dendrite morphogenesis to define the dynamics and cPcdh-dependent mechanisms of self-avoidance. We focused on the mouse retinal starburst amacrine cell (SAC), which requires the gamma-Pcdhs (Pcdhgs) and self/non-self-recognition to establish a stereotypic radial morphology while permitting dendritic interactions with neighboring SACs. Through morphogenesis, SACs extend dendritic protrusions that iteratively fill the growing arbor and contact and retract from nearby self-dendrites. Compared to non-self-contacting protrusions, self-contacting events have longer lifetimes, and a subset persists as loops. In the absence of the Pcdhgs, non-self-contacting dynamics are unaffected but self-contacting retractions are significantly diminished. Self-contacting bridges accumulate, leading to the bundling of dendritic processes and disruption to the arbor shape. By tracking dendrite self-avoidance in real time, our findings establish that the γ-Pcdhs mediate self-recognition and retraction between contacting sibling dendrites. Our results also illustrate how self-avoidance shapes stochastic and space-filling dendritic outgrowth for robust pattern formation in mammalian neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammalian central neurons AMPARs are clustered at glutamatergic synapses where they mediate fast excitatory transmission. In addition to four pore-forming subunits (GluA1-4), AMPARs contain auxiliary transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (γ2, γ3, γ4, γ5, γ7 or γ8) whose incorporation can vary between neuron types, brain regions, and stages of development. As well as modulating the functional properties of AMPARs, these auxiliary subunits play a central role in AMPAR trafficking. Directly visualizing TARPs could therefore provide a valuable insight into mechanisms underlying these processes. Although antibodies are routinely used for the detection of surface proteins, our experience suggests anti-TARP antibodies are too bulky to access their target, possibly due to close interactions between the extracellular domains of TARP and AMPAR subunits. We therefore assessed the utility of a small monovalent probe - fluorescent α-bungarotoxin (α-Btx) - for TARP labelling in living neurons. We inserted the bungarotoxin binding site (BBS) within the extracellular domain of TARPs to enable their detection in cells exposed to fluorescent α-Btx. Focusing on the prototypical TARP γ2, we demonstrate that the small size of fluorescent α-Btx allows it to bind to the BBS-tagged TARP when associated with AMPARs. Importantly, labelled γ2 enhances AMPAR function in the same way as unmodified γ2. In living neurons, fluorescent α-Btx-labelled γ2 associates with AMPAR clusters at synapses. As a proof-of-principle, we employed our method to compare the surface trafficking of γ2 and γ7 in cerebellar stellate neurons. Our approach provides a simple way to visualize TARPs within AMPARs in living cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microglia are macrophages residing in the central nervous system, where they perform immune surveillance, synaptic remodeling, neurogenesis, and monitor signals arising from brain injuries or potential pathogens.Commonly, rodent models are used for studying microglia because of the available transgenic mouse lines in which specific genetic manipulations are successfully accomplished. However, human and rodents microglia showed significant differences, which are reflected in different morphological and functional properties. These differences are in genetic and transcriptomic, but also in the expression of signaling molecules and age-associated changes.Several strategies are available to study human microglia, as using surgical brain resections from epileptic and tumoral tissues and from post mortem brain samples. In addition, the generation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and the possibility to differentiate them in microglia-like cells provide unique opportunities to compare microglia functions between rodents\' and human brain.The use of human ex vivo and in vitro brain models allows the study of human microglia, mimicking in vivo conditions. This will be useful for a better understanding of the real live behavior and functions of microglia in the human brain. This chapter aims to highlight significant similarities and differences between human and rodent microglia in order to re-evaluate mouse models of different human brain disorders, proposing the use of in vitro and ex vivo human brain models.Studies on living human microglia in the brain may help to define divergences from animal models and to improve clinical interventions to treat brain pathologies, using alternatives targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In developing tissues, morphogen gradients are thought to initialize gene expression patterns. However, the relationship between the dynamics of morphogen-encoded signals and gene expression decisions is largely unknown. Here we examine the dynamics of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathway in Drosophila blastoderm-stage embryos. In this tissue, the BMP pathway is highly dynamic: it begins as a broad and weak signal on the dorsal half of the embryo, then 20-30 min later refines into a narrow, intense peak centered on the dorsal midline. This dynamical progression of the BMP signal raises questions of how it stably activates target genes. Therefore, we performed live imaging of the BMP signal and found that dorsal-lateral cells experience only a short transient in BMP signaling, after which the signal is lost completely. Moreover, we measured the transcriptional response of the BMP target gene pannier in live embryos and found it to remain activated in dorsal-lateral cells, even after the BMP signal is lost. Our findings may suggest that the BMP pathway activates a memory, or \'ratchet\' mechanism that may sustain gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The significant advances in the differentiation of human pluripotent stem (hPS) cells into pancreatic endocrine cells, including functional β-cells, have been based on a detailed understanding of the underlying developmental mechanisms. However, the final differentiation steps, leading from endocrine progenitors to mono-hormonal and mature pancreatic endocrine cells, remain to be fully understood and this is reflected in the remaining shortcomings of the hPS cell-derived islet cells (SC-islet cells), which include a lack of β-cell maturation and variability among different cell lines. Additional signals and modifications of the final differentiation steps will have to be assessed in a combinatorial manner to address the remaining issues and appropriate reporter lines would be useful in this undertaking. Here we report the generation and functional validation of hPS cell reporter lines that can monitor the generation of INS+ and GCG+ cells and their resolution into mono-hormonal cells (INSeGFP, INSeGFP/GCGmCHERRY) as well as β-cell maturation (INSeGFP/MAFAmCHERRY) and function (INSGCaMP6). The reporter hPS cell lines maintained strong and widespread expression of pluripotency markers and differentiated efficiently into definitive endoderm and pancreatic progenitor (PP) cells. PP cells from all lines differentiated efficiently into islet cell clusters that robustly expressed the corresponding reporters and contained glucose-responsive, insulin-producing cells. To demonstrate the applicability of these hPS cell reporter lines in a high-content live imaging approach for the identification of optimal differentiation conditions, we adapted our differentiation procedure to generate SC-islet clusters in microwells. This allowed the live confocal imaging of multiple SC-islets for a single condition and, using this approach, we found that the use of the N21 supplement in the last stage of the differentiation increased the number of monohormonal β-cells without affecting the number of α-cells in the SC-islets. The hPS cell reporter lines and the high-content live imaging approach described here will enable the efficient assessment of multiple conditions for the optimal differentiation and maturation of SC-islets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African swine fever virus (ASFV) infection causes a frequently fatal disease in domestic swine that has affected more than 50 countries worldwide since 2021, with a major impact on animal welfare and economy. The development of effective vaccines or antivirals against this disease are urgently required for its effective control. Live detection of viral replication has been used as a tool for the screening and characterization of antiviral compounds in other dsDNA genome containing viruses. Here, we have adapted the ANCHOR fluorescent DNA labelling system to ASFV by constructing and characterizing a novel recombinant virus. We show that this virus is viable and effectively tags viral DNA replication sites, which can be detected and quantified in real time. Further, we have used high content cell microscopy to test the antiviral activity of bisbenzimide compounds and show that Hoechst 33342 has specific anti-ASFV activity. We expect this novel tool to be useful both in the further study of ASFV replication as in the screening of new specific antiviral compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meibomian glands secrete lipid-rich meibum, which prevents tear evaporation. Aging-related Meibomian gland shrinkage may result in part from stem cell exhaustion and is associated with evaporative dry eye disease, a common condition lacking effective treatment. The identities and niche of Meibomian gland stem cells and the signals controlling their activity are poorly defined. Using snRNA-seq, in vivo lineage tracing, ex vivo live imaging, and genetic studies in mice, we identified markers for stem cell populations that maintain distinct regions of the gland and uncovered Hh signaling as a key regulator of stem cell proliferation. Consistent with this, human Meibomian gland carcinoma exhibited increased Hh signaling. Aged glands displayed decreased Hh and EGF signaling, deficient innervation, and loss of collagen I in niche fibroblasts, indicating that alterations in both glandular epithelial cells and their surrounding microenvironment contribute to age-related degeneration. These findings suggest new approaches to treat aging-associated Meibomian gland loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Axonal damage is a common feature of traumatic injury and neurodegenerative disease. The capacity for axons to regenerate and to recover functionality after injury is a phenomenon that is seen readily in the peripheral nervous system, especially in rodent models, but human axonal regeneration is limited and does not lead to full functional recovery. Here we describe a system where dynamics of human axonal outgrowth and regeneration can be evaluated via live imaging of human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived neurons cultured in microfluidic systems, in which cell bodies are isolated from their axons. This system could aid in studying axonal outgrowth dynamics and could be useful for testing potential drugs that encourage regeneration and repair of the nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cell intrinsic mechanisms directing peripheral nerve regeneration have remained largely understudied, thus limiting our understanding of these processes and constraining the advancement of novel clinical therapeutics. The use of primary adult rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons cultured in vitro is well established. Despite this, these cells can be challenging to culture and have so far not been amenable to robust transfection or live-cell imaging. The ability to transfect these cells with fluorescent plasmid constructs to label subcellular structures, combined with high resolution time-lapse imaging has the potential to provide invaluable insight into how peripheral neurons coordinate their regenerative response, and which specific cellular structures are involved in this process. Here we describe a protocol that facilitates transfection and subsequent live-imaging of adult rat DRG neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The specialized function and extreme geometry of neurons necessitates a unique reliance upon long-distance microtubule-based transport. Appropriate trafficking of axonal cargos by motor proteins is essential for establishing circuitry during development and continuing function throughout a lifespan. Visualizing and quantifying cargo movement provides valuable insight into how axonal organelles are replenished, recycled, and degraded during the dynamic dance of outgoing and incoming axonal traffic. Long-distance axonal trafficking is of particular importance as it encompasses a pathway commonly disrupted in developmental and degenerative disease states. Here, we describe neuronal organelles and outline methods for live imaging and quantifying their movement throughout the axon via transient expression of fluorescently labeled organelle markers. This resource provides recommendations for target proteins/domains and appropriate acquisition time scales for visualizing distinct neuronal cargos in cultured neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and primary rat neurons.





