Liquid–liquid phase separation

液 - 液相分离
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite longstanding excitement and progress toward understanding liquid-liquid phase separation in natural and artificial membranes, fundamental questions have persisted about which molecules are required for this phenomenon. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the smallest number of components that has produced large-scale, liquid-liquid phase separation in bilayers has stubbornly remained at three: a sterol, a phospholipid with ordered chains, and a phospholipid with disordered chains. This requirement of three components is puzzling because only two components are required for liquid-liquid phase separation in lipid monolayers, which resemble half of a bilayer. Inspired by reports that sterols interact closely with lipids with ordered chains, we tested whether phase separation would occur in bilayers in which a sterol and lipid were replaced by a single, joined sterol-lipid. By evaluating a panel of sterol-lipids, some of which are present in bacteria, we found a minimal bilayer of only two components (PChemsPC and diPhyPC) that robustly demixes into micron-scale, liquid phases. It suggests an additional role for sterol-lipids in nature, and it reveals a membrane in which tie-lines (and, therefore, the lipid composition of each phase) are straightforward to determine and will be consistent across multiple laboratories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) often undergo phase separation to control their functions spatiotemporally. Changing the pH alters the protonation levels of charged sidechains, which in turn affects the attractive or repulsive force for phase separation. In a cell, the rupture of membrane-bound compartments, such as lysosomes, creates an abrupt change in pH. However, how proteins\' phase separation reacts to different pH environments remains largely unexplored. Here, using extensive mutagenesis, NMR spectroscopy, and biophysical techniques, it is shown that the assembly of galectin-3, a widely studied lysosomal damage marker, is driven by cation-π interactions between positively charged residues in its folded domain with aromatic residues in the IDR in addition to π-π interaction between IDRs. It is also found that the sole two negatively charged residues in its IDR sense pH changes for tuning the condensation tendency. Also, these two residues may prevent this prion-like IDR domain from forming rapid and extensive aggregates. These results demonstrate how cation-π, π-π, and electrostatic interactions can regulate protein condensation between disordered and structured domains and highlight the importance of sparse negatively charged residues in prion-like IDRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ATG9A is the only integral membrane protein among core autophagy-related (ATG) proteins. We previously found that ATG9A does not co-assemble into synaptophysin-positive vesicles, but rather, localizes to a distinct pool of vesicles within synapsin condensates in both fibroblasts and nerve terminals. The endocytic origin of these vesicles further suggests the existence of different intracellular sorting or segregation mechanisms for ATG9A and synaptophysin in cells. However, the precise underlying mechanism remains largely unknown. In this follow-up study, we investigated the endosomal localization of these two proteins by exploiting the advantages of a Rab5 mutant that induces the formation of enlarged endosomes. Notably, ATG9A and synaptophysin intermix perfectly and do not segregate on giant endosomes, indicating that the separation of these two proteins is not solely caused by the inherent properties of the proteins, but possibly by other unknown factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Twenty-five years ago, Hancock and Parks asked a provocative question: \"what is the true solubility advantage for amorphous pharmaceuticals?\" Difficulties in determining the amorphous solubility have since been overcome due to significant advances in theoretical understanding and experimental methods. The amorphous solubility is now understood to be the concentration after the drug undergoes liquid-liquid or liquid-glass phase separation, forming a water-saturated drug-rich phase in metastable equilibrium with an aqueous phase containing molecularly dissolved drug. While crystalline solubility is an essential parameter impacting the absorption of crystalline drug formulations, amorphous solubility is a vital factor for considering absorption from supersaturating formulations. However, the amorphous solubility of drugs is complex, especially in the presence of formulation additives and gastrointestinal components, and concentration-based measurements may not indicate the maximum drug thermodynamic activity. This review discusses the concept of the amorphous solubility advantage, including a historical perspective, theoretical considerations, experimental methods for amorphous solubility measurement, and the contribution of supersaturation and amorphous solubility to drug absorption. Leveraging amorphous solubility and understanding the associated physicochemical principles can lead to more effective development strategies for poorly water-soluble drugs, ultimately benefiting therapeutic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In eukaryotes, RNA N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification and microRNA (miRNA)-mediated RNA silencing represent two critical epigenetic regulatory mechanisms. The m6A methyltransferase complex (MTC) and the microprocessor complex both undergo liquid-liquid phase separation to form nuclear membraneless organelles. Although m6A methyltransferase has been shown to positively regulate miRNA biogenesis, a mechanism of reciprocal regulation between the MTC and the microprocessor complex has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the MTC and the microprocessor complex associate with each other through the METHYLTRANSFERASE B (MTB)-SERRATE (SE) interacting module. Knockdown of MTB impaired miRNA biogenesis by diminishing microprocessor complex binding to primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) and their respective MIRNA loci. Additionally, loss of SE function led to disruptions in transcriptome-wide m6A modification. Further biochemical assays and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) assay indicated that SE enhances the liquid-liquid phase separation and solubility of the MTC. Moreover, the MTC exhibited enhanced retention on chromatin and diminished binding to its RNA substrates in the se mutant background. Collectively, our results reveal the substantial regulatory interplay between RNA m6A modification and miRNA biogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), the promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML/RARα) fusion protein destroys PML nuclear bodies (NBs), leading to the formation of microspeckles. However, our understanding, largely learned from morphological observations, lacks insight into the mechanisms behind PML/RARα-mediated microspeckle formation and its role in APL leukemogenesis. This study presents evidence uncovering liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) as a key mechanism in the formation of PML/RARα-mediated microspeckles. This process is facilitated by the intrinsically disordered region containing a large portion of PML and a smaller segment of RARα. We demonstrate the coassembly of bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) within PML/RARα-mediated condensates, differing from wild-type PML-formed NBs. In the absence of PML/RARα, PML NBs and BRD4 puncta exist as two independent phases, but the presence of PML/RARα disrupts PML NBs and redistributes PML and BRD4 into a distinct phase, forming PML/RARα-assembled microspeckles. Genome-wide profiling reveals a PML/RARα-induced BRD4 redistribution across the genome, with preferential binding to super-enhancers and broad-promoters (SEBPs). Mechanistically, BRD4 is recruited by PML/RARα into nuclear condensates, facilitating BRD4 chromatin binding to exert transcriptional activation essential for APL survival. Perturbing LLPS through chemical inhibition (1, 6-hexanediol) significantly reduces chromatin co-occupancy of PML/RARα and BRD4, attenuating their target gene activation. Finally, a series of experimental validations in primary APL patient samples confirm that PML/RARα forms microspeckles through condensates, recruits BRD4 to coassemble condensates, and co-occupies SEBP regions. Our findings elucidate the biophysical, pathological, and transcriptional dynamics of PML/RARα-assembled microspeckles, underscoring the importance of BRD4 in mediating transcriptional activation that enables PML/RARα to initiate APL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The process of protein phase separation into liquid condensates has been implicated in the formation of membraneless organelles (MLOs), which selectively concentrate biomolecules to perform essential cellular functions. Although the importance of this process in health and disease is increasingly recognized, the experimental identification of proteins forming MLOs remains a complex challenge. In this study, we addressed this problem by harnessing the power of AlphaFold2 to perform computational predictions of the conformational properties of proteins from their amino acid sequences. We thus developed the CoDropleT (co-condensation into droplet transformer) method of predicting the propensity of co-condensation of protein pairs. The method was trained by combining experimental datasets of co-condensing proteins from the CD-CODE database with curated negative datasets of non-co-condensing proteins. To illustrate the performance of the method, we applied it to estimate the propensity of proteins to co-condense into MLOs. Our results suggest that CoDropleT could facilitate functional and therapeutic studies on protein condensation by predicting the composition of protein condensates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reveal the structural mechanism by which the low-complexity domain of the fused in sarcoma protein (FUS-LC) mediates liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), we conducted a vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism (VUV-CD) spectroscopic study, a technique to analyze the secondary structures of proteins. The VUV-CD measurements were performed at the BL12 VUV-CD station at the Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HiSOR) in Japan. CD spectra were measured between 180 and 260 nm while controlling the temperature of samples from 37°C to 5°C to obtain the LLPS of FUS-LC. The CD spectrum obtained at 37°C exhibited a large negative peak at 195 nm and a small negative shoulder near 220 nm. The peak intensity around 195 nm decreased as the sample temperature decreased. The spectral changes originated from the LLPS formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, we explored the intrinsic disorder status of the three members of the synuclein family of proteins-α-, β-, and γ-synucleins-and showed that although all three human synucleins are highly disordered, the highest levels of disorder are observed in γ-synuclein. Our analysis of the peculiarities of the amino acid sequences and modeled 3D structures of the human synuclein family members revealed that the pathological mutations A30P, E46K, H50Q, A53T, and A53E associated with the early onset of Parkinson\'s disease caused some increase in the local disorder propensity of human α-synuclein. A comparative sequence-based analysis of the synuclein proteins from various evolutionary distant species and evaluation of their levels of intrinsic disorder using a set of commonly used bioinformatics tools revealed that, irrespective of their origin, all members of the synuclein family analyzed in this study were predicted to be highly disordered proteins, indicating that their intrinsically disordered nature represents an evolutionary conserved and therefore functionally important feature. A detailed functional disorder analysis of the proteins in the interactomes of the human synuclein family members utilizing a set of commonly used disorder analysis tools showed that the human α-synuclein interactome has relatively higher levels of intrinsic disorder as compared with the interactomes of human β- and γ- synucleins and revealed that, relative to the β- and γ-synuclein interactomes, α-synuclein interactors are involved in a much broader spectrum of highly diversified functional pathways. Although proteins interacting with three human synucleins were characterized by highly diversified functionalities, this analysis also revealed that the interactors of three human synucleins were involved in three common functional pathways, such as the synaptic vesicle cycle, serotonergic synapse, and retrograde endocannabinoid signaling. Taken together, these observations highlight the critical importance of the intrinsic disorder of human synucleins and their interactors in various neuronal processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is a rapidly emerging field of study on biomolecular condensate formation. In recent years, this phenomenon has been implicated in the process of amyloid fibril formation, serving as an intermediate step between the native protein transition into their aggregated state. The formation of fibrils via LLPS has been demonstrated for a number of proteins related to neurodegenerative disorders, as well as other amyloidoses. Despite the surge in amyloid-related LLPS studies, the influence of protein condensate formation on the end-point fibril characteristics is still far from fully understood. In this work, we compare alpha-synuclein aggregation under different conditions, which promote or negate its LLPS and examine the differences between the formed aggregates. We show that alpha-synuclein phase separation generates a wide variety of assemblies with distinct secondary structures and morphologies. The LLPS-induced structures also possess higher levels of toxicity to cells, indicating that biomolecular condensate formation may be a critical step in the appearance of disease-related fibril variants.





