
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breast reconstruction after cancer surgery through lipomodeling can be performed alone or in combination with a flap. Our objective is to describe the proportion of techniques used on patients who underwent autologous reconstructive surgery after tumorectomy or mastectomy in Franche-Comté.
    METHODS: A bicentric retrospective observational study was conducted between October 2017 and December 2021 (NCT06101732), including three groups: those who underwent exclusive lipomodeling reconstruction after mastectomy (1) or in addition to a flap (2), and those who underwent exclusive lipomodeling reconstruction after tumorectomy (3). Socio-demographic, medical, and surgical data were collected and recorded in a specially designed software.
    RESULTS: Two hundred and fifty-one lipomodeling procedures were performed on 91 patients. In group 1, the average transferred volume was 1191mL with an average number of sessions of 4.4 spreads over 19.4months. In group 2, the average transferred volume was 676mL with an average operative time of 2.5 spread over 16.1months. In group 3, the average transferred volume was 223mL with an average number of sessions of 1.5 spreads over 6.2months. Regarding postoperative complications, 11% had cysts of fat necrosis, 4.4% had infections, and 2.2% had hematomas.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lipomodeling is a technique that has clearly established itself in the field of breast reconstructive surgery. It results in a few complications and improves the final aesthetic outcome whether used exclusively or in addition to a flap.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Complications of reduction mammoplasty can lead to aesthetic sequelae, which are known to be difficult and delicate to treat, and only a few articles deal with this subject.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to present and analyze our experience of lipomodeling for the secondary management of aesthetic sequelae occurring after a complication of reduction mammoplasty.
    METHODS: An uniform and consecutive series of 22 female patients, operated with the lipomodeling technique from December 2003 to March 2019 by the last author, to correct aesthetic sequelae after secondary complications of reduction mammoplasty was studied analyzing the efficiency and the tolerance of this technique.
    RESULTS: The results showed 86.4% of very good results and 13.6% of good results. Seventeen patients (77.3%) were highly satisfied with the postoperative outcome, and 5 patients were satisfied (22.7%). The number of procedures varied from 1 to 3: 15 patients (68.2%) underwent only one session of lipomodeling, 5 patients (22.7%) underwent two sessions, and 2 patients (9.1%) underwent three sessions. The mean time between two interventions was 4 months (3-12). No patient of this series initiates any medico-legal proceeding towards the first surgeon.
    CONCLUSIONS: After this study, lipomodeling, in association with ancillary procedures, seems to be an effective and safe solution to correct aesthetic sequelae following secondary complications of reduction mammoplasty. It should have a key role for the correction of these sequelae. An effective and appropriate care of these patients leads to good results and patients\' final satisfaction, and manages to avoid any medico-legal proceeding, always badly lived as much for the patient as for the first surgeon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major defects of the facial structures cause severe functional and aesthetic impairment. For composite defects with bone loss, the use of a titanium plate bridging the bony defect, associated or not to a soft tissue pedicled flap is to be considered in complex cases, or for patients with high comorbidities. The principal limit of this technique is the risk of plate exposure, especially for patients who had adjuvant radiation therapy. We present two clinical cases of patients who had a facial reconstruction using a titanium plate associated with a locoregional soft tissue flap, and who presented a near-exposed plate a few years after the first surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy. In order to prevent plate exposure, we performed several lipomodeling sessions between skin and plate. Our results are very encouraging, with no plate exposure and thickening of the soft tissues which cover the plate at 10-years follow-up. The knowledge of the possibility to use fat grafting transfer could therefore lead to a strong return to the use of titanium plates in facial reconstruction.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Lipomodelling (LM) is an increasingly used technique to reconstruct or correct an aesthetic defect linked to a loss of substance. In France, the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) published recommendations in 2015 and 2020 concerning the conditions of use of LM on the treated and contralateral breast. These appear to be inconsistently followed.
    Twelve members of the Senology Commission of the Collège national des gynécologues-obstétriciens français (French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians) reviewed the carcinological safety of LM and the clinical and radiological follow-up of patients after breast cancer surgery, based on French and international recommendations and a review of the literature. The bibliographic search was conducted via Medline from 2015 to 2022, selecting articles in French and English and applying PRISMA guidelines.
    A total of 14 studies on the oncological safety of LM, 5 studies on follow-up and 7 guidelines were retained. The 14 studies (6 retrospective, 2 prospective and 6 meta-analyses) had heterogeneous inclusion criteria and variable follow-up, ranging from 38 to 120 months. Most have shown no increased risk of locoregional or distant recurrence after LM. A retrospective case-control study (464 LMs and 3100 controls) showed, in patients who had no recurrence at 80 months, a subsequent reduction in recurrence-free survival after LM in cases of luminal A cancer, highlighting the number of lost to follow-up (more than 2/3 of luminal A cancers). About follow-up after LM, the 5 series showed the high frequency after LM of clinical mass and radiological images (in ¼ of cases), most often corresponding to cytosteatonecrosis. Most of the guidelines highlighted the uncertainties concerning oncological safety of LM, due to the lack of prospective data and long-term follow-up.
    The members of the Senology Commission agree with the conclusions of the HAS working group, in particular by advising against LM \"without cautionary periods\", excessively, or in cases of high risk of relapse, and recommend clear, detailed information to patients before undergoing LM, and the need for postoperative follow-up. The creation of a national registry could address most questions regarding both the oncological safety of this procedure and the modalities of patient follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital breast deformities usually occur during adolescence and can disturb the self-development and affect the identity during this crucial stage. Several surgical techniques are now available to correct these different anomalies. The objective is to clarify the place of lipomodeling in thoraco-mammary malformations, resuming the different indications, the results, as well as the limits and potential complications. The adipose tissue was harvested by soft aspiration as to reduce adipocyte trauma and using a syringe fitted with a 3.5mm cannula. After centrifugation, fat was reinjected retrogradely and by making thin cylinders of fat similar to \"spaghetti\". Moderate to severe asymmetry is one of the best indications for lipomodeling using one or two sessions. Thus, a perfect and lasting symmetry is achieved, without the need of an implant, which would inevitably leads to asymmetry because of a dissimilar evolution of the breast all over the time. In Becker\'s nevus syndrome, lipomodeling has also been performant in bluring the hyperpigmentation of the nevus. The role of lipomodeling in pectus excavatum deformity (antero-posterior sternocostal depression) is also crucial. Lipomodeling can be used alone, or in combination with a rigid customed silicone implant. Tuberous breasts include various anomalies. Lipomodeling is currently used especially when the anomaly is unilateral (2 fat graft sessions are usually needed). Fasciotomies are frequently performed too. Lipomodeling is a real revolution in the management of Poland syndrome (anomaly characterized by the unilateral lack of the pectoralis major muscle, more or less associated with other ipsilateral anomalies). On average, 3 to 5 sessions are necessary to obtain a suitable symmetry. Lipomodeling is very unlikely to cause major surgical complications. Cytosteatonecrosis nodules mainly occur with novice practitioner and decrease as they become more experienced. However, the principle of the three-dimensional network, and the phenomenon of tissue saturation of the recipient site should be respected. The main limitation of lipomodeling is directly related to the amount of fat available. That\'s why it is very important to evaluate it during the first clinical consultation, and to carefully select the patients eligible in order to limit the risk of failure. Lipomodeling of congenital breast anomalies is a technique well established, with a precise algorithm to follow, and is a procedure with low surgical risk, less scarring, cosmetic and lasting results. This technique is to be suggested as a first line treatment in all indications of congenital breast deformities, alone or combined to an implant. Therefore, it seems essential that a plastic surgeon fully master the indications and the use of fat tissue transfer procedure, in order to obtain natural and harmonious results.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Breast and thoracic deformities of Poland syndrome is a rare malformation known to be difficult to treat. Numerous descriptions of surgical corrections have been published but none achieved to correct severe cases before description of lipomodeling technique. The aim of this article is to present thoraco-mammary deformity of Poland syndrome, corrections techniques already available and therapeutical indications in primary and secondary cases. Constant anomaly of Poland syndrome is agenesis of sterno-costal part of pectoralis major muscle but other muscular anomalies can be associated. Skin and glandular anomalies present with a fine skin and an absent or hypoplasic subcutaneous fat with a glandular hypoplasia of various degree. Osteo-cartilaginous anomalies can be associated in very severe cases. Clinical sign of Poland syndrome is forced adduction manoeuvre highlighting pectoralis major agenesis. Functional impact of the deformity is low but psychological and psychosocial implications can be very important, supporting an early surgical correction. Therapeutic means are various and accurate descriptions are given in this article: thoracic bony reconstruction, thoracic implant made of silicone elastomer, breast implant, skin expansion, latissimus dorsi pedicled flap, free flaps, breast lipomodeling, Breast-pectoralis flap. Principles of each technique are described and balanced with their actual use in this malformation. Indications have been completely modified these last years due to lipomodeling contribution which represented a huge step in this deformity treatment. In our practice, if autologous reconstruction with lipomodeling is possible, we choose this solution at first. In case of severe thoracic deformity, a silicone elastomer implant made with the help of computed assisted conception can be an important adjunct, mainly by thin young man. In secondary cases, if implant is well tolerated, we found logical to stay in the same reconstruction path and do one or two sessions of lipomodeling in order to improve reconstruction. If implant tolerance is low and skin very thin at risk of exposure, we do recommend a conversion of implant reconstruction to autologous reconstruction. In conclusion, thoraco-mammary deformities of Poland syndrome are rare and hard to treat and should be managed by well trained and experimented surgeons. Breast lipomodeling is a huge step in the treatment of these deformities and should be regarded, in our opinion, as first line treatment if fat deposits are sufficient. In case of low fat provisions or in the thin young man, composite techniques should be used with silicone elastomer implant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soft tissue sarcomas are rare malignant tumors with pejorative prognosis. They require a multidisciplinary approach in a specialized hospital belonging to the NetSarc network in France. In all cases treated with curative intent, the objective of excision surgery is to achieve wide, microscopically negative margins (R0 according to the UICC classification). When growing on a limb, sarcomas may threaten functionally relevant structures and even lead to amputation. Nowadays, when combined with radiation therapy, wide exeresis limb-sparing surgery is achievable in 90 to 95% of the cases, of which 25% will nevertheless require reconstructive surgery to preserve the limb, to limit postoperative complications and to manage possible sequelae. Progress in reparative surgery, particularly in microsurgery, has helped not only to improve limb salvage rates but also to create wider margins without altering oncologic goals of curative resection. After determining the range of resection, reconstructive surgery should be tailored to address the tissue defect. The converse is to be strongly discouraged. The extent of resection must not be compromised or reduced in order to facilitate reconstructive surgery. A plastic surgeon must master all the flap techniques, including microsurgery, while taking into account the impact of preoperative and postoperative radiation therapy on previously irradiated tissues or on wounds requiring adjuvant therapy. Recent developments, especially as regards perforator flaps, have helped to enhanced the quality of reconstruction procedure while reducing donor site morbidity. In our experience, perforator flaps are a workhorse in reconstructive surgeries subsequent to soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities. On a parallel track, lipofilling (otherwise known as fat grafting or fat transfer) has become the first-line treatment for patients with post-surgical functional or cosmetic sequalae. It is performed after long-term follow-up during disease-free survival. Strict clinical examination and MRI are mandatory prior to programming any local procedure. Usually, three to four sessions of fat grafting are needed to enhance local trophicity or the cosmetic aspect. Sequalae treatments are of great interest in terms of psychological as well as functional outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amongst various techniques of breast reconstruction, Autologous Latissimus Dorsi (ALD) flap without breast implant is the newest technique that took advantage of recent improvement during the last decade. Surgical procedure is well standardized, and allows to harvest various fat areas attached to the muscle, to obtain an autologous reconstruction. Thoracodorsal pedicle is steady and makes ALD the most reliable flap that can be used in several indications, especially when DIEP or TRAM flap are inappropriate. Lipomodeling of the cleavage is performed during the first surgery. Additionnal lipomodeling is performed in the whole reconstructed breast area at 2 months to get the expected volume. In some cases, two lipomodelings may be required. Advantages of ALD flap are numerous such as its reliability, its trophicity, and a very low complications rate. After a learning curve, drawbacks are well controlled, since quilting suture of the donor site helped to reduce drastically seroma rate. Finally, ALD flap became the best technique, and the most used in our team for autologous breast reconstruction, and surpassed abdominal flaps such as TRAM flap or DIEP flap.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast Lipomodeling, or Breast Lipofilling, consists in performing a graft of fatty tissue, from an area of the lower body, and moving it to the breast. This method, initially decried, has progressively taken a major place in breast reconstruction. Preoperative information is important: information must be given verbally and also by information forms from the French for French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SOFCPRE) that can be downloaded from After the infiltration of adrenalized serum (1mg of adrenaline in 500mL of physiological serum), taking the fatty tissue requires a fine canula, and, non traumatically, applying a light vacuum to the syringe. The tissue is then prepared by a short centrifugation (15s at 3200rotations/s). The transfer has to be done by gently placing fine \"fatty spaghettis\" in the entire reconstructed breast (3D network). On the end of the fat transfer, fasciotomies are realized to free the fibrous tracts, and 30 to 50mL of tissue are added. The indications of this technique are many. Lipomodeling has progressively taken the center stage in breast reconstruction, and can be applied in addition to all reconstruction techniques. The indication of exclusive lipomodeling are much rarer: patient with very small breast and important steatomery. Ultimately, breast lipomodeling has provided a remarkable solution for the approach of the sequelae of conservative treatment in breast cancer. Finally, lipomodeling of the breast is a major advance in breast reconstruction. It has significantly improved the quality of breast reconstructions, whether autologous, or in combination with a prosthesis.





