Lipid-protein interactions

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe methods to analyze lipid distributions and curvature in membranes with complex lipid mixtures and embedded membrane proteins. We discuss issues involved in these analyses, available tools to calculate curvature preferences of lipids and proteins, and focus on tools developed in our group for visual analysis of lipid-protein interactions and the analysis of membrane curvature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many membrane proteins are sensitive to their local lipid environment. As structural methods for membrane proteins have improved, there is growing evidence of direct, specific binding of lipids to protein surfaces. Unfortunately the workhorse of understanding protein-small molecule interactions, the binding affinity for a given site, is experimentally inaccessible for these systems. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations can be used to bridge this gap, and are relatively straightforward to learn. Such simulations allow users to observe spontaneous binding of lipids to membrane proteins and quantify localized densities of individual lipids or lipid fragments. In this chapter we outline a protocol for extracting binding affinities from these localized distributions, known as the \"density threshold affinity.\" The density threshold affinity uses an adaptive and flexible definition of site occupancy that alleviates the need to distinguish between \"bound\'\' lipids and bulk lipids that are simply diffusing through the site. Furthermore, the method allows \"bead-level\" resolution that is suitable for the case where lipids share binding sites, and circumvents ambiguities about a relevant reference state. This approach provides a convenient and straightforward method for comparing affinities of a single lipid species for multiple sites, multiple lipids for a single site, and/or a single lipid species modeled using multiple forcefields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane lipids extensively modulate the activation gating of voltage-gated potassium channels (KV), however, much less is known about the mechanisms of ceramide and glucosylceramide actions including which structural element is the main intramolecular target and whether there is any contribution of indirect, membrane biophysics-related mechanisms to their actions. We used two-electrode voltage-clamp fluorometry capable of recording currents and fluorescence signals to simultaneously monitor movements of the pore domain (PD) and the voltage sensor domain (VSD) of the KV1.3 ion channel after attaching an MTS-TAMRA fluorophore to a cysteine introduced into the extracellular S3-S4 loop of the VSD. We observed rightward shifts in the conductance-voltage (G-V) relationship, slower current activation kinetics, and reduced current amplitudes in response to loading the membrane with C16-ceramide (Cer) or C16-glucosylceramide (GlcCer). When analyzing VSD movements, only Cer induced a rightward shift in the fluorescence signal-voltage (F-V) relationship and slowed fluorescence activation kinetics, whereas GlcCer exerted no such effects. These results point at a distinctive mechanism of action with Cer primarily targeting the VSD, while GlcCer only the PD of KV1.3. Using environment-sensitive probes and fluorescence-based approaches, we show that Cer and GlcCer similarly increase molecular order in the inner, hydrophobic regions of bilayers, however, Cer induces a robust molecular reorganization at the membrane-water interface. We propose that this unique ordering effect in the outermost membrane layer in which the main VSD rearrangement involving an outward sliding of the top of S4 occurs can explain the VSD targeting mechanism of Cer, which is unavailable for GlcCer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell membranes are responsible for a range of biological processes that require interactions between lipids and proteins. While the effects of lipids on proteins are becoming better understood, our knowledge of how protein conformational changes influence membrane dynamics remains rudimentary. Here, we performed experiments and computer simulations to study the dynamic response of a lipid membrane to changes in the conformational state of pH-low insertion peptide (pHLIP), which transitions from a surface-associated (SA) state at neutral or basic pH to a transmembrane (TM) α-helix under acidic conditions. Our results show that TM-pHLIP significantly slows down membrane thickness fluctuations due to an increase in effective membrane viscosity. Our findings suggest a possible membrane regulatory mechanism, where the TM helix affects lipid chain conformations, and subsequently alters membrane fluctuations and viscosity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RTX toxins are important virulence factors produced by a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. They are secreted as water-soluble proteins that are able to bind to the host cell membrane and insert hydrophobic segments into the lipid bilayer that ultimately contribute to the formation of transmembrane pores. Ion diffusion through these pores leads then to cytotoxic and cytolytic effects on the hosts. Several reports have evidenced that the binding of several RTX toxins to the target cell membrane may take place through a high-affinity interaction with integrins of the β2 family that is highly expressed in immune cells of the myeloid lineage. However, at higher toxin doses, cytotoxicity by most RTX toxins has been observed also on β2-deficient cells in which toxin binding to the cell membrane has been proposed to occur through interaction with glycans of glycosylated lipids or proteins present in the membrane. More recently, cumulative pieces of evidence show that membrane cholesterol is essential for the mechanism of action of several RTX toxins. Here, we summarize the most important aspects of the RTX toxin interaction with the target cell membrane, including the cholesterol dependence, the recent identification in the sequences of several RTX toxins of linear motifs coined as the Cholesterol Recognition/interaction Amino acid Consensus (CRAC), and the reverse or mirror CARC motif, which is involved in the toxin-cholesterol interaction.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Ebola virus (EBOV) is a filamentous negative-sense RNA virus which causes severe hemorrhagic fever. There are limited vaccines or therapeutics for prevention and treatment of EBOV, so it is important to get a detailed understanding of the virus lifecycle to illuminate new drug targets. EBOV encodes for the matrix protein, VP40, which regulates assembly and budding of new virions from the inner leaflet of the host cell plasma membrane (PM). In this work we determine the effects of VP40 mutations altering electrostatics on PM interactions and subsequent budding. VP40 mutations that modify surface electrostatics affect viral assembly and budding by altering VP40 membrane binding capabilities. Mutations that increase VP40 net positive charge by one (e.g., Gly to Arg or Asp to Ala) increase VP40 affinity for phosphatidylserine (PS) and PI(4,5)P2 in the host cell PM. This increased affinity enhances PM association and budding efficiency leading to more effective formation of virus-like particles (VLPs). In contrast, mutations that decrease net positive charge by one (e.g., Gly to Asp) lead to a decrease in assembly and budding because of decreased interactions with the anionic PM. Taken together our results highlight the sensitivity of slight electrostatic changes on the VP40 surface for assembly and budding. Understanding the effects of single amino acid substitutions on viral budding and assembly will be useful for explaining changes in the infectivity and virulence of different EBOV strains, VP40 variants that occur in nature, and for long-term drug discovery endeavors aimed at EBOV assembly and budding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The function of ion-transporting Na+,K+-ATPases depends on the surrounding lipid environment in biological membranes. Two established lipid-interaction sites A and B within the transmembrane domain have been observed to induce protein activation and stabilization, respectively. In addition, lipid-mediated inhibition has been assigned to a site C, but with the exact location not experimentally confirmed. Also, possible effects on lipid interactions by disease mutants dwelling in the membrane-protein interface remain relatively uncharacterized. We simulated human Na+,K+-ATPase α1β1FXYD homology models in E1 and E2 states in an asymmetric, multicomponent plasma membrane to determine both wild-type and disease mutant lipid-protein interactions. The simulated wild-type lipid interactions at the established sites A and B were in agreement with experimental results thereby confirming the membrane-protein model system. The less well-characterized, proposed inhibitory site C was dominated by lipids lacking inhibitory properties. Instead, two sites hosting inhibitory lipids were identified at the extracellular side and also a cytoplasmic CHL-binding site that provide putative alternative locations of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition. Three disease mutations, Leu302Arg, Glu840Arg and Met859Arg resided in the lipid-protein interface and caused drastic changes in the lipid interactions. The simulation results show that lipid interactions to the human Na+,K+-ATPase α1β1FXYD protein in the plasma membrane are highly state-dependent and can be disturbed by disease mutations located in the lipid interface, which can open up for new venues to understand genetic disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hampered by the diffraction phenomenon, as expressed in 1873 by Abbe, applications of optical microscopy to image biological structures were for a long time limited to resolutions above the ∼200 nm barrier and restricted to the observation of stained specimens. The introduction of fluorescence was a game changer, and since its inception it became the gold standard technique in biological microscopy. The plasma membrane is a tenuous envelope of 4 nm-10 nm in thickness surrounding the cell. Because of its highly versatile spectroscopic properties and availability of suitable instrumentation, fluorescence techniques epitomize the current approach to study this delicate structure and its molecular constituents. The wide spectral range covered by fluorescence, intimately linked to the availability of appropriate intrinsic and extrinsic probes, provides the ability to dissect membrane constituents at the molecular scale in the spatial domain. In addition, the time resolution capabilities of fluorescence methods provide complementary high precision for studying the behavior of membrane molecules in the time domain. This review illustrates the value of various fluorescence techniques to extract information on the topography and motion of plasma membrane receptors. To this end I resort to a paradigmatic membrane-bound neurotransmitter receptor, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). The structural and dynamic picture emerging from studies of this prototypic pentameric ligand-gated ion channel can be extrapolated not only to other members of this superfamily of ion channels but to other membrane-bound proteins. I also briefly discuss the various emerging techniques in the field of biomembrane labeling with new organic chemistry strategies oriented to applications in fluorescence nanoscopy, the form of fluorescence microscopy that is expanding the depth and scope of interrogation of membrane-associated phenomena.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to cope with and adapt to changes in the environment is essential for all organisms. Osmotic pressure is a universal threat when environmental changes result in an imbalance of osmolytes inside and outside the cell which causes a deviation from the normal turgor. Cells have developed a potent system to deal with this stress in the form of mechanosensitive ion channels. Channel opening releases solutes from the cell and relieves the stress immediately. In bacteria, these channels directly sense the increased membrane tension caused by the enhanced turgor levels upon hypoosmotic shock. The mechanosensitive channel of small conductance, MscS, from Escherichia coli is one of the most extensively studied examples of mechanically stimulated channels. Different conformational states of this channel were obtained in various detergents and membrane mimetics, highlighting an intimate connection between the channel and its lipidic environment. Associated lipids occupy distinct locations and determine the conformational states of MscS. Not all these features are preserved in the larger MscS-like homologues. Recent structures of homologues from bacteria and plants identify common features and differences. This review discusses the current structural and functional models for MscS opening, as well as the influence of certain membrane characteristics on gating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the early 1970s, the existence of a \"lipid annulus\" stably surrounding the individual intrinsic protein molecules was proposed by several authors. They referred to a number of lipid molecules in slow exchange with the bulk lipid in the bilayer, i.e., more or less protein-bound, and more ordered than the bulk lipid. The annular lipids would control enzyme activity. This idea was uncritically accepted by most scientists working with intrinsic membrane proteins at the time, so that the idea operated like a myth in the field. However, in the following decade, hard spectroscopic and biochemical evidence showed that the proposed annular lipids were not immobilized for a sufficiently long time to influence enzyme or transporter activity, nor were they ordered by the protein. Surprisingly, forty years later, the myth survives, and the term \'annular lipid\' is still in use, in a different, but even more illogical sense.





