
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tell Kamid el-Loz (Lebanon) was an important Bronze Age urban center that dominated one of the central crossroads of the Ancient Near East, connecting Egypt and the Levant with northern Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and Syria, as well as the interior with the Mediterranean coast. However, by the early Iron Age, the site had shrunk to a small rural settlement. Later, in the Iron Age III / Persian-Hellenistic, only enigmatic pits and a large cemetery remained. In this paper, we analyzed plant micro-remains from the dental calculus of 15 individuals (3 from the Middle Bronze Age II and 12 from the Iron Age III / Persian-Hellenistic) and δ 13C and δ 15N stable isotope data from tbulk bone collagen of 74 individuals (10 from the Middle Bronze Age II and 64 from the Iron Age III / Persian-Hellenistic) and 13 Late Bronze Age animal bones (7 Ovis/Capra and 6 Bos). Our results indicate general stability of human diet throughout the Middle Bronze Age II and the Iron III / Persian-Hellenistic periods, with a reliance on C3 plant crops and terrestrial animals also consuming C3 plants. In the later period, the plant micro-remains indicate the consumption of C4 plants and sedges, and the stable isotope analysis indicates differences in diet between males and females.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12520-024-02000-w.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During spring migration, nocturnal migrants attempt to minimize their travel time to reach their breeding grounds early. However, how they behave and respond to unfavourable conditions during their springtime travels is much less understood. In this study, we reveal the effects of atmospheric factors on nocturnal bird migration under adverse conditions during spring and autumn, based on one of the most detailed bird migration studies globally, using radar data from 13 deployments over a period of seven years (2014-2020) in the Levant region. Using ERA5 reanalysis data, we found that migratory birds maintain similar ground speeds in both autumn and spring migrations, but during spring, when encountering unfavourable winds, they put more effort into maintaining their travel speed by increasing self-powered airspeed by 18%. Moreover, we report for the first time that spring migrants showed less selectivity to wind conditions and migrated even under unfavourable headwind and crosswind conditions. Interestingly, we discovered that temperature was the most important weather parameter, such that warm weather substantially increased migration intensities in both seasons. Our results enhance our understanding of bird migration over the Levant region, one of the world\'s largest and most important migration flyways, and the factors controlling it. This information is essential for predicting bird migration, which-especially under the ongoing anthropogenic changes-is of high importance.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Biased skeletal part representation is a key element for making inferences about transport decisions, carcass procurement, and use patterns in anthropogenic accumulations. In the absence of destructive taphonomic processes, it is often assumed that the abundance of different anatomical portions represents selective transport and discard patterns of human groups. Because body parts may be transported for specific products such as meat, marrow or grease, a pattern that usually attracts attention in many archaeological sites is the low proportions of appendicular epiphyses. Here we present the case of faunal assemblages from the lower stratigraphic sequence of Qesem Cave, Israel, dated to ca. 430 to 300 ka. All bone accumulations are characterized by a biased skeletal profile including mainly long-limb bones and a virtual absence of epiphyses. The assemblages also show density-mediated attrition not linked to fossil-diagenetic processes, a targeted specific destruction to the most greasy articular ends and an almost total absence of carnivore intervention. Our goal here is to explore the processes that entail the destruction of appendicular epiphyses at Qesem Cave, as well as propose viable hypotheses to explain their underrepresentation on-site. Our results shed light on the domestic activities linked to the processing of bones at the site and support the importance of animal grease in the caloric intake of Middle Pleistocene humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural habitats adjacent to vineyards are presumed to have a positive effect on the diversity of natural enemies within the vineyards. However, these habitats differ in vegetation structure and seasonal phenology and in turn could affect the species composition of natural enemies. Here, we compared the species richness and diversity and the composition of spider assemblages in several locations within three commercial vineyards and the nearby natural habitats in a Mediterranean landscape in northern Israel. We sampled spiders by means of pitfall traps in early and in late summer. Both the time in the season and the habitat (natural versus vineyard) affected spider species richness and diversity. More species were found in early summer (47) than in late summer (33), and more occurred in the natural habitat (34 species) than in the vineyards (27-31 species). Fifteen species were found exclusively in the natural habitat, and only 11 species were shared by the vineyards and natural habitat, four of which were the most abundant and geographically widely distributed species in the samples. In late summer, spider diversity in the natural habitat was higher than within the vineyards: the spider assemblages in the vineyards became dominated by a few species late in the crop season, while those of the natural habitat remained stable. Overall, the natural habitat differed in assemblage composition from all within-vineyard locations, while the three locations within the vineyard did not differ significantly in assemblage composition. Season (early vs. late summer), however, significantly affected the spider assemblage composition. This study documents the large diversity of spiders in a local Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem. Over 60% of the known spider families in the region occurred in our samples, highlighting the importance of this agroecosystem for spider diversity and the potential for conservation biocontrol, where natural habitats may be a source of natural enemies for nearby vineyards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Levantine Early Upper Paleolithic (ca. 45-30 ka) has been a focus of research because of its unique position as a conduit of human, flora, and fauna species between Africa and Eurasia. Studies have mainly focused on the Early Ahmarian and Levantine Aurignacian, two entities, the former endemic and the latter foreign, which are considered to have coinhabited the region during that period. However, other cultural entities, such as the Atlitian in the Mediterranean region and the Arkov-Divshon in the arid regions of the southern Levant received less attention, and accordingly, suffer from broad definitions and chronological insecurity. These cultures hold potential insights regarding nuanced adaptations, reciprocal influences, and diachronic assimilation processes. The recently discovered site of Nahal Rahaf 2 Rockshelter in the Judean Desert provides integral information on one of these entities-the Arkov-Divshon. Two excavation seasons revealed a sequence of archaeological layers, with lithic assemblages in which laterally carinated items were prominent. Alongside rich faunal assemblages, other components of the material culture include perforated marine shells and bone tools, marking the first association of these elements with Arkov-Divshon and implying some degree of contact with the Mediterranean regions of the Levant. Good preservation of organic materials allowed radiocarbon dating of the human occupation at the site to ca. 37.5-34.0 ka cal BP, indicating chronological overlap with the Levantine Aurignacian, and possibly also with the latest phases of the Early Ahmarian. Thus, challenging the validity of the widely accepted \'Two Tradition\' Model of the Levantine Upper Paleolithic. Lithic analyses suggest the use of one main reduction sequence and the primary production of bladelets from carinated items. Faunal remains suggest targeted hunting of ibex and gazelle. Botanical remains and sedimentary analyses suggest roughly similar environmental conditions, with a possible woodier environment in the surroundings of the site.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excavations at Sidon (Lebanon) have revealed dual identities during the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1600 BCE): a maritime port and center for local distribution, as well as a settlement with a heavy subsistence dependence on the extensive inland hinterlands. We aim to investigate residential mobility at Sidon using isotopic analyses of 112 individuals from 83 burials (20 females, 26 males, and 37 subadults). Veneration and remembrance of the dead is evident from funerary offerings in and near the tombs. With marine fish a major component in funerary offerings, we predict major marine reliance in this coastal population.
    New isotopic evidence of paleomobility (87 Sr/86 Sr, δ18 O) and diet (δ13 Ccarbonate ) is the focus of this research. Previous bulk bone collagen δ13 C and δ15 N analysis is strengthened by further sampling, along with δ34 S where collagen yield was sufficient.
    The five non-locals identified (8.9% of the 56 analyzed) come from constructed tombs with high-status grave goods except for one, which was heavily disturbed in antiquity. Dietary investigation of the population confirms reliance on terrestrial resources with no significant marine input. No significant differences in diet between the sexes or burial types are present.
    Although Sidon was part of a growing Mediterranean network evidenced through artefactual finds, relatively low immigration is evident. While religious feasts venerating the dead may have involved significant piscine components, no appreciable marine input in diet is observed. Fish may have been reserved for the deceased or only consumed on feast days alongside the dead rather than a regular part of the Bronze Age menu.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caves have long been recognized as a window into the mechanisms of diversification and convergent evolution, due to the unique conditions of isolation and life in the dark. These lead to adaptations and reduce dispersal and gene flow, resulting in high levels of speciation and endemism. The Israeli cave arachnofauna remains poorly known, but likely represents a rich assemblage. In a recent survey, we found troglophilic funnel-web spiders of the genus Tegenaria in 26 caves, present mostly at the cave entrance ecological zone. In addition, we identified at least 14 caves inhabited by troglobitic Tegenaria, which are present mostly in the twilight and dark ecological zones. Ten of the caves, located in the north and center of Israel, are inhabited by both troglophilic and troglobitic Tegenaria. These spiders bear superficial phenotypic similarities but differ in the levels of eye reduction and pigmentation. To test whether these taxa constitute separate species, as well as understand their relationships to epigean counterparts, we conducted a broad geographic sampling of cave-dwelling Tegenaria in Israel and Palestine, using morphological and molecular evidence. Counterintuitively, our results show that the troglobitic Tegenaria we studied are distantly related to the troglophilic Tegenaria found at each of the cave entrances we sampled. Moreover, seven new troglobitic species can be identified based on genetic differences, eye reduction level, and features of the female and male genitalia. Our COI analysis suggest that the Israeli troglobitic Tegenaria species are more closely related to eastern-Mediterranean congeners than to the local sympatric troglophile Tegenaria species, suggesting a complex biogeographic history.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Middle Pleistocene archaeological record of the southern Levant has proven key to understanding human evolution and intercontinental faunal biogeography. Knowledge of archaeological sites of that period in the southern Levant is biased, with most Middle Pleistocene localities in the Mediterranean areas in the north, despite the mosaic of environments that mark the entire region. A key Middle Pleistocene location in the Judean Desert - on the eastern margin of the Mediterranean zone - is the site of Oumm Qatafa, excavated in the early 1900s, which yielded a faunal collection spanning an estimated time period of 600-200 kya. Here, we present a revised taxonomy of the macromammalian fauna from the site, discuss the palaeoenvironmental implications of this assemblage, and relate the finds to other Pleistocene sites from the Levant. These data enable a more precise palaeoenvironmental reconstruction which attests to an open landscape, but with the addition of a mesic Mediterranean component close by. In addition, detailed taphonomic observations on butchery marks and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of burnt bone link the fauna for the first time to anthropogenic activities in the cave.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Montane treelines are defined by a threshold low temperature. However, what are the dynamics when the snow-free summer growth season coincides with a 6-month seasonal drought? We tested this fundamental question by measuring tree growth and leaf activity across elevations in Mt Hermon (2814 m; in Israel and Syria), where oak trees (Quercus look and Quercus boissieri) form an observed treeline at 1900 m. While in theory, individuals can be established at higher elevations (minimum daily temperature >6.5 °C for >4 months even at the summit), soil drying and vapor pressure deficit in summer enforces growth cessation in August, leaving only 2-3 months for tree growth. At lower elevations, Q. look Kotschy is replaced by Quercus cerris L. (1300 m) and Quercus calliprinos Webb (1000 m) in accompanying Q. boissieri Reut., and growth season length (GSL) is longer due to an earlier start in April. Leaf gas exchange continues during autumn, but assimilates are no longer utilized in growth. Interestingly, the growth and activity of Q. boissieri were equivalent to that of each of the other three species across the ~1 km elevation gradient. A planting experiment at 2100 m showed that seedlings of the four oak species survived the cold winter and showed budding of leaves in summer, but wilted in August. Our unique mountain site in the Eastern Mediterranean introduces a new factor to the formation of treelines, involving a drought limitation on GSL. This site presents the elevation edge for each species and the southern distribution edge for both the endemic Q. look and the broad-range Q. cerris. With ongoing warming, Q. look and Q. boissieri are slowly expanding to higher elevations, while Q. cerris is at risk of future extirpation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    War begets crises that are among the most urgent areas requiring help from the international HCI/CSCW community; yet too few scientists address it using context-based, participatory field methods and by engaging in country and regionally based, longitudinal partnerships. Drawing on the author\'s ongoing eight-year engagement as a design ethnographer with UNHCR Jordan and region for the Syrian War, this paper discusses Humanitarian Research as a framework for guiding HCI/CSCW research in conflict zones with displaced persons. Based on the principle of \"People First, Data Second,\" Humanitarian Research is explained with illustrative examples along with the nature of war and UNHCR\'s protection mandate, the research challenges and ethical roles of HCI scientists in conflict zones and how these roles entwine with refugee stakeholders, NGOs, country actors, and university IRBs.





