
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A parasitological investigation of Cyprinella venusta and Notropis cf. stramineus sampled in Texas, USA, in the Guadalupe River, revealed the presence of Gyrodactylus crysoleucas Mizelle and Kritsky, 1967 on C. venusta, and Gyrodactylus mediotorus King, Marcogliese, Forest, McLaughlin & Bentzen, 2013 on both fish species. This represents new leuscicid fish hosts and locality records for these two gyrodactylids. Gyrodactylus crysoleucas previously identified from both non-native Californian Notemigonus crysoleucas and from farmed stocks in Minnesota demonstrated intraspecific variability in terms of morphology and genetics as a local adaptation associated with isolation by distance. Results further confirmed G. crysoleucas as alien in the western USA and suggested host-switching involving C. venusta and N. crysoleucas. Conservative morphology and genetics on the part of G. mediotorus from C. venusta and N. cf. stramineus (Guadalupe River) was observed, while higher genetic divergence in the ITS sequences associated with morphological discrepancy was found between the studied G. mediotorus specimens and those of Notropis hudsonius than when considering the parasites of Notropis texanus. The separation of G. mediotorus into geographical subgroups may indicate ongoing speciation linked to the Pleistocene glaciations in North America, and to hydrographic barriers that facilitated separate evolutionary paths leading to speciation. We suggest that deep investigations of Gyrodactylus populations will help to understand the speciation of these parasites and their adaptation to Nearctic fish hosts.
    UNASSIGNED: Variation intraspécifique chez Gyrodactylus mediotorus et G. crysoleucas (Gyrodactylidae), parasites de ménés néarctiques (Leuciscidae) : preuves d’une spéciation en cours, d’un changement d’hôte et d’une translocation de parasites.
    UNASSIGNED: Une enquête parasitologique sur Cyprinella venusta et Notropis cf. stramineus échantillonnés au Texas, États-Unis, dans la rivière Guadalupe, a révélé la présence de Gyrodactylus crysoleucas Mizelle et Kritsky, 1967 sur C. venusta, et de Gyrodactylus mediotorus King, Marcogliese, Forest, McLaughlin & Bentzen, 2013 sur les deux espèces de poissons. Ceci représente de nouveaux poissons Leuciscidae hôtes et des nouvelles localités pour ces deux Gyrodactylidae. Gyrodactylus crysoleucas, identifié précédemment à partir de Notemigonus crysoleucas californiens non indigènes et de stocks d’élevage du Minnesota a démontré une variabilité intraspécifique en termes de morphologie et de génétique en tant qu’adaptation locale associée à l’isolement par la distance. Les résultats ont en outre confirmé que G. crysoleucas était exotique dans l’ouest des États-Unis et ont suggéré un changement d’hôte impliquant C. venusta et N. crysoleucas. Une morphologie et une génétique conservatrices pour G. mediotorus de C. venusta et N. cf. stramineus (rivière Guadalupe) ont été observées, tandis qu’une divergence génétique plus élevée dans les séquences ITS, associée à une divergence morphologique, a été trouvée chez les spécimens étudiés de G. mediotorus et de Notropis hudsonius lorsque l’on considère les parasites de Notropis texanus. La séparation de G. mediotorus en sous-groupes géographiques peut indiquer une spéciation continue liée aux glaciations du Pléistocène en Amérique du Nord et à des barrières hydrographiques qui ont facilité des chemins évolutifs séparés menant à la spéciation. Nous suggérons que des études approfondies sur les populations de Gyrodactylus aideront à comprendre la spéciation de ces parasites et leur adaptation aux poissons hôtes néarctiques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosomal DNA sequences are currently available for 32 morphologically recognized species of Dactylogyrus parasitizing Nearctic cypriniforms, but only 16 of them are assigned to nominal species. Herein, morphological data on 28 of the 32 species are provided, together with comments on their phylogenetic relationships in the context of the morphology of taxonomically important structures. Seven new species of Dactylogyrus are described from five species of leuciscids and one species of catostomids, as follows: D. aduncus n. sp. from Campostoma spadiceum, D. cloutmani n. sp. from Luxilus chrysocephalus isolepis, D. cornifrons n. sp. from Cyprinella venusta, D. fimbratus n. sp. from Rhinichthys cataractae, D. mcallisteri n. sp. from Semotilus atromaculatus, and D. chieni n. sp. and D. haneki n. sp. from Hypentelium nigricans. Four previously described species of Dactylogyrus, D. atromaculatus from S. atromaculatus, D. eos from C. neogaeus, D. parvicirrus from Notemigonus crysoleucas and D. perlus from L. c. isolepis, are redescribed and/or figured. As for the remaining 17 species, only the male copulatory organs (MCOs) taken from the respective hologenophores are illustrated. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses, two main clades of Nearctic Dactylogyrus were recognized and supported by the different morphology of the MCO. The first one included 22 strictly Nearctic species sharing the same MCO type with Dactylogyrus spp. parasitizing cyprinids likely of Asian origin. The second clade encompassed Dactylogyrus spp. with diverse MCO morphology and was placed in the sister position to Dactylogyrus spp. parasitizing European leuciscids and North-West African cyprinids.
    UNASSIGNED: Espèce néarctique de Dactylogyrus (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) parasitant des poissons cypriniformes dans un contexte de morphologie et phylogénie, avec description de sept nouvelles espèces.
    UNASSIGNED: Des séquences d’ADN ribosomal sont actuellement disponibles pour 32 espèces morphologiquement reconnues de Dactylogyrus parasitant les cypriniformes néarctiques, mais seulement 16 d’entre elles sont attribuées à des espèces nominales. Ici, des données morphologiques sur 28 des 32 espèces sont fournies avec des commentaires sur leurs relations phylogénétiques dans le contexte de la morphologie des structures taxonomiquement importantes. Sept nouvelles espèces de Dactylogyrus sont décrites à partir de cinq espèces de leuciscidés et d’une espèce de catostomidés, comme suit : D. aduncus n. sp. de Campostoma spadiceum, D. cloutmani n. sp. de Luxilus chrysocephalus isolepis, D. cornifrons n. sp. de Cyprinella venusta, D. fimbratus n. sp. de Rhinichthys cataractae, D. mcallisteri n. sp. de Semotilus atromaculatus et D. chieni n. sp. et D. haneki n. sp. de Hypentelium nigricans. Quatre espèces de Dactylogyrus précédemment décrites, D. atromaculatus de S. atromaculatus, D. eos de C. neogaeus, D. parvicirrus de Notemigonus crysoleucas et D. perlus de L. c. isolepis, sont redécrites et/ou figurées. Comme pour les 17 espèces restantes, seuls les organes copulateurs mâles (OCM) prélevés sur les hologénophores respectifs sont illustrés. Sur la base d’analyses phylogénétiques, deux clades principaux de Dactylogyrus néarctiques ont été reconnus et soutenus par des morphologies différentes de l’OCM. Le premier comprenait 22 espèces strictement néarctiques partageant le même type d’OCM que les Dactylogyrus spp. parasitant des cyprinidés probablement d’origine asiatique. Le deuxième clade comprenait des Dactylogyrus spp. avec diverses morphologies d’OCM et était placé en position sœur des Dactylogyrus spp. parasitant les leuciscidés européens et les cyprinidés d’Afrique du Nord-Ouest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    North American minnows (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae) comprise a diverse taxonomic group, but many members, particularly those inhabiting deserts, face elevated extinction risks. Despite conservation concerns, leuciscids remain under sampled for reference assemblies relative to other groups of freshwater fishes. Here, we present 2 chromosome-scale reference genome assemblies spikedace (Meda fulgida) and loach minnow (Tiaroga cobitis) using PacBio, Illumina and Omni-C technologies. The complete assembly for spikedace was 882.1 Mb in total length comprised of 83 scaffolds with N50 = 34.8 Mb, L50 = 11, N75 = 32.3 Mb, and L75 = 18. The complete assembly for loach minnow was 1.3 Gb in total length comprised of 550 scaffolds with N50 = 48.6 Mb, L50 = 13, N75 = 42.3 Mb, and L75 = 20. Completeness assessed via Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologues (BUSCO) metrics using the Actinopterygii BUSCO database showed ∼97% for spikedace and ∼98% for loach minnow of complete BUSCO proportions. Annotation revealed approximately 32.58 and 29.04% of spikedace and loach minnow total genome lengths to be comprised of protein-coding genes, respectively. Comparative genomic analyses of these endangered and co-distributed fishes revealed widespread structural variants, gene family expansions, and evidence of positive selection in both genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization is a complicated, oft-misunderstood process. Once deemed unnatural and uncommon, hybridization is now recognized as ubiquitous among species. But hybridization rates within and among communities are poorly understood despite the relevance to ecology, evolution and conservation. To clarify, we examined hybridization across 75 freshwater fish communities within the Ozarks of the North American Interior Highlands (USA) by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping 33 species (N = 2865 individuals; double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD)). We found evidence of hybridization (70 putative hybrids; 2.4% of individuals) among 18 species-pairs involving 73% (24/33) of study species, with the majority being concentrated within one family (Leuciscidae/minnows; 15 species; 66 hybrids). Interspecific genetic exchange-or introgression-was evident from 24 backcrossed individuals (10/18 species-pairs). Hybrids occurred within 42 of 75 communities (56%). Four selected environmental variables (species richness, protected area extent, precipitation (May and annually)) exhibited 73-78% accuracy in predicting hybrid occurrence via random forest classification. Our community-level assessment identified hybridization as spatially widespread and environmentally dependent (albeit predominantly within one diverse, omnipresent family). Our approach provides a more holistic survey of natural hybridization by testing a wide range of species-pairs, thus contrasting with more conventional evaluations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the spring of 2022, several endangered leuciscid species (Anaecypris hispanica, Squalius aradensis, Anachondrostoma Occidentale, and Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum) were sampled both at the Vasco da Gama aquarium facilities and in some rivers of the Algarve region, Portugal. Sperm samples were extracted by gentle abdominal pressure and sperm motion parameters were assessed for the first time in four species, using a computerized analysis system. The results obtained showed that spermatozoa kinetic patterns were similar for all 4 species, with high motility and velocity values after the sperm activation time and with a marked decrease after 20. On the other hand, sperm longevity was highly variable between species, with short longevities (around 40 s) for A. hispanica and S. aradensis, and longer longevities (100-120 s) for A. occidentale and I. lusitanicum, which could indicate a latitudinal pattern in terms of sperm longevity. At the same time, morphometric analysis was carried out for the four target species, revealing that spermatozoa showed similar sizes and shapes to other external fertilizers belonging to Leuscididae, with small spherical heads, uniflagellate, and without acrosomes. In addition, a short-term gamete storage trail was performed by diluting sperm in 1:9 (sperm:extender) and storing them at 4ºC. Although the results obtained were uneven among the species studied, the dilution and extender used generated motilities above 40% up to day 4 of storage in S. aradensis and I. lusitanicum, and up to days 1-2 in A. hispanica and A. occidentale, respectively. Finally, gamete cryopreservation trials were also carried out on these threatened species. Although cryopreserved samples showed significantly lower motility than fresh samples, some protocols generate acceptable percentages of viability, DNA integrity, and sperm motility in some species such as I. lusitanicum and A. occidentale. The data revealed that the protocol based on 10% DMSO plus 7.5% egg yolk generated the best results.This study is the first to assess the reproductive traits of wild and captive populations of endangered leuciscids endemic from the Iberian Peninsula, describing the spermatozoa kinetics and developing protocols for managing male gametes both in short- and long-term storage. Outcomes will provide new and useful tools to complement the management and conservation of ex situ breeding programs that are being developed for these four endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    North American minnows of the Shiner Clade, within the family Leuciscidae, represent one of the most taxonomically complex clades of the order Cypriniformes due to the large number of taxa coupled with conserved morphologies. Species within this clade were moved between genera and subgenera until the community decided to lump many of the unclassified taxa with similar morphologies into one genus, Notropis, which has held up to 325 species. Despite phylogentic studies that began to re-elevate some genera merged into Notropis, such as Cyprinella, Luxilus, Lythrurus, and Pteronotropis, the large genus Notropis remained as a taxonomic repository for many shiners of uncertain placement. Recent molecular advances in sequencing technologies have provided the opportunity to re-examine the Shiner Clade using phylogenomic markers. Using a fish probe kit, we sequenced 90 specimens in 87 species representing 16 genera included in the Shiner Clade, with a resulting dataset of 1,004 loci and 286,455 base pairs. Despite the large dataset, only 32,349 bp (11.29%) were phylogenetically informative. In our maximum likelihood tree, 78% of nodes are 100% bootstrap supported demonstrating the utility of the phylogenomic markers at lower taxonomic levels. Unsurprisingly, species within Notropis as well as Hudsonius, Luxilus, and Alburnops are not resolved as monophyletic groups. Cyprinella is monophyletic if Cyprinella callistia is excluded, and Pteronotropis is monophyletic if it includes Hudsonius cummingsae. Taxonomic changes we propose are: restriction of species included in Alburnops and Notropis, elevation of the subgenus Hydrophlox, expansion of species included in Miniellus, movement of Hudsonius cummingsae to Pteronotropis, and resurrection of the genera Coccotis and Paranotropis. We additionally had two specimens of three species, Notropis atherinoides, Ericymba amplamala, and Pimephales vigilax and found signficant differences between the localities (1,086, 1,424, and 845 nucleotides respectively).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The natural distributions of freshwater fish species are limited by their thermal tolerances via physiological constraints and increased interspecific competition as temperatures shift toward the thermal optima of other syntopic species. Species may mediate stress from temperature change physiologically, behaviorally, or both; but these changes may compromise competitive advantages through effects on feeding and social behavior. In the Appalachian Mountains of North America, creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) are found in warm-water and cold-water streams and overlap in range with brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) across lower thermal maxima, where they compete for food and space. As stream temperatures continue to increase due to climate change, brook trout are under increasing thermal stress which may negatively affect their ability to compete with creek chub. To examine the influences of temperature on competitive interactions between these species, we observed feeding behavior, aggression, and habitat use differences at three temperatures approaching brook trout thermal maxima (18°C, 20°C, and 22°C) among dyad pairs for all combinations of species in experimental flow-through tanks. We also examined feeding and habitat use of both species under solitary conditions. We found as temperature increased, feeding and aggression of brook trout were significantly reduced in the presence of creek chub. Creek chub pairs were more likely to occupy benthic areas and refugia while brook trout pairs used surface water more. Space use patterns significantly changed by pairing treatment. Aggression and space use shifts allowed increased exploitative and interference competition from creek chub when paired with brook trout that was not present in conspecific pairs. The decreased dominance of a top predator may lead to diverse impacts on stream community dynamics with implications for the future range restriction of brook trout and demonstrate possible mechanisms to facilitate competitive advantages of warm water generalist species under thermal stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seven new species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Dactylogyridae) are described from the gills of seven endemic species of cyprinoids (Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae) inhabiting the Balkan Peninsula: Dactylogyrus romuli n. sp. from Luciobarbus albanicus (Greece), Dactylogyrus remi n. sp. from Luciobarbus graecus (Greece), Dactylogyrus recisus n. sp. from Pachychilon macedonicum (Greece), Dactylogyrus octopus n. sp. from Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus (Greece), Dactylogyrus vukicae n. sp. from Delminichthys adspersus (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Dactylogyrus leptus n. sp. from Chondrostoma knerii (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Dactylogyrus sandai n. sp. from Telestes karsticus (Croatia). To delineate species boundaries, we used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphological and genetic data. With these tools, we illustrate that some species of monogeneans considered as cryptic might be designated as pseudocryptic (morphologically similar, not easily differentiated) after a posteriori detailed morphological examination, as happened with D. romuli n. sp. and D. remi n. sp. Thus, for accurate species characterization, it is particularly important to acquire both morphological and molecular data from the same individual specimens, ideally along with illustrations of taxonomically important structures directly taken from hologenophores. Using phylogenetic reconstruction, we investigated the phylogenetic position of newly described Dactylogyrus species within Dactylogyrus species from Balkan cyprinoids with regard to morphological characteristics, host range, and geographical distribution.
    UNASSIGNED: Découverte de la diversité des Monogènes (Plathelminthes) des poissons cypriniformes endémiques de la péninsule balkanique : nouvelles espèces de Dactylogyrus et commentaires sur leur phylogénie et les associations hôte-parasite dans un contexte biogéographique.
    UNASSIGNED: Sept nouvelles espèces de Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Dactylogyridae) sont décrites à partir des branchies de sept espèces endémiques de cyprinoïdés (Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae) habitant la péninsule balkanique : Dactylogyrus romuli n. sp. de Luciobarbus albanicus (Grèce), Dactylogyrus remi n. sp. de Luciobarbus graecus (Grèce), Dactylogyrus recisus n. sp. de Pachychilon macedonicum (Grèce), Dactylogyrus octopus n. sp. de Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus (Grèce), Dactylogyrus vukicae n. sp. de Delminichthys adspersus (Bosnie-Herzégovine), Dactylogyrus leptus n. sp. de Chondrostoma knerii (Bosnie-Herzégovine) et Dactylogyrus sandai n. sp. de Telestes karsticus (Croatie). Pour la délimitation des espèces, nous avons utilisé une approche taxonomique intégrative combinant des données morphologiques et génétiques. Avec ces outils, nous illustrons que certaines espèces de Monogènes considérées comme cryptiques pourraient être désignées comme pseudocryptiques (morphologiquement similaires, pas facilement différenciées) après un examen morphologique détaillé a posteriori, comme cela s’est produit avec D. romuli n. sp. et D. remi n. sp. Ainsi, pour une caractérisation précise des espèces, il est particulièrement important d’acquérir des données morphologiques et moléculaires à partir des mêmes spécimens individuels, idéalement avec des illustrations de structures taxonomiquement importantes directement prises à partir d’hologénophores. En utilisant la reconstruction phylogénétique, nous avons étudié la position phylogénétique des espèces de Dactylogyrus nouvellement décrites au sein des espèces de Dactylogyrus des cyprinoïdés des Balkans en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques morphologiques, la gamme d’hôtes et la distribution géographique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supernumerary B chromosomes (Bs) are very promising structures, among others, in that they are an additional genomic compartment for evolution. In this study, we tested the presence and frequency of B chromosomes and performed the first cytogenetic examination of the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus). We investigated the individuals from two populations in the Vistula River basin, in Poland, according to the chromosomal distribution of the C-bands and silver nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs), using sequential staining with AgNO3 and chromomycin A3 (CMA3). Furthermore, we analyzed the chromosomal localization of two rDNA families (45S and 5S rDNA) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rDNA probes. C. nasus individuals showed a standard (A) chromosome set consisting of 2n = 50: 12 metacentric, 32 submetacentric, and 6 acrocentric chromosomes (NF = 94). Fourteen out of the 20 analyzed individuals showed 1-2 mitotically unstable submetacentric B chromosomes of different sizes. Six of them, in 14.1% of the analyzed metaphase plates, had a single, medium-sized submetacentric B (Bsm) chromosome (2n = 51) with a heterochromatic block located in its pericentromeric region. The other seven individuals possessed a Bsm (2n = 51) in 19.4% of the analyzed metaphase plates, and a second Bsm chromosome (2n = 52), the smallest in the set, in 15.5% of metaphase plates, whereas one female was characterized by both Bsm chromosomes (2n = 52) in 14.3% of the analyzed metaphase plates. AgNORs, GC-rich DNA sites, and 28S rDNA hybridization sites were observed in the short arms of two submetacentric chromosome pairs of A set. The constitutive heterochromatin was visible as C bands in the centromeric regions of almost all C. nasus chromosomes and in the pericentromeric region of several chromosome pairs. Two 5S rDNA hybridization sites in the pericentromeric position of the largest acrocentric chromosome pair were observed, whereas two other such sites in co-localization on a smaller pair of NOR chromosomes indicate a species-specific character. The results herein broaden our knowledge in the field of B chromosome distribution and molecular cytogenetics of C. nasus: a freshwater species from the Leuciscidae family.






