
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widely used Laurdan probe has two conformers, resulting in different optical properties when embedded in a lipid bilayer membrane, as demonstrated by our previous simulations. Up to now, the two conformers\' optical responses have, however, not been investigated when the temperature and the phase of the membrane change. Since Laurdan is known to be both a molecular rotor and a solvatochromic probe, it is subject to a profound interaction with both neighboring lipids and water molecules. In the current study, molecular dynamics simulations and hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics calculations are performed for a DPPC membrane at eight temperatures between 270K and 320K, while the position, orientation, fluorescence lifetime and fluorescence anisotropy of the embedded probes are monitored. The importance of both conformers is proven through a stringent comparison with experiments, which corroborates the theoretical findings. It is seen that for Conf-I, the excited state lifetime is longer than the relaxation of the environment, while for Conf-II, the surroundings are not yet adapted when the probe returns to the ground state. Throughout the temperature range, the lifetime and anisotropy decay curves can be used to identify the different membrane phases. The current work might, therefore, be of importance for biomedical studies on diseases, which are associated with cell membrane transformations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperspectral imaging is a technique that captures a three-dimensional array of spectral information at each spatial location within a sample, enabling precise characterization and discrimination of biological structures, materials, and chemicals, based on their unique spectral features. Nowadays most commercially available confocal microscopes allow hyperspectral imaging measurements, providing a valuable source of spatially resolved spectroscopic data. Spectral phasor analysis quantitatively and graphically transforms the fluorescence spectra at each pixel of a hyperspectral image into points in a polar plot, offering a visual representation of the spectral characteristics of fluorophores within the sample. Combining the use of environmentally sensitive dyes with phasor analysis of hyperspectral images provides a powerful tool for measuring small changes in lateral membrane heterogeneity. Here, we focus on applications of spectral phasor analysis for the probe LAURDAN on model membranes to resolve packing and hydration. The method is broadly applicable to other dyes and to complex systems such as cell membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The solvatochromic dye Laurdan is widely used in sensing the lipid packing of both model and biological membranes. The fluorescence emission maximum shifts from about 440 nm (blue channel) in condensed membranes (So) to about 490 nm (green channel) in the liquid-crystalline phase (Lα). Although the fluorescence intensity based generalized polarization (GP) is widely used to characterize lipid membranes, the fluorescence lifetime of Laurdan, in the blue and the green channel, is less used for that purpose. Here we explore the correlation between GP and fluorescence lifetimes by spectroscopic measurements on the So and Lα phases of large unilamellar vesicles of DMPC and DPPC. A positive correlation between GP and the lifetimes is observed in each of the optical channels for the two lipid phases. Microfluorimetric determinations on giant unilamellar vesicles of DPPC and DOPC at room temperature are performed under linearly polarized two-photon excitation to disentangle possible subpopulations of Laurdan at a scale below the optical resolution. Fluorescence intensities, GP and fluorescence lifetimes depend on the angle between the orientation of the linear polarization of the excitation light and the local normal to the membrane of the optical cross-section. This angular variation depends on the lipid phase and the emission channel. GP and fluorescence intensities in the blue and green channel in So and in the blue channel in Lα exhibit a minimum near 90o. Surprisingly, the intensity in the green channel in Lα reaches a maximum near 90o. The fluorescence lifetimes in the two optical channels also reach a pronounced minimum near 90o in So and Lα, apart from the lifetime in the blue channel in Lα where the lifetime is short with minimal angular variation. To our knowledge, these experimental observations are the first to demonstrate the existence of a bent conformation of Laurdan in lipid membranes, as previously suggested by molecular dynamics calculations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper assesses the membranotropic action of the natural antibiotic fusidic acid (FA) and its derivatives. It was found that a FA analogue with ethylenediamine moiety (derivative 2), in contrast to native FA and 3,11-dioxime analogue (derivative 1), is able to increase the mobility of the lipid bilayer in the zone of lipid headgroups, as well as to induce permeabilization of lecithin liposome membranes. A similar effect of derivative 2 is also observed in the case of rat liver mitochondrial membranes. We noted a decrease in the microviscosity of the mitochondrial membrane and nonspecific permeabilization of organelle membranes in the presence of this agent, which was accompanied by a decrease in mitochondrial Δψ and OXPHOS efficiency. This led to a reduction in mitochondrial calcium retention capacity. The derivatives also reduced the production of H2O2 by mitochondria. The paper considers the relationship between the structure of the tested compounds and the observed effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane solubilization induced by Triton X-100 (TX-100) was investigated. Different membrane compositions and phase states were studied along the detergent titration. Expected solubilization profiles were obtained but new information is provided. The fluorescence of nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD)-labeled lipids indicates that the liquid-ordered (Lo)/liquid-disordered (Ld) phase coexistence is barely unaffected at sub-solubilizing detergent concentrations and highlights the vesicle-to-micelle transition. Moreover, the location of the NBD group in the bilayer emphasizes a detergent-membrane interaction in the case of the insoluble Lo phase membrane. It has also been shown that the molecular packing of the membrane loosens in the presence of TX-100, regardless of the solubilization profile. Motivated by studies on GPMVs, the solubilization of less ordered Lo phase membranes was considered in order to improve the effect of molecular packing on the extent of solubilization. Membranes composed of SM and Chol in an equimolar ratio doped with different amounts of PC were studied. The more ordered the Lo phase membrane is in the absence of detergent, the less likely it is to be solubilized. Furthermore, and in contrast to what is observed for membranes exhibiting an Lo/Ld phase coexistence, a very small decrease in the molecular packing of the Lo phase membrane radically modifies the extent of solubilization. These results have implications for the reliability of TX-100 insolubility as a method to detect ordered domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipid ordering in cell membranes has been increasingly recognized as an important factor in establishing and regulating a large variety of biological functions. Multiple investigations into lipid organization focused on assessing ordering from temperature-induced phase transitions, which are often well outside the physiological range. However, particular stresses elicited by environmental factors, such as hypo-osmotic stress or protein insertion into membranes, with respect to changes in lipid status and ordering at constant temperature are insufficiently described. To fill these gaps in our knowledge, we exploited the well-established ability of environmentally sensitive membrane probes to detect intramembrane changes at the molecular level. Our steady state fluorescence spectroscopy experiments focused on assessing changes in optical responses of Laurdan and diphenylhexatriene upon exposure of red blood cells to hypo-osmotic stress and pore-forming toxins at room temperature. We verified our utilized experimental systems by a direct comparison of the results with prior reports on artificial membranes and cholesterol-depleted membranes undergoing temperature changes. The significant changes observed in the lipid order after exposure to hypo-osmotic stress or pore-forming toxins resembled phase transitions of lipids in membranes, which we explained by considering the short-range interactions between membrane components and the hydrophobic mismatch between membrane thickness and inserted proteins. Our results suggest that measurements of optical responses from the membrane probes constitute an appropriate method for assessing the status of lipids and phase transitions in target membranes exposed to mechanical stresses or upon the insertion of transmembrane proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells are constantly adapting to maintain their identity in response to the surrounding media\'s temporal and spatial heterogeneity. The plasma membrane, which participates in the transduction of external signals, plays a crucial role in this adaptation. Studies suggest that nano and micrometer areas with different fluidities at the plasma membrane change their distribution in response to external mechanical signals. However, investigations linking fluidity domains with mechanical stimuli, specifically matrix stiffness, are still in progress. This report tests the hypothesis that the stiffness of the extracellular matrix can modify the equilibrium of areas with different order in the plasma membrane, resulting in changes in overall membrane fluidity distribution. We studied the effect of matrix stiffness on the distribution of membrane lipid domains in NIH-3 T3 cells immersed in matrices of varying concentrations of collagen type I, for 24 or 72 h. The stiffness and viscoelastic properties of the collagen matrices were characterized by rheometry, fiber sizes were measured by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and the volume occupied by the fibers by second harmonic generation imaging (SHG). Membrane fluidity was measured using the fluorescent dye LAURDAN and spectral phasor analysis. The results demonstrate that an increase in collagen stiffness alters the distribution of membrane fluidity, leading to an increasing amount of the LAURDAN fraction with a high degree of packing. These findings suggest that changes in the equilibrium of fluidity domains could represent a versatile and refined component of the signal transduction mechanism for cells to respond to the highly heterogeneous matrix structural composition. Overall, this study sheds light on the importance of the plasma membrane\'s role in adapting to the extracellular matrix\'s mechanical cues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phase state and especially phase transitions of synthetic lipid membranes are known to drastically modulate mechanical membrane properties like permeability and bending modulus. Although the main transition of lipid membranes is typically detected employing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), this technique is not suitable for many biological membranes. Moreover, often single cell data on the membrane state or order is of interest. We here first describe how to use a membrane polarity-sensitive dye, Laurdan, to optically determine the order of cell ensembles over a wide temperature range from T = -40 °C to +95 °C. This allows to quantify the position and width of biological membrane order-disorder transitions. Second, we show that the distribution of membrane order within a cell ensemble allows for correlation analysis of membrane order and permeability. Third, combining the technique with conventional atomic force spectroscopy allows for the quantitative correlation of an overall effective Young\'s modulus of living cells with the membrane order.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of the present paper was to assess the ability of five newly designed and synthesized meloxicam analogues to interact with phospholipid bilayers. Calorimetric and fluorescence spectroscopic measurements revealed that, depending on the details of the chemical structure, the studied compounds penetrated bilayers and affected mainly their polar/apolar regions, closer to the surface of the model membrane. The influence of meloxicam analogues on the thermotropic properties of DPPC bilayers was clearly visible because these compounds reduced the temperature and cooperativity of the main phospholipid phase transition. Additionally, the studied compounds quenched the fluorescence of prodan to a higher extent than laurdan, what pointed to a more pronounced interaction with membrane segments close to its surface. We presume that a more pronounced intercalation of the studied compounds into the phospholipid bilayer may be related to the presence of the molecule of a two-carbon aliphatic linker with a carbonyl group and fluorine substituent/trifluoromethyl group (compounds PR25 and PR49) or the three-carbon linker together with the trifluoromethyl group (PR50). Moreover, computational investigations of the ADMET properties have shown that the new meloxicam analogues are characterized by beneficial expected physicochemical parameters, so we may presume that they will have a good bioavailability after an oral administration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study measures the uptake of various dyes into HeLa cells and determines simultaneously the degree of membrane lipid chain order on a single cell level by spectral analysis of the membrane-embedded dye Laurdan. First, this study finds that the mean generalized polarization (GP) value of single cells varies within a population in a range that is equivalent to a temperature variation of 9 K. This study exploits this natural variety of membrane order to examine the uptake as a function of GP at constant temperature. It is shown that transport across the cell membrane correlates with the membrane phase state. Specifically, higher membrane transport with increasing lipid chain order is observed. As a result, hypothermal-adapted cells with reduced lipid membrane order show less transport. Environmental factors influence transport as well. While increasing temperature reduces lipid order, it is found that locally high cell densities increase lipid order and in turn lead to increased dye uptake. To demonstrate the physiological relevance, membrane state and transport during an in vitro wound healing process are analyzed. While the uptake within a confluent cell layer is high, it decreases toward the center where the membrane lipid chain order is lowest.





