Late Cretaceous

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fossil fish Ptychodus Agassiz, 1834, characterized by a highly distinctive grinding dentition and an estimated gigantic body size (up to around 10 m), has remained one of the most enigmatic extinct elasmobranchs (i.e. sharks, skates and rays) for nearly two centuries. This widespread Cretaceous taxon is common in Albian to Campanian deposits from almost all continents. However, specimens mostly consist of isolated teeth or more or less complete dentitions, whereas cranial and post-cranial skeletal elements are very rare. Here we describe newly discovered material from the early Late Cretaceous of Mexico, including complete articulated specimens with preserved body outline, which reveals crucial information on the anatomy and systematic position of Ptychodus. Our phylogenetic and ecomorphological analyses indicate that ptychodontids were high-speed (tachypelagic) durophagous lamniforms (mackerel sharks), which occupied a specialized predatory niche previously unknown in fossil and extant elasmobranchs. Our results support the view that lamniforms were ecomorphologically highly diverse and represented the dominant group of sharks in Cretaceous marine ecosystems. Ptychodus may have fed predominantly on nektonic hard-shelled prey items such as ammonites and sea turtles rather than on benthic invertebrates, and its extinction during the Campanian, well before the end-Cretaceous crisis, might have been related to competition with emerging blunt-toothed globidensine and prognathodontine mosasaurs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Chloranthaceae comprise four extant genera (Hedyosmum, Ascarina, Chloranthus and Sarcandra), all with simple flowers. Molecular phylogenetics indicates that the Chloranthaceae diverged very early in angiosperm evolution, although how they are related to eudicots, magnoliids, monocots and Ceratophyllum is uncertain. Fossil pollen similar to that of Ascarina and Hedyosmum has long been recognized in the Early Cretaceous, but over the last four decades evidence of extinct Chloranthaceae based on other types of fossils has expanded dramatically and contributes significantly to understanding the evolution of the family.
    METHODS: Studies of fossils from the Cretaceous, especially mesofossils of Early Cretaceous age from Portugal and eastern North America, recognized diverse flowers, fruits, seeds, staminate inflorescences and stamens of extinct chloranthoids. These early chloranthoids include forms related to extant Hedyosmum and also to the Ascarina, Chloranthus and Sarcandra clade. In the Late Cretaceous there are several occurrences of distinctive fossil androecia related to extant Chloranthus. The rich and still expanding Cretaceous record of Chloranthaceae contrasts with a very sparse Cenozoic record, emphasizing that the four extant genera are likely to be relictual, although speciation within the genera might have occurred in relatively recent times. In this study, we describe three new genera of Early Cretaceous chloranthoids and summarize current knowledge on the extinct diversity of the group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evolutionary lineage that includes extant Chloranthaceae is diverse and abundantly represented in Early Cretaceous mesofossil floras that provide some of the earliest evidence of angiosperm reproductive structures. Extinct chloranthoids, some of which are clearly in the Chloranthaceae crown group, fill some of the morphological gaps that currently separate the extant genera, help to illuminate how some of the unusual features of extant Chloranthaceae evolved and suggest that Chloranthaceae are of disproportionate importance for a more refined understanding of ecology and phylogeny of early angiosperm diversification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nitrogen isotopic composition (15 N/14 N ratio, or δ15 N) of enameloid-bound organic matter (δ15 NEB ) in shark teeth was recently developed to investigate the biogeochemistry and trophic structures (i.e., food webs) of the ancient ocean. Using δ15 NEB , we present the first nitrogen isotopic evidence for trophic differences between shark taxa from a single fossil locality. We analyze the teeth of four taxa (Meristodonoides, Ptychodus, Scapanorhynchus, and Squalicorax) from the Late Cretaceous (83-84 Ma) Trussells Creek site in Alabama, USA, and compare the N isotopic findings with predictions from tooth morphology, the traditional method for inferring shark paleo-diets. Our δ15 NEB data indicate two distinct trophic groups, with averages separated by 6.1 ± 2.1‰. The lower group consists of Meristodonoides and Ptychodus, and the higher group consists of Scapanorhynchus and Squalicorax (i.e., lamniforms). This δ15 NEB difference indicates a 1.5 ± 0.5 trophic-level separation between the two groups, a finding that is in line with paleontological predictions of a higher trophic level for these lamniforms over Meristodonoides and Ptychodus. However, the δ15 NEB of Meristodonoides is lower than suggested by tooth morphology, although consistent with mechanical tests suggesting that higher trophic-level bony fishes were not a major component of their diet. Further, δ15 NEB indicates that the two sampled lamniform taxa fed at similar trophic levels despite their different inferred tooth functions. These two findings suggest that tooth morphology alone may not always be a sufficient indicator of dietary niche. The large trophic separation revealed by the δ15 NEB offset leaves open the possibility that higher trophic-level lamniforms, such as those measured here, preyed upon smaller, lower trophic-level sharks like Meristodonoides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saxochelys gilberti is a baenid turtle from the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation of the United States of America known from cranial, shell, and other postcranial material. Baenid turtles are taxonomically diverse and common fossil elements within Late Cretaceous through Eocene faunas. Detailed anatomical knowledge is critical to understanding the systematics and morphological evolution of the group. This is particularly important as baenids represent an important group of continental vertebrates that survived the mass extinction event associated with the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary. High-resolution micro-computed tomography scanning of the holotype skull reveals additional anatomical details for the already well-known Saxochelys gilberti. This includes the revision of some anatomical statements from the original description, but also detailed knowledge on internal anatomical features of the braincase and the description of a well-preserved axis (cervical vertebra 2). Our new detailed description and previous work on the shell and postcrania make Saxochelys one of the best-described, nearly complete baenid turtles, which are often only known from either isolated shell or cranial material. A revised phylogenetic analysis confirms the position of Saxochelys gilberti as a derived baenid (Eubaeninae) more closely related to Baena arenosa than to Eubaena cephalica.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13358-023-00301-6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aucasaurus garridoi is an abelisaurid theropod from the Anacleto Formation (lower Campanian, Upper Cretaceous) of Patagonia, Argentina. The holotype of Aucasaurus garridoi includes cranial material, axial elements, and almost complete fore- and hind limbs. Here we present a detailed description of the axial skeleton of this taxon, along with some paleobiological and phylogenetic inferences. The presacral elements are somewhat fragmentary, although these show features shared with other abelisaurids. The caudal series, to date the most complete among brachyrostran abelisaurids, shows several autapomorphic features including the presence of pneumatic recesses on the dorsal surface of the anterior caudal neural arches, a tubercle lateral to the prezygapophysis of mid caudal vertebrae, a marked protuberance on the lateral rim of the transverse process of the caudal vertebrae, and the presence of a small ligamentous scar near the anterior edge of the dorsal surface in the anteriormost caudal transverse process. The detailed study of the axial skeleton of Aucasaurus garridoi has also allowed us to identify characters that could be useful for future studies attempting to resolve the internal phylogenetic relationships of Abelisauridae. Computed tomography scans of some caudal vertebrae show pneumatic traits in neural arches and centra, and thus the first reported case for an abelisaurid taxon. Moreover, some osteological correlates of soft tissues present in Aucasaurus and other abelisaurids, especially derived brachyrostrans, underscore a previously proposed increase in axial rigidity within Abelisauridae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Late Cretaceous was a unique period in the history of the Earth characterized by elevated sea levels, reduced land area, and significantly high concentrations of atmospheric CO2 resulting in increased temperatures across the globe-a \'Greenhouse World\'. During this period, calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (c-dinocysts) flourished and became a ubiquitous constituent of calcifying plankton around the world. An acme in calcareous dinocysts during the Albian to the Turonian coincided with the highest recorded seawater surface temperatures and was possibly linked to conditions that favored calcification and a highly oligotrophic system in European shelf seas. This study examines the potential applicability of c-dinocysts as a proxy for paleoenvironmental conditions based on their assemblage changes plotted against foraminiferal occurrences and microfacies analysis. The material was extracted from the upper Turonian chalk of the Dubivtsi region in western Ukraine. An inverse correlation was observed between species diversity and the number of c-dinocyst specimens. Nutrient availability gradients apparently determined important changes in the calcareous dinocysts distribution. These trophic changes were likely caused by the interplay of eustatic sea-level fluctuations and Subhercynian tectonic activity leading to changeable nutrient inputs from the nearby land.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taxonomic diversity of Late Cretaceous hesperornithids (Aves: Hesperornithidae) of European Russia and Eastern Europe as a whole remain poorly understood, and the morphology of these large flightless birds is poorly known. New finds of Hesperornithidae in the Karyakino locality (Saratov oblast, Russia) confirm the coexistence of two forms of these flightless seabirds in the Campanian (mid-Late Cretaceous) of the Lower Volga region. A femur is described for the first time for Hesperornis rossicus Nessov et Yarkov, 1993, indicating that this large species is morphologically distinct from North American H. regalis Marsh, 1872.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cenomanian (lowermost Upper Cretaceous) faunal assemblages are of high interest in understanding the turnovers that took place between the Early and the Late Cretaceous, resulting in significant differences. In this context, the analysis of the association of reptiles found in the Algora fossil site (Guadalajara Province, Central Spain) is of great interest since it represents the first European Cenomanian site with a high concentration of macrovertebrate remains. A new pythonomorph \'lizard\' from Algora, Carentonosaurus algorensis sp. nov., is described here. It is the second representative of this European genus. Its microanatomical study reveals that an extreme pachyosteosclerosis affected at least its dorsal vertebrae, suggesting adaptations for slow-swimming habits in shallow-water environments. Consequently, this new taxon is interpreted as a slow swimmer, hovering near the bottom of near-shore marine environments of the Late Cretaceous European Archipelago and, more specifically, along the shores of the larger Iberian Island for that period. This is in concordance with the high diversification of \'pachyostotic\' pythonomorphs recorded during the Cenomanian, allowing the subsequent adaptation of this lineage to open marine environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The periodicity of the mutual position of celestial bodies in the Earth-Moon-Sun system is crucial to the functioning of life on Earth. Biological rhythms affect most of the processes inside organisms, and some can be recorded in skeletal remains, allowing one to reconstruct the cycles that occur in nature deep in time. In the present study, we have used ultra-high-resolution elemental ratio scans of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Mn/Ca from the fossil, ca. 70 Ma old inoceramid bivalve Inoceramus (Platyceramus) salisburgensis from deep aphotic water and identified a clear regularity of repetition of the geochemical signal every of ~0.006 mm. We estimate that the shell accretion rate is on average ~0.4 cm of shell thickness per lunar year. Visible light-dark lamination, interpreted as a seasonal signal corresponding to the semilunar-related cycle, gives a rough shell age estimate and growth rate for this large bivalve species supported by a dual feeding strategy. We recognize a biological clock that follows either a semilunar (model A) or a tidal (model B) cycle. This cycle of tidal dominance seems to fit better considering the biological behaviour of I. (P.) salisburgensis, including the estimated age and growth rate of the studied specimens. We interpret that the major control in such deep-sea environment, well below the photic zone and storm wave base, was due to barotropic tidal forces, thus changing the water pressure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Past responses to environmental change provide vital baseline data for estimating the potential resilience of extant taxa to future change. Here, we investigate the latitudinal range contraction that terrestrial and freshwater turtles (Testudinata) experienced from the Late Cretaceous to the Paleogene (100.5-23.03 mya) in response to major climatic changes. We apply ecological niche modeling (ENM) to reconstruct turtle niches, using ancient and modern distribution data, paleogeographic reconstructions, and the HadCM3L climate model to quantify their range shifts in the Cretaceous and late Eocene. We then use the insights provided by these models to infer their probable ecological responses to future climate scenarios at different representative concentration pathways (RCPs 4.5 and 8.5 for 2100), which project globally increased temperatures and spreading arid biomes at lower to mid-latitudes. We show that turtle ranges are predicted to expand poleward in the Northern Hemisphere, with decreased habitat suitability at lower latitudes, inverting a trend of latitudinal range contraction that has been prevalent since the Eocene. Trionychids and freshwater turtles can more easily track their niches than Testudinidae and other terrestrial groups. However, habitat destruction and fragmentation at higher latitudes will probably reduce the capability of turtles and tortoises to cope with future climate changes.





