Lagrangian modeling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We study physical mechanisms of the Tumen River water transport in the area of the Posyet Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). This study is based on the satellite and in situ measurements, and numerical simulation of advection of river water by the current velocity simulated by Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS). The importance of this study is in identification of the reasons of the transport of pollutants into the area of the Far Eastern Marine Reserve. The results of the study showed that such reasons are wind currents and mesoscale cyclonic eddies. These eddies were originally detected on satellite imagery and CTD and bio-optical measurements. The anomalies in the form of spots of the chlorophyll a (CHL) increased concentration were detected on satellite images in fall 2009. The oceanographic sections of CTD and bio-optical measurements through the anomalies show that they are cyclonic eddies. These eddies consist of two cores - upper and lower. The upper core is filled with river waters with low salinity, high values of CHL and colored dissolved organic matter content (CDOM). The lower core is filled with cold saline waters. The ROMS results show that eddies are generated as a result of symmetrical and centrifugal instabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic particles move three-dimensionally through the ocean, but modeling studies often do not consider size-dependent vertical transport processes. In addition, microplastic fragmentation in ocean environments remains poorly understood, despite fragments making up the majority of microplastic pollution in terms of the number of particles and despite its potential role in mass removal. Here, we first investigate the role of particle size and density on the large-scale transport of microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea and next analyze how fragmentation may affect transport and mass loss of plastics. For progressively smaller particle sizes, microplastics are shown to be less likely to be beached and more likely to reach open water. Smaller particles also generally get mixed deeper, resulting in lower near-surface concentrations of small particles despite their higher total abundance. Microplastic fragmentation is shown to be dominated by beach-based fragmentation, with ocean-based fragmentation processes likely having negligible influence. However, fragmentation remains a slow process acting on decadal time scales and as such likely does not have a major influence on the large-scale distribution of microplastics and mass loss over periods less than 3 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beaches are thought to be a large reservoir for marine plastics. To protect vulnerable beaches, it is advantageous to have information on the sources of this plastic. Here, we develop a universally applicable Bayesian framework to map sources of plastic arriving on a specific beach. In this framework, we combine Lagrangian backtracking simulations of drifting particles with estimates of plastic input from coastlines, rivers and fisheries. The advantage over traditional Lagrangian simulations is that the Bayesian framework can consider information on known sources, and thus facilitates spatiotemporal source attribution for plastic arriving at the specified beach. We show that the main sources for our target beach in southwest Netherlands are the east coast of the UK, the Dutch coast, the English Channel (fisheries) and the Thames, Seine, Rhine and Trieux (rivers). We also show that floating time is a major uncertainty in source attribution using backtracking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coughing is a primary symptomatic pathway of respiratory or air-borne disease transmission, including COVID-19. Several parameters such as cougher\'s age, gender, and posture affect particle dispersion indoors. This study numerically investigates the transient cough evolution, contamination range, particle reach probability, and deposition fraction for different age groups of males and females in standing and sitting postures in a ventilated room. The efficacy of a cloth mask has also been studied with and without the influence of air ventilation. Validated Computational Fluid Dynamics methodology has been implemented to model complex physics such as turbulent buoyant cloud, particle-air interaction, particle collision/breakup, and droplet evaporation. Our results show that overall, the contamination range is slightly lower for females due to lower cough velocities and particle counts. Moreover, a significant fraction of particles crosses the two meters social distancing guideline threshold with an unhindered cough. Besides, wearing a cloth mask reduces the average contamination range by approximately two-third of the distance compared to coughing without the mask. However, aerosolized particles reach longer streamwise distances and drift for extended durations beyond thirty seconds. This study can be used to improve the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning recommendations and distancing guidelines in indoor settings.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been increasing interest in modeling the UV inactivation on airborne microorganisms via the Lagrangian approach as a result of its outstanding features in calculating UV dose with particle trajectory. In this study, we applied the Lagrangian method to model the disinfection performance of in-duct UV lamps on three bacteria: Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli, respectively. For modeling, the airborne bacteria\'s inactivation was determined by critical survival fraction probability (CSFP) and maximal bearable UV dose (MBUD) methods, respectively. The results indicated that Lagrangian modeling utilizing the MBUD method needs to appropriately evaluate the maximal UV dose (D mb ), which is bearable for airborne microorganisms. The disinfection efficacy obtained by using the CSFP method agreed well with experimental measurements. Within the Lagrangian framework, the recommended empirical value for critical survival fraction (F sc ) was 0.4 for modeling the disinfection efficacy of in-duct UV lamps. Besides, the disinfection efficacies of in-duct UV lamps with full luminous length on P. alcaligenes and E. coli were 100% with Re within the range of 4.11 × 104 to 8.22 × 104. Moreover, the present numerical model was also applied for further validation with inactivation measurements of in-duct UV lamps performed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Based on the results, the UV disinfection efficacies obtained by the present modeling method had a closed agreement with EPA experimental results. It deserved to pay more investigations on the optimal value of F sc in further for accurately applying Lagrangian modeling on air UV disinfection.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improved observational understanding of urban CO2 emissions, a large and dynamic global source of fossil CO2, can provide essential insights for both carbon cycle science and mitigation decision making. Here we compare three distinct global CO2 emissions inventory representations of urban CO2 emissions for five Middle Eastern cities (Riyadh, Mecca, Tabuk, Jeddah, and Baghdad) and use independent satellite observations from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite to evaluate the inventory representations of afternoon emissions. We use the column version of the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (X-STILT) model to account for atmospheric transport and link emissions to observations. We compare XCO2 simulations with observations to determine optimum inventory scaling factors. Applying these factors, we find that the average summed emissions for all five cities are 100 MtC year-1 (50-151, 90% CI), which is 2.0 (1.0, 3.0) times the average prior inventory magnitudes. The total adjustment of the emissions of these cities comes out to ~7% (0%, 14%) of total Middle Eastern emissions (~700 MtC year-1). We find our results to be insensitive to the prior spatial distributions in inventories of the cities\' emissions, facilitating robust quantitative assessments of urban emission magnitudes without accurate high-resolution gridded inventories.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Floating plastic debris is an increasing source of pollution in the world\'s oceans. Numerical simulations using models of ocean currents give insight into the transport and distribution of microplastics in the oceans, but most simulations do not account for the oscillating flow caused by global barotropic tides. Here, we investigate the influence of barotropic tidal currents on the transport and accumulation of floating microplastics, by numerically simulating the advection of virtual plastic particles released all over the world\'s oceans and tracking these for 13 years. We use geostrophic and surface Ekman currents from GlobCurrent and the currents caused by the four main tidal constituents (M 2 , S 2 , K 1 , and O 1 ) from the FES model. We analyze the differences between the simulations with and without the barotropic tidal currents included, focusing on the open ocean. In each of the simulations, we see that microplastic accumulates in regions in the subtropical gyres, which is in agreement with observations. The formation and location of these accumulation regions remain unaffected by the barotropic tidal currents. However, there are a number of coastal regions where we see differences when the barotropic tidal currents are included. Due to uncertainties of the model in coastal regions, further investigation is required in order to draw conclusions in these areas. Our results suggest that, in the global open ocean, barotropic tidal currents have little impact on the transport and accumulation of floating microplastic and can thus be neglected in simulations aimed at studying microplastic transport in the open ocean.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geochemical systems are known to exhibit highly variable spatiotemporal behavior. This may be observed both in non-smooth concentration curves in space for a single sampling time and also in variability between samples taken from the same location at different times. However, most models that are designed to simulate these systems provide only single-solution smooth curves and fail to capture the noise and variability seen in the data. We apply a recently developed reactive particle-tracking method to a system that displays highly complex geochemical behavior. When the method is made to most closely resemble a corresponding Eulerian method, in its unperturbed form, we see near-exact match between solutions of the two models. More importantly, we consider two approaches for perturbing the model and find that the spatially-perturbed condition is able to capture a greater degree of the variability present in the data. This method of perturbation is a task to which particle methods are uniquely suited and Eulerian models are not well-suited. Additionally, because of the nature of the algorithm, noisy spatial gradients can be highly resolved by a large number of mobile particles, and this incurs negligible computational cost, as compared to expensive chemistry calculations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Floating microplastic in the oceans is known to accumulate in the subtropical ocean gyres, but unclear is still what causes that accumulation. We investigate the role of various physical processes, such as surface Ekman and geostrophic currents, surface Stokes drift, and mesoscale eddy activity, on the global surface distribution of floating microplastic with Lagrangian particle tracking using GlobCurrent and WaveWatch III reanalysis products. Globally, the locations of microplastic accumulation (accumulation zones) are largely determined by the Ekman currents. Simulations of the North Pacific and North Atlantic show that the locations of the modeled accumulation zones using GlobCurrent Total (Ekman+Geostrophic) currents generally agree with observed microplastic distributions in the North Pacific and with the zonal distribution in the North Atlantic. Geostrophic currents and Stokes drift do not contribute to large-scale microplastic accumulation in the subtropics, but Stokes drift leads to increased microplastic transport to Arctic regions. Since the WaveWatch III Stokes drift and GlobCurrent Ekman current data sets are not independent, combining Stokes drift with the other current components leads to an overestimation of Stokes drift effects and there is therefore a need for independent measurements of the different ocean circulation components. We investigate whether windage would be appropriate as a proxy for Stokes drift but find discrepancies in the modeled direction and magnitude. In the North Pacific, we find that microplastic tends to accumulate in regions of relatively low eddy kinetic energy, indicating low mesoscale eddy activity, but we do not see similar trends in the North Atlantic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents the performance of utilizing a bacterial foraging optimization algorithm on a PID control scheme for controlling a five DOF two-wheeled robotic machine with two-directional handling mechanism. The system under investigation provides solutions for industrial robotic applications that require a limited-space working environment. The system nonlinear mathematical model, derived using Lagrangian modeling approach, is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink® environment. Bacterial foraging-optimized PID control with decoupled nature is designed and implemented. Various working scenarios with multiple initial conditions are used to test the robustness and the system performance. Simulation results revealed the effectiveness of the bacterial foraging-optimized PID control method in improving the system performance compared to the PID control scheme.





