• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The progressive aggregation of misfolded proteins is the underlying molecular cause of numerous pathologies including Parkinson\'s disease and injection and transthyretin amyloidosis. A growing body of evidence indicates that protein deposits detected in organs and tissues of patients diagnosed with such pathologies contain fragments of lipid membranes. In vitro experiments also showed that lipid membranes could strongly change the aggregation rate of amyloidogenic proteins, as well as alter the secondary structure and toxicity of oligomers and fibrils formed in their presence. In this review, the effect of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) composed of zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids on the aggregation rate of insulin, lysozyme, transthyretin (TTR) and α- synuclein (α-syn) will be discussed. The manuscript will also critically review the most recent findings on the lipid-induced changes in the secondary structure of protein oligomers and fibrils, as well as reveal the extent to which lipids could alter the toxicity of protein aggregates formed in their presence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of infantile bronchiolitis in the developed world and of childhood deaths in resource-poor settings. The elderly and the immunosuppressed are also affected. It is a major unmet target for vaccines and antiviral drugs. RSV assembles and buds from the host cell plasma membrane by forming infectious viral particles which are mostly filamentous. A key interaction during RSV assembly is the interaction of the matrix (M) protein with cell plasma membrane lipids forming a layer at assembly sites. Although the structure of RSV M protein dimer is known, it is unclear how the viral M proteins interact with cell membrane lipids, and with which one, to promote viral assembly. Here, we demonstrate that M proteins are able to cluster at the plasma membrane by selectively binding with phosphatidylserine (PS). Our in vitro studies suggest that M binds PS lipid as a dimer and upon M oligomerization, PS clustering is observed. In contrast, the presence of other negatively charged lipids like PI(4, 5)P2 does not enhance M binding beyond control zwitterionic lipids, while cholesterol negatively affects M interaction with membrane lipids. Moreover, we show that the initial binding of the RSV M protein with PS lipids is independent of the cytoplasmic tail of the fusion (F) glycoprotein (FCT). Here, we highlight that M binding on membranes occurs directly through PS lipids, this interaction is electrostatic in nature, and M oligomerization generates PS clusters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipid biosensors are molecular tools used both in vivo and in vitro applications, capable of selectively detecting specific types of lipids in biological membranes. However, despite their extensive use, there is a lack of systematic characterization of their binding properties in various membrane conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of membrane properties, such as fluidity and membrane charge, on the sensitivity of two lipid biosensors, LactC2 and P4M, to their target lipids, phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), respectively. Dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy, employed in this study, provided a useful technique to investigate interactions of these recombinant fluorescent biosensors with liposomes of varying compositions. The results of the study demonstrate that the binding of the LactC2 biosensor to low levels of PS in the membrane is highly supported by the presence of anionic lipids or membrane fluidity. However, at high PS levels, the presence of anionic lipids does not further enhance binding of LactC2. In contrast, neither membrane charge, nor membrane fluidity significantly affect the binding affinity of P4M to PI4P. These findings provide valuable insights into the role of membrane properties on the binding properties of lipid biosensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane solubilization induced by Triton X-100 (TX-100) was investigated. Different membrane compositions and phase states were studied along the detergent titration. Expected solubilization profiles were obtained but new information is provided. The fluorescence of nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD)-labeled lipids indicates that the liquid-ordered (Lo)/liquid-disordered (Ld) phase coexistence is barely unaffected at sub-solubilizing detergent concentrations and highlights the vesicle-to-micelle transition. Moreover, the location of the NBD group in the bilayer emphasizes a detergent-membrane interaction in the case of the insoluble Lo phase membrane. It has also been shown that the molecular packing of the membrane loosens in the presence of TX-100, regardless of the solubilization profile. Motivated by studies on GPMVs, the solubilization of less ordered Lo phase membranes was considered in order to improve the effect of molecular packing on the extent of solubilization. Membranes composed of SM and Chol in an equimolar ratio doped with different amounts of PC were studied. The more ordered the Lo phase membrane is in the absence of detergent, the less likely it is to be solubilized. Furthermore, and in contrast to what is observed for membranes exhibiting an Lo/Ld phase coexistence, a very small decrease in the molecular packing of the Lo phase membrane radically modifies the extent of solubilization. These results have implications for the reliability of TX-100 insolubility as a method to detect ordered domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticide misuse has well-documented detrimental effects on ecosystems, with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) being particularly vulnerable. The current study focuses on the impact of widely used sugarcane crop pesticides, Imazapic (IMZ) and Methyl Parathion (MP), on tilapia gill tissues and their lipid membranes. This investigation was motivated by the specific role of the lipid membrane in transport regulation. Bioinspired cell membrane models, including Langmuir monolayers and liposomes (LUVs and GUVs), were utilized to explore the interaction of IMZ and MP. The results revealed electrostatic interactions between IMZ and MP and the polar head groups of lipids, inducing morphological alterations in the lipid bilayer. Tilapia gill tissue exposed to the pesticides exhibited hypertrophic increases in primary and secondary lamellae, total lamellar fusion, vasodilation, and lifting of the secondary lamellar epithelium. These alterations can lead to compromised oxygen absorption by fish and subsequent mortality. This study not only highlights the harmful effects of the pesticides IMZ and MP, but also emphasizes the crucial role of water quality in ecosystem well-being, even at minimal pesticide concentrations. Understanding these impacts can better inform management practices to safeguard aquatic organisms and preserve ecosystem health in pesticide-affected environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new decyl chain [-(CH2)9CH3] riboflavin conjugate has been synthesized and investigated. A nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reaction was used for coupling the alkyl chain to riboflavin (Rf), a model natural photosensitizer. As expected, the alkylated compound (decyl-Rf) is significantly more lipophilic than its precursor and efficiently intercalates within phospholipid bilayers, increasing its fluorescence quantum yield. The oxidative damage to lipid membranes photoinduced by decyl-Rf was investigated in large and giant unilamellar vesicles (LUVs and GUVs, respectively) composed of different phospholipids. Using a fluorogenic probe, fast radical formation and singlet oxygen generation was demonstrated upon UVA irradiation in vesicles containing decyl-Rf. Photosensitized formation of conjugated dienes and hydroperoxides, and membrane leakage in LUVs rich in poly-unsaturated fatty acids were also investigated. The overall assessment of the results shows that decyl-Rf is a significantly more efficient photosensitizer of lipids than its unsubstituted precursor and that the association to lipid membranes is key to trigger phospholipid oxidation. Alkylation of hydrophilic photosensitizers as a simple and general synthetic tool to obtain efficient photosensitizers of biomembranes, with potential applications, is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial chloride transporters have been intensely investigated in view of their potential medicinal applications. Recently, we have established 1,8-diamidocarbazoles as a versatile platform for the development of active chloride carriers. In the present contribution, we investigate the influence of various electron-withdrawing substituents in positions 3 and 6 of the carbazole core on the chloride transport activity of these anionophores. Using lucigenin assay and large unilamellar vesicles as models, the 3,6-dicyano- and 3,6-dinitro- substituted receptors were found to be highly active and perfectly deliverable chloride transporters, with EC50,270s value as low as 22 nM for the Cl-/NO3 - exchange. Mechanistic studies revealed that diamidocarbazoles form 1:1 complexes with chloride in lipid bilayers and facilitate chloride/nitrate exchange by carrier mechanism. Furthermore, owing to its increased acidity, the 3,6-dinitro- substituted receptor acts as a pH-switchable transporter, with physiologically relevant apparent pKa of 6.4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In flaviviruses, the NS4A is an integral transmembrane protein that contributes to form virus-induced membrane curvature. However, structural features of NS4A are not documented in Zika virus, and it is one of the least characterized proteins. Thus, this work focused on investigating the secondary structural elements of the Zika virus NS4A, where we characterized the cytosolic region of protein NS4A (residues 1-48) under variable environmental conditions. We found NS4A (residues 1-48) as an intrinsically disordered domain that has an intrinsic ability to form helical fold in the presence of membranous environment, osmolyte, and fluoro alcohol. The conformational change in NS4A (residues 1-48) secondary structure upon interaction with lipid vesicles can be correlated with the disorder-function paradigm concept. This change in NS4A (residues 1-48) secondary structure may suggest its implication in membrane rearrangement and replication complex formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biomimetic lipid bilayer systems are a useful tool for modeling specific properties of cellular membranes in order to answer key questions about their structure and functions. This approach has prompted scientists from all over the world to create more and more sophisticated model systems in order to decipher the complex lateral and transverse organization of cellular plasma membranes. Among a variety of existing biomembrane domains, lipid rafts are defined as small, dynamic, and ordered assemblies of lipids and proteins, enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids. Lipid rafts appear to be involved in the development of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) by affecting the aggregation of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide at neuronal membranes thereby forming toxic oligomeric species. In this review, we summarize the laboratory methods which allow to study the interaction of Aβ with lipid rafts. We describe step by step protocols to form giant (GUVs) and large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) containing raft-mimicking domains surrounded by membrane nonraft regions. Using fluorescence microscopy GUV imaging protocols, one can design experiments to visualize micron-scale raft-like domains, to determine the micron-scale demixing temperature of a given lipid mixture, construct phase diagram, and photogenerate domains in order to assess the dynamics of raft formation and raft size distribution. LUV fluorescence spectroscopy protocols with proper data analysis can be used to measure molecular packing of raft/nonraft regions of the membrane, to report on nanoscale raft formation and determine nanoscale demixing temperature. Because handling of the Aβ requires dedicated laboratory experience, we present illustrated protocols for Aβ-stock aliquoting, Aβ aqueous solubilization, oligomer preparation, determination of the Aβ concentration before and after filtration. Thioflavin binding, dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy protocols are described as complementary methods to detect Aβ aggregation kinetics, aggregate sizes, and morphologies of observed aggregates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, the influence of environmental tonicity perturbations on the size and release kinetics of model markers from liposomes (calcein and rhodamine) was investigated. Large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) were prepared from a mixture composed of organic solvents containing dissolved phosphatidylcholine and phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4). Organic phase was removed by rotary evaporation and the obtained liposomal dispersions were extruded to reduce the liposomal sizes to approx. 400 nm. The LUVs were exposed to PBS of different tonicity to induce water migration, and consequently, generate an osmotic pressure on the vesicle membranes. The markers release kinetics were studied by the dialysis method employing Franz diffusion cells. LUVs appeared to be more susceptible to the osmotic swelling than the shrinking and the size changes were significantly more pronounced for calcein-loaded LUVs in comparison to rhodamine-loaded LUVs. The calcein release from LUVs was highly affected by the water influx/efflux, whereas rhodamine release was less affected by the tonicity perturbations. Mechanistically, it appeared that hydrophilic molecules (calcein) followed the water flux, whereas lipophilic molecules (rhodamine) seemed to be more affected by the changes in LUVs size and consequent alteration of the tightness of the phospholipid bilayer (where the lipophilic marker was imbedded in). These results demonstrate that the different tonicity (within the inner core and external environment of vesicles) can enhance/hamper the diffusion of a marker from LUVs and that osmotically active liposomes could be used as a novel controlled drug delivery system.





