• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitory interneurons in the dorsolateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) are situated at the first central synapse of the image-forming visual pathway, but little is known about their function. Given their anatomy, they are expected to be multiplexors, integrating many different retinal channels along their dendrites. Here, using targeted single-cell-initiated rabies tracing, we found that mouse dLGN interneurons exhibit a degree of retinal input specialization similar to thalamocortical neurons. Some are anatomically highly specialized, for example, toward motion-selective information. Two-photon calcium imaging performed in vivo revealed that interneurons are also functionally specialized. In mice lacking retinal horizontal direction selectivity, horizontal direction selectivity is reduced in interneurons, suggesting a causal link between input and functional specialization. Functional specialization is not only present at interneuron somata but also extends into their dendrites. Altogether, inhibitory interneurons globally display distinct visual features which reflect their retinal input specialization and are ideally suited to perform feature-selective inhibition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Closing our eyes largely shuts down our ability to see. That said, our eyelids still pass some light, allowing our visual system to coarsely process information about visual scenes, such as changes in luminance. However, the specific impact of eye closure on processing within the early visual system remains largely unknown. To understand how visual processing is modulated when eyes are shut, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure responses to a flickering visual stimulus at high (100%) and low (10%) temporal contrasts, while participants viewed the stimuli with their eyes open or closed. Interestingly, we discovered that eye closure produced a qualitatively distinct pattern of effects across the visual thalamus and visual cortex. We found that with eyes open, low temporal contrast stimuli produced smaller responses across the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), primary (V1) and extrastriate visual cortex (V2). However, with eyes closed, we discovered that the LGN and V1 maintained similar blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses as the eyes open condition, despite the suppressed visual input through the eyelid. In contrast, V2 and V3 had strongly attenuated BOLD response when eyes were closed, regardless of temporal contrast. Our findings reveal a qualitatively distinct pattern of visual processing when the eyes are closed-one that is not simply an overall attenuation but rather reflects distinct responses across visual thalamocortical networks, wherein the earliest stages of processing preserve information about stimuli but are then gated off downstream in visual cortex.NEW & NOTEWORTHY When we close our eyes coarse luminance information is still accessible by the visual system. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined whether eyelid closure plays a unique role in visual processing. We discovered that while the LGN and V1 show equivalent responses when the eyes are open or closed, extrastriate cortex exhibited attenuated responses with eye closure. This suggests that when the eyes are closed, downstream visual processing is blind to this information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ON and OFF thalamic afferents from the two eyes converge in the primary visual cortex to form binocular receptive fields. The receptive fields need to be diverse to sample our visual world but also similar across eyes to achieve binocular fusion. It is currently unknown how the cortex balances these competing needs between receptive-field diversity and similarity. Our results demonstrate that receptive fields in the cat visual cortex are binocularly matched with exquisite precision for retinotopy, orientation/direction preference, orientation/direction selectivity, response latency, and ON-OFF polarity/structure. Specifically, the average binocular mismatches in retinotopy and ON-OFF structure are tightly restricted to 1/20 and 1/5 of the average receptive-field size but are still large enough to generate all types of binocular disparity tuning. Based on these results, we conclude that cortical receptive fields are binocularly matched with the high precision needed to facilitate binocular fusion while allowing restricted mismatches to process visual depth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss of the cell-cell adhesion protein E-cadherin underlies the development of diffuse-type gastric cancer (DGC), which is characterized by the gradual accumulation of tumor cells originating from the gastric epithelium in the surrounding stroma. How E-cadherin deficiency drives DGC formation remains elusive. Therefore, we investigated the consequences of E-cadherin loss on gastric epithelial organization utilizing a human gastric organoid model and histological analyses of early-stage DGC lesions. E-cadherin depletion from gastric organoids recapitulates DGC initiation, with progressive loss of a single-layered architecture and detachment of individual cells. We found that E-cadherin deficiency in gastric epithelia does not lead to a general loss of epithelial cohesion but disrupts the spindle orientation machinery. This leads to a loss of planar cell division orientation and, consequently, daughter cells are positioned outside of the gastric epithelial layer. Although basally delaminated cells fail to detach and instead reintegrate into the epithelium, apically mispositioned daughter cells can trigger the gradual loss of the single-layered epithelial architecture. This impaired architecture hampers reintegration of mispositioned daughter cells and enables basally delaminated cells to disseminate into the surrounding matrix. Taken together, our findings describe how E-cadherin deficiency disrupts gastric epithelial architecture through displacement of dividing cells and provide new insights in the onset of DGC. © 2024 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    First-order thalamic nuclei receive feedforward signals from peripheral receptors and relay these signals to primary sensory cortex. Primary sensory cortex, in turn, provides reciprocal feedback to first-order thalamus. Because the vast majority of sensory thalamocortical inputs target primary sensory cortex, their complementary corticothalamic neurons are assumed to be similarly restricted to primary sensory cortex. We upend this assumption by characterizing morphologically diverse neurons in multiple mid-level visual cortical areas of the primate (Macaca mulatta) brain that provide direct feedback to the primary visual thalamus, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). Although the majority of geniculocortical neurons project to primary visual cortex (V1), a minority, located mainly in the koniocellular LGN layers, provide direct input to extrastriate visual cortex. These \"V1-bypassing\" projections may be implicated in blindsight. We hypothesized that geniculocortical inputs directly targeting extrastriate cortex should be complemented by reciprocal corticogeniculate circuits. Using virus-mediated circuit tracing, we discovered corticogeniculate neurons throughout three mid-level extrastriate areas: MT, MST, and V4. Quantitative morphological analyses revealed nonuniform distributions of unique cell types across areas. Many extrastriate corticogeniculate neurons had spiny stellate morphology, suggesting possible targeting of koniocellular LGN layers. Importantly though, multiple morphological types were observed across areas. Such morphological diversity could suggest parallel streams of V1-bypassing corticogeniculate feedback at multiple stages of the visual processing hierarchy. Furthermore, the presence of corticogeniculate neurons across visual cortex necessitates a reevaluation of the LGN as a hub for visual information rather than a simple relay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore associations of the main component (P100) of visual evoked potentials (VEP) to pre- and postchiasmatic damage in multiple sclerosis (MS).
    METHODS: 31 patients (median EDSS: 2.5), 13 with previous optic neuritis (ON), and 31 healthy controls had VEP, optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. We tested associations of P100-latency to the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL), ganglion cell/inner plexiform layers (GCIPL), lateral geniculate nucleus volume (LGN), white matter lesions of the optic radiations (OR-WML), fractional anisotropy of non-lesional optic radiations (NAOR-FA), and to the mean thickness of primary visual cortex (V1). Effect sizes are given as marginal R2 (mR2).
    RESULTS: P100-latency, pRNFL, GCIPL and LGN in patients differed from controls. Within patients, P100-latency was significantly associated with GCIPL (mR2 = 0.26), and less strongly with OR-WML (mR2 = 0.17), NAOR-FA (mR2 = 0.13) and pRNFL (mR2 = 0.08). In multivariate analysis, GCIPL and NAOR-FA remained significantly associated with P100-latency (mR2 = 0.41). In ON-patients, P100-latency was significantly associated with LGN volume (mR2 = -0.56).
    CONCLUSIONS: P100-latency is affected by anterior and posterior visual pathway damage. In ON-patients, damage at the synapse-level (LGN) may additionally contribute to latency delay.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings corroborate post-chiasmatic contributions to the VEP-signal, which may relate to distinct pathophysiological mechanisms in MS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in MECP2 give rise to Rett syndrome (RTT), an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder that results in broad cognitive impairments in females. While the exact etiology of RTT symptoms remains unknown, one possible explanation for its clinical presentation is that loss of MECP2 causes miswiring of neural circuits due to defects in the brain\'s capacity to respond to changes in neuronal activity and sensory experience. Here, we show that MeCP2 is phosphorylated at four residues in the mouse brain (S86, S274, T308, and S421) in response to neuronal activity, and we generate a quadruple knock-in (QKI) mouse line in which all four activity-dependent sites are mutated to alanines to prevent phosphorylation. QKI mice do not display overt RTT phenotypes or detectable gene expression changes in two brain regions. However, electrophysiological recordings from the retinogeniculate synapse of QKI mice reveal that while synapse elimination is initially normal at P14, it is significantly compromised at P20. Notably, this phenotype is distinct from the synapse refinement defect previously reported for Mecp2 null mice, where synapses initially refine but then regress after the third postnatal week. We thus propose a model in which activity-induced phosphorylation of MeCP2 is critical for the proper timing of retinogeniculate synapse maturation specifically during the early postnatal period.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Closing our eyes largely shuts down our ability to see. That said, our eyelids still pass some light, allowing our visual system to coarsely process information about visual scenes, such as changes in luminance. However, the specific impact of eye closure on processing within the early visual system remains largely unknown. To understand how visual processing is modulated when eyes are shut, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure responses to a flickering visual stimulus at high (100%) and low (10%) temporal contrasts, while participants viewed the stimuli with their eyes open or closed. Interestingly, we discovered that eye closure produced a qualitatively distinct pattern of effects across the visual thalamus and visual cortex. We found that with eyes open, low temporal contrast stimuli produced smaller responses, across the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), primary (V1) and extrastriate visual cortex (V2). However, with eyes closed, we discovered that the LGN and V1 maintained similar BOLD responses as the eyes open condition, despite the suppressed visual input through the eyelid. In contrast, V2 and V3 had strongly attenuated BOLD response when eyes were closed, regardless of temporal contrast. Our findings reveal a qualitative distinct pattern of visual processing when the eyes are closed - one that is not simply an overall attenuation, but rather reflects distinct responses across visual thalamocortical networks, wherein the earliest stages of processing preserves information about stimuli but is then gated off downstream in visual cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conscious visual motion information follows a cortical pathway from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and on to the primary visual cortex (V1) before arriving at the middle temporal visual area (MT/V5). Alternative subcortical pathways that bypass V1 are thought to convey unconscious visual information. One flows from the retina to the pulvinar (PUL) and on to medial temporal visual area (MT); while the other directly connects the LGN to MT. Evidence for these pathways comes from non-human primates and modest-sized studies in humans with brain lesions. Thus, the aim of the current study was to reconstruct these pathways in a large sample of neurotypical individuals and to determine the degree to which these pathways are myelinated, suggesting information flow is rapid. We used the publicly available 7T (N = 98; \'discovery\') and 3T (N = 381; \'validation\') diffusion magnetic resonance imaging datasets from the Human Connectome Project to reconstruct the PUL-MT (including all subcompartments of the PUL) and LGN-MT pathways. We found more fibre tracts with greater density in the left hemisphere. Although the left PUL-MT path was denser, the bilateral LGN-MT tracts were more heavily myelinated, suggesting faster signal transduction. We suggest that this apparent discrepancy may be due to \'adaptive myelination\' caused by more frequent use of the LGN-MT pathway that leads to greater myelination and faster overall signal transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Black and white information is asymmetrically distributed in natural scenes, evokes asymmetric neuronal responses, and causes asymmetric perceptions. Recognizing the universality and essentiality of black-white asymmetry in visual information processing, the neural substrates for black-white asymmetry remain unclear. To disentangle the role of the feedforward and recurrent mechanisms in the generation of cortical black-white asymmetry, we recorded the V1 laminar responses and LGN responses of anesthetized cats of both sexes. In a cortical column, we found that black-white asymmetry starts at the input layer and becomes more pronounced in the output layer. We also found distinct dynamics of black-white asymmetry between the output layer and the input layer. Specifically, black responses dominate in all layers after stimulus onset. After stimulus offset, black and white responses are balanced in the input layer, but black responses still dominate in the output layer. Compared with that in the input layer, the rebound response in the output layer is significantly suppressed. The relative suppression strength evoked by white stimuli is notably stronger and depends on the location within the ON-OFF cortical map. A model with delayed and polarity-selective cortical suppression explains black-white asymmetry in the output layer, within which prominent recurrent connections are identified by Granger causality analysis. In addition to black-white asymmetry in response strength, the interlaminar differences in spatial receptive field varied dynamically. Our findings suggest that the feedforward and recurrent mechanisms are dynamically recruited for the generation of black-white asymmetry in V1.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Black-white asymmetry is universal and essential in visual information processing, yet the neural substrates for cortical black-white asymmetry remain unknown. Leveraging V1 laminar recordings, we provided the first laminar pattern of black-white asymmetry in cat V1 and found distinct dynamics of black-white asymmetry between the output layer and the input layer. Comparing black-white asymmetry across three visual hierarchies, the LGN, V1 input layer, and V1 output layer, we demonstrated that the feedforward and recurrent mechanisms are dynamically recruited for the generation of cortical black-white asymmetry. Our findings not only enhance our understanding of laminar processing within a cortical column but also elucidate how feedforward connections and recurrent connections interact to shape neuronal response properties.





