  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Active venous leg ulcer (VLU) is the most severe manifestation of chronic venous disease which not only affects patients\' health, but also decreases the quality of life, and delivers economic burdens. Treatment of superficial venous reflux with early endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) has been associated with reducing ulcer recurrence levels and promoting faster VLU healing. We reported three cases of patients with active VLU undergoing EVLA with different approaches.
    UNASSIGNED: Three patients came with complaint of leg ulcer, diagnosed with C6sEpAsdPr, with venous clinical severity scores (VCSS) of 15, 23, and 22 respectively. Severe great saphenous veins (GSV) reflux was found in all patients by duplex ultrasound examination. The second patient had undergone above-the-knee EVLA. All patients underwent EVLA using 1470-nano meter wavelength laser device and ELVeS radial fiber (Biolitec, Bonn, Germany). The laser energy protocol used was 6 W linear endovenous energy density (LEED) 50 J/cm for proximal until media ATK GSV ablation, 5 W LEED 40 J/cm for media ATK until proximal below-the-knee (BTK) GSV, and 2 W LEED 20 J/cm for proximal until distal BTK GSV. The third patient was also treated with EVLA for small saphenous vein severe reflux. Follow-up until 6 months post-EVLA showed significant healing of the ulcer with 14, 16, and 17 VCSS reduction consecutively without any complication.
    UNASSIGNED: We\'ve reported three cases of patients with active VLU undergoing EVLA until BTK with significant results. The EVLA of GSV until BTK where there is still significant reflux is safe and provides satisfactory results in patients with VLU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mr J worked as a long-distance driver and warehouse manager. He was diagnosed with Crohn\'s disease after retirement and developed dermatitis of the lower limbs as a consequence. Dermatitis and venous disease led to the appearance of leg ulcers. A friend recommended the local Leg Club to Mr J when he noticed that his leg wounds were not healing. Mr J has become a member since then and often visits the clinic with his wife and daughter.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Calcified tissue exposed in a leg ulcer can become infected and develop into a nidus of infection leading to sepsis. This case details a patient with a leg wound secondary to skin biopsy. This leg ulceration did not heal due to an underlying calcified mass and led to five hospital admissions for sepsis. She was diagnosed as having calcinosis cutis, which was suspected to be the source of her infections. The calcified mass was resected, and she healed uneventfully without further infections. Calcified soft-tissue masses should be considered in nonhealing leg ulcers and ulcers with multiple recurrent infections. Radiographs can be used to diagnose this condition, and surgical excision can be considered in cases of infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokines are commonly deregulated in venous leg ulcers. We have investigated cytokine stability by incubating sterile-filtered wound fluids from chronic venous leg ulcers in vitro. Incubation of wound fluids for 24 h at 37°C decreased IL-1β levels by 88% and TNF-α levels by 64%. IL-1β was degraded by serine proteinases and metalloproteinases while the mechanism for reduced TNF-α remains elusive. The levels of the other peptides did not change significantly (p > 0.05). Normal human dermal fibroblasts exposed to five of the six wound fluids showed increased proliferation with the length of prior incubation using an assay optimised for evaluation of wound fluid bioactivity. Exogenous IL-1β and TNF-α unexpectedly increased (p < 0.001) cell proliferation at concentrations that were measured in the wound fluids. In conclusion, the stability of the eight investigated cytokines in wound fluids differed and presumably the loss of detrimental factors, unlikely IL-1β or TNF-α, resulted in increased fibroblast proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Direct skin contact with items containing lanolin can induce sensitization and development of contact dermatitis (CD). This multi-centric study investigated prevalence of lanolin sensitization among 30,269 outpatients from North-Eastern Italy patch tested during 1997-2021. Methods: European baseline and extended Triveneto series were applied on the upper part of patients\' back and removed after 48 h. Risk factors for lanolin sensitization were investigated by multiple logistic regression analysis, reporting adjusted odds ratios (aOR) with 95% confidence interval (95%CI). Results. Overall lanolin patch test positive ratio (PTPR) was 1.64% (=501/30,629), with variability over time and by research center. The body area most frequently affected by CD were hands (36.32%), followed by face (19.52%) and legs (8.09%), with a lanolin PTPR of 1.68%, 1.37% and 3.07%, respectively. Prevalence of occupational CD was 8.24%, and 1.83% patients with occupational CD patch tested positive against lanolin. Lanolin sensitization was significantly higher in males (aOR = 1.34; 95%CI: 1.08; 1.65) and among patients with leg CD aged 49-60 years (aOR = 2.34; 95%CI: 1.20; 4.57) or older than 60 (aOR = 4.21; 95%CI: 2.59; 6.85). Sub-group analysis confirmed the significantly higher sensitization rate of older patients with leg CD, with much stronger effect size in females 61+ years old (aOR = 5.33; 95%CI 2.87; 9.89) than males in the same age group (aOR = 2.92; 95%CI: 1.34; 6.39). Moreover, female house painters were more likely to test positive to lanolin. Conclusions: The variability of lanolin PTPR over time and by research center endorsed the ongoing debate on the relevance of the respective skin reaction. Clinicians assessing patients with dermatitis should collect information on potential risk factors for lanolin sensitization, particularly use of skin care products containing the hapten. Occupational exposure to lanolin-containing varnishes should also be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article


    UNASSIGNED: Peripheral artery disease is a common condition caused by narrowing/blockage of the arteries, resulting in reduced blood supply. Peripheral artery disease is associated with an increased risk of vascular complications, but early treatment reduces mortality and morbidity. Leg ulcers are long-lasting wounds, usually treated by compression therapy. Compression therapy is not suitable for people with peripheral artery disease, as it can affect the arterial blood supply. In clinical practice, people with peripheral artery disease are identified by measurement of the ankle-brachial pressure index using a sphygmomanometer and manual Doppler device. However, this method can be uncomfortable for people with leg ulcers and automated devices have been proposed as a more acceptable alternative. The objective of this appraisal was to summarise the clinical and cost-effectiveness evidence on the use of automated devices to detect peripheral artery disease in people with leg ulcers.
    UNASSIGNED: To identify reports of relevant studies, we searched major electronic databases and scrutinised the information supplied by the manufacturers of the automated devices under investigation. Due to the lack of evidence on people with leg ulcers, we considered evidence from studies of any design assessing automated devices versus an acceptable reference device in any population receiving ankle-brachial pressure index assessment. We summarised information on diagnostic accuracy of the automated devices and level of agreement with the reference device. For each device, when data permit, we pooled data across studies by conducting random-effects meta-analyses using a Hierarchical Summary Receiving Operating Characteristics model.
    UNASSIGNED: An economic model comprising a decision tree (24 weeks) and Markov models to capture lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life-years associated with venous, arterial and mixed aetiology disease in leg ulcer patients. Analyses were conducted from a United Kingdom National Health Service and Personal Social Services perspective. Costs and quality-adjusted life-years were discounted at 3.5% per year. Deterministic and several probabilistic analyses were used to capture uncertainty surrounding a range of optimistic and pessimistic assumptions about the impact of automated tests on health outcomes (ulcer healing and requirement for invasive management of arterial disease).
    UNASSIGNED: From the 116 records retrieved by the electronic searches, we included 24 studies evaluating five devices (BlueDop Vascular Expert, BOSO ABI-System 100, Dopplex Ability, MESI ankle-brachial pressure index MD and WatchBP Office ABI). Two studies assessing people with leg ulcers found that automated devices often gave higher ankle-brachial pressure index readings than manual Doppler (underestimation of arterial disease). In the 22 studies involving people without leg ulcers, automated devices generally demonstrated good specificity and moderate specificity. Meta-analysis of 12 studies showed a pooled sensitivity of 64% (95% confidence interval 57% to 71%) and a pooled specificity of 96% (95% confidence interval 92% to 98%) for detection of peripheral artery disease.
    UNASSIGNED: Automated devices cost less than manual Doppler to deliver. However, increased risks of invasive treatment requirements for inappropriately compressed arterial/mixed ulcers due to false-negative results, and increased healing times due to delayed compression of false-positive test results mean that in most scenarios manual Doppler was less costly and had slightly higher quality-adjusted life-years than automated devices. Results are highly uncertain, dependent on many assumptions and should be interpreted cautiously.
    UNASSIGNED: The limited evidence identified for each automated device, especially in people with leg ulcers, and its clinical heterogeneity precludes any firm conclusions on the diagnostic performance and cost-effectiveness of these devices in clinical practice.
    UNASSIGNED: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42022327588.
    UNASSIGNED: This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Evidence Synthesis programme (NIHR award ref: NIHR135478) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 28, No. 37. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.
    Leg ulcers are long-lasting wounds mostly caused by problems in blood flow in the veins, which are treated by applying bandages or stockings to create a ‘compression’ effect. However, compression should not be used in people with a condition called peripheral artery disease. To identify people with peripheral artery disease who should not receive compression therapy, health professionals perform a test called ‘ankle–brachial pressure index’, which involves taking blood pressure of the arms and ankles using a device called ‘Doppler ultrasound’. The procedure is time-consuming and people with leg ulcers often find it uncomfortable. Automated devices have been proposed as a more acceptable option for assessing leg ulcers. However, we need to know whether these devices produce reliable results and represent good value for money for the National Health Service. We found 24 clinical studies that assessed 5 automated devices to measure ankle–brachial pressure index. The type of patients and clinical setting varied between studies. Two studies assessed people with leg ulcers and showed that the automated devices tended to give higher readings than standard Doppler and, therefore, may underestimate the presence of peripheral artery disease. Results of the 22 studies assessing people without leg ulcers showed that the automated devices could correctly identify people who did not have peripheral artery disease but were less precise in identifying people with peripheral artery disease. However, there was not enough evidence to confirm if these devices are reliable enough to be used in clinical practice. Compared to manual Doppler, the automated devices were less costly to deliver in clinical practice but had increased costs due to potentially inaccurate results. Our evaluation required many assumptions about how the devices would be used in practice, and there were no data on their impact on patient outcomes. Results are highly uncertain and should be interpreted cautiously. Given current evidence, it is unlikely that automated tests are a convenient option for the National Health Service.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a marine omega fatty acid-containing multimodal wound matrix (MWM) in reducing bacterial contamination and supporting wound area reduction (WAR) in patients with hard-to-heal wounds of varying aetiologies.
    UNASSIGNED: A prospective, single-site, pilot case series of patients with hard-to-heal wounds. All wounds were considered non-healing prior to inclusion as they had failed to achieve at least 50% WAR after at least four weeks of standard of care (SoC) treatments. Patients were seen once weekly for wound assessments, matrix application and dressing changes. Baseline and weekly fluorescence images, standard wound images and wound measurements were obtained.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of three patients, two with venous leg ulcers (VLUs) and one with a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) were enrolled in this pilot study. The mean baseline wound age prior to study enrolment was 24 weeks, with a mean baseline wound size of 8.61cm2. The two VLUs went on to complete closure. The DFU displayed a total WAR of 53% by six weeks, when the patient was lost to follow-up due to a geographical relocation. The mean percentage area reduction of all wounds combined was 82% upon study completion.
    UNASSIGNED: The use of MWM proved to be effective and safe in this patient cohort. The wounds included in this case series failed to enter a healing trajectory with SoC wound therapies. The MWM supported wound closure and reduced bacterial loads in this patient cohort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This work explores concurrent optical and magnetic stimulation (COMS) effects on hard-to-heal wounds in real-world settings.
    UNASSIGNED: In this case series, participants received COMS 1-3 times per week for up to 12 weeks alongside standard wound care.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 27 patients (18 female and nine male) were included. Mean age was 72 years. Participants\' wounds that were unresponsive to standard wound care included: venous leg ulcers (VLUs, n=13); mixed leg ulcers (MLUs, n=4); diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs, n=1); pressure ulcers (PUs, n=5); and traumatic wounds (TWs, n=4). On average, COMS was applied twice a week, resulting in an overall mean wound area reduction of 69%. In 24 participants, COMS was used primarily to achieve wound closure by the end of the 12-week period, of which: 12 were classified as complete wound closure (50%; VLUs=8, PUs=3 and TW=1); four as likely-to-heal (17%; VLUs=2 and MLUs=2); four as \'improved\' (17%; MLU=1, DFU=1 and TWs=2); and four as \'non-responding\' (17%; VLUs=3 and MLU=1). The best results were achieved in PUs and VLUs (respectively 100% and 62% categorised as completely healed). When used in participants where its purpose was other than that of achieving wound closure, COMS was successfully used to debride two PUs, and for wound bed preparation in one TW.
    UNASSIGNED: In this case series, COMS showed positive effects and appeared to be beneficial in healing different types of hard-to-heal wounds in community health and homecare settings. Novel COMS therapy aspects emerged: (1) positive outcomes for PU and VLU treatment; (2) COMS as a potential debridement tool when sharp debridement is unfeasible; and (3) COMS as a promising method to prepare wound beds for subsequent skin grafting or skin replacement procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic ulcer patients form a heterogenous group of patients with various medical backgrounds. Cost-effective targeted treatment necessitates more knowledge about specific features related to different subgroups of ulcer patients. Hence, this study aimed to characterize ulcer patients according to gender and ulcer aetiology. A total of 946 consecutively recorded chronic ulcer patients in the Tampere Wound Registry (TWR) were included and data were gathered from the TWR and patient medical records. Comparisons were made between males and females and patients with venous-, arterial or mixed-, diabetic foot-, pressure- and atypical ulcers. Male patients were found to have diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and obesity significantly more often than females (59.2% vs. 39.6%; p < 0.001, 46.5% vs. 33.3%; p = 0.001, 42.7% vs. 35.9%; p = 0.017 respectively), whereas autoimmune diseases were more common among females (30.6% vs. 15.6%; p < 0.001). Recurrence of ulcers was most common among patients with venous ulcers (p < 0.001) and multimorbidity among those with diabetic foot ulcers (p < 0.001). To conclude, males with chronic ulcers would benefit particularly from lifestyle advice, multidisciplinary treatment should be targeted specifically at those with diabetic and arterial or mixed ulcers and preventive measures at those with venous ulcers.





