• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) is an immunodeficiency caused by defects in the adhesion of leukocytes (especially neutrophils) to the blood vessel wall. As a result, patients with LAD suffer from severe bacterial infections and impaired wound healing, accompanied by neutrophilia. In LAD-I, characterized directly after birth by delayed separation of the umbilical cord, mutations are found in ITGB2, the gene that encodes the β subunit (CD18) of the β2 integrins. In the rare LAD-II disease, the fucosylation of selectin ligands is disturbed, caused by mutations in SLC35C1, the gene that encodes a GDP-fucose transporter of the Golgi system. LAD-II patients lack the H and Lewis Lea and Leb blood group antigens. Finally, in LAD-III, the conformational activation of the hematopoietically expressed β integrins is disturbed, leading to leukocyte and platelet dysfunction. This last syndrome is caused by mutations in FERMT3, encoding the kindlin-3 protein in all blood cells, involved in the regulation of β integrin conformation. This article contains an update of the mutations that we consider to be relevant for the various forms of LAD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I (LAD-I) is a primary immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the ITGB2 gene, which encodes for the CD18 subunit of β2-integrins. Deficient expression of β2-integrins results in impaired neutrophil migration in response to bacterial and fungal infections. Using a lentiviral vector (LV) that mediates a preferential myeloid expression of human CD18 (Chim.hCD18-LV), we first demonstrated that gene therapy efficiently corrected the phenotype of mice with severe LAD-I. Next, we investigated if the ectopic hCD18 expression modified the phenotypic characteristics of human healthy donor hematopoietic stem cells and their progeny. Significantly, transduction of healthy CD34+ cells with the Chim.hCD18-LV did not modify the membrane expression of CD18 nor the adhesion of physiological ligands to transduced cells. Additionally, we observed that the repopulating properties of healthy CD34+ cells were preserved following transduction with the Chim.hCD18-LV, and that a safe polyclonal repopulation pattern was observed in transplanted immunodeficient NOD scid gamma (NSG) mice. In a final set of experiments, we demonstrated that transduction of CD34+ cells from a severe LAD-I patient with the Chim.hCD18-LV restores the expression of β2-integrins in these cells. These results offer additional preclinical safety and efficacy evidence supporting the gene therapy of patients with severe LAD-I.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    β2 integrins are heterodimeric surface receptors composed of a variable α (CD11a-CD11d) and a constant β (CD18) subunit and are specifically expressed by leukocytes. The α subunit defines the individual functional properties of the corresponding β2 integrin, but all β2 integrins show functional overlap. They mediate adhesion to other cells and to components of the extracellular matrix (ECM), orchestrate uptake of extracellular material like complement-opsonized pathogens, control cytoskeletal organization, and modulate cell signaling. This review aims to delineate the tremendous role of β2 integrins for immune functions as exemplified by the phenotype of LAD-I (leukocyte adhesion deficiency 1) patients that suffer from strong recurrent infections. These immune defects have been largely attributed to impaired migratory and phagocytic properties of polymorphonuclear granulocytes. The molecular base for this inherited disease is a functional impairment of β2 integrins due to mutations within the CD18 gene. LAD-I patients are also predisposed for autoimmune diseases. In agreement, polymorphisms within the CD11b gene have been associated with autoimmunity. Consequently, β2 integrins have received growing interest as targets in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Moreover, β2 integrin activity on leukocytes has been implicated in tumor development.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Periodontitis is a common human inflammatory disease. In this condition, microbiota trigger excessive inflammation in oral mucosal tissues surrounding the dentition, resulting in destruction of tooth-supporting structures (connective tissue and bone). While susceptibility factors for common forms of periodontitis are not clearly understood, studies in patients with single genetic defects reveal a critical role for tissue neutrophils in disease susceptibility. Indeed, various genetic defects in the development, egress from the bone marrow, chemotaxis, and extravasation are clearly linked to aggressive/severe periodontitis at an early age. Here, we provide an overview of genetic defects in neutrophil biology that are linked to periodontitis. In particular, we focus on the mechanisms underlying Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I, the prototypic Mendelian defect of impaired neutrophil extravasation and severe periodontitis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The β2 integrins are expressed exclusively on leukocytes and participate in many immune and inflammatory processes. This subfamily comprises four heterodimeric glycoproteins with a common β-subunit, designated β2 (CD18). Spontaneous mutations of the CD18 gene result in leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I (LAD-I). Low level of CD18 expression has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. We here describe a child with recurrent skin infections without pus formation, persistent gingivitis and periodontitis. His blood counts showed persistent leukocytosis (neutrophilia). CD11b expression was defective on neutrophils, while that of CD18 was normal. So, our patient represents a mild variant of LAD-I with possible dysfunctional CD18. Moreover, he developed psoriasis with reduced CD18 expression on CD4(+) T-cells. Psoriasiform dermatitis has been described before in association with LAD-I, however, clinically and histologically confirmed psoriasis in association with LAD-I has been described only in CD18 hypomorphic mice. Therefore, our patient represents the first clinically and histopathologically documented association between LAD-I and psoriasis in humans. It lends support to the role of β2 integrins in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis.





