
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing interest in Kv7.2/7.3 agonists originates from the involvement of these channels in several brain hyperexcitability disorders. In particular, Kv7.2/7.3 mutants have been clearly associated with epileptic encephalopathies (DEEs) as well as with a spectrum of focal epilepsy disorders, often associated with developmental plateauing or regression. Nevertheless, there is a lack of available therapeutic options, considering that retigabine, the only molecule used in clinic as a broad-spectrum Kv7 agonist, has been withdrawn from the market in late 2016. This is why several efforts have been made both by both academia and industry in the search for suitable chemotypes acting as Kv7.2/7.3 agonists. In this context, in silico methods have played a major role, since the precise structures of different Kv7 homotetramers have been only recently disclosed. In the present review, the computational methods used for the design of Kv.7.2/7.3 small molecule agonists and the underlying medicinal chemistry are discussed in the context of their biological and structure-function properties.






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    Ion channels are membrane proteins that may also have intracellular and extracellular domains that interact with other ligands. In many cases, these interaction sites are highly mobile and may undergo changes in the configuration upon binding with regulatory signaling molecules. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) is a powerful technique to quantify protein-ligand interactions of purified samples in solution. This chapter describes a fragment-based analysis method using ITC to quantify the interactions between a domain of the voltage-gated Kv7 channel and the calcium-regulated protein calmodulin. This example can be used to quantify the interactions between specific domains of other ion channels and their regulatory signaling proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The KCNQ family is comprised of five genes and the expression products form voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv7.1-7.5) that have a major impact upon cellular physiology in many cell types. Each functional Kv7 channel forms as a tetramer that often associates with proteins encoded by the KCNE gene family (KCNE1-5) and is critically reliant upon binding of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2) and calmodulin. Other modulators like A-kinase anchoring proteins, ubiquitin ligases and Ca-calmodulin kinase II alter Kv7 channel function and trafficking in an isoform specific manner. It has now been identified that for Kv7.4, G protein βγ subunits (Gβγ) can be added to the list of key regulators and is paramount for channel activity. This article provides an overview of this nascent field of research, highlighting themes and directions for future study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Epileptiform activity is the most striking result of hyperexcitation of a group of neurons that can occur in different brain regions and then spread to other sites. Later it was shown that these rhythms have a cellular correlate in vitro called paroxysmal depolarization shift (PDS). In 13-15 DIV neuron-glial cell culture, inhibition of the GABA(A) receptors induces bursts of action potential in the form of clasters PDS and oscillations of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). We demonstrate that GABAergic neurons expressing calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) as well as Kv7-type potassium channels regulate hippocampal glutamatergic neurons\' excitability during epileptiform activity in culture.
    UNASSIGNED: A combination of whole-cell patch-clamp in current clamp mode and calcium imaging microscopy was used to simultaneously register membrane potential and [Ca2+]i level. To identify GABAergic cell cultures were fixed and stained with antibodies against glutamate decarboxylase GAD 65/67 and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) after vital [Ca2+]i imaging.
    UNASSIGNED: It was shown that CP-AMPARs are involved in the regulation of the PDS clusters and [Ca2+]i pulses accompanied them. Activation of CP-AMPARs of GABAergic neurons is thought to cause the release of GABA, which activates the GABA(B) receptors of other GABAergic interneurons. It is assumed that activation of these GABA(B) receptors leads to the release of beta-gamma subunits of Gi protein, which activate potassium channels, resulting in hyperpolarization and inhibition of these interneurons. The latter causes disinhibition of glutamatergic neurons, the targets of these interneurons. In turn, the CP-AMPAR antagonist, NASPM, has the opposite effect. Measurement of membrane potential in GABAergic neurons by the patch-clamp method in whole-cell configuration demonstrated that NASPM suppresses hyperpolarization in clusters and individual PDSs. It is believed that Kv7-type potassium channels are involved in the control of hyperpolarization during epileptiform activity. The blocker of Kv7 channels, XE 991, mimicked the effect of the CP-AMPARs antagonist on PDS clusters. Both drugs increased the duration of the PDS cluster. In turn, the Kv7 activator, retigabine, decreased the duration of the PDS cluster and Ca2+ pulse. In addition, retigabine led to deep posthyperpolarization at the end of the PDS cluster. The Kv7 channel is believed to be involved in the formation of PDS, as the channel blocker reduced the rate of hyperpolarization in the PDS almost three times. Thus, GABAergic neurons expressing CP-AMPARs, regulate the membrane potential of innervated glutamatergic neurons by modulating the activity of postsynaptic potassium channels of other GABAergic neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) has been intensively investigated as a primary source of inhibition in brainstem auditory circuitry. MNTB-derived inhibition plays a critical role in the computation of sound location, as temporal features of sounds are precisely conveyed through the calyx of Held/MNTB synapse. In adult gerbils, cholinergic signaling influences sound-evoked responses of MNTB neurons via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs; Zhang et al., 2021) establishing a modulatory role for cholinergic input to this nucleus. However, the cellular mechanisms through which acetylcholine (ACh) mediates this modulation in the MNTB remain obscure. To investigate these mechanisms, we used whole-cell current and voltage-clamp recordings to examine cholinergic physiology in MNTB neurons from Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) of both sexes. Membrane excitability was assessed in brain slices, in pre-hearing (postnatal days 9-13) and post-hearing onset (P18-20) MNTB neurons during bath application of agonists and antagonists of nicotinic (nAChRs) and muscarinic receptors (mAChRs). Muscarinic activation induced a potent increase in excitability most prominently prior to hearing onset with nAChR modulation emerging at later time points. Pharmacological manipulations further demonstrated that the voltage-gated K+ channel KCNQ (Kv7) is the downstream effector of mAChR activation that impacts excitability early in development. Cholinergic modulation of Kv7 reduces outward K+ conductance and depolarizes resting membrane potential. Immunolabeling revealed expression of Kv7 channels as well as mAChRs containing M1 and M3 subunits. Together, our results suggest that mAChR modulation is prominent but transient in the developing MNTB and that cholinergic modulation functions to shape auditory circuit development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abnormal cellular and circuit excitability is believed to drive many core phenotypes in fragile X syndrome (FXS). The dentate gyrus is a brain area performing critical computations essential for learning and memory. However, little is known about dentate circuit defects and their mechanisms in FXS. Understanding dentate circuit dysfunction in FXS has been complicated by the presence of two types of excitatory neurons, the granule cells and mossy cells. Here we report that loss of FMRP markedly decreased excitability of dentate mossy cells, a change opposite to all other known excitability defects in excitatory neurons in FXS. This mossy cell hypo-excitability is caused by increased Kv7 function in Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. By reducing the excitatory drive onto local hilar interneurons, hypo-excitability of mossy cells results in increased excitation/inhibition ratio in granule cells and thus paradoxically leads to excessive dentate output. Circuit-wide inhibition of Kv7 channels in Fmr1 KO mice increases inhibitory drive onto granule cells and normalizes the dentate output in response to physiologically relevant theta-gamma coupling stimulation. Our study suggests that circuit-based interventions may provide a promising strategy in this disorder to bypass irreconcilable excitability defects in different cell types and restore their pathophysiological consequences at the circuit level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal Kv7 voltage-gated potassium channels generate the M-current and regulate neuronal excitability. Here, we report that dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) is an endogenous Kv7 channel modulator that attenuates Gq-coupled receptor-induced M-current suppression. DHEAS reduced muscarinic agonist-induced Kv7-current suppression of Kv7.1, Kv7.2, Kv7.4, or Kv7.5 homomeric currents and endogenous M-currents in rat sympathetic ganglion neurons. However, DHEAS per se did not alter the voltage dependence of these Kv7 homomeric channels or the m1 receptor-induced activation of phospholipase C or protein kinase C. DHEAS-treated Kv7.2 homomeric currents became resistant to depletion of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) induced by voltage-activated phosphatase, Ci-VSP or eVSP. Our computational models predicted a novel binding site for DHEAS in the cytoplasmic domain of Kv7 subunits. A single-point mutation of the predicted key histidine into cysteine in the rat Kv7.2 subunit, rKv7.2(H558C), resulted in a loss of effects of DHEAS on muscarinic Kv7 current suppression. Furthermore, in vivo administration of DHEAS in mice of both sexes reduced late phase pain responses in the formalin paw test. However, it did not have effects on early phase responses in the formalin paw test or responses in the hot plate test. Coadministration of a selective Kv7 inhibitor, XE991, and DHEAS eliminated analgesic effects of DHEAS in late phase responses in the formalin paw test. Collectively, these results suggest that DHEAS attenuates M-current suppression by stabilizing PIP2-Kv7 subunit interaction and can mitigate inflammatory pain.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT M-current suppression induced by stimulation of Gq-coupled receptors is a form of Kv7 current modulation that can reversibly increase neuronal excitability. This study demonstrates that DHEAS, an endogenous steroid hormone, is a novel Kv7 channel modulator that can attenuate M-current suppression without affecting basal Kv7 channel kinetics. Administration of DHEAS in vivo alleviated inflammatory pain in rodents. These results suggest that the degree of M-current suppression can be dynamically regulated by small molecules. Therefore, this novel form of Kv7 channel regulation holds promising potential as a therapeutic target for sensitized nervous activities, such as inflammatory pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    K+ channels play potent roles in the process of neurotransmitter release by influencing the action potential waveform and modulating neuronal excitability and release probability. These diverse effects of K+ channel activation are ensured by the wide variety of K+ channel genes and their differential expression in different cell types. Accordingly, a variety of K+ channels have been implicated in regulating neurotransmitter release, including the Ca2+- and voltage-gated K+ channel Slo1 (also known as BK channel), voltage-gated K+ channels of the Kv3 (Shaw-type), Kv1 (Shaker-type), and Kv7 (KCNQ) families, G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels, and SLO-2 (a Ca2+-. Cl-, and voltage-gated K+ channel in C. elegans). These channels vary in their expression patterns, subcellular localization, and biophysical properties. Their roles in neurotransmitter release may also vary depending on the synapse and physiological or experimental conditions. This chapter summarizes key findings about the roles of K+ channels in regulating neurotransmitter release.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Genotype-positive patients who suffer from the cardiac channelopathy Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) may display a spectrum of clinical phenotypes, with often unknown causes. Therefore, there is a need to identify factors influencing disease severity to move towards an individualized clinical management of LQTS. One possible factor influencing the disease phenotype is the endocannabinoid system, which has emerged as a modulator of cardiovascular function. In this study, we aim to elucidate whether endocannabinoids target the cardiac voltage-gated potassium channel KV7.1/KCNE1, which is the most frequently mutated ion channel in LQTS.
    METHODS: We used two-electrode voltage clamp, molecular dynamics simulations and the E4031 drug-induced LQT2 model of ex-vivo guinea pig hearts.
    RESULTS: We found a set of endocannabinoids that facilitate channel activation, seen as a shifted voltage-dependence of channel opening and increased overall current amplitude and conductance. We propose that negatively charged endocannabinoids interact with known lipid binding sites at positively charged amino acids on the channel, providing structural insights into why only specific endocannabinoids modulate KV7.1/KCNE1. Using the endocannabinoid ARA-S as a prototype, we show that the effect is not dependent on the KCNE1 subunit or the phosphorylation state of the channel. In guinea pig hearts, ARA-S was found to reverse the E4031-prolonged action potential duration and QT interval.
    CONCLUSIONS: We consider the endocannabinoids as an interesting class of hKV7.1/KCNE1 channel modulators with putative protective effects in LQTS contexts.
    BACKGROUND: ERC (No. 850622), Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada Research Chairs and Compute Canada, Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    KV 7 channel openers have proven their therapeutic value in the treatment of pain as well as epilepsy and, moreover, they hold the potential to expand into additional indications with unmet medical needs. However, the clinically validated but meanwhile discontinued KV 7 channel openers flupirtine and retigabine bear an oxidation-sensitive triaminoraryl scaffold, which is suspected of causing adverse drug reactions via the formation of quinoid oxidation products. Here, we report the design and synthesis of nicotinamide analogs and related compounds that remediate the liability in the chemical structure of flupirtine and retigabine. Optimization of a nicotinamide lead structure yielded analogs with excellent KV 7.2/3 opening activity, as evidenced by EC50 values approaching the single-digit nanomolar range. On the other hand, weighted KV 7.2/3 opening activity data including inactive compounds allowed for the establishment of structure-activity relationships and a plausible binding mode hypothesis verified by docking and molecular dynamics simulations.





