Kir channels

Kir 通道
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kir channels are potassium (K+) channels responsible for the mechanism of inward rectification, which plays a fundamental role in maintaining the resting membrane potential. There are seven Kir subfamilies, and their opening and closing mechanism is regulated by different regulatory factors. Genetically inherited defects in Kir channels are responsible for several rare human diseases, and for most of them, there are currently no effective therapeutic treatments. High-resolution structural information is not available for several members within the Kir subfamilies. Recently, our group achieved a significant breakthrough by utilizing cryo-EM single-particle analysis to elucidate the first structure of the human Kir2.1 channel. We present here the data processing protocol of the cryo-EM data of the human Kir2.1 channel, which is applicable to the structural determination of other ion channels by cryo-EM single-particle analysis. We also introduce a protocol designed to assess the structural heterogeneity within the cryo-EM data, allowing for the identification of other possible protein structure conformations present in the collected data. Moreover, we present a protocol for conducting all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for K+ channels, which can be incorporated into various membrane models to simulate different environments. We also propose some methods for analyzing the MD simulations, with a particular emphasis on assessing the local mobility of protein residues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium channels belong to the super family of ion channels and play a fundamental role in cell excitability. Kir channels are potassium channels with an inwardly rectifying property. They play a role in setting the resting membrane potential of many excitable cells including neurons. Although putative Kir channel family genes can be found in the Apis mellifera genome, their functional expression, biophysical properties, and sensitivity to small molecules with insecticidal activity remain to be investigated. We cloned six Kir channel isoforms from Apis mellifera that derive from two Kir genes, AmKir1 and AmKir2, which are present in the Apis mellifera genome. We studied the tissue distribution, the electrophysiological and pharmacological characteristics of three isoforms that expressed functional currents (AmKir1.1, AmKir2.2, and AmKir2.3). AmKir1.1, AmKir2.2, and AmKir2.3 isoforms exhibited distinct characteristics when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. AmKir1.1 exhibited the largest potassium currents and was impermeable to cesium whereas AmKir2.2 and AmKir2.3 exhibited smaller currents but allowed cesium to permeate. AmKir1 exhibited faster opening kinetics than AmKir2. Pharmacological experiments revealed that both AmKir1.1 and AmKir2.2 are blocked by the divalent ion barium, with IC50 values of 10-5 and 10-6 M, respectively. The concentrations of VU041, a small molecule with insecticidal properties required to achieve a 50% current blockade for all three channels were higher than those needed to block Kir channels in other arthropods, such as the aphid Aphis gossypii and the mosquito Aedes aegypti. From this, we conclude that Apis mellifera AmKir channels exhibit lower sensitivity to VU041.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels are integral membrane proteins that control the flux of potassium ions across cell membranes and regulate membrane permeability. All eukaryotic Kir channels require the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) for activation. In recent years, it has become evident that the function of many members of this family of channels is also mediated by another essential lipid-cholesterol. Here, we focus on members of the Kir2 and Kir3 subfamilies and their modulation by these two key lipids. We discuss how PI(4,5)P2 and cholesterol bind to Kir2 and Kir3 channels and how they affect channel activity. We also discuss the accumulating evidence indicating that there is interplay between PI(4,5)P2 and cholesterol in the modulation of Kir2 and Kir3 channels. In particular, we review the crosstalk between PI(4,5)P2 and cholesterol in the modulation of the ubiquitously expressed Kir2.1 channel and the synergy between these two lipids in the modulation of the Kir3.4 channel, which is primarily expressed in the heart. Additionally, we demonstrate that there is also synergy in the modulation of Kir3.2 channels, which are expressed in the brain. These observations suggest that alterations in the relative levels PI(4,5)P2 and cholesterol may fine-tune Kir channel activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium channels are widely distributed integral proteins responsible for the effective and selective transport of K+ ions through the biological membranes. According to the existing structural and mechanistic differences, they are divided into several groups. All of them are considered important molecular drug targets due to their physiological roles, including the regulation of membrane potential or cell signaling. One of the recent trends in molecular pharmacology is the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of natural compounds and their derivatives, which can exhibit high specificity and effectiveness. Among the pharmaceuticals of plant origin, which are potassium channel modulators, flavonoids appear as a powerful group of biologically active substances. It is caused by their well-documented anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, and antidiabetic effects on human health. Here, we focus on presenting the current state of knowledge about the possibilities of modulation of particular types of potassium channels by different flavonoids. Additionally, the biological meaning of the flavonoid-mediated changes in the activity of K+ channels will be outlined. Finally, novel promising directions for further research in this area will be proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inwardly rectifying potassium current of the cardiomyocyte (IK1) is the main determinant of the resting potential. Ion channels Kir2.1, Kir2.2, and Kir2.3 form tetramers and are the molecular correlate of macroscopic IK1 current. Verapamil is an antiarrhythmic drug used to suppress atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Its primary mechanism of action is via blocking calcium channels. In addition, it has been demonstrated to block IK1 current and the Kir2.1 subunit. Its effect on other subunits that contribute to IK1 current has not been studied to date. We therefore analyzed the effect of verapamil on the Kir channels 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 in the Xenopus oocyte expression system. Kir2.1, Kir2.2, and Kir2.3 channels were heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Respective currents were measured with the voltage clamp technique and the effect of verapamil on the current was measured. At a concentration of 300 µM, verapamil inhibited Kir2.1 channels by 41.36% ± 2.7 of the initial current, Kir2.2 channels by 16.51 ± 3.6%, and Kir2.3 by 69.98 ± 4.2%. As a verapamil effect on kir2.3 was a previously unknown finding, we analyzed this effect further. At wash in with 300 µM verapamil, the maximal effect was seen within 20 min of the infusion. After washing out with control solution, there was only a partial current recovery. The current reduction from verapamil was the same at - 120 mV (73.2 ± 3.7%), - 40 mV (85.5 ± 6.5%), and 0 mV (61.5 ± 10.6%) implying no voltage dependency of the block. Using site directed mutations in putative binding sites, we demonstrated a decrease of effect with pore mutant E291A and absence of verapamil effect for D251A. With mutant I214L, which shows a stronger affinity for PIP2 binding, we observed a normalized current reduction to 61.9 ± 0.06% of the control current, which was significantly less pronounced compared to wild type channels. Verapamil blocks Kir2.1, Kir2.2, and Kir2.3 subunits. In Kir2.3, blockade is dependent on sites E291 and D251 and interferes with activation of the channel via PIP2. Interference with these sites and with PIP2 binding has also been described for other Kir channels blocking drugs. As Kir2.3 is preferentially expressed in atrium, a selective Kir2.3 blocking agent would constitute an interesting antiarrhythmic concept.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy is a devastating neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures attributed to the disruption of the dynamic excitatory and inhibitory balance in the brain. Epilepsy has emerged as a global health concern affecting about 70 million people worldwide. Despite recent advances in pre-clinical and clinical research, its etiopathogenesis remains obscure, and there are still no treatment strategies modifying disease progression. Although the precise molecular mechanisms underlying epileptogenesis have not been clarified yet, the role of ion channels as regulators of cellular excitability has increasingly gained attention. In this regard, emerging evidence highlights the potential implication of inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels in epileptogenesis. Kir channels consist of seven different subfamilies (Kir1-Kir7), and they are highly expressed in both neuronal and glial cells in the central nervous system. These channels control the cell volume and excitability. In this review, we discuss preclinical and clinical evidence on the role of the several subfamilies of Kir channels in epileptogenesis, aiming to shed more light on the pathogenesis of this disorder and pave the way for future novel therapeutic approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nitric oxide (NO)-generating enzyme, NO synthase-1β (NOS1β), is essential for sodium (Na+ ) homeostasis and blood pressure control. We previously showed that collecting duct principal cell NOS1β is critical for inhibition of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) during high Na+ intake. Previous studies on freshly isolated cortical collecting ducts (CCD) demonstrated that exogenous NO promotes basolateral potassium (K+ ) conductance through basolateral channels, presumably Kir 4.1 (Kcnj10) and Kir 5.1 (Kcnj16). We, therefore, investigated the effects of NOS1β knockout on Kir 4.1/Kir 5.1 channel activity. Indeed, in CHO cells overexpressing NOS1β and Kir 4.1/Kir 5.1, the inhibition of NO signaling decreased channel activity. Male littermate control and principal cell NOS1β knockout mice (CDNOS1KO) on a 7-day, 4% NaCl diet (HSD) were used to detect changes in basolateral K+ conductance. We previously demonstrated that CDNOS1KO mice have high circulating aldosterone despite a high-salt diet and appropriately suppressed renin. We observed greater Kir 4.1 cortical abundance and significantly greater Kir 4.1/Kir 5.1 single-channel activity in the principal cells from CDNOS1KO mice. Moreover, blocking aldosterone action with in vivo spironolactone treatment resulted in lower Kir 4.1 abundance and greater plasma K+ in the CDNOS1KO mice compared to controls. Lowering K+ content in the HSD prevented the high aldosterone and greater plasma Na+ of CDNOS1KO mice and normalized Kir 4.1 abundance. We conclude that during chronic HSD, lack of NOS1β leads to increased plasma K+ , enhanced circulating aldosterone, and activation of ENaC and Kir 4.1/Kir 5.1 channels. Thus, principal cell NOS1β is required for the regulation of both Na+ and K+ by the kidney.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zika virus (ZIKV), dengue fever (DENV) and chikungunya (CHIKV) are arboviruses that are spread to humans from the bite of an infected adult female Aedes aegypti mosquito. As there are no effective vaccines or therapeutics for these diseases, the primary strategy for controlling the spread of these viruses is to prevent the mosquito from biting humans through the use of insecticides. Unfortunately, the commonly used classes of insecticides have seen a significant increase in resistance, thus complicating control efforts. Inhibiting the renal inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channel of the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti has been shown to be a promising target for the development of novel mosquitocides. We have shown that Kir1 channels play key roles in mosquito diuresis, hemolymph potassium homeostasis, flight, and reproduction. Previous work from our laboratories identified a novel (phenylsulfonyl)piperazine scaffold as potent AeKir channel inhibitors with activity against both adult and larval mosquitoes. Herein, we report further SAR work around this scaffold and have identified additional compounds with improved in vitro potency and mosquito larvae toxicity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G-protein-gated inward rectifier potassium (GIRK) channels are regulated by G proteins and PIP2. Here, using cryo-EM single particle analysis we describe the equilibrium ensemble of structures of neuronal GIRK2 as a function of the C8-PIP2 concentration. We find that PIP2 shifts the equilibrium between two distinguishable structures of neuronal GIRK (GIRK2), extended and docked, towards the docked form. In the docked form the cytoplasmic domain, to which Gβγ binds, becomes accessible to the cytoplasmic membrane surface where Gβγ resides. Furthermore, PIP2 binding reshapes the Gβγ binding surface on the cytoplasmic domain, preparing it to receive Gβγ. We find that cardiac GIRK (GIRK1/4) can also exist in both extended and docked conformations. These findings lead us to conclude that PIP2 influences GIRK channels in a structurally similar manner to Kir2.2 channels. In Kir2.2 channels, the PIP2-induced conformational changes open the pore. In GIRK channels, they prepare the channel for activation by Gβγ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine if endothelial dysfunction in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity and in obese humans is mediated by the suppression of endothelial Kir (inwardly rectifying K+) channels. Approach and Results: Endothelial dysfunction, observed as reduced dilations to flow, occurred after feeding mice a high-fat, Western diet for 8 weeks. The functional downregulation of endothelial Kir2.1 using dominant-negative Kir2.1 construct resulted in substantial reductions in the response to flow in mesenteric arteries of lean mice, whereas no effect was observed in arteries of obese mice. Overexpressing wild-type-Kir2.1 in endothelium of arteries from obese mice resulted in full recovery of the flow response. Exposing freshly isolated endothelial cells to fluid shear during patch-clamp electrophysiology revealed that the flow-sensitivity of Kir was virtually abolished in cells from obese mice. Atomic force microscopy revealed that the endothelial glycocalyx was stiffer and the thickness of the glycocalyx layer reduced in arteries from obese mice. We also identified that the length of the glycocalyx is critical to the flow-activation of Kir. Overexpressing Kir2.1 in endothelium of arteries from obese mice restored flow- and heparanase-sensitivity, indicating an important role for heparan sulfates in the flow-activation of Kir. Furthermore, the Kir2.1-dependent component of flow-induced vasodilation was lost in the endothelium of resistance arteries of obese humans obtained from biopsies collected during bariatric surgery.
    We conclude that obesity-induced impairment of flow-induced vasodilation is attributed to the loss of flow-sensitivity of endothelial Kir channels and propose that the latter is mediated by the biophysical alterations of the glycocalyx.






