Key population

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: World Health Organization recommended community-based ART (CBART) approaches to improve access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) and treatment outcomes among key populations living with (KPLHIV). Key populations (KP) are female sex workers, men who have sex with men, persons who inject drugs, and transgender people. How CBART for KP (KP-CBART) worked and why, for whom and in what circumstances it worked within KP communities or at community sites, are yet to be described. The aim of this study is to describe the different KP-CBART approaches or models in Nigeria, identifying the context conditions and mechanisms that are likely to produce the desired outcomes.
    METHODS: Building on our previous study eliciting an initial programme theory for KP-CBART, we used a multiple case design and cross-case analysis to evaluate 3 KP-CBART approaches, namely: One Stop Shop clinic; community drop-in centre; and outreach venue. Between 2021 and 2023, we conducted a retrospective cohort study, 99 indepth interviews and 5 focused group discussions with various actors. Using realist evaluation, we synthesised context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs) and developed programme theory for each of the cases and an overall theory.
    RESULTS: The analysis showed the central importance of decentralizing ART service delivery to a safe place within the community for KPLHIV. The provision of ART in a KP friendly environment triggered a feeling of safety and trust in the healthcare workers among KPLHIV, resulting in KP-CBART acceptance and improved ART uptake, medication adherence and retention on ART. KP community engagement in ART delivery, peer support through support group meetings, and linkages with KP-led organizations improved self-efficacy, fostered solidarity and a sense of belonging among KP. These resources encouraged and motivated clients to engage with the KP-CBART model. However, fear of disclosure of HIV and KP status, and lack of trust between KP groups, demotivated and discouraged KPLHIV from initiating ART and continuing their treatment in KP-CBART.
    CONCLUSIONS: To optimise access to ART and treatment outcomes for KPLHIV, policy makers and health practitioners should ensure the provision of a safe place for ART service delivery that can be trusted by the clients and the KP communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: HIV self-testing (HIVST) has been shown to increase the uptake of HIV testing and help achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets. This study assessed the acceptability, usability (ease of use and result interpretation) and the willingness to pay for HIVST kits distributed through three distribution models, namely the community-based, PLHIV network-led and private practitioners models, in India.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was implemented across 14 states in India between September 2021 and June 2022. All participants could choose between blood-based or oral-fluid-based test kits. Participants were shown a test-kit usage demonstration video, and pre- and post-test counselling was provided for all. Participants were followed-up after testing, and if reported reactive, were further supported for linkage to confirmatory testing and antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation.
    RESULTS: Among the 90,605 participants found eligible, 88,080 (97%) accepted an HIVST kit. Among the 87,976 who reported using an HIVST kit, 45,207 (51%) preferred a blood-based kit, and 42,120 (48%) reported testing for the first time. For future testing, 77,064 (88%) reported preferring HIVST over other HIV testing methods. Among those who used the kit, 83,308 (95%) found the kit easy to use, and 83,237 (95%) reported that the test results were easy to interpret. Among those who preferred HIVST for future use, 52,136 (69%) were willing to pay for the kit, with 35,854 (69%) of those willing to pay less than US$ 1.20. Only one instance of social harm was reported, with a participant reporting suicidal tendencies due to discord with their partner. Out of 328 participants (0.4%) who tested reactive with HIVST, 291 (89%) were linked to confirmatory testing; of these, 254 were confirmed HIV positive, and 216 (85%) successfully initiated ART.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we report that nearly all participants were willing to accept HIVST, found the test kits easy to use and interpret, and about two-thirds were willing to pay for HIVST. Given the high levels of acceptance and the ability to reach a large proportion of first-time testers, HIVST in India could contribute to achieving the UNAIDS first 95 and ending the HIV epidemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: HIV self-testing (HIVST) is a promising strategy to improve diagnosis coverage among key populations (KP). The ATLAS (Auto Test VIH, Libre d\'Accéder à la connaissance de son Statut) programme implemented HIVST in three West African countries, distributing over 380,000 kits up between 2019 and 2021, focussing on community-led distribution by KP to their peers and subsequent secondary distribution to their partners and clients. We aim to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of community-led HIVST in Côte d\'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal.
    METHODS: An HIV transmission dynamics model was adapted and calibrated to country-specific epidemiological data and used to predict the impact of HIVST. We considered the distribution of HIVST among two KP-female sex workers (FSW), and men who have sex with men (MSM)-and their sexual partners and clients. We compared the cost-effectiveness of two scenarios against a counterfactual without HIVST over a 20-year horizon (2019-2039). The ATLAS-only scenario mimicked the 2-year implemented ATLAS programme, whereas the ATLAS-scale-up scenario achieved 95% coverage of HIVST distribution among FSW and MSM by 2025 onwards. The primary outcome is the number of disability-adjusted life-years (DALY) averted. Scenarios were compared using incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Costing was performed using a healthcare provider\'s perspective. Costs were discounted at 4%, converted to $USD 2022 and estimated using a cost-function to accommodate economies of scale.
    RESULTS: The ATLAS-only scenario was highly cost-effective over 20 years, even at low willingness-to-pay thresholds. The median ICERs were $126 ($88-$210) per DALY averted in Côte d\'Ivoire, $92 ($88-$210) in Mali and 27$ ($88-$210) in Senegal. Scaling-up the ATLAS programme would also be cost-effective, and substantial epidemiological impacts would be achieved. The ICERs for the scale-up scenario were $199 ($122-$338) per DALY averted in Côte d\'Ivoire, $224 ($118-$415) in Mali and $61 ($18-$128) in Senegal.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both the implemented and the potential scale-up of community-led HIVST programmes in West Africa, where KP are important to overall transmission dynamics, have the potential to be highly cost-effective, as compared to a scenario without HIVST. These findings support the scale-up of community-led HIVST to reach populations that otherwise may not access conventional testing services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) has individual and public health benefits and is critical to improving life expectancy, achieving viral suppression, and reducing the risk of HIV transmission. This qualitative study explored the experience of receiving care as well as perceived facilitators and barriers of treatment initiation, retention in ART care, and adherence to treatment.
    METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted among 28 men who have sex with men (MSM) and female sex workers (FSWs) receiving ART services in Lagos and Benue states. Key informant interviews were also conducted among 16 service providers engaged in counselling, clinical care, and ART treatment for MSM and FSWs. The Social Ecology Model guided the exploration of perceived barriers and facilitators of treatment initiation, retention in ART care and adherence to treatment. Qualitative data analysis was managed using NVIVO 11 software and themes were analysed using thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: We found that the key barriers to ART adherence were low motivation to comply with medication regimen, work commitments, socioeconomic factors, stigma, negative provider attitude and distance to health facilities. Facilitators of adherence identified include the desire to live a productive life, strong family support and participation in support group programs. Comprehensive adherence counselling, support group programs and an effective follow-up system were factors identified by service providers as key to facilitating adherence.
    CONCLUSIONS: To be effective, ART programs must address the unique challenges key populations face in accessing treatment and achieving optimal adherence regarding establishing a strong support system and follow-up. Community level interventions that support a stigma-free environment are critical to sustaining engagement in care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 2021 tuberculosis (TB) preventive treatment guidelines in India included silicosis as a screening group, yet latent TB infection (LTBI) testing for silica-dust-exposed individuals is underemphasized. Focusing on an estimated 52 million silica-dust-exposed workers, particularly agate-stone workers in Khambhat, Gujarat, our study aims to estimate LTBI prevalence, identify predictors, and gather insights from TB and silicosis experts. Employing a sequential explanatory mixed-methods approach, a cross-sectional study involved 463 agate-stone workers aged ≥ 20 years in Khambhat, using IGRA kits for LTBI testing. In-depth interviews with experts complemented quantitative findings. Among agate-stone workers, 58% tested positive for LTBI, with predictors including longer exposure, type of work, and BCG vaccination. Our findings reveal a nearly double burden of LTBI compared to the general population, particularly in occupations with higher silica dust exposure. Experts advocate for including silica-dust-exposed individuals in high-risk groups for LTBI testing, exploring cost-effective alternatives like improved skin sensitivity tests, and shorter TB preventive treatment regimens to enhance compliance. Future research should explore upfront TB preventive treatment for silica-dust-exposed individuals with high LTBI prevalence and optimal exposure duration. This study underscores the urgent need for policy changes and innovative approaches to TB prevention among silica-dust-exposed populations, impacting global occupational health strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: HIV expansion is controlled by a range of interrelated factors, including the natural history of HIV infection and socio-economical and structural factors. However, how they dynamically interact in particular contexts to drive a transition from concentrated HIV epidemics in vulnerable groups to generalized epidemics is poorly understood. We aim to explore these mechanisms, using Madagascar as a case-study.
    METHODS: We developed a compartmental dynamic model using available data from Madagascar, a country with a contrasting concentrated epidemic, to explore the interaction between these factors with special consideration of commercial and transactional sex as HIV-infection drivers.
    RESULTS: The model predicts sigmoidal-like prevalence curves with turning points within years 2020-2022, and prevalence reaching stabilization by 2033 within 9 to 24% in the studied (10 out of 11) cities, similar to high-prevalence regions in Southern Africa. The late/slow introduction of HIV and  circumcision, a widespread traditional practice in Madagascar, could have slowed down HIV propagation, but, given the key interplay between risky behaviors associated to young women and acute infections prevalence, mediated by transactional sex, the protective effect of circumcision is currently insufficient to contain the expansion of the disease in Madagascar.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that Madagascar may be experiencing a silent transition from a concentrated to a generalized HIV epidemic. This case-study model could help to understand how this HIV epidemic transition occurs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prevents HIV infection among female sex workers (FSW). WHO recommends the use of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for use in oral PrEP regimens (TDF). Emtricitabine (FTC) 200 mg/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) 300 mg (Truvada) daily is the approved PrEP regimen in Tanzania. Evidence is limited on oral PrEP uptake and its associated factors in countries with a high burden of HIV, such as Tanzania. This study aimed to examine the uptake of oral PrEP and its associated factors among FSW in the Tanga region of Tanzania. This community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 428 FSW. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews and analysed using STATA version 17 and RDSAT. Logistic regression was used to examine the associations of independent factors and PrEP uptake among study participants. About 55% of the recruited FSW used oral PrEP. FSW with three or more children were 2.41 times more likely to take oral PrEP (AOR 2.41, 95% CI: 1.08-4.25, p < 0.05). Moreover, those with a positive attitude were more likely to use oral PrEP (AOR 2.8, 95% CI: 1.88-4.17, p < 0.05). Poor belief was a barrier to PrEP use, and side effects of the drugs were a reason for the discontinuation of PrEP services. Most of the participants preferred PrEP services to be provided in the community. Oral PrEP uptake was 55%. Efforts to scale up PrEP for FSW should address misconceptions regarding PrEP, PrEP sensitization, and improving access through community-based intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Varied HIV prevention interventions involving multiple strategies has been instrumental in the effort to contain and lessen the prevalence of HIV around the globe. However, female sex workers (FSWs) often face stigma and discriminatory challenges, resulting in lower access to the HIV prevention initiatives. This study has aimed to assess the effect of one of the HIV service delivery models, the Drop-in Centers (DICs), which is designed to overcome the service uptake barriers of FSWs.
    A quasi-experimental study design was employed. A respondent-driven sampling technique was used to recruit 1,366 FSWs from January to June 2020. A propensity score matching technique was used to balance the potential confounders between FSWs who had access to DICs and those who had never accessed DICs. Comparisons of the effect of DIC on the outcome of interest was made using a logit regression model at a 5% level of significance.
    A total of 1,366 FSWs took part in the study. The analysis estimated the average treatment effects of access to DICs on four key outcomes: ever-testing to know HIV status, finding HIV-positive FSWs, awareness of HIV-positive status, and consistent condom use. A significant effect of DIC was seen at a 95% confidence interval on each outcome. Access to DIC produced a 7.58% increase in the probability of testing to know HIV status (P < 0.001), a 7.02% increment in finding HIV-positive FSWs (P = 0.003), an increase of 6.93% in awareness of HIV status among HIV positive FSWs (P = 0.001), and a 4.39% rise in consistent condom use (P = 0.01).
    Ensuring access of FSWs to DICs has led to an upsurge in HIV testing among FSWs, raising HIV status awareness among those who are HIV positive, and encouraged consistent condom use. To provide effective HIV prevention services, particularly to those FSWs living with HIV, it is essential to strengthen the services provided in DICs and expand the centers. This will ensure that the entire network of FSWs is reached with appropriate HIV prevention services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Men who have sex with men (MSM) represent an increasing number of new HIV infections in Botswana. Many in Botswana still hold discriminatory views against people who engage in same-sex practices. While it is well documented that stigma and discrimination undermine efforts to prevent HIV, the literature about the perception and experiences of discrimination against MSM in accessing HIV services in Botswana is scant.
    In this study, we sought to explore the perception and experiences of discrimination against MSM to improve access to HIV services and reduce discrimination against this marginalised population.
    We employed a descriptive qualitative design using purposive sampling to recruit 20 MSM and 12 stakeholders (six policy-makers and six service providers) involved in implementing HIV/AIDS interventions in Botswana. We conducted semi-structured interviews with participants. All data were audio-recorded, transcribed, translated into English and analysed using thematic analysis.
    The findings of this study show that MSM experience discrimination at the policy, healthcare system and community levels, which undermines their ability to seek HIV services. The participants reported that MSM are excluded from HIV policies and targeted HIV services. They reported a scarcity of trained personnel, poor access to HIV information, condoms, lack of treatment services targeted at MSM and negative attitudes directed towards MSM by service providers and other users. The participants also reported that they are excluded from community interventions and experience negative attitudes from community and family members.
    Discrimination against MSM undermines the ability of HIV interventions to address MSM sexual health needs. The findings indicate the importance of enabling MSM to overcome discrimination to seek HIV services. Also, there is a need to further explore discrimination against MSM by service providers within the healthcare settings and ways to improve their understanding of male same-sex practices.





