• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are the remnants of retroviral germline infections and are highly abundant in the genomes of vertebrates. At one time considered to be nothing more than inert \'junk\' within genomes, ERVs have been tolerated within host genomes over vast timescales, and their study continues to reveal complex co-evolutionary histories within their respective host species. For example, multiple instances have been characterized of ERVs having been \'borrowed\' for normal physiology, from single copies to ones involved in various regulatory networks such as innate immunity and during early development. Within the cell, the accessibility of ERVs is normally tightly controlled by epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation or histone modifications. However, these silencing mechanisms of ERVs are reversible, and epigenetic alterations to the chromatin landscape can thus lead to their aberrant expression, as is observed in abnormal cellular environments such as in tumors. In this review, we focus on ERV transcriptional control and draw parallels and distinctions concerning the loss of regulation in disease, as well as their precise regulation in early development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global cancer burden remains high; thus, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving carcinogenesis is needed to improve current prevention and treatment options. We previously detected the ZNF643/ZFP69B gene upregulated in multiple tumors, and we speculated it may play a role in tumor biology. To test this hypothesis, we employed TCGA-centered databases to correlate ZNF643 status with various clinicopathological parameters. We also performed RNA-seq analysis and in vitro studies assessing cancer cell phenotypes, and we searched for ZNF643-bound genomic loci. Our data indicated higher levels of ZNF643 in most analyzed tumors compared to normal samples, possibly due to copy number variations. ZNF643 mRNA correlated with diverse molecular and immune subtypes and clinicopathological features (tumor stage, grade, patient survival). RNA-seq analysis revealed that ZNF643 silencing triggers the deregulation of the genes implicated in various cancer-related processes, such as growth, adhesion, and immune system. Moreover, we observed that ZNF643 positively influences cell cycle, migration, and invasion. Finally, our ChIP-seq analysis indicated that the genes associated with ZNF643 binding are linked to adhesion and immune signaling. In conclusion, our data confirm the oncogenic properties of ZNF643 and pinpoint its impact on cell adhesion and immune processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies on carcinogenesis continue to provide new information about different disease-related processes. Among others, much research has focused on the involvement of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in tumor initiation and progression. Studying the similarities and differences between CSCs and physiological stem cells (SCs) allows for a better understanding of cancer biology. Recently, it was shown that stem cell identity is partially governed by the Krϋppel-associated box domain zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs), the biggest family of transcription regulators. Several KRAB-ZFP factors exert a known effect in tumor cells, acting as tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) or oncogenes, yet their role in CSCs is still poorly characterized. Here, we review recent studies regarding the influence of KRAB-ZFPs and their cofactor protein TRIM28 on CSCs phenotype, stemness features, migration and invasion potential, metastasis, and expression of parental markers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transposable elements (TEs) and the silencing machinery of their hosts are engaged in a germline arms-race dynamic that shapes TE accumulation and, therefore, genome size. In animal species with extremely large genomes (>10 Gb), TE accumulation has been pushed to the extreme, prompting the question of whether TE silencing also deviates from typical conditions. To address this question, we characterize TE silencing via two pathways-the piRNA pathway and KRAB-ZFP transcriptional repression-in the male and female gonads of Ranodon sibiricus, a salamander species with a ∼21 Gb genome. We quantify 1) genomic TE diversity, 2) TE expression, and 3) small RNA expression and find a significant relationship between the expression of piRNAs and TEs they target for silencing in both ovaries and testes. We also quantified TE silencing pathway gene expression in R. sibiricus and 14 other vertebrates with genome sizes ranging from 1 to 130 Gb and find no association between pathway expression and genome size. Taken together, our results reveal that the gigantic R. sibiricus genome includes at least 19 putatively active TE superfamilies, all of which are targeted by the piRNA pathway in proportion to their expression levels, suggesting comprehensive piRNA-mediated silencing. Testes have higher TE expression than ovaries, suggesting that they may contribute more to the species\' high genomic TE load. We posit that apparently conflicting interpretations of TE silencing and genomic gigantism in the literature, as well as the absence of a correlation between TE silencing pathway gene expression and genome size, can be reconciled by considering whether the TE community or the host is currently \"on the attack\" in the arms race dynamic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Krüppel-associated box zinc finger protein (KRAB-ZFP) family diversified in mammals. The majority of human KRAB-ZFPs bind transposable elements (TEs), however, since most TEs are inactive in humans it is unclear whether KRAB-ZFPs emerged to suppress TEs. We demonstrate that many recently emerged murine KRAB-ZFPs also bind to TEs, including the active ETn, IAP, and L1 families. Using a CRISPR/Cas9-based engineering approach, we genetically deleted five large clusters of KRAB-ZFPs and demonstrate that target TEs are de-repressed, unleashing TE-encoded enhancers. Homozygous knockout mice lacking one of two KRAB-ZFP gene clusters on chromosome 2 and chromosome 4 were nonetheless viable. In pedigrees of chromosome 4 cluster KRAB-ZFP mutants, we identified numerous novel ETn insertions with a modest increase in mutants. Our data strongly support the current model that recent waves of retrotransposon activity drove the expansion of KRAB-ZFP genes in mice and that many KRAB-ZFPs play a redundant role restricting TE activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global epigenetic reprogramming is vital to purge germ cell-specific epigenetic features to establish the totipotent state of the embryo. This process transpires to be carefully regulated and is not an undirected, radical erasure of parental epigenomes. The TRIM28 complex has been shown to be crucial in embryonic epigenetic reprogramming by regionally opposing DNA demethylation to preserve vital parental information to be inherited from germline to soma. Yet the DNA-binding factors guiding this complex to specific targets are largely unknown. Here, we uncover and characterize a novel, maternally expressed, TRIM28-interacting KRAB zinc-finger protein: ZFP708. It recruits the repressive TRIM28 complex to RMER19B retrotransposons to evoke regional heterochromatin formation. ZFP708 binding to these hitherto unknown TRIM28 targets is DNA methylation and H3K9me3 independent. ZFP708 mutant mice are viable and fertile, yet embryos fail to inherit and maintain DNA methylation at ZFP708 target sites. This can result in activation of RMER19B-adjacent genes, while ectopic expression of ZFP708 results in transcriptional repression. Finally, we describe the evolutionary conservation of ZFP708 in mice and rats, which is linked to the conserved presence of the targeted RMER19B retrotransposons in these species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elevated endogenous retrovirus (ERV) transcription and anti-ERV antibody reactivity are implicated in lupus pathogenesis. Overproduction of non-ecotropic ERV (NEERV) envelope glycoprotein gp70 and resultant nephritis occur in lupus-prone mice, but whether NEERV mis-expression contributes to lupus etiology is unclear. Here we identified suppressor of NEERV (Snerv) 1 and 2, Krüppel-associated box zinc-finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) that repressed NEERV by binding the NEERV long terminal repeat to recruit the transcriptional regulator KAP1. Germline Snerv1/Snerv2 deletion increased activating chromatin modifications, transcription, and gp70 expression from NEERV loci. F1 crosses of lupus-prone New Zealand Black (NZB) and 129 mice to Snerv1/Snerv2-/- mice failed to restore NEERV repression, demonstrating that loss of SNERV underlies the lupus autoantigen gp70 overproduction that promotes nephritis in susceptible mice and that SNERV encodes for Sgp3 (in NZB mice) and Gv-1 loci (in 129 mice). Increased ERV expression in lupus patients inversely correlated with three putative ERV-suppressing KRAB-ZFPs, suggesting that loss of KRAB-ZFP-mediated ERV control may contribute to human lupus pathogenesis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The epigenetic landscape varies greatly among cell types. Although a variety of writers, readers, and erasers of epigenetic features are known, we have little information about the underlying regulatory systems controlling the establishment and maintenance of these features. Here, we have explored how natural genetic variation affects the epigenome in mice. Studying levels of H3K4me3, a histone modification at sites such as promoters, enhancers, and recombination hotspots, we found tissue-specific trans-regulation of H3K4me3 levels in four highly diverse cell types: male germ cells, embryonic stem cells, hepatocytes, and cardiomyocytes. To identify the genetic loci involved, we measured H3K4me3 levels in male germ cells in a mapping population of 59 BXD recombinant inbred lines. We found extensive trans-regulation of H3K4me3 peaks, including six major histone quantitative trait loci (QTL). These chromatin regulatory loci act dominantly to suppress H3K4me3, which at hotspots reduces the likelihood of subsequent DNA double-strand breaks. QTL locations do not correspond with genes encoding enzymes known to metabolize chromatin features. Instead their locations match clusters of zinc finger genes, making these possible candidates that explain the dominant suppression of H3K4me3. Collectively, these data describe an extensive, set of chromatin regulatory loci that control the epigenetic landscape.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer-causing herpesviruses infect nearly every human and persist indefinitely in B lymphocytes in a quiescent state known as latency. A hallmark of this quiescence or latency is the presence of extrachromosomal viral genomes with highly restricted expression of viral genes. Silencing of viral genes ensures both immune evasion by the virus and limited pathology to the host, yet how multiple genes on multiple copies of viral genomes are simultaneously silenced is a mystery. In a unifying theme, we report that both cancer-causing human herpesviruses, despite having evolved independently, are silenced through the activities of two members of the Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-zinc finger protein (ZFP) (KRAB-ZFP) epigenetic silencing family, revealing a novel STAT3-KRAB-ZFP axis of virus latency. This dual-edged antiviral strategy restricts the destructive ability of the lytic phase while promoting the cancer-causing latent phase. These findings also unveil roles for KRAB-ZFPs in silencing of multicopy foreign genomes with the promise of evicting herpesviruses to kill viral cancers bearing clonal viral episomes.IMPORTANCE Despite robust immune responses, cancer-causing viruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi\'s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) persist for life. This persistence is accomplished partly through a stealth mechanism that keeps extrachromosomal viral genomes quiescent. Quiescence, or latency, ensures that not every cell harboring viral genomes is killed directly through lytic activation or indirectly via the immune response, thereby evicting virus from host. For the host, quiescence limits pathology. Thus, both virus and host benefit from quiescence, yet how quiescence is maintained through silencing of a large set of viral genes on multiple viral genomes is not well understood. Our studies reveal that members of a gene-silencing family, the KRAB-ZFPs, promote quiescence of both cancer-causing human viruses through simultaneous silencing of multiple genes on multicopy extrachromosomal viral genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Krüppel-associated box domain zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) are the largest family of transcriptional regulators in higher vertebrates. Characterized by an N-terminal KRAB domain and a C-terminal array of DNA-binding zinc fingers, they participate, together with their co-factor KAP1 (also known as TRIM28), in repression of sequences derived from transposable elements (TEs). Until recently, KRAB-ZFP/KAP1-mediated repression of TEs was thought to lead to irreversible silencing, and the evolutionary selection of KRAB-ZFPs was considered to be just the host component of an arms race against TEs. However, recent advances indicate that KRAB-ZFPs and their TE targets also partner up to establish species-specific regulatory networks. Here, we provide an overview of the KRAB-ZFP gene family, highlighting how its evolutionary history is linked to that of TEs, and how KRAB-ZFPs influence multiple aspects of development and physiology.





