• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BacMam system utilizes baculovirus to deliver exogenous genes into mammalian cells and is extensively used for recombinant production of eukaryotic proteins. Here, we described the development of a BacMam vector (pBMCL1), which allows convenient tracing of virus production, provides higher infection efficiency towards mammalian cells, minimizes unwanted transcription of toxic genes in insect cells, and provides the capability for co-expression of multiple proteins via a single virus. We demonstrate the successful application of the pBMCL1 vector for the expression of homo-tetrameric human TRPC3 channel and hetero-octameric KATP channel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anorexigenic effect of serotonergic compounds has largely been attributed to activation of serotonin 2C receptors (Htr2cs). Using mouse genetic models in which Htr2c can be selectively deleted or restored (in Htr2c-null mice), we investigate the role of Htr2c in forebrain Sim1 neurons. Unexpectedly, we find that Htr2c acts in these neurons to promote food intake and counteract the anorectic effect of serotonergic appetite suppressants. Furthermore, Htr2c marks a subset of Sim1 neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH). Chemogenetic activation of these neurons in adult mice suppresses hunger, whereas their silencing promotes feeding. In support of an orexigenic role of PVH Htr2c, whole-cell patch-clamp experiments demonstrate that activation of Htr2c inhibits PVH neurons. Intriguingly, this inhibition is due to Gαi/o-dependent activation of ATP-sensitive K+ conductance, a mechanism of action not identified previously in the mammalian nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular coupling of beta3-adrenoceptors (β3-ADR) to potassium channels in myometrium is largely unknown. In vitro study was undertaken to unravel the presence of β3-adrenergic receptors (ADR) and the role of K+-channels in mediating β3-ADR-induced relaxation in isolated myometrial strips from cyclic non-pregnant water buffaloes. Isometric tension was recorded in isolated myometrial strips using data acquisition system based physiograph. Compared to SR 59230A, BRL 37344 was found to be more potent in inducing β3-dependent myometrial relaxation which was significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited in the presence of β3 antagonist, SAR 150640. The immunoreactive protein to β3-ADR was also detected in membrane fraction of myometrial protein. Further, incubation with BRL 37344 (10 μM) significantly (p < 0.05) increased c-AMP accumulation (37.58 ± 9.52 pmol/mg protein; n = 4) in the myometrial strips compared to basal c-AMP level (16.85 ± 3.87 pmol/mg protein; n = 4). The concentration response curves (CRC) of BRL 37344 were significantly (p < 0.05) shifted towards right in the presence of KATP channels specific blocker, glibenclamide (10 μM) and maxi K+-channels (BKCa) specific blocker, iberiotoxin (100 nM), with decrease in both efficacy and potency as compared to control. However, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), a specific blocker of the voltage gated K+-channels (Kv), failed to alter the CRC of BRL 37344. Existence of immunoreactive protein to Kir6.1, α-subunit of BKCa and Kv1.1 channels were also detected in the membrane fraction of myometrial protein. Based on the above findings, it can be concluded that BRL 37344 is a potent stimulator of β3-adrenoceptors in buffalo myometrium and besides mediating their effect through rise in c-AMP, they are coupled to KATP and BKCa channels in inducing tocolytic effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deficient apoptosis of activated T cells can result in immunological disorders. Molecules associated with energy and metabolisms are suggested to be involved in pathogenesis of immune diseases, but remain uninvestigated. In the present study we reported that glibenclamide exerted a new pharmacological effect on inflammatory responses by selectively triggering apoptosis of activated T cells. Glibenclamide demonstrated an inhibition on activated T lymphocytes, whereas showed no toxicity in the naive cells. This effect was mainly related with its ability to facilitate apoptosis in activated T cells with an up-regulation of cleaved-caspases and cleaved-PARP. Glibenclamide enhanced Fas expression and suppressed the expression of antiapoptotic cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein. The underlying mechanism of glibenclamide was not associated with its classical inhibitory effect on ATP-sensitive potassium channels, but due to a unique suppression on the phosphorylation of 5\' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, which was augmented during T cell activation. An in vivo experiment further demonstrated that glibenclamide ameliorated T-cell-mediated contact hypersensitivity in mice. Altogether, these results suggest that AMPK inhibition by glibenclamide can regulate the survival and death of T lymphocytes and be beneficial for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: and purpose: The peptide PnPP-19, derived from the spider toxin PnTx2-6 (renamed as δ-CNTX-Pn1c), potentiates erectile function by activating the nitrergic system. Since NO has been studied as an antinociceptive molecule and PnPP-19 is known to induce peripheral antinociception, we intended to evaluate whether PnPP-19 could induce peripheral antinociception through activation of this pathway.
    METHODS: Nociceptive thresholds were measured by paw pressure test. PGE2 (2 μg/paw) was administered intraplantarly together with PnPP-19 and inhibitors/blockers of NOS, guanylyl cyclase and KATP channels. The nitrite concentration was accessed by Griess test. The expression and phosphorylation of eNOS and nNOS were determined by western blot.
    RESULTS: PnPP-19 (5, 10 and 20 μg/paw) induced peripheral antinociception in rats. Administration of NOS inhibitor (L-NOarg), selective nNOS inhibitor (L-NPA), guanylyl cyclase inhibitor (ODQ) and the blocker of KATP (glibenclamide) partially inhibited the antinociceptive effect of PnPP-19 (10 μg/paw). Tissue nitrite concentration increased after PnPP-19 (10 μg/paw) administration. Expression of eNOS and nNOS remained the same in all tested groups, however the phosphorylation of nNOS Ser852 (inactivation site) increased and phosphorylation of eNOS Ser1177 (activation site) decreased after PGE2 injection. Administration of PnPP-19 reverted this PGE2-induced effect.
    CONCLUSIONS: The peripheral antinociceptive effect induced by PnPP-19 is resulting from activation of NO-cGMP-KATP pathway. Activation of eNOS and nNOS might be required for such effect. Our results suggest PnPP-19 as a new drug candidate to treat pain and reinforce the importance of nNOS and eNOS activation, as well as endogenous NO release, for induction of peripheral antinociception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The unsaturated fatty acid, oleate exhibits anorexigenic properties reducing food intake and hepatic glucose output. However, its mechanism of action in the hypothalamus has not been fully determined. This study investigated the effects of oleate and glucose on GT1-7 mouse hypothalamic cells (a model of glucose-excited (GE) neurons) and mouse arcuate nucleus (ARC) neurons. Whole-cell and perforated patch-clamp recordings, immunoblotting and cell energy status measures were used to investigate oleate- and glucose-sensing properties of mouse hypothalamic neurons. Oleate or lowered glucose concentration caused hyperpolarization and inhibition of firing of GT1-7 cells by the activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP). This effect of oleate was not dependent on fatty acid oxidation or raised AMP-activated protein kinase activity or prevented by the presence of the UCP2 inhibitor genipin. Oleate did not alter intracellular calcium, indicating that CD36/fatty acid translocase may not play a role. However, oleate activation of KATP may require ATP metabolism. The short-chain fatty acid octanoate was unable to replicate the actions of oleate on GT1-7 cells. Although oleate decreased GT1-7 cell mitochondrial membrane potential there was no change in total cellular ATP or ATP/ADP ratios. Perforated patch and whole-cell recordings from mouse hypothalamic slices demonstrated that oleate hyperpolarized a subpopulation of ARC GE neurons by KATP activation. Additionally, in a separate small population of ARC neurons, oleate application or lowered glucose concentration caused membrane depolarization. In conclusion, oleate induces KATP-dependent hyperpolarization and inhibition of firing of a subgroup of GE hypothalamic neurons without altering cellular energy charge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP) couple intracellular ATP levels with membrane excitability. These channels play crucial roles in many essential physiological processes and have been implicated extensively in a spectrum of metabolic diseases and disorders. To gain insight into the mechanism of KATP, we elucidated the structure of a hetero-octameric pancreatic KATP channel in complex with a non-competitive inhibitor glibenclamide by single-particle cryoelectron microscopy to 5.6-Å resolution. The structure shows that four SUR1 regulatory subunits locate peripherally and dock onto the central Kir6.2 channel tetramer through the SUR1 TMD0-L0 fragment. Glibenclamide-bound SUR1 uses TMD0-L0 fragment to stabilize Kir6.2 channel in a closed conformation. In another structural population, a putative co-purified phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) molecule uncouples Kir6.2 from glibenclamide-bound SUR1. These structural observations suggest a molecular mechanism for KATP regulation by anti-diabetic sulfonylurea drugs, intracellular adenosine nucleotide concentrations, and PIP2 lipid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is not only associated with degeneration of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in the Substantia Nigra, but also with profound loss of noradrenergic neurons in the Locus Coeruleus (LC). Remarkably, LC degeneration may exceed, or even precede the loss of nigral DAergic neurons, suggesting that LC neurons may be more susceptible to damage by various insults. Using a combination of electrophysiology, fluorescence imaging and electrochemistry, we directly compared the responses of LC, nigral DAergic and nigral non-dopaminergic (non-DAergic) neurons in rat brain slices to acute application of rotenone, a mitochondrial toxin used to create animal and in vitro models of PD. Rotenone (0.01-5.0μM) dose-dependently inhibited the firing of all three groups of neurons, primarily by activating KATP channels. The toxin also depolarised mitochondrial potential (Ψm) and released reactive oxygen species (H2O2). When KATP channels were blocked, rotenone (1μM) increased the firing of LC neurons by activating an inward current associated with dose-dependent increase of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i). This effect was attenuated by blocking oxidative stress-sensitive TRPM2 channels, and by pre-treatment of slices with anti-oxidants. These results demonstrate that rotenone inhibits the activity of LC neurons mainly by activating KATP channels, and increases [Ca2+]ivia TRPM2 channels. Since the responses of LC neurons were smaller than those of nigral DAergic neurons, our study shows that LC neurons are paradoxically less sensitive to acute effects of this parkinsonian toxin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) are often exposed to recurrent episodes of hypoglycaemia. This reduces hormonal and behavioural responses that normally counteract low glucose in order to maintain glucose homeostasis, with altered responsiveness of glucose sensing hypothalamic neurons implicated. Although the molecular mechanisms are unknown, pharmacological studies implicate hypothalamic ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) activity, with KATP openers (KCOs) amplifying, through cell hyperpolarization, the response to hypoglycaemia. Although initial findings, using acute hypothalamic KCO delivery, in rats were promising, chronic exposure to the KCO NN414 worsened the responses to subsequent hypoglycaemic challenge. To investigate this further we used GT1-7 cells to explore how NN414 affected glucose-sensing behaviour, the metabolic response of cells to hypoglycaemia and KATP activity. GT1-7 cells exposed to 3 or 24 h NN414 exhibited an attenuated hyperpolarization to subsequent hypoglycaemic challenge or NN414, which correlated with diminished KATP activity. The reduced sensitivity to hypoglycaemia was apparent 24 h after NN414 removal, even though intrinsic KATP activity recovered. The NN414-modified glucose responsiveness was not associated with adaptations in glucose uptake, metabolism or oxidation. KATP inactivation by NN414 was prevented by the concurrent presence of tolbutamide, which maintains KATP closure. Single channel recordings indicate that NN414 alters KATP intrinsic gating inducing a stable closed or inactivated state. These data indicate that exposure of hypothalamic glucose sensing cells to chronic NN414 drives a sustained conformational change to KATP, probably by binding to SUR1, that results in loss of channel sensitivity to intrinsic metabolic factors such as MgADP and small molecule agonists.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in the KATP channel subunits Kir6.1 and SUR2 cause Cantu syndrome (CS), a disease characterized by multiple cardiovascular abnormalities.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to better determine the electrophysiologic consequences of such GOF mutations in the heart.
    METHODS: We generated transgenic mice (Kir6.1-GOF) expressing ATP-insensitive Kir6.1[G343D] subunits under α-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC) promoter control, to target gene expression specifically in cardiomyocytes, and performed patch-clamp experiments on isolated ventricular myocytes and invasive electrophysiology on anesthetized mice.
    RESULTS: In Kir6.1-GOF ventricular myocytes, KATP channels showed decreased ATP sensitivity but no significant change in current density. Ambulatory ECG recordings on Kir6.1-GOF mice revealed AV nodal conduction abnormalities and junctional rhythm. Invasive electrophysiologic analyses revealed slowing of conduction and conduction failure through the AV node but no increase in susceptibility to atrial or ventricular ectopic activity. Surface ECGs recorded from CS patients also demonstrated first-degree AV block and fascicular block.
    CONCLUSIONS: The primary electrophysiologic consequence of cardiac KATP GOF is on the conduction system, particularly the AV node, resulting in conduction abnormalities in CS patients who carry KATP GOF mutations.





