
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell adhesion proteins localize to epithelial and endothelial cell membranes to form junctional complexes between neighboring cells or between cells and the underlying basement membrane. The structural and functional integrities of these junctions are critical to establish cell polarity and maintain tissue barrier function, while also facilitating leukocyte migration and adhesion to sites of inflammation. In addition to their adhesive properties, however, junctional proteins can also serve important noncanonical functions in inflammatory signaling and transcriptional regulation. Intriguingly, recent work has unveiled novel roles for cell adhesion proteins as both signaling initiators and downstream targets during inflammation. In this review, we discuss both the traditional functions of junction proteins in cell adhesion and tissue barrier function as well as their noncanonical signaling roles that have been implicated in facilitating diverse inflammatory pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    在目前的工作中,我们从理论上分析了单分子结(SMJ)中的热电传输,其特征在于分子接头上的电子与核环境中的声子之间的强相互作用,其中电极之间的电子跳跃和分子桥态在稳态中占主导地位电子传输。该分析基于ModifiedMarcus理论,该理论考虑了桥梁能量水平的寿命展宽。我们表明,伴随电子传输的环境中的重组过程可能会在线性传输机制之内和之外显著地影响SMJ的热电特性。特别是fi,我们研究了环境声子对电子电导的影响,由施加在整个系统上的温度梯度引起的热功率和充电电流。 .
    In the present work we theoretically analyze thermoelectric transport in single-molecule junctions (SMJ) characterized by strong interactions between electrons on the molecular linkers and phonons in their nuclear environments where electron hopping between the electrodes and the molecular bridge states predominates in the steady state electron transport. The analysis is based on the modified Marcus theory accounting for the lifetime broadening of the bridge\'s energy levels. We show that the reorganization processes in the environment accompanying electron transport may significantly affect SMJ thermoelectric properties both within and beyond linear transport regime. Specifically, we study the effect of environmental phonons on the electron conductance, the thermopower and charge current induced by the temperature gradient applied across the system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When modeling complex fluid networks using one-dimensional (1D) approaches, boundary conditions can be imposed using zero-dimensional (0D) models. An application case is the modeling of the entire human circulation using closed-loop models. These models can be considered as a tool to investigate short-term transient and stationary hemodynamic responses to postural changes. The first shortcoming of existing 1D modeling methods in simulating these sudden maneuvers is their inability to deal with rapid variations in flow conditions, as they are limited to the subsonic case. On the other hand, numerical modeling of 0D models representing microvascular beds, venous valves or heart chambers is also currently modeled assuming subsonic flow conditions in 1D connecting vessels, failing when transonic and supersonic flow conditions appear. Therefore, if numerical simulation of sudden maneuvers is a goal in closed-loop models, it is necessary to reformulate the current methodologies used when coupling 0D and 1D models, allowing the correct handling of flow evolution for both subsonic and transonic conditions. This work focuses on the extension of the general methodology for the Junction Riemann Problem (JRP) when coupling 0D and 1D models. As an example of application, the short-term transient response to head-up tilt (HUT) from supine to upright position of a closed-loop model is shown, demonstrating the potential, capability and necessity of the presented numerical models when dealing with sudden maneuvers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammation plays an important role in the development of sepsis-acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Olink inflammation-related biomarker panels were used to analyze the levels of 92 inflammation-related proteins in plasma with sepsis-ARDS (n = 25) and healthy subjects (n = 25). There were significant differences in 64 inflammatory factors, including TNFRSF11B in sepsis-ARDS, which was significantly higher than that in controls. Functional analysis showed that TNFRSF11B was closely focused on signal transduction, immune response, and inflammatory response. The TNFRSF11B level in sepsis-ARDS plasma, LPS-induced mice, and LPS-stimulated HUVECs significantly increased. The highest plasma concentration of TNFRSF11B in patients with sepsis-ARDS was 10-20 ng/mL, and 10 ng/mL was selected to stimulate HUVECs. Western blot results demonstrated that the levels of syndecan-1, claudin-5, VE-cadherin, occludin, aquaporin-1, and caveolin-1 in TNFRSF11B-stimulated HUVECs decreased, whereas that of connexin-43 increased in TNFRSF11B-stimulated HUVECs. To the best of the authors\' knowledge, this study was the first to reveal elevated TNFRSF11B in sepsis-ARDS associated with vascular endothelial dysfunction. In summary, TNFRSF11B may be a new potential predictive and diagnostic biomarker for vascular endothelium damage in sepsis-ARDS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently there have been reports that identify two transient receptor potential channels in cell-matrix junctions known as focal adhesions. These are the calcium channel TRP canonical 7 and the calcium-activated monovalent ion channel, TRP melastatin (TRPM) 4. Here, we report on the occurrence of TRPM4 in focal adhesions of fibroblasts. Of three commercial antibodies recognizing this channel, only one yielded focal adhesion staining, while the other two did not. The epitope recognized by the focal adhesion-localizing antibody was mapped to the extreme C-terminus of the TRPM4 protein. The other two antibodies bind to N-terminal regions of the TRPM4 proteins. Deletion of the TRPM4 gene by CRISPR/cas9 techniques confirmed that this channel is a bona fide focal adhesion component, while expression of full-length TRPM4 proteins suggested that processing may occur to yield a form that localizes to focal adhesions. Given the reports that this channel may influence migratory behavior of cells and is linked to cardiovascular disease, TRPM4 functions in adhesion should be explored in greater depth. (J Histochem Cytochem 71: 495-508, 2023).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Altermagnet (AM) is a novel time reversal symmetry broken magnetic phase withd-wave order which has been experimentally realized recently. We discuss theoretical models of AM based systems on lattice and in continuum. We show equivalence between the lattice and continuum models by mapping the respective parameters. We study (i) AM-normal metal and (ii) AM-ferromagnet (FM) junctions, with the aim to quantify transport properties such as conductivity and magnetoresistance. We find that a spin current accompanies charge current when a bias is applied. The magnetoresistance of AM-FM junction switches sign when AM is rotated by 90∘-a feature unique to the altermagnetic phase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lymphatic capillaries develop discontinuous cell-cell junctions that permit the absorption of large macromolecules, chylomicrons, and fluid from the interstitium. While excessive vascular endothelial growth factor 2 (VEGFR2) signaling can remodel and seal these junctions, whether and how VEGFR3 can alter lymphatic junctions remains incompletely understood. Here, we use lymphatic-specific Flt4 knockout mice to investigate VEGFR3 signaling in lymphatic junctions. We show that loss of Flt4 prevents specialized button junction formation in multiple tissues and impairs interstitial absorption. Knockdown of FLT4 in human lymphatic endothelial cells results in impaired NOTCH1 expression and activation, and overexpression of the NOTCH1 intracellular domain in Flt4 knockout vessels rescues the formation of button junctions and absorption of interstitial molecules. Together, our data reveal a requirement for VEGFR3 and NOTCH1 signaling in the development of button junctions during postnatal development and may hold clinical relevance to lymphatic diseases with impaired VEGFR3 signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lymphatic vasculature provides an essential route to drain fluid, macromolecules, and immune cells from the interstitium as lymph, returning it to the bloodstream where the thoracic duct meets the subclavian vein. To ensure functional lymphatic drainage, the lymphatic system contains a complex network of vessels which has differential regulation of unique cell-cell junctions. The lymphatic endothelial cells lining initial lymphatic vessels form permeable \"button-like\" junctions which allow substances to enter the vessel. Collecting lymphatic vessels form less permeable \"zipper-like\" junctions which retain lymph within the vessel and prevent leakage. Therefore, sections of the lymphatic bed are differentially permeable, regulated in part by its junctional morphology. In this review, we will discuss our current understanding of regulating lymphatic junctional morphology, highlighting how it relates to lymphatic permeability during development and disease. We will also discuss the effect of alterations in lymphatic permeability on efficient lymphatic flux in health and how it may affect cardiovascular diseases, with a focus on atherosclerosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the continuous advancement of nanofabrication techniques, development of novel materials, and discovery of useful manipulation mechanisms in high-performance applications, especially photodetectors, the morphology of junction devices and the way junction devices are used are fundamentally revolutionized. Simultaneously, new types of photodetectors that do not rely on any junction, providing a high signal-to-noise ratio and multidimensional modulation, have also emerged. This review outlines a unique category of material systems supporting novel junction devices for high-performance detection, namely, the van der Waals materials, and systematically discusses new trends in the development of various types of devices beyond junctions. This field is far from mature and there are numerous methods to measure and evaluate photodetectors. Therefore, it is also aimed to provide a solution from the perspective of applications in this review. Finally, based on the insight into the unique properties of the material systems and the underlying microscopic mechanisms, emerging trends in junction devices are discussed, a new morphology of photodetectors is proposed, and some potential innovative directions in the subject area are suggested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Drosophila eye develops from the larval eye disc, a flattened vesicle comprised of continuous retinal and peripodial epithelia (PE). The PE is an epithelium that plays a supporting role in retinal neurogenesis, but gives rise to cuticle in the adult. We report here that the PE is also necessary to preserve the morphology of the retinal epithelium. Depletion of the adherens junction (AJ) components β-Catenin (β-Cat), DE-Cadherin or α-Catenin from the PE leads to altered disc morphology, characterized by retinal displacement (RDis); so too does loss of the Ajuba protein Jub, an AJ-associated regulator of the transcriptional coactivator Yorkie (Yki). Restoring AJs or overexpressing Yki in β-Cat deficient PE results in suppression of RDis. Additional suppressors of AJ-dependent RDis include knockdown of Rho kinase (Rok) and Dystrophin (Dys). Furthermore, knockdown of βPS integrin (Mys) from the PE results in RDis, while overexpression of Mys can suppress RDis induced by the loss of β-Cat. We thus propose that AJ-Jub-Yki signaling in PE cells regulates PE cell contractile properties and/or attachment to the extracellular matrix to promote normal eye disc morphology.





