Johne’s disease

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective management of cattle infected with Johne\'s Disease (JD) is crucial to minimizing transmission and within-herd prevalence. Within Great Britain (GB), the voluntary National Johne\'s Management Plan (NJMP) requires farmers and a certified vet to conduct a risk assessment to determine the herd risk, examine the herd JD status and formulate a management plan. Individual milk ELISA tests for JD antibodies are widely used to monitor infection. The JD Tracker application, available within the dairy data management software InterHerd+ and other web-based environments, is being used by farmers and veterinarians to facilitate the practical use of milk ELISA data to aid JD-related management decisions. The JD Tracker application uses a herd\'s milk ELISA data to calculate a collection of \'JD parameters\' that are indicative of the current JD status of the herd alongside contemporary and retrospective drivers linked to transmission and maintenance of infection. Herein, we use milk ELISA data from 154 regularly testing herds to review the temporal trends in JD parameters from 2013 to 2022. Since 2015, JD Tracker parameters have improved in these herds, most notably average test value (ATV) and within-herd prevalence (%Pos30). Trends in driver parameters suggest that farmers are progressively less likely to serve repeat test-positive (J5) cows and are more readily removing them. The data also reveal that the burden of JD is disproportionately greater in herds with higher ATV. In 2022, the 25 % of herds with the highest ATVs accounted for 42 % of positive tests and 42 % of repeat ELISA positive (J5) cows. Retrospectively, it is not possible to identify with certainty factors that directly contributed to the trends in JD parameters, but it is notable that the introduction of the NJMP was coincided with the improving JD situation. In 2019, participation in the NJMP or an equivalent scheme became mandatory for dairy farms to be compliant with the food and farms standards assurance scheme Red Tractor, with the result that JD management plans are now completed by 95 % of UK dairy farms. As far as we know, the UK is unique in its development of a tool (the JD Tracker) which adds utility to milk ELISA data using specifically designed JD parameters. Anticipated further work includes the development of a national database of JD testing herds and application of the JD Tracker at national scale to enable more comprehensive industry-level monitoring of JD within GB dairy farms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Johne\'s disease in cattle is a significant global animal health challenge. Johne\'s disease is chronic, affecting the gastrointestinal tract of cattle and other ruminants and is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium avium ssp. Paratuberculosis. Many countries have introduced schemes and programmes to try and control the spread of Johne\'s disease, including the UK. Despite efforts to control it, however, Johne\'s disease remains consistently ranked by UK producers as the top ranked disease negatively affecting productivity, indicating that schemes are not perceived to have solved the problem fully. Building on a global systematic review of the literature on barriers and solutions for Johne\'s disease control on-farm, we conducted an empirical study with over 400 farmers and 150 veterinary professionals across the UK. The study used workshops and semi-structured interviews to understand better the challenges dairy farmers and veterinarians face in implementing on-farm Johne\'s disease management schemes with the aim of identifying solutions. The study found that four main challenges are faced in the on-farm control of Johne\'s - (1) Management of farmer expectations around Johne\'s disease, with eradication near impossible, (2) Issues regarding space for segregation and the related economics of control (3) A \'free-riding\' problem which can be influenced by the voluntary nature of control plans and (4) Challenges in vet-farmer communication, including levels of knowledge. Our findings have relevance for the control of Johne\'s disease in the UK and other countries, including for regions with voluntary and compulsory control programmes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infection of ruminants such as cattle with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne\'s disease, a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the small intestine and diarrhoea. Infection with MAP is acquired via the faecal-to-oral route and the pathogen initially invades the epithelial lining of the small intestine. In this study we used an in vitro 3D mouse enteroid model to determine the influence of M cells in infection of the gut epithelia by MAP, in comparison with another bacterial intestinal pathogen of veterinary importance, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. The differentiation of M cells in the enteroid cultures was induced by stimulation with the cytokine receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL), and the effects on MAP and Salmonella uptake and intracellular survival were determined. The presence of M cells in the cultures correlated with increased uptake and intracellular survival of Salmonella, but had no effect on MAP. Interestingly neither pathogen was observed to preferentially accumulate within GP2-positive M cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large-scale study was carried out in the Polish goat population in 2014-2021 to determine the herd-level true seroprevalence (HTP) of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Cp) and paratuberculosis (PTB) caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map). Two-stage cluster sampling was applied to herds counting at least 20 adult goats (aged >1 year) and in each herd all males and 10-13 females were tested. At least one seropositive goat regardless of its sex was necessary to consider the herd as infected. HTP was estimated using the Bayesian approach with the Gibbs sampler in the EpiTools and reported as the median and 95 % credibility interval (95 % CrI). A total of 1282 adult goats from 86 herds were serologically tested using two commercial ELISAs (Cp-ELISA and Map-ELISA). At least 1 seropositive result of Cp-ELISA and Map-ELISA was obtained in 73/86 herds (84.9 %) and 40/86 herds (46.5 %), respectively. HTP of CLA was estimated at 73.3 % (95 % CrI: 65.0 %, 80.4 %) and HTP of PTB was estimated at 42.9 % (95 % CrI: 25.8 %, 58.0 %). There was a significant positive association between the occurrence of CLA and PTB in the herds (odds ratio 6.0, 95 % confidence interval: 1.2, 28.8; p = 0.010). Probability of the seropositive result for PTB was also significantly higher in Cp-seropositive goats than in Cp-seronegative goats (odds ratio 3.9, 95 % confidence interval: 2.4, 6.3; p < 0.001) which could indicate either a higher risk of co-infection or a higher rate of false positive results for PTB in Cp-positive goats. To investigate this issue, optical densities obtained in Map-ELISA were compared between Cp-positive and Cp-negative goats and results of Map-ELISA were adjusted accordingly. Map-negative sera from Cp-positive goats turned out to have significantly higher optical densities than Map-negative sera from Cp-negative goats (p < 0.001). After the adjustment, the herd-level apparent seroprevalence of PTB was 41.9 % (36/86 herds) so it still fell within the 95 % CrI of HTP of PTB calculated before the adjustment. Concluding, CLA appears to be widespread in the Polish goat population. In many of them it may be subclinical at the moment, however will likely emerge in the future as the disease follows cyclic pattern in Poland. On the other hand, given the total lack of clinical PTB in Polish goats, an explanation for a high HTP of PTB remains unclear and warrants further studies using tests of higher analytical specificity than ELISA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) has been implicated in the development of Crohn\'s disease (CD) for over a century. Similarities have been noted between the (histo)pathological presentation of MAP in ruminants, termed Johne\'s disease (JD), and appearances in humans with CD. Analyses of disease presentation and pathology suggest a multi-step process occurs that consists of MAP infection, dysbiosis of the gut microbiome, and dietary influences. Each step has a role in the disease development and requires a better understanding to implementing combination therapies, such as antibiotics, vaccination, faecal microbiota transplants (FMT) and dietary plans. To optimise responses, each must be tailored directly to the activity of MAP, otherwise therapies are open to interpretation without microbiological evidence that the organism is present and has been influenced. Microscopy and histopathology enables studies of the mycobacterium in situ and how the associated disease processes manifest in the patient e.g., granulomas, fissuring, etc. The challenge for researchers has been to prove the relationship between MAP and CD with available laboratory tests and methodologies, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), MAP-associated DNA sequences and bacteriological culture investigations. These have, so far, been inconclusive in revealing the relationship of MAP in patients with CD. Improved and accurate methods of detection will add to evidence for an infectious aetiology of CD. Specifically, if the bacterial pathogen can be isolated, identified and cultivated, then causal relationships to disease can be confirmed, especially if it is present in human gut tissue. This review discusses how MAP may cause the inflammation seen in CD by relating its known pathogenesis in cattle, and from examples of other mycobacterial infections in humans, and how this would impact upon the difficulties with diagnostic tests for the organism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: As a contagious and chronic disease in the livestock industry, Paratuberculosis is a significant threat to dairy herds\' genetic and economic resources. Due to intensive breeding and high production of dairy cattle, the incidence and prevalence are higher. Developing non-destructive diagnostic methods for the early detection and identification of healthy animals is paramount for breeding programs. Conventional methods are almost entirely destructive, have low accuracy, lack precision, and are time-consuming. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and aquaphotomics can detect changes in biofluids and thus have the potential to diagnose disease. This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic ability of NIRS and aquaphotomics for Paratuberculosis in dairy cattle.
    UNASSIGNED: Blood plasma from dairy cattle was collected in the NIR range (1,300 nm to 1,600 nm) 60 days before and 100 days to 200 days after calving in two groups, positive and negative, using the same consecutive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test results three times as a reference test.
    UNASSIGNED: NIRS and aquaphotomics methods invite 100% accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity to detect Paratuberculosis using data mining by unsupervised method, Principal Component Analysis, and supervised methods: Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogiest, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis, and Support Vector Machine models.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study found that monitoring blood plasma with NIR spectra provides an opportunity to analyze antibody levels indirectly via changes in water spectral patterns caused by complex physiological changes, such as the amount of antibodies related to Paratuberculosis by aquagram.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Johne\'s disease is a chronic wasting disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Johne\'s disease is highly contagious and MAP infection in dairy cattle can eventually lead to death. With no available treatment for Johne\'s disease, genetic selection and improvements in management practices could help reduce its prevalence. In a previous study, the gene coding interleukin-10 receptor subunit alpha (IL10Rα) was associated with Johne\'s disease in dairy cattle. Our objective was to determine how IL10Rα affects the pathogenesis of MAP by examining the effect of a live MAP challenge on a mammary epithelial cell line (MAC-T) that had IL10Rα knocked out using CRISPR/cas9. The wild type and the IL10Rα knockout MAC-T cell lines were exposed to live MAP bacteria for 72 h. Thereafter, mRNA was extracted from infected and uninfected cells. Differentially expressed genes were compared between the wild type and the IL10Rα knockout cell lines. Gene ontology was performed based on the differentially expressed genes to determine which biological pathways were involved.
    RESULTS: Immune system processes pathways were targeted to determine the effect of IL10Rα on the response to MAP infection. There was a difference in immune response between the wild type and IL10Rα knockout MAC-T cell lines, and less difference in immune response between infected and not infected IL10Rα knockout MAC-T cells, indicating IL10Rα plays an important role in the progression of MAP infection. Additionally, these comparisons allowed us to identify other genes involved in inflammation-mediated chemokine and cytokine signalling, interleukin signalling and toll-like receptor pathways.
    CONCLUSIONS: Identifying differentially expressed genes in wild type and ILR10α knockout MAC-T cells infected with live MAP bacteria provided further evidence that IL10Rα contributes to mounting an immune response to MAP infection and allowed us to identify additional potential candidate genes involved in this process. We found there was a complex immune response during MAP infection that is controlled by many genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current diagnostic methods for Johne\'s disease in cattle allow reliable detection of infections with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) not before animals are 2 years of age. Applying a flow cytometry-based approach (FCA) to quantify a MAP-specific interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) response in T cell subsets, the present study sought to monitor the kinetics of the cell-mediated immune response in experimentally infected calves. Six MAP-negative calves and six calves, orally inoculated with MAP at 10 days of age, were sampled every 4 weeks for 52 weeks post-inoculation (wpi). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with either purified protein derivatives (PPD) or whole cell sonicates derived from MAP (WCSj), M. avium ssp. avium or M. phlei for 6 days followed by labeling of intracellular IFN-γ in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. No antigen-specific IFN-γ production was detectable in CD8+ cells throughout and the responses of CD4+ cells of MAP-infected and control calves were similar up to 12 wpi. However, the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) for the detection of IFN-γ in CD4+ cells after WCSj antigen stimulation allowed for a differentiation of animal groups from 16 wpi onwards. This approach had a superior sensitivity (87.8%) and specificity (86.8%) to detect infected animals from 16 wpi onwards, i.e., in an early infection stage, as compared to the IFN-γ release assay (IGRA). Quantification of specific IFN-γ production at the level of individual CD4+ cells may serve, therefore, as a valuable tool to identify MAP-infected juvenile cattle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paratuberculosis (PTB), or Johne\'s disease, is a disease with worldwide distribution caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) that leads to chronic enteritis, primarily in ruminants. Even subclinical infection significantly reduces the animals\' performance, and consequences of the disease lead to high economic losses for the cattle industry. To estimate the economic burden of bovine PTB and to evaluate the benefits of a potential control program, accurate estimates of the production effects associated with the disease are required. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review was to provide a comprehensive overview of associations between MAP infection and production parameters in cattle. The studies were collected from three electronic databases. Of the total 1,605 identified studies, 1,432 did not meet the set criteria in the title and abstract screening and a further 106 were excluded during full-text review. Finally, data on 34 different production parameters were extracted from 67 publications. Results show that the magnitude of reported performance losses varies depending on several factors, such as the type of diagnostic test applied, disease status or number of lactations. Studies reported a reduction in milk yield, changes in milk quality (e.g., higher somatic cell count, lower amount of produced milk fat and protein), reduced fertility (e.g., prolonged calving interval and service period, higher abortion rate and calving difficulties), reduced weaning weight, slaughter weight and slaughter value, or a higher risk for mastitis. Results from the studies included in our review show a median decrease of milk yield per infected cow of -452 kg/lactation for raw and -405 kg/lactation for modeled data. Similarly, the amount of produced milk protein fell by a median of -14.41 kg/lactation for modeled data and the amount of produced milk fat by a median of -13.13 kg/lactation. The reviewed studies revealed a prolonged calving interval by around 30 days and a 1.5 to 3 times higher likeliness of culling per lactation in PTB positive animals. Results from this scoping review provide evidence-based inputs for the development of economic models aiming at the estimation of the costs and benefits associated with different disease control scenarios for PTB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify specific genomic targets for the detection and strain typing of Map and analyse their sensitivity and specificity, and detect Map directly from faeces.
    RESULTS: A comparative genomics approach was used to identify specific genomic targets for the detection and strain typing of Map. A Map specific qPCR using the primer pair 7132 that targets a DNA segregation ATPase protein was able to detect all strains of Map and is more sensitive than the current Johne\'s disease PCR assays with a sensitivity of 0.0002 fg µl-1. A strain specific qPCR using the Atsa primer pair that targets the arylsulfase gene was able to differentiate between Type S and Type C strains of Map and was more sensitive than the IS1311 PCR and REA with a sensitivity of 40 fg µl-1 and was specific for Type S Map. Both assays successfully detected Map directly from faeces.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study developed and validated two genomics informed qPCR assays, 7132B Map and Atsa Type S and found both assays to be highly specific and sensitive for the detection of Map from culture and directly from faeces. This is the first time that a probe-based qPCR has been designed and developed for Map strain typing, which will greatly improve the response time during outbreak investigations.





