Japanese tree frog

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For adult anuran amphibians, the kidney and urinary bladder play important osmoregulatory roles through water reabsorption. In the present study, we have examined ontogenetic expression of aquaporins, i.e., AQP2, AQPamU (AQP6ub, AQPa2U), and AQP3, in these organs using the Japanese tree frog, Dryophytes japonicus. Immunohistochemistry using the metamorphosing larvae at stages 40-43 localized AQP2 protein to the collecting ducts in the dorsal zone of the mesonephric kidney. At prometamorphic stages 40 and 41, labelling of AQP2 protein was observed in the apical/ subapical regions of the collecting duct cells. At climax stages 42 and 43, labels for AQP2 and AQP3 became observed in the apical/subapical regions and basolateral membrane of the collecting duct cells, respectively, as seen in the adults. As for the urinary bladder, immuno-positive labels for AQPamU were localized to the apical/subapical regions of granular cells in the mucosal epithelium at stages 40-43. On the other hand, AQP3 immunoreactivity was hardly observed in the urinary bladder at stage 40, and weakly appeared in many granular cells at stage 41. Thereafter, labels for AQP3 became evident along the basolateral membrane of granular cells at stages 42 and 43, together with AQPamU in the apical/subapical regions. These results suggest that the kidney and urinary bladder might be capable of water reabsorption, via AQP2, AQPamU, and AQP3, at stage 42, contributing to the acclimation of the tree frogs to terrestrial environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycerol and aquaporin 9 (aquaglyceroporin) are known to be involved in freeze tolerance in the Japanese tree frog Hyla japonica. However, the regulatory mechanisms of freeze tolerance in this species have not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we focused on the inter- and intracellular dynamics of glucose to analyze the role of glucose and glucose-related proteins such as transporter and metabolic enzymes in freeze tolerance. Serum glucose concentrations were compared among the frogs that were nonhibernating, hibernating, and thawed after freezing at -4°C for 6 hr. Serum concentrations of glucose in thawed frogs were significantly higher than those in hibernating and nonhibernating, active frogs. Periodic acid-Schiff staining showed that the accumulation of glycogen in the hepatocytes increased before hibernation and decreased after freezing and thawing. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis using the liver showed that, compared with active frogs, the type 2 glucose transporter gene (glut2) was upregulated in frozen frogs, the liver glycogen phosphorylase gene (pygl) was upregulated in frozen or thawed frogs, and the type 2 glycogen synthase gene (gys2) was upregulated in hibernating frogs. Immunohistochemistry of liver sections showed that, compared with nonhibernating frogs, Glut2 proteins were clearly increased most likely on the plasma membrane of hepatocytes in hibernating frogs and further increased by freezing, then decreased after thawing. These results suggest the possibility that glucose acts as a cryoprotectant in H. japonica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have identified cDNA encoding a functional growth hormone secretagogue-receptor 1a (GHS-R1a, ghrelin receptor) in two species of anuran amphibian, the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), and the Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica). Deduced receptor protein for bullfrog and Japanese tree frog (tree frog) was comprised of 374- and 371-amino acids, respectively. The two receptors shared 86% identity, and are grouped to the clade of the tetrapod homologs by phylogenetic analysis. In functional analyses, ghrelin and GHS-R1a agonists increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in GHS-R1a-transfected-HEK293 cell, but ligand selectivity of ghrelin with Ser(3) and Thr(3) was not observed between the two receptors. Bullfrog GHS-R1a mRNA was mainly expressed in the brain, stomach, and testis. In the brain, the gene expression was detected in the diencephalon and mesencephalon, but not in the pituitary. Tree frog GHS-R1a mRNA was predominantly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and ovary, but not detected in the pituitary. In bullfrog stomach but not the brain, GHS-R1a mRNA expression increased after 10 days of fasting. For tree frog, GHS-R1a mRNA expression was increased in the brain, stomach and ventral skin by 10 days of fasting, and in the stomach and ventral skin by a dehydration treatment. Intracerebroventricular injection of ghrelin in dehydrated tree frog did not affect water absorption from the ventral skin. These results suggest that ghrelin is involved in energy homeostasis and possibly in osmoregulation in frogs.





