Iron chelation therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systematic transfusions coupled with iron chelation therapy have substantially improved the life expectancy of thalassemia patients in developed nations. As the human organism does not have a protective mechanism to remove excess iron, iron overload is a significant concern in thalassemia, leading to organ damage, especially in the heart and liver. Thus, iron chelation therapy is crucial to prevent or reverse organ iron overload. There are three widely used iron chelators, either as monotherapy or in combination. The choice of iron chelator depends on several factors, including local guidelines, drug availability, and the individual clinical scenario. Despite treatment advancements, challenges persist, especially in resource-limited settings, highlighting the need for improved global healthcare access. This review discusses clinical management, current treatments, and future directions for thalassemia, focusing on iron overload and its complications. Furthermore, it underscores the progress in transforming thalassemia into a manageable chronic condition and the potential of novel therapies to further enhance patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: β-Thalassemia major (β-TM) represents one of the most important hemoglobinopathies worldwide. Remarkable improvements have been achieved in supportive therapy based on blood transfusions and iron chelation, and nowadays, this approach is capable of assuring a long life in these patients in industrialized countries. The only curative treatment is represented by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). However, this treatment may be burdened by deterioration in the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). This paper aimed to evaluate the role of HRQoL in transplanted β-TM patients with a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: PubMed database, Web of Science, and Scopus were systematically searched for studies published between January 1st, 2000 to September 2020. The following terms were entered in the database queries: β-thalassemia, HRQoL, and HSCT. The study was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified a total of 33 potential studies. Among these, 10 were finally considered in the systematic review and 5 in the meta-analysis. Overall, good scores in the principal domains of HRQoL were reported by transplanted patients. These data were confirmed by results of meta-analysis that showed significant difference between transplanted and β-TM patients treated with conventional therapy in the physical and emotional dimension, with a medium effect size [d=0.65, 95% CI (0.29-1.02), z = 3.52, p =0.0004, I2=75%; and d=0.59, 95% CI (0.43-0.76), z = 6.99, p <0.00001, I2=0%, respectively].
    UNASSIGNED: HRQoL is generally good in β-TM transplanted patients and may significantly contribute in deciding whether or not to transplant a β-TM patient treated with conventional therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    β-thalassemias are genetic disorders causing an imbalance in hemoglobin production, leading to varying degrees of anemia, with two clinical phenotypes: transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT) and non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia (NTDT). Red blood cell transfusions and iron chelation therapy are the conventional treatment options for the management of β-thalassemia. Currently available conventional therapies in thalassemia have many challenges and limitations. Accordingly, multiple novel therapeutic approaches are currently being developed for the treatment of β-thalassemias. These strategies can be classified into three categories based on their efforts to address different aspects of the underlying pathophysiology of β-thalassemia: correction of the α/β globin chain imbalance, addressing ineffective erythropoiesis, and targeting iron dysregulation. Managing β- thalassemia presents challenges due to the many complications that can manifest, limited access and availability of blood products, and lack of compliance/adherence to treatment. Novel therapies targeting ineffective erythropoiesis and thus improving anemia and reducing the need for chronic blood transfusions seem promising. However, the complex nature of the disease itself requires personalized treatment plans for each patient. Collaborations and partnerships between thalassemia centers can also help share knowledge and resources, particularly in regions with higher prevalence and limited resources. This review will explore the different conventional treatment modalities available today for the management of β-thalassemia, discuss the unmet needs and challenges associated with them in addition to exploring the role of some novel therapeutic agents in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The design of clinical protocols and the selection of drugs with appropriate posology are critical parameters for therapeutic outcomes. Optimal therapeutic protocols could ideally be designed in all diseases including for millions of patients affected by excess iron deposition (EID) toxicity based on personalised medicine parameters, as well as many variations and limitations. EID is an adverse prognostic factor for all diseases and especially for millions of chronically red-blood-cell-transfused patients. Differences in iron chelation therapy posology cause disappointing results in neurodegenerative diseases at low doses, but lifesaving outcomes in thalassemia major (TM) when using higher doses. In particular, the transformation of TM from a fatal to a chronic disease has been achieved using effective doses of oral deferiprone (L1), which improved compliance and cleared excess toxic iron from the heart associated with increased mortality in TM. Furthermore, effective L1 and L1/deferoxamine combination posology resulted in the complete elimination of EID and the maintenance of normal iron store levels in TM. The selection of effective chelation protocols has been monitored by MRI T2* diagnosis for EID levels in different organs. Millions of other iron-loaded patients with sickle cell anemia, myelodysplasia and haemopoietic stem cell transplantation, or non-iron-loaded categories with EID in different organs could also benefit from such chelation therapy advances. Drawbacks of chelation therapy include drug toxicity in some patients and also the wide use of suboptimal chelation protocols, resulting in ineffective therapies. Drug metabolic effects, and interactions with other metals, drugs and dietary molecules also affected iron chelation therapy. Drug selection and the identification of effective or optimal dose protocols are essential for positive therapeutic outcomes in the use of chelating drugs in TM and other iron-loaded and non-iron-loaded conditions, as well as general iron toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the established efficacy of iron chelation therapy in transfusion-induced iron-overloaded patients, there is no universal agreement regarding the choice of an optimal chelating regimen. Deferasirox (DFX) and deferiprone (DFP) are two oral iron chelators, and combination usage demonstrated effectiveness as an alternative to monotherapies in patients with a limited response to monotherapy. The present systematic review aimed to assess the evidence regarding the outcomes of combined DFP and DFX in iron-overloaded patients. An online search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and CENTRAL databases. Interventional and observational studies that assessed the outcomes of combined DFP and DFX in iron-overloaded patients were included. Eleven studies (12 reports) were considered in this meta-analysis. The studies included dual iron chelation strategies for a number of diagnoses. Single-arm studies (n =7) showed a reduction of serum ferritin, which reached the level of statistical significance in three studies. Likewise, most studies reported a numerical reduction in liver iron concentration (LIC) and increased cardiac MRI-T2* values after chelating therapy. Alternatively, comparative studies showed no significant difference in post-treatment serum ferritin between DFX plus DFP and DFX/DFP plus deferoxamine (DFO). The adherence to combination therapy was good to average in nearly 66.7-100% of the patients across four studies. One study reported a poor adherence rate. The combined regimen was generally tolerable, with no reported incidence of serious adverse events among the included studies. In conclusion, the DFP and DFX combination is a safe and feasible option for iron overload patients with a limited response to monotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Thalassaemia affects many families in Northeast Syria, an area devastated by over a decade of conflict which has significantly impacted their health system. People with thalassaemia require holistic multidisciplinary care for the clinical complications of thalassaemia. The risks of thalassaemia treatment include blood-borne viral infections secondary to unsafe transfusion, increased vulnerability to serious bacterial infection following splenectomy, and complications of both iron overload and iron chelation therapy. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provided outpatient thalassaemia care programmes in northeast Syria between April 2017 October 2019 in a complex conflict context challenged by population displacement, the destruction of medical facilities, and periods of insecurity.
    METHODS: We performed a secondary descriptive analysis of the thalassaemia cohort data to describe basic clinical and demographic characteristics of the patient population. A desk review of internal and publicly available documents was supplemented by informal interviews with MSF staff to describe and analyse the programmatic approach.
    METHODS: MSF delivered programmes with thalassaemia investigations, provision of blood transfusion, iron chelation therapy, and psychosocial support. Thalassemia programmes were novel for the organisation and operational learning took place alongside service implementation. Lessons were identified on equipment procurement and the requirements for the implementation of vital investigations (including ferritin testing), to inform clinical decision making. Lessons included the importance of supply planning for sufficient blood products to meet diverse clinical needs in a conflict area, so those with thalassaemia have continued access to blood products among the competing priorities. Iron chelation therapy met a large need in this cohort. Adapted protocols were implemented to balance social factors, hygiene considerations, toxicity, tolerability, and adherence to therapy. Wider service needs included considerations for family planning advice and services, continuity of care and patient access through decentralised services or laboratory access, psychosocial support, and improved data collection including quality of life measurements to understand the full impact of such programmes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although this type of programming was not \"routine\" for the organisation, MSF demonstrated that life-sustaining thalassaemia care can be provided in complex conflict settings. International non-governmental organisations can consider this care possible in similar contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deferoxamine (DFO) is an effective FDA-approved iron chelator. However, its use is considerably limited by off-target toxicities and an extremely cumbersome dose regimen with daily infusions. The recent development of a deferoxamine-based nanochelator (DFO-NP) with selective renal excretion has shown promise in ameliorating animal models of iron overload with a substantially improved safety profile. To further the preclinical development of this promising nanochelator and to inform on the feasibility of clinical development, it is necessary to fully characterize the dose and administration-route-dependent pharmacokinetics and to develop predictive pharmacokinetic (PK) models describing absorption and disposition. Herein, we have evaluated the absorption, distribution, and elimination of DFO-NPs after intravenous and subcutaneous (SC) injection at therapeutically relevant doses in Sprague Dawley rats. We also characterized compartment-based model structures and identified model-based parameters to quantitatively describe the PK of DFO-NPs. Our modeling efforts confirmed that disposition could be described using a three-compartment mamillary model with elimination and saturable reabsorption both occurring from the third compartment. We also determined that absorption was nonlinear and best described by parallel saturable and first-order processes. Finally, we characterized a novel pathway for saturable SC absorption of an ultrasmall organic nanoparticle directly into the systemic circulation, which offers a novel strategy for improving drug exposure for nanotherapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia (NTDT) has been considered less severe than its transfusion-dependent variants. The most common forms of NTDT include β-thalassemia intermedia, hemoglobin E/beta thalassemia, and hemoglobin H disease. Patients with NTDT develop several clinical complications, despite their regular transfusion independence. Ineffective erythropoiesis, iron overload, and hypercoagulability are pathophysiological factors that lead to morbidities in these patients. Therefore, an early and accurate diagnosis of NTDT is essential to ascertaining early interventions. Currently, several conventional management options are available, with guidelines suggested by the Thalassemia International Federation, and novel therapies are being developed in light of the advancement of the understanding of this disease. This review aimed to increase clinicians\' awareness of NTDT, from its basic medical definition and genetics to its pathophysiology. Specific complications to NTDT were reviewed, along with the risk factors for its development. The indications of different therapeutic options were outlined, and recent advancements were reviewed.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Beta thalassemia is associated with decreased immunity possibly due to iron overload. Al-hijamah (Hijamah) is wet cupping therapy (WCT) of prophetic medicine. Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him said: \"The best among your treatments is Al-hijamah\". Al-hijamah is a promising excretory treatment to clear blood of causative pathological substances. Al-hijamah is a three-step technique (skin suction, scarification and suction) i.e. triple S technique). Recently, we introduced Al-hijamah as a novel iron excretion therapy (through pressure-dependent filtration then excretion via the skin dermal capillaries) that significantly decreased serum iron overload and related oxidative stress using a physiological excretory mechanism (Taibah mechanism). Iron overload was reported to impair both humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity in patients with beta thalassemia. In this study, twenty patients having β-thalassemia major (maintained on iron chelation therapy) underwent a single session of Al-hijamah (30-60 minutes) using 4-5 sucking cups only. Another age and sex-matched control group of thalassemic patients received iron chelation therapy only. Al-hijamah enhanced the immunity of thalassemic patients in the form of increased CD4+ T cell count, from 124.10±36.98 to 326.20±57.94 cells/mm3, and an increased CD8+ T cell count from 100.30±36.98 to 272.40±46.37 cells/mm3. CD4/CD8 ratio significantly increased from 1.29 to 1.7 (P<0.001). There was a significant increase of ten times (P<0.001) in serum TAC/MDA ratio (reflects increased antioxidant capacity vs decreased oxidative load and stress) induced by Al-hijamah. After Al-hijamah, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts significantly increased and positively correlated with TAC/MDA ratio (r = 0.246) and (r = 0.190), respectively. Moreover, CD4/CD8 ratio positively correlated with TAC/MDA after Al-hijamah (r = 0.285). In conclusion, Al-hijamah significantly increased CD4/CD8 ratio in thalassemic patients via increasing TAC/MDA ratio. Our study strongly recommends medical practice of Al-hijamah in hospitals for its immune potentiating effects in agreement with the evidence-based Taibah mechanism. Al-hijamah should be generalized for treating other immune-deficiency conditions. Al-hijamah-induced bloody excretion is so minimal and never aggravates the anaemic status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder worldwide. Thalassemia intermedia (TI) is non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia (NTDT), which includes β-TI hemoglobin, E/β-thalassemia and hemoglobin H (HbH) disease. Due to the availability of iron chelation therapy, the life expectancy of thalassemia major (TM) patients is now close to that of TI patients. Iron overload is noted in TI due to the increasing iron absorption from the intestine. Questions are raised regarding the relationship between iron chelation therapy and decreased patient morbidity/mortality, as well as the starting threshold for chelation therapy. Searching all the available articles up to 12 August 2022, iron-chelation-related TI was reviewed. In addition to splenectomized patients, osteoporosis was the most common morbidity among TI cases. Most study designs related to ferritin level and morbidities were cross-sectional and most were from the same Italian study groups. Intervention studies of iron chelation therapy included a subgroup of TI that required regular transfusion. Liver iron concentration (LIC) ≥ 5 mg/g/dw measured by MRI and ferritin level > 300 ng/mL were suggested as indicators to start iron chelation therapy, and iron chelation therapy was suggested to be stopped at a ferritin level ≤ 300 ng/mL. No studies showed improved overall survival rates by iron chelation therapy. TI morbidities and mortalities cannot be explained by iron overload alone. Hypoxemia and hemolysis may play a role. Head-to-head studies comparing different treatment methods, including hydroxyurea, fetal hemoglobin-inducing agents, hypertransfusion as well as iron chelation therapy are needed for TI, hopefully separating β-TI and HbH disease. In addition, the target hemoglobin level should be determined for β-TI and HbH disease.





