Investigación en servicios de salud

Investigaci ó n en Servicios de Salud
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sex workers can be disadvantaged in terms of overall health due to challenging living and working conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the health status and experiences related to sexually transmitted infections (STDs) of unregistered transgender sex workers in Turkey.
    METHODS: It employed a phenomenological qualitative research design. SITE: Data were collected in Istanbul between March 2021 and November 2021.
    METHODS: Data were collected through in-depth interviews involving 24 people (19 sex workers and 5 physicians).
    METHODS: Key statements were listed during data analysis, and clusters of meanings were formed based on these statements. The participants\' statements were used for contextual and structural descriptions.
    RESULTS: Sex workers suffer from chronic illnesses such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, allergic diseases, and neurological disorders. Among the health issues affecting them, the most notable ones are STDs, psychological problems, and the risk of suicide. Sex workers also face a dilemma between choosing public hospitals and private hospitals. Majority of sex workers undergo regular testing for STDs, with the frequency varying from person to person. Reasons for not undergoing regular testing include lack of social security coverage, financial constraints, lack of information, and feeling undervalued. Some individuals are being subjected to mandatory testing.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that sex workers who seek and request healthcare services should be provided with detailed information and education, particularly regarding psychological problems and STDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    el envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno mundial. Los problemas de salud mental, altamente prevalentes en este grupo, impactan en la vida de los individuos, sus familias y la sociedad en su conjunto.
    identificar brechas de conocimiento y prioridades de investigación en salud mental del adulto mayor en Argentina.
    diseño cuali-cuantitativo, en tres etapas: (1) diagnóstico de situación, (2) evaluación global de necesidades de investigación y (3) ejercicio de priorización basado en la Matriz de Estrategias Combinadas validada para Argentina (MECA).
    con base en las primeras dos etapas del estudio se identificaron dos áreas temáticas investigar en el país y dimensiones priorizadas: (a) soledad-aislamiento y (b) deterioro cognitivo y demencia. Como resultado del ejercicio de priorización surgieron las siguientes dimensiones: en relación con soledad-aislamiento: 1. efecto de los programas, 2. falta de acceso a los recursos, 3. capacidad de adaptación a los contextos locales (integración social del adulto mayor) y 4. calidad de servicios. En relación con deterioro cognitivo y demencia: 1. impacto cuidadores y entorno, 2. barreras para la implementación de guías y capacitación, 3. estudios de costo-efectividad sobre intervenciones y calidad de vida, y 4. recolección y publicación de datos epidemiológicos.
    se debe enfatizar la importancia de fortalecer la investigación en Argentina sobre la implementación y difusión de intervenciones de promoción, prevención y prestación de servicios en la salud mental del adulto mayor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgical treatment during Covid-19 pandemic is controversial. Currently, most clinical guidelines advise to defer surgical patients during the Covid-19 pandemic, although the supporting data is sparse. We assumed that a Covid-19-free hospital, on the back of strong isolation measures and targeted screening, could reduce complications and enable us to continue treating high-risk patients.
    Prospective study with retrospective analysis of 355 patients who had undergone nondeferrable oncological surgery between March 16th, 2020, and April 14th, 2020, at our institution. The aim of the study was to assess the hospital restructuring and surgical protocols to be able to safely handle non-deferrable surgeries during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. We implemented structural changes and an updated surgical-anesthetic protocol in order to isolate Covid-19 patients from other surgical patients. Comprehensive targeted screening for Covid-19 patients was made. PCR tests were requested for suspected Covid-19 patients. We analyzed mortality and complications related to both surgery and Covid-19 during hospital admission and also 15 and 30 days after surgery. We compared it with a sample of similar patients in the pre-pandemic period.
    Of the 355 patients enrolled in our study, 21 were removed due to Covid-19 infection, leaving a total of 334 patients in our final analysis. Post-operative complications were found in 37 patients (11.07%). Two patients died after surgery (0.6%). At the end of the study, Covid-19-related adverse outcomes were detected in six patients (1.79%). When comparing the complications of our original sample with the complications that occurred in the pre-covid era, we found no statistically significant differences.
    Our results show that the surgical treatment of oncologic patients during the Covid-19 pandemic is safe, as long as the hospital performs surgeries under strict isolation measures and a robust screening method. It is necessary to select Covid-19 free hospitals for this matter in this and future pandemics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment during COVID-19 pandemic is controversial. Currently, most clinical guidelines advise to defer surgical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, although the supporting data is sparse. We assumed that a COVID-19-free hospital, on the back of strong isolation measures and targeted screening, could reduce complications and enable us to continue treating high-risk patients.
    METHODS: Prospective study with retrospective analysis of 355 patients who had undergone nondeferrable oncological surgery between March 16th, 2020, and April 14th, 2020, at our institution. The aim of the study was to assess the hospital restructuring and surgical protocols to be able to safely handle non-deferrable surgeries during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We implemented structural changes and an updated surgical-anesthetic protocol in order to isolate COVID-19 patients from other surgical patients. Comprehensive targeted screening for COVID-19 patients was made. PCR tests were requested for suspected COVID-19 patients. We analyzed mortality and complications related to both surgery and COVID-19 during hospital admission and also 15 and 30 days after surgery. We compared it with a sample of similar patients in the pre-pandemic period.
    RESULTS: Of the 355 patients enrolled in our study, 21 were removed due to COVID-19 infection, leaving a total of 334 patients in our final analysis. Post-operative complications were found in 37 patients (11.07%). Two patients died after surgery (0.6%). At the end of the study, COVID-19-related adverse outcomes were detected in six patients (1.79%). When comparing the complications of our original sample with the complications that occurred in the pre-COVID era, we found no statistically significant differences.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that the surgical treatment of oncologic patients during the COVID-19 pandemic is safe, as long as the hospital performs surgeries under strict isolation measures and a robust screening method. It is necessary to select COVID-19 free hospitals for this matter in this and future pandemics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the care continuity across levels of care perceived by patients with chronic conditions in public healthcare networks in six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay), and to explore associated factors.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study by means of a survey conducted to a random sample of chronic patients in primary care centres of the study networks (784 per country) using the questionnaire Cuestionario de Continuidad Asistencial Entre Niveles de Atención (CCAENA)©. Patients had at least one chronic condition and had used two levels of care in the 6 months prior to the survey for the same medical condition. Descriptive analysis and multivariable logistic regression were carried out.
    RESULTS: Although there are notable differences between the networks analysed, the results show that chronic patients perceive significant discontinuities in the exchange of clinical information between primary care and secondary care doctors and in access to secondary care following a referral; as well as, to a lesser degree, regarding clinical coherence across levels. Relational continuity with primary care and secondary care doctors and information transfer are positively associated with care continuity across levels; no individual factor is systematically associated with care continuity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Main perceived discontinuities relate to information transfer and access to secondary care after a referral. The study indicates the importance of organisational factors to improve chronic patients\' quality of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Some studies have shown a lower female participation in scientific publications. The objective of this study is to analyse the gender inequalities in the main Spanish journals of medical publications.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study of the main Spanish medical journals classified by SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (n=24) and their publications (n=3.375), during the year 2017. Women/men ratio in authorship was calculated for all journals and types of papers. Bivariate analyses were developed with the type of article as the dependent variable, and gender, institution, and country of the first and last authors as the independent variables. Logistic regression models were performed to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of the types of papers according to authorship gender, institution, and country. The statistical program used was R.
    RESULTS: The total number of authors was 16,252 (44.2% women, 53.9% men, and 1.9% non-identified gender). Women represented 46% of the first authors and 33.5% of the last ones. Women were the first authors of Editorials less often than men (aOR 0.39; 95% CI 0.30-0.51), but more often in Originals (aOR 1.55; 95% CI 1.33-1.80). Women were the last authors with less frequency in all types of papers, especially in Editorials (aOR 0.50; 95% CI 0.35-0.70). The women/men ratio in authorship was less than 0.80 in 10 of 26 journals analysed (41.7%).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results show the gender inequalities in the authorship of the main Spanish medical journals in 2017, especially as first authors and Editorials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies of research with human beings, their biological specimens, or their personal data in the field of biomedicine have been subject to regulation since the middle of the last century. Initially a regulation based on recommendations such as the Nuremberg Code, the Belmont Report or the first versions of the Declaration of Helsinki. All of them documents in which the principles (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) were conceptualized, and that all researchers had to follow in the development of their research. This first phase is known as a period of self-regulation, because it is considered that the researchers themselves could, by following these recommendations, carry out their investigations without further control. Subsequently, it went through a clearly regulatory period in which the premises of these recommendations were progressively incorporated into the legal system of the different countries, and with this, arose the external control of the investigation by the administrations and other bodies, such as the Research Ethics Committees. The purpose of this article is to serve as a guide to professionals whose main activity is care in the field of Primary Care and who, in turn, are interested in initiating research studies to respond to uncertainties in the context of their daily activity that may arise.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Nurses, as health professionals, play an important role in research, as progress in care and treatment could not be made without it. The aim of this study is to analyse the perception by nurses of the current research system in the whole of their hospital and, second, study how this perception varies according to their research profile, as well as their level of satisfaction and commitment to the organisation in which work.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in a third level hospital with a convenience sample of nurses with more than 6 months experience. The Group of Experts of the III Forum of Science of the Lilly Foundation questionnaire was used, adapting it to the characteristics of the population. The purpose of the questionnaire was to collect the perception and assessment, real and ideal, that nurses have on research. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed using the Student t-test.
    RESULTS: In the sample of 295 nurses, the perception and assessment of the current situation of nursing research, its impact, its recognition, and its integration with nursing work were well below the ideal scores, obtaining statistically differences (P<.001). There was a significance in the values that recognise that more research is needed by nursing staff, the impact and recognition by management, and synergy with the pharmaceutical industry (P<.001). The level of satisfaction did not affect the assessment, the commitment of the nurses if it influenced their assessment of the research. No differences were found between the ICU staff and the other departments as regards the perception and assessment of nursing research.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses take the research as part of their functions and mention that the state of the research is very much improved. A support infrastructure is needed to strengthen research in care, as well as real recognition by institutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyse how reproductive health strategies have been incorporated into the everyday activities of the services and the resulting transformation of professional and user practices.
    Cartographic research taking a multi-sited ethnographic approach that seeks to reveal the processes of transformation. Data generation techniques featuring participant observation and situated interviews. Discourse analysis of the text corpus using three analytical axes based on three main lines of action promoted by the strategies.
    We identified transformations in: 1) demedicalisation: an increase in midwives\' know-how and autonomy, changes in episiotomy practice and the facilitation of bonding practices; 2) warmth of care: incorporation of women\'s needs and expectations and improvements in the comfortableness of birth settings, especially in assistance at physiological birth; and 3) participation: actions that foster shared decision-making and the involvement of the persons accompanying women in labour.
    Above all, transformation is visible in the incorporation of new attitudes, sensibilities and practices that have developed around the old structures, especially during physiological childbirth. The more technological areas have been less permeable to change. Risk management in decision-making and addressing diversity are identified as areas where transformation is less evident.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Teledermatology is the most advanced clinical specialty in telemedicine. The development of teledermatology in specific countries has not been studied in depth.
    METHODS: Our objective was to analyze teledermatology models in clinical practice in Spain. We paid special attention to organization, technical aspects, training, and the advantages/disadvantages as seen by teledermatologists. Two surveys were carried out (2009 and 2014).
    RESULTS: Teledermatology was used at 25 centers in 2009 and at 70 in 2014. The extended survey was completed by 21 centers in 2009 and 41 in 2014. Store-and-forward teledermatology was the main technique (83%) in 2014. Only 12% of centers used the real-time method, and 5% used a hybrid modality. Patients lived less than 25km away in 75% of cases (urban teledermatology). Most centers used mid-range bridge cameras; only 12% used mobile phones. Teledermoscopy and tertiary teledermatology were each used in 15% of centers. Teledermatology was restricted to skin cancer in 25% of cases, and 66% of centers used it to train primary care physicians. The main advantages, assessed on a scale of 1 to 10, were prioritization in cancer screening (8.3), rapid emergency care (7.8), training of and communication with primary care physicians (7.6), screening for trivial conditions (7.6), and reduction in the number of face-to-face visits (7.6). The main disadvantages were poor image quality (6.3), fear of error (5.7), difficulty in coordinating with primary care physicians (3.8), and time commitment (3.3). Between 2009 and 2014, the number of centers using teledermatology and the number of teledermatologists increased, as did use of the store-and-forward and urban models. The technology used also improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: Teledermatology is an emerging technology that is becoming well established in Spain. More than 25% of dermatology centers in Spain have implemented a teledermatology model. Store-and-forward in an urban setting is the most widely used modality. Teledermatologists see this technology as an effective option with more advantages than disadvantages. General satisfaction is high, although there is room for significant improvement in some areas.





