
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As urbanization progresses and the impacts of climate change become more pronounced, urban flooding has emerged as a critical challenge for resilient cities, particularly concerning urban underground spaces where flooding can lead to significant loss of life and property. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of global research on underground space flood simulation and evacuation, this paper undertakes the modelling of inundation in a substantial underground area during the extraordinary rainfall event on 7 September 2023, in Shenzhen, China. Specifically, it introduces a two-step method to simulate the coupled surface-underground inundation process with high accuracy. The study simulates the inflow processes in three types of underground spaces: parking lots, metro stations, and underpasses. Utilizing the specific force per unit width evaluation, the research examines how varying flood barrier heights influence evacuation time and inundation risk. Subsequently, the paper proposes corresponding evacuation strategies based on the obtained findings. By highlighting the vulnerability of urban underground spaces to flooding, the study underscores the urgent need for further research in this domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a previous study, an experimental oversight led to the accumulation of water filling a container housing diapausing bumblebee queens. Surprisingly, after draining the water, queens were found to be alive. This observation raises a compelling question: can bumblebee queens endure periods of inundation while overwintering underground? To address this question, we conducted an experiment using 143 common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) queens placed in soil-filled tubes and subjected to artificially induced diapause in a refrigerated unit for 7 days. Tap water was then added to the tubes and queens (n = 21 per treatment) were either maintained underwater using a plunger-like apparatus or left to float naturally on the water\'s surface for varying durations (8 h, 24 h or 7 days) while remaining in overwintering conditions. Seventeen queens served as controls. After the submersion period, queens were removed from water, transferred to new tubes with soil and kept in cold storage for eight weeks. Overall, queen survival remained consistently high (89.5 ± 6.4%) across all treatments and did not differ among submersion regimes and durations. These results demonstrate the remarkable ability of diapausing B. impatiens queens to withstand submersion under water for up to one week, indicating their adaptations to survive periods of flooding in the wild.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developing management strategies to safeguard public health and environmental sustainability requires a comprehensive understanding of the solubility and mobility of trace and alkaline metals in the event of seawater flooding. This study investigated the effects of seawater flooding, along the duration of flooding, on the release of trace and alkaline metals (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ca, K, and Mg) in two calcareous soils (Krome and Biscayne) located in southern Florida. Seawater flooding experiments involved two soil types and four flooding durations (1, 7, 14, and 28 days) replicated three times. Freshwater flooding experiments were also conducted for comparison. After each flooding experiment, soil samples were collected at three depths (15, 30, and 45 cm), and analyzed for selected elements. Comparative analysis revealed significant releases of Mn, Fe, and Zn in both soils flooded by seawater compared to freshwater. In most cases, significant increments were evident as early as 1-day exposure to seawater flooding, which further increased with flooding duration. However, the impacts of seawater flooding had notable differences between the two soils. Seawater flooding in Krome soil for 28 days, resulted in higher Mn, Fe, and Zn contents by 58, 340, and 510% compared with freshwater flooding, while corresponding increases in Biscayne soil were 3.3, 130, and 180%, respectively. Comparable marginal increases in Cu content were observed for both soils. Similarly, seawater flooding increased K, Mg, and Na contents from single-day flooding. The interplay between soil type, column depth, flooding duration, and their interactions proved influential factors in determining Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn releases, with peak levels typically observed on the 28th day of flooding and at bottom depths. Overall, these findings highlight the release of these elements, raising concerns about potential plant toxicity and groundwater or surface water contamination due to leaching and runoff.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wetlands cycle carbon by being net sinks for carbon dioxide (CO2) and net sources of methane (CH4). Daily and seasonal temporal patterns, dissolved oxygen (DO) availability, inundation status (flooded or dry/partially flooded), water depth, and vegetation can affect the magnitude of carbon uptake or emissions, but the extent and interactive effects of these variables on carbon gas fluxes are poorly understood. We characterized the linkages between carbon fluxes and these environmental and temporal drivers at the Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve (OWC), OH. We measured diurnal gas flux patterns in an upstream side channel (called the cove) using chamber measurements at six sites (three vegetated and three non-vegetated). We sampled hourly from 7 AM to 7 PM and monthly from July to October 2022. DO concentrations and water levels were measured monthly. Water inundation status had the most influential effect on carbon fluxes with flooded conditions supporting higher CH4 fluxes (0.39 μmol CH4 m-2 s-1; -1.23 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1) and drier conditions supporting higher CO2 fluxes (0.03 μmol CH4 m-2 s-1; 0.86 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1). When flooded, the wetland was a net CO2 sink; however, it became a source for both CH4 and CO2 when water levels were low. We compared chamber-based gas fluxes from the cove in flooded (July) and dry (August) months to fluxes measured with an eddy covariance tower whose footprint covers flooded portions of the wetland. The diurnal pattern of carbon fluxes at the tower did not vary with changing water levels but remained a CO2 sink and a CH4 source even when the cove where we performed the chamber measurements dried out. These results emphasize the role of inundation status on wetland carbon cycling and highlight the importance of fluctuating hydrologic patterns, especially hydrologic drawdowns, under changing climatic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humidity is a basic and crucial meteorological indicator commonly measured in several forms, including specific humidity, relative humidity, and absolute humidity. These different forms can be inter-derived based on the saturation vapor pressure (SVP). In past decades, dozens of formulae have been developed to calculate the SVP with respect to, and in equilibrium with, liquid water and solid ice surfaces, but many prior studies use a single function for all temperature ranges, without considering the distinction between over the liquid water and ice surfaces. These different approaches can result in humidity estimates that may impact our understanding of surface-subsurface thermal-hydrological dynamics in cold regions. In this study, we compared the relative humidity (RH) downloaded and calculated from four data sources in Alaska based on five commonly used SVP formulas. These RHs, along with other meteorological indicators, were then used to drive physics-rich land surface models at a permafrost-affected site. We found that higher values of RH (up to 40 %) were obtained if the SVP was calculated with the over-ice formulation when air temperatures were below freezing, which could lead to a 30 % maximum difference in snow depths. The choice of whether to separately calculate the SVP over an ice surface in winter also produced a significant range (up to 0.2 m) in simulated annual maximum thaw depths. The sensitivity of seasonal thaw depth to the formulation of SVP increases with the rainfall rate and the height of above-ground ponded water, while it diminishes with warmer air temperatures. These results show that RH variations based on the calculation of SVP with or without over-ice calculation meaningfully impact physically-based predictions of snow depth, sublimation, soil temperature, and active layer thickness. Under particular conditions, when severe flooding (inundation) and cool air temperatures are present, care should be taken to evaluate how humidity data is estimated for land surface and earth system modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The abundant Fe (hydr-) oxides present in wetland sediments can form stable iron (Fe)-organic carbon (OC) complexes (Fe-OC), which are key mechanisms contributing to the stability of sedimentary OC stocks in coastal wetland ecosystems. However, the effects of increased flooding and salinity stress, resulting from global change, on the Fe-OC complexes in sediments remain unclear. In this study, we conducted controlled experiments in a climate chamber to quantify the impacts of flooding and salinity on the different forms of Fe (hydr-) oxides binding to OC in the rhizosphere sediments of S. mariqueter as well as the influence on Fe redox cycling bacteria in the rhizosphere. The results of this study demonstrated that prolonged flooding and high salinity treatments significantly reduced the content of organo-metal complexes (FePP) in the rhizosphere. Under high salinity conditions, the content of FePP-OC increased significantly, while flooding led to a decrease in FePP-OC content, inhibiting co-precipitation processes. The association of amorphous Fe (hydr-) oxides (FeHH) with OC showed no significant differences under different flooding and salinity treatments. Prolonged flooding significantly increased the relative abundance of Fe-reducing bacteria (FeRB) Deferrisoma and Geothermobacter and decreased polyphenol oxidase in the rhizosphere, while the relative abundance of Fe-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) Paracoccus and Pseudomonas decreased with increasing salinity and duration of flooding. Overall, short-term water and salinity stress promoted the binding of FeDH to OC in the rhizosphere of S. mariqueter, leading to a reduction in the OC content held by FePP. However, there were no significant differences observed in the OC stocks or the total Fe-OC content in the rhizosphere sediments. The findings suggest a degree of consistency in the Fe-OC of the \"plant-soil\" complex system within tidal flat wetlands, showing resilience to abrupt shifts in flooding and salinity over short periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gaseous mercury (mainly elemental mercury, Hg(0)) exchange between air and Earth\'s surfaces is one of the most critical fluxes governing global Hg cycle. As an important and unique part of intertidal ecosystem, tidal flat is characterized by periodic inundation and exposure due to tidal cycle, generating varying hydrological, photochemical and biogeochemical processes. However, quantitative and mechanistic understanding of Hg(0) dynamics between air and exceptionally dynamic tide flats has remained limited to date. In this study, we select five representative tidal flat sediments from typical coastal habits of Chinese coastlines to perform laboratory incubation experiments for deciphering the effect of the interaction of tidal cycle and solar radiation on Hg(0) dynamics over tidal flats with different sediment compositions. We show that sediment Hg concentration, tidal cycle and solar radiation collectively modulate the air-surface Hg(0) exchange over tidal flats and highlight that the photochemistry dominates the Hg(0) production and emission over tidal flats. We find that the daytime inundation presents highest Hg(0) emission fluxes for Hg-poor sediment, but the daytime exposure is the hot moment of Hg(0) emission from Hg-rich sediments and substantially contributes to daily Hg(0) emission fluxes. In the treatment to mimic semidiurnal tide, the daily Hg(0) fluxes are positively correlated to sediment Hg concentrations. Combining our mechanistic insights on air-surface Hg(0) exchange over tidal flats and related data and knowledge reported by other studies, we discuss the implications of our study for field measurement and model development of Hg(0) dynamics over highly dynamic tidal flats. We conclude that the air-surface Hg(0) dynamics over tidal flats are extremely complex and highly variable, and a greater understanding the interactions between natural processes, human impacts and climate forcings will better constrain current and future Hg biogeochemical cycle in global tidal flats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Frequent observations of surface water at fine spatial scales will provide critical data to support the management of aquatic habitat, flood risk and water quality. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites can provide such observations, but algorithms are still needed that perform well across diverse climate and vegetation conditions. We developed surface inundation algorithms for Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, respectively, at 12 sites across the conterminous United States (CONUS), covering a total of >536,000 km2 and representing diverse hydrologic and vegetation landscapes. Each scene in the 5-year (2017-2021) time series was classified into open water, vegetated water, and non-water at 20 m resolution using variables from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, as well as variables derived from topographic and weather datasets. The Sentinel-1 algorithm was developed distinct from the Sentinel-2 model to explore if and where the two time series could potentially be integrated into a single high-frequency time series. Within each model, open water and vegetated water (vegetated palustrine, lacustrine, and riverine wetlands) classes were mapped. The models were validated using imagery from WorldView and PlanetScope. Classification accuracy for open water was high across the 5-year period, with an omission and commission error of only 3.1% and 0.9% for the Sentinel-1 algorithm and 3.1% and 0.5% for the Sentinel-2 algorithm, respectively. Vegetated water accuracy was lower, as expected given that the class represents mixed pixels. The Sentinel-2 algorithm showed higher accuracy (10.7% omission and 7.9% commission error) relative to the Sentinel-1 algorithm (28.4% omission and 16.0% commission error). Patterns over time in the proportion of area mapped as open or vegetated water by the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 algorithms were charted and correlated for a subset of all 12 sites. Our results showed that the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 algorithm open water time series can be integrated at all 12 sites to improve the temporal resolution, but sensor-specific differences, such as sensitivity to vegetation structure versus pixel color, complicate the data integration for mixed-pixel, vegetated water. The methods developed here provide inundation at 5-day (Sentinel-2 algorithm) and 12-day (Sentinel-1 algorithm) time steps to improve our understanding of the short- and long-term response of surface water to climate and land use drivers in different ecoregions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The South River located in the city of Waynesboro, Virginia, contains mercury (Hg) contamination due to historical releases from an industrial facility operating between 1929 and 1950. In 2015, two sampling events were conducted in two of the contaminated bank regions (Constitution Park and North Park) to evaluate non-particulate total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in bank interstitial waters during river base flows and during bank drainage after flooding events. Porewater THg and MeHg at the bank-water interface were measured using diffusive gradient in thin-film devices (DGTs). The results showed THg mercury concentrations during bank drainage were approximately a factor of 3 higher than during base flow conditions. To have a better understanding of the parameters that control Hg leaching, a series of laboratory experiments were designed using South River sediments. The field and laboratory assessment showed that drainage/inundation cycles can lead to high THg concentration leachate from contaminated sediment due to increased partitioning from solids under oxic bank conditions and mobilization by the drainage waters. The results also demonstrated that methyl mercury concentrations at the bank-water interface are highest under base flow when conditions are more reduced due to the absence of oxic water exchange with the surface water. A remedial approach was implemented involving partial removal of surficial sediments and placement of biochar (to reduce non-particulate THg) and an armoring layer (to reduce erosion). DGT Measurements after bank stabilization showed THg decreased by a factor of ~200 and MeHg concentration by a factor of more than 20.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal upland forests are facing widespread mortality as sea-level rise accelerates and precipitation and storm regimes change. The loss of coastal forests has significant implications for the coastal carbon cycle; yet, predicting mortality likelihood is difficult due to our limited understanding of disturbance impacts on coastal forests. The manipulative, ecosystem-scale Terrestrial Ecosystem Manipulation to Probe the Effects of Storm Treatments (TEMPEST) experiment addresses the potential for freshwater and estuarine-water disturbance events to alter tree function, species composition, and ecosystem processes in a deciduous coastal forest in MD, USA. The experiment uses a large-unit (2000 m2), un-replicated experimental design, with three 50 m × 40 m plots serving as control, freshwater, and estuarine-water treatments. Transient saturation (5 h) of the entire soil rooting zone (0-30 cm) across a 2000 m2 coastal forest was attained by delivering 300 m3 of water through a spatially distributed irrigation network at a rate just above the soil infiltration rate. Our water delivery approach also elevated the water table (typically ~ 2 m belowground) and achieved extensive, low-level inundation (~ 8 cm standing water). A TEMPEST simulation approximated a 15-cm rainfall event and based on historic records, was of comparable intensity to a 10-year storm for the area. This characterization was supported by showing that Hurricane Ida\'s (~ 5 cm rainfall) hydrologic impacts were shorter (40% lower duration) and less expansive (80% less coverage) than those generated through experimental manipulation. Future work will apply TEMPEST treatments to evaluate coastal forest resilience to changing hydrologic disturbance regimes and identify conditions that initiate ecosystem state transitions.





