Intrinsically disordered proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) often undergo phase separation to control their functions spatiotemporally. Changing the pH alters the protonation levels of charged sidechains, which in turn affects the attractive or repulsive force for phase separation. In a cell, the rupture of membrane-bound compartments, such as lysosomes, creates an abrupt change in pH. However, how proteins\' phase separation reacts to different pH environments remains largely unexplored. Here, using extensive mutagenesis, NMR spectroscopy, and biophysical techniques, it is shown that the assembly of galectin-3, a widely studied lysosomal damage marker, is driven by cation-π interactions between positively charged residues in its folded domain with aromatic residues in the IDR in addition to π-π interaction between IDRs. It is also found that the sole two negatively charged residues in its IDR sense pH changes for tuning the condensation tendency. Also, these two residues may prevent this prion-like IDR domain from forming rapid and extensive aggregates. These results demonstrate how cation-π, π-π, and electrostatic interactions can regulate protein condensation between disordered and structured domains and highlight the importance of sparse negatively charged residues in prion-like IDRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this Voices article, we introduce seven impressive young group leaders that presented their work at the recent Gordon Research Conference \"Biophysics and biology of intrinsically disordered proteins\" in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. We asked them to tell us more about their careers and their fascinating research on proteins that do not adopt a single-folded structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution posits variation among species in the effectiveness of selection. In an idealized model, the census population size determines both this minimum magnitude of the selection coefficient required for deleterious variants to be reliably purged, and the amount of neutral diversity. Empirically, an \'effective population size\' is often estimated from the amount of putatively neutral genetic diversity and is assumed to also capture a species\' effectiveness of selection. A potentially more direct measure of the effectiveness of selection is the degree to which selection maintains preferred codons. However, past metrics that compare codon bias across species are confounded by among-species variation in %GC content and/or amino acid composition. Here, we propose a new Codon Adaptation Index of Species (CAIS), based on Kullback-Leibler divergence, that corrects for both confounders. We demonstrate the use of CAIS correlations, as well as the Effective Number of Codons, to show that the protein domains of more highly adapted vertebrate species evolve higher intrinsic structural disorder.
    Evolution is the process through which populations change over time, starting with mutations in the genetic sequence of an organism. Many of these mutations harm the survival and reproduction of an organism, but only by a very small amount. Some species, especially those with large populations, can purge these slightly harmful mutations more effectively than other species. This fact has been used by the ‘drift barrier theory’ to explain various profound differences amongst species, including differences in biological complexity. In this theory, the effectiveness of eliminating slightly harmful mutations is specified by an ‘effective\' population size, which depends on factors beyond just the number of individuals in the population. Effective population size is normally calculated from the amount of time a ‘neutral’ mutation (one with no effect at all) stays in the population before becoming lost or taking over. Estimating this time requires both representative data for genetic diversity and knowledge of the mutation rate. A major limitation is that these data are unavailable for most species. A second limitation is that a brief, temporary reduction in the number of individuals has an oversized impact on the metric, relative to its impact on the number of slighly harmful mutations accumulated. Weibel, Wheeler et al. developed a new metric to more directly determine how effectively a species purges slightly harmful mutations. Their approach is based on the fact that the genetic code has ‘synonymous’ sequences. These sequences code for the same amino acid building block, with one of these sequences being only slightly preferred over others. The metric by Weibel, Wheeler et al. quantifies the proportion of the genome from which less preferred synonymous sequences have been effectively purged. It judges a population to have a higher effective population size when the usage of synonymous sequences departs further from the usage predicted from mutational processes. The researchers expected that natural selection would favour ‘ordered’ proteins with robust three-dimensional structures, i.e., that species with a higher effective population size would tend to have more ordered versions of a protein. Instead, they found the opposite: species with a higher effective population size tend to have more disordered versions of the same protein. This changes our view of how natural selection acts on proteins. Why species are so different remains a fundamental question in biology. Weibel, Wheeler et al. provide a useful tool for future applications of drift barrier theory to a broad range of ways that species differ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prediction of the intrinsic disorder in protein sequences is an active research area, with well over 100 predictors that were released to date. These efforts are motivated by the functional importance and high levels of abundance of intrinsic disorder, combined with relatively low amounts of experimental annotations. The disorder predictors are periodically evaluated by independent assessors in the Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiments. The recently completed CAID2 experiment assessed close to 40 state-of-the-art methods demonstrating that some of them produce accurate results. In particular, flDPnn2 method, which is the successor of flDPnn that performed well in the CAID1 experiment, secured the overall most accurate results on the Disorder-NOX dataset in CAID2. flDPnn2 implements a number of improvements when compared to its predecessor including changes to the inputs, increased size of the deep network model that we retrained on a larger training set, and addition of an alignment module. Using results from CAID2, we show that flDPnn2 produces accurate predictions very quickly, modestly improving over the accuracy of flDPnn and reducing the runtime by half, to about 27 s per protein. flDPnn2 is freely available as a convenient web server at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prolyl-hydroxylation is an oxygen-dependent posttranslational modification (PTM) that is known to regulate fibril formation of collagenous proteins and modulate cellular expression of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) α subunits. However, our understanding of this important but relatively rare PTM has remained incomplete due to the lack of biophysical methodologies that can directly measure multiple prolyl-hydroxylation events within intrinsically disordered proteins. Here, we describe a real-time 13C-direct detection NMR-based assay for studying the hydroxylation of two evolutionarily conserved prolines (P402 and P564) simultaneously in the intrinsically disordered oxygen-dependent degradation domain of hypoxic-inducible factor 1α by exploiting the \"proton-less\" nature of prolines. We show unambiguously that P564 is rapidly hydroxylated in a time-resolved manner while P402 hydroxylation lags significantly behind that of P564. The differential hydroxylation rate was negligibly influenced by the binding affinity to prolyl-hydroxylase enzyme, but rather by the surrounding amino acid composition, particularly the conserved tyrosine residue at the +1 position to P564. These findings support the unanticipated notion that the evolutionarily conserved P402 seemingly has a minimal impact in normal oxygen-sensing pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are prevalent participants in liquid-liquid phase separation due to their inherent potential for promoting multivalent binding. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of phase separation is challenging, as phase separation is a complex process, involving numerous molecules and various types of interactions. Here, we used a simplified coarse-grained model of IDPs to investigate the thermodynamic stability of the dense phase, conformational properties of IDPs, chain dynamics, and kinetic rates of forming condensates. We focused on the IDP system, in which the oppositely charged IDPs are maximally segregated, inherently possessing a high propensity for phase separation. By varying interaction strengths, salt concentrations, and temperatures, we observed that IDPs in the dense phase exhibited highly conserved conformational characteristics, which are more extended than those in the dilute phase. Although the chain motions and global conformational dynamics of IDPs in the condensates are slow due to the high viscosity, local chain flexibility at the short timescales is largely preserved with respect to that at the free state. Strikingly, we observed a non-monotonic relationship between interaction strengths and kinetic rates for forming condensates. As strong interactions of IDPs result in high stable condensates, our results suggest that the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase separation are decoupled and optimized by the speed-stability balance through underlying molecular interactions. Our findings contribute to the molecular-level understanding of phase separation and offer valuable insights into the developments of engineering strategies for precise regulation of biomolecular condensates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microscopic evolution at the functional biomolecular level is an ongoing process. Leveraging functional and high-throughput assays, along with computational data mining, has led to a remarkable expansion of our understanding of multifunctional protein (and gene) families over the past few decades. Various molecular and intermolecular mechanisms are now known that collectively meet the cumulative multifunctional demands in higher organisms along an evolutionary path. This multitasking ability is attributed to a certain degree of intrinsic or adapted flexibility at the structure-function level. Evolutionary diversification of structure-function relationships in proteins highlights the functional importance of intrinsically disordered proteins/regions (IDPs/IDRs) which are highly dynamic biological soft matter. Multifunctionality is favorably supported by the fluid-like shapes of IDPs/IDRs, enabling them to undergo disorder-to-order transitions upon binding to different molecular partners. Other new malleable members of the protein superfamily, such as those involved in fold-switching, also undergo structural transitions. This new insight diverges from all traditional notions of functional singularity in enzyme classes and emphasizes a far more complex, multi-layered diversification of protein functionality. However, a thorough review in this line, focusing on flexibility and function-driven structural transitions related to evolved multifunctionality in proteins, is currently missing. This review attempts to address this gap while broadening the scope of multifunctionality beyond single protein sequences. It argues that protein intrinsic disorder is likely the most striking mechanism for expressing multifunctionality in proteins. A phenomenological analogy has also been drawn to illustrate the increasingly complex nature of modern digital life, driven by the need for multitasking, particularly involving media.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) or region (IDR) lacks or has little protein structure but still maintains function. This lack of structure creates flexibility and fluidity, allowing multiple protein conformations and potentially transient interactions with more than one partner. Caliciviruses are positive-sense ssRNA viruses, containing a relatively small genome of 7.6-8.6 kb and have a broad host range. Many viral proteins are known to contain IDRs, which benefit smaller viral genomes by expanding the functional proteome through the multifunctional nature of the IDR. The percentage of intrinsically disordered residues within the total proteome for each calicivirus type species can range between 8 and 23%, and IDRs have been experimentally identified in NS1-2, VPg and RdRP proteins. The IDRs within a protein are not well conserved across the genera, and whether this correlates to different activities or increased tolerance to mutations, driving virus adaptation to new selection pressures, is unknown. The function of norovirus NS1-2 has not yet been fully elucidated but includes involvement in host cell tropism, the promotion of viral spread and the suppression of host interferon-λ responses. These functions and the presence of host cell-like linear motifs that interact with host cell caspases and VAPA/B are all found or affected by the disordered region of norovirus NS1-2. The IDRs of calicivirus VPg are involved in viral transcription and translation, RNA binding, nucleotidylylation and cell cycle arrest, and the N-terminal IDR within the human norovirus RdRP could potentially drive liquid-liquid phase separation. This review identifies and summarises the IDRs of proteins within the Caliciviridae family and their importance during viral replication and subsequent host interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reflectin is a cationic, block copolymeric protein that mediates the dynamic fine-tuning of color and brightness of light reflected from nanostructured Bragg reflectors in iridocyte skin cells of squids. In vivo, the neuronally activated phosphorylation of reflectin triggers its assembly, driving osmotic dehydration of the membrane-bounded Bragg lamellae containing the protein to simultaneously shrink the lamellar thickness and spacing while increasing their refractive index contrast, thus tuning the wavelength and increasing the brightness of reflectance. In vitro, we show that the reduction in repulsive net charge of the purified, recombinant reflectin-either (for the first time) by generalized anionic screening with salt or by pH titration-drives a finely tuned, precisely calibrated increase in the size of the resulting multimeric assemblies. The calculated effects of phosphorylation in vivo are consistent with these effects observed in vitro. The precise proportionality between the assembly size and charge neutralization is enabled by the demonstrated rapid dynamic arrest of multimer growth by a continual, equilibrium tuning of the balance between the protein\'s Coulombic repulsion and short-range interactive forces. The resulting stability of reflectin assemblies with time ensures a reciprocally precise control of the particle number concentration, encoding a precise calibration between the extent of neuronal signaling, osmotic pressure, and the resulting optical changes. The charge regulation of reflectin assembly precisely fine-tunes a colligative property-based nanostructured biological machine. A physical mechanism is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in the accuracy and throughput of molecular simulations usher in a new era in the structural biology of disordered proteins.





