
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pandemic (COVID-19) had diverse effects on marine pollution. Throughout the lockdown periods, temporary enhancements in water quality and biodiversity were observed due to reduced human activity and constraints on travel and maritime transportation. The marine snail, Phorcus sauciatus, served as an indicator for marine pollution, and samples were collected in Tenerife, Canary Islands, during various months in 2020. The findings indicated that metal concentrations in Phorcus sauciatus were higher in February but declined in July and December as a result of reduced tourist activity during the pandemic. This underscores the significance of promoting sustainable tourism in the Canary Islands to mitigate high metal concentrations in the marine environment. The COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on reducing metal concentrations in marine pollution, underscoring the importance of adopting sustainable tourism practices to protect marine ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence of local and regional declines in the canopy-forming alga Ericaria amentacea, a foundation species of diverse marine forest communities on exposed Mediterranean coasts, have spurred restoration efforts focused on sustainable ex-situ techniques. The need to balance the costs of culture maintenance and the susceptibility of early life stages to stressors in the native habitat, including rapid, often extreme shifts in temperature, hydrodynamics and nutrient availability, have driven current efforts to create a culture environment that primes seedlings for outplant, increasing their resilience rather than maximizing growth. We tested the effects of 1) higher culture temperature (25 °C) combined with wave simulation and 2) reduced nutrient loads (10% of standard protocol) with wave simulation on post-culture and post-outplant outcomes relative to optimal growth conditions in established protocols (20 °C, no waves, high-nutrient culture medium). While increased temperature and water motion negatively affected seedling growth in culture, and higher nutrients caused oxidative stress likely associated with enhanced epiphyte overgrowth, these effects were not clearly translated into patterns of long-term growth in the field. Instead, survival in the initial days post-outplant appeared to be the bottleneck for restoration potential, where substrates with persisting seedlings at one month were generally found with flourishing juveniles at four months. Larger clumps of seedlings, in turn, were strongly associated with both initial survival and future growth. These results underscore the importance of the zygote settlement phase to establish high seedling densities, which may be optimized by phenological monitoring of the donor population. They also suggest that less-controlled, more environmentally-realistic culture conditions involving the introduction of mild stress may enhance the survival of early life stages of E. amentacea during the transition to the native environment, providing a means to simultaneously reduce human resource costs in culture and move toward scaling up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intertidal wetlands undergo dynamic water and salinity variations, creating both promising and challenging habitats for diverse organisms. Crabs respond strongly to these variations by means such as altering their movements, thereby restructuring their spatial distribution and influencing coastal ecosystem resilience. However, the movements of crabs under varying environmental conditions require further elucidation. We conducted a systematic mesocosm experiment using the ubiquitous intertidal crab species Helice tientsinensis with four amount levels and six salinity levels of sprayed water applied through a custom apparatus, with a primary focus on crab movement. Crab movement from the experimental side of the apparatus (with altered conditions) to the control side (resembling field conditions of the intertidal wetlands of China\'s Yellow River Delta) and vice versa was recorded. The results revealed significant differences in moving out of the experimental side and moving in among the different water and salinity conditions, both separately for the two factors and simultaneously. Decreases in water content had a more pronounced effect on crab movement, leading to an increased number of crabs moving out of the experimental side of the apparatus. Conversely, as the experimental side became wetter, crabs tended to move towards it, and this movement was intensified by increases or decreases in water salinity. A structural equation model revealed that the moving-out and moving-in played fundamental roles in determining the number of resident crabs at the end of each experiment. While crabs preferred moist sediment with lower salinity, changes in salinity alone had minimal direct effect compared to sediment water contents. Our results clarify crab movements under varying water and salinity conditions, offering valuable insights to support adaptive interventions for crab populations and inform adaptive conservation and management strategies in intertidal wetlands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mussels (Mytilus spp.) are abundant in the North Atlantic, sessile, and sensitive to environmental change, and suitable as sentinels of environment and climate change of costal ecosystems. We aimed to determine the baseline for the Northeast Atlantic (58-70°N) Mytilus species complex, and to show the present distribution to surveys conducted 60 years ago. Baseline was obtained by investigating a total of 509 stations in the intertidal zone, in four regions comprising the environmental gradient from head of fjord to coast, and distributed over the latitudinal gradient from 58 to 70°N. The baseline shows a range in continuous abundance of mussels from 12% to 36%, patchy abundance from 26% to 57% and no or very limited mussel abundance from 26% to 46% between the four regions. The presence of mussels in the southeast and west region was visualized to previous surveys conducted 60 years ago. The data points to similar past and present presence of mussels in both regions, yet past major mussel fields in the inner section of region southeast was not detected in this study. The baseline of Mytilus spp. in the Northeast Atlantic (58-70°N) is now available for future reference. The baseline, plotted to surveys conducted 60 years ago, points to awareness of the population situated in the southeast section of the investigated region. Continued monitoring and modeling are needed to clarify drivers of temporal and spatial variation in the mussel populations along the Northeastern Atlantic coast.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The factors shaping host-parasite interactions and epibiont communities in the variable rocky intertidal zone are poorly understood. California mussels, Mytilus californianus, are colonized by endolithic cyanobacterial parasites that erode the host shell. These cyanobacteria become mutualistic under certain abiotic conditions because shell erosion can protect mussels from thermal stress. How parasitic shell erosion affects or is affected by epibiotic microbial communities on mussel shells and the context dependency of these interactions is unknown. We used transplant experiments to characterize assemblages of epibiotic bacteria and endolithic parasites on mussel shells across intertidal elevation gradients. We hypothesized that living mussels, and associated epibacterial communities, could limit colonization and erosion by endolithic cyanobacteria compared with empty mussel shells. We hypothesized that shell erosion would be associated with compositional shifts in the epibacterial community and tidal elevation. We found that living mussels experienced less shell erosion than empty shells, demonstrating potential biotic regulation of endolithic parasites. Increased shell erosion was not associated with a distinct epibacterial community and was decoupled from the relative abundance of putatively endolithic taxa. Our findings suggest that epibacterial community structure is not directly impacted by the dynamic symbiosis between endolithic cyanobacteria and mussels throughout the rocky intertidal zone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contemporary symbioses in extreme environments can give an insight into mechanisms that stabilize species interactions during environmental change. The intertidal sea anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, engages in a nutritional symbiosis with microalgae similar to tropical coral, but withstands more intense environmental fluctuations during tidal inundations. In this study, we compare baseline symbiotic traits and their sensitivity to thermal stress within and among anemone aggregations across the intertidal using a laboratory-based tank experiment to better understand how fixed genotypic and plastic environmental effects contribute to the successful maintenance of this symbiosis in extreme habitats. High intertidal anemones had lower baseline symbiont-to-host cell ratios under control conditions, but their symbionts had higher baseline photosynthetic efficiency compared to low intertidal anemone symbionts. Symbiont communities were identical across all samples, suggesting that shifts in symbiont density and photosynthetic performance could be an acclimatory mechanism to maintain symbiosis in different environments. Despite lower baseline symbiont-to-host cell ratios, high intertidal anemones maintained greater symbiont-to-host cell ratios under heat stress compared with low intertidal anemones, suggesting greater thermal tolerance of high intertidal holobionts. However, the thermal tolerance of clonal anemones acclimatized to different zones was not explained by tidal height alone, indicating additional environmental variables contribute to physiological differences. Host genotype significantly influenced anemone weight, but only explained a minor proportion of variation among symbiotic traits and their response to thermal stress, further implicating environmental history as the primary driver of holobiont tolerance. These results indicate that this symbiosis is highly plastic and may be able to acclimatize to climate change over ecological timescales, defying the convention that symbiotic organisms are more susceptible to environmental stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light availability and habitat complexity are two key drivers of community assembly. Urbanisation has been shown to affect both, with important consequences to ecological communities. On the intertidal, for instance, studies have shown that light intensity is greater on natural rocky shores than on less complex artificial habitats (seawalls), though different habitats can also experience similar light intensities, for example when shaded by urban structures. Understanding therefore how these factors individually, and combined, affect communities is important to understand the mechanisms driving changes in community structure, and consequently provide solutions to tackle the increasing homogenisation of habitats and lightscapes in urbanised spaces through smart infrastructure designs. Here, we assessed how different light levels affect the recruitment of communities in rock pools and on emergent rock on an intertidal rocky shore. We cleared 30 patches of emergent rock and 30 rock pools and manipulated light using shades with different light transmissions (full light, procedural control, 75%, 35%, and 15% light transmission, full shade) and assessed mobile and sessile communities monthly for 6 months. Effects of reducing light levels were generally stronger on rock than in pools. Fully shaded plots supported double the amount of mobile organisms than plots in full sunlight, in both habitats. Algal cover was higher in pools compared to rock, and at intermediate light levels, but effects varied with site. This study highlights the importance of variable light conditions and different habitats for rocky shore communities, which should be considered in future coastal developments to retain natural biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rocky intertidal habitats occur worldwide and are mainly characterized by primary space holders such as seaweeds and sessile invertebrates. Some of these organisms are foundation species, as they can form structurally complex stands that host many small invertebrates. The abundance of primary space holders is known to vary along coastlines driven directly or indirectly by environmental variation. However, it is less clear if the invertebrate assemblages associated to a foundation species may remain relatively unchanged along coastlines, as similar stands of a foundation species can generate similar microclimates. We examined this question using abundance data for invertebrate species found in mussel stands of a similar structure in wave-exposed rocky habitats at mid-intertidal elevations along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Canada). While the most abundant invertebrate species were found at three locations spanning 315 km of coastline, species composition (a combined measure of species identity and their relative abundance) differed significantly among the locations. One of the species explaining the highest amount of variation among locations (a barnacle) exhibited potential signs of bottom-up regulation involving pelagic food supply, suggesting benthic-pelagic coupling. The abundance of the species that explained the highest amount of variation (an oligochaete) was positively related to the abundance of their predators (mites), further suggesting bottom-up forcing in these communities. Overall, we conclude that species assemblages associated to structurally similar stands of a foundation species can show clear changes in species composition at a regional scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benthic amphipod feeding groups are a well-established trophic classification that is mostly based on field observations and laboratory tests and are used in ecological studies to monitor the ecological state of benthic ecosystems. Globally, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratio investigations have provided confirmation of, and novel insights into, the trophic ecology of benthic animals, such as polychaetes. However, stable isotopic examinations of benthic amphipods have been limited. Here, we used microgram samples to compare the species-specific dietary sources, trophic positions, and isotopic niche overlap of selected benthic amphipods from the Gulf of Kachchh, Marine National Park, using elemental analyser-isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS) of carbon and nitrogen. Overall, all primary carbon sources presented wide variation in the isotopic values of δ13C (6.3‰) and δ15N (greater than 13‰). Conversely, the amphipod taxa displayed relatively narrow range for δ13C (3.9‰) and wider range for δ15N (more than 10‰). The results of the Bayesian mixing model revealed that the benthic amphipods had species-specific feeding preferences. However, the predominant carbon source was organic matter in sediment which reinforced benthic pathways for energy flow for most species. According to the estimated trophic level values (1.62-3.39), these species play a significant role as primary and secondary consumers serving as crucial trophic intermediaries in the food chain, connecting the base to the top consumers. High overlapping ecological niche amongst species was detected by SIBER analysis which indicated co-existence of the benthic amphipods in their respective microhabitats. This signifies wider utilisation of resources and inter-specific feeding preferences with minimal competition amongst amphipod species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Industrial and urban activities are major contributors to metal contamination in coastal systems, often impacting the physiology, distribution and diversity of marine invertebrates. This study assessed metal contaminations in sediments, seawater, algae and invertebrates across four armoured systems (harbours) and two natural sites along the south coast of South Africa. Bioaccumulation factors such as Biosediment (BSAF), Biowater (BWAF), Bioaccumulation (BAF) and bioremediation of metals by invertebrate bioindicators were also determined. Spatial variation in metal concentrations were observed, however, bioaccumulation of metals was site and species-specific. Invertebrates bioaccumulated higher metal concentrations in armoured than natural sites, with filter feeders exhibiting higher concentrations than grazers. Among filter feeders, Octomeris angulosa and Crassostrea gigas bioaccumulated elevated aluminium (Al), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu), while, Perna perna accumulated elevated nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). Among grazers, Siphonaria serrata and Scutellastra longicosta bioaccumulated elevated Al, Cr, Cd, cobalt (Co), Cu, Ni and Zn. Bioaccumulation factors indicated that (As, Ni, Zn) were bioaccumulated by algae, and invertebrates from sediment (BSAF>1) and from seawater (BWAF>1). Additionally, invertebrates bioaccumulated metals from their prey item, algae as indicated by (BAF>1). Arsenic Cd and Pb in invertebrates were above the maximum limit set for human consumption by various regulatory bodies. Our findings underscore the significant role of coastal invertebrates in bioaccumulating and bioremediating metals, suggesting a natural mechanism for water quality enhancement, especially in urbanised coastal areas.





