Internal medicine clerkship

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Collective decision-making by grading committees has been proposed as a strategy to improve the fairness and consistency of grading and summative assessment compared to individual evaluations. In the 2020-2021 academic year, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSM) instituted grading committees in the assessment of third-year medical students on core clerkships, including the Internal Medicine clerkship. We explored how frontline assessors perceive the role of grading committees in the Internal Medicine core clerkship at WUSM and sought to identify challenges that could be addressed in assessor development initiatives.
    METHODS: We conducted four semi-structured focus group interviews with resident (n = 6) and faculty (n = 17) volunteers from inpatient and outpatient Internal Medicine clerkship rotations. Transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Participants felt that the transition to a grading committee had benefits and drawbacks for both assessors and students. Grading committees were thought to improve grading fairness and reduce pressure on assessors. However, some participants perceived a loss of responsibility in students\' grading. Furthermore, assessors recognized persistent challenges in communicating students\' performance via assessment forms and misunderstandings about the new grading process. Interviewees identified a need for more training in formal assessment; however, there was no universally preferred training modality.
    CONCLUSIONS: Frontline assessors view the switch from individual graders to a grading committee as beneficial due to a perceived reduction of bias and improvement in grading fairness; however, they report ongoing challenges in the utilization of assessment tools and incomplete understanding of the grading and assessment process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected medical education in many ways. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) temporarily suspended clinical student rotations, calling for a transition to remote learning. Unfortunately, due to the heavy impact of COVID-19 in our South Florida community, medical students were not able to return to in-person activities for a significant time. During this period, students had remote clerkship learning activities, didactic sessions, narrative projects, and small-group learning sessions, which were front-loaded using Zoom technology (Zoom Video Communications, Inc., San Jose, California, United States) and web-based learning tools. Once in-person clinical experiences resumed, the duration of all third-year clerkships for the remainder of the year was reduced to five weeks to allow for timely graduation. The Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM) Internal Medicine (IM) clerkship has traditionally been an eight-week-long rotation. Other clerkships that varied from six to eight weeks were similarly reduced to five weeks. We hypothesized that the shortened duration of the IM clerkship would have negative impacts on National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) exam performance and clerkship clinical experiences would likely be affected. Methods We compared the NBME subject exam results and end of clerkship evaluations from the Class of 2021 (CO2021) which had the traditional eight weeks of patient care, with the CO2022, which had only five weeks of in-person patient care. A T-test analysis was performed comparing performance on the NBME medicine clinical subject exam between students who completed the usual eight-week rotation versus those who completed a five-week rotation. We also evaluated the IM clerkship course evaluation and analyzed student responses and ratings to assess any areas that were statistically significant when comparing the traditional eight-week IM clerkship to the shortened five-week clerkship. Results There was no statistically significant difference (t=0.68, p<0.4951) in mean NBME subject exam performance between cohorts. Students who completed the shortened five-week IM clerkship indicated there was limited volume and diversity of patients, which consequently affected their ability to complete all the required clinical experiences for the IM clerkship. These results indicated a statistically significant difference between the two cohorts (t =3.33, p<.001). Conclusion Students with shortened IM clerkship clinical care time (five weeks) were found to have no significant statistical differences in NBME subject exam performance compared to the traditional eight-week cohorts. However, students felt there was a decreased volume and diversity of patients, and they reported greater difficulties in completing the required clinical experiences, with diminished clinical confidence. Time does matter, and clinical time is very valuable for a student\'s undergraduate medical education. If another pandemic were to arise, the duration of different clerkships should be carefully assessed and individualized, and methods to assess and reclaim lost clinical time during the advanced clinical and postgraduate years should be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The impact of clinical proficiency on individual student scores on the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Subject Examinations remains uncertain. We hypothesised that increasing the length of time spent in a clinical environment would augment students\' performance.
    UNASSIGNED: Performance on the NBME Subject Examination in Internal Medicine (NBME-IM) of three student cohorts was observed longitudinally. Scores at the end of two unique internal medicine clerkships held at the third and fourth years were compared. The score differences between the two administrations were compared using paired t-tests, and the effect size was measured using Cohen\'s d. Moreover, linear regression was used to assess the correlation between the NBME-IM score gains and performance on a pre-clinical Comprehensive Basic Science Examination (CBSE). A two-tailed p-value <0.05 was considered significant.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 236 students enrolled during the third year, age, gender, CBSE, and NBME-IM scores were similar across all cohorts. The normalised score gain on the NBME-IM at the fourth year was 9.5% (range -38 to +45%) with a Cohen\'s d of 0.47. However, a larger effect size with a Cohen\'s d value of 0.96 was observed among poorly scoring students. Performance on the CBSE was a significant predictor of score gain on the NBME-IM (R 0.51, R 2 0.26, p-value < 0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: Despite the increased length of clinical exposure, modest improvement in students\' performance on repeated NBME-IM examination was observed. Medical educators need to reconsider how the NBME-IM is used in clerkship assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Documentation within the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an essential skill for medical students to succeed in residency and post-residency training. The increased use of medical student progress notes for billable services raises the need for the education and assessment of quality note writing. We hypothesized that structured note feedback using a note assessment tool would improve the quality of medical student inpatient progress notes. Methods We conducted a retrospective study to review the quality of student inpatient progress notes written before and after structured feedback using the Responsible Electronic Documentation (RED) checklist throughout a third-year internal medicine clerkship. The first intervention group received feedback from clerkship directors in the 2017-2018 academic year and the second intervention group received feedback from ward residents/attendings in the 2018-2019 academic year. Within each intervention group, the total note scores from pre and post-intervention were compared. Results Feedback from clerkship directors yielded a greater increase in students\' total note score from pre to post-intervention compared to ward resident/attending feedback (F(1,255) = 12.84, p < 0.001). Cohen\'s d effect size value was greater for the clerkship director feedback arm (d=0.71) compared to the ward resident/attending feedback arm (d=0.24). Post-hoc analyses using dependent sample t-tests revealed that there were significant increases in total note scores from pre to post-intervention for both the clerkship director arm (t(123) = 8.26, p < 0.001, d = 0.71) and the ward resident/attending arm (t(132) = 2.85, p = 0.005, d = 0.24). Conclusion Clerkship director feedback led to a greater increase in medical student documentation compared to ward attending/resident feedback. Nonetheless, structured feedback with a note assessment tool, whether from clerkship directors or ward attendings/residents, leads to a significant improvement in medical student documentation. Though there are various methods for providing feedback, educators can use the RED checklist to provide clear guidelines that will facilitate note-writing feedback.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in genetics have revolutionized disease surveillance and management. Understanding and integrating genetic principles clinically is becoming increasingly important for physician trainees. We developed an online, interactive, self-learning module/assessment to strengthen student proficiency in genetics.
    Medical student knowledge of genetics during Internal Medicine Clerkship was assessed by an online, asynchronous quiz using simulated vignettes that included questions on (1) genetic red flags, (2) differential diagnoses, (3) pedigree drawing, (4) interpretation of inheritance patterns, (5) selection of diagnostic testing modalities, and (6) genetic counseling. Student self-assessment of genetics competencies was elicited with survey questions.
    A total of 592 medical students from classes of 2016 to 2020 successfully completed the \"Genetics in Internal Medicine\" module/assessment. In total, 91% of students correctly recognized genetic red flags in patient histories, 84% could accurately draw pedigrees, and 93% could accurately interpret inheritance patterns. In total, 92% of students felt that genetic proficiency would improve patient rapport and 91% felt that they could apply what they had learned clinically. Student narrative comments about the activity were positive.
    This online module was easily integrated into the IM Clerkship. Medical students were able to solidify scientific principles and interpret historical details, predict genetic patterns, and provide counseling. They had successful performances, and the module/assessment was well-received.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) offers Subject Examinations (SE) for students completing the Internal Medicine (IM) clerkship. There is a paucity of literature in regard to the efficacy of review methods prior to rendering said examination. Our medical center\'s residents conducted a structured review session in preparation for SE administration. The mean SE scores prior to and after the initiation of the resident-led review session were compared. There was no statistically significant association found between the mean NBME scores in the experimental or control groups. We propose that alternative methods be further assessed for efficacy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the rapidly changing landscape of undergraduate medical education (UME), the roles and responsibilities of clerkship directors (CDs) are not clear.
    To describe the current roles and responsibilities of Internal Medicine CDs.
    National annual Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) cross-sectional survey.
    One hundred twenty-nine clerkship directors at all Liaison Committee on Medical Education accredited US medical schools with CDIM membership as of September 1, 2017.
    Responsibilities of core CDs, including oversight of other faculty, and resources available to CDs including financial support and dedicated time.
    The survey response rate was 83% (107/129). Ninety-four percent of the respondents oversaw the core clerkship inpatient experience, while 47.7% (n = 51) and 5.6% (n = 6) oversaw the outpatient and longitudinal integrated clerkships respectively. In addition to oversight, CDs were responsible for curriculum development, evaluation and grades, remediation, scheduling, student mentoring, and faculty development. Less than one-third of CDs (n = 33) received the recommended 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) support for their roles, and 15% (n = 16) had less than 20% FTE support. An average 0.41 FTE (SD .2) was spent in clinical work and 0.20 FTE (SD .21) in administrative duties. Eighty-three percent worked with other faculty who assisted in the oversight of departmental UME experiences, with FTE support varying by role and institution. Thirty-five percent of CDs (n = 38) had a dedicated budget for managing their clerkship.
    The responsibilities of CDs have increased in both number and complexity since the dissemination of previous guidelines for expectations of and for CDs in 2003. However, resources available to them have not substantially changed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Educating medical trainees across the continuum is essential to a multifaceted strategy for addressing the opioid epidemic.
    To assess the current state of internal medicine clerkship content on safe opioid prescribing and opioid use disorder, and barriers to curriculum implementation.
    National Annual (2018) Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) cross-sectional survey.
    One hundred thirty-four clerkship directors at all Liaison Committee of Medical Education accredited US medical schools with CDIM membership as of October 1, 2018.
    The survey section on safe opioid prescribing and opioid use disorder education in the internal medicine clerkship addressed assessment of current curricula, perceived importance of curricula, barriers to implementation, and plans to start or expand curricula. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize responses, and Pearson\'s chi-square and Fisher\'s exact tests for statistical comparisons.
    The survey response rate was 82% (110/134). Overall 54.1% of responding institutions reported covering one or more topics related to safe opioid prescribing or opioid use disorder in the internal medicine clerkship. A preponderance of clerkship directors (range 51-86%) reported that various opioid-related topics were important to cover in the internal medicine clerkship. Safe opioid prescribing topics were covered more frequently than topics related specifically to opioid use disorder. The main barriers identified included time (80.9%) and lack of faculty expertise (65.5%).
    Clerkship directors agreed that incorporating safe opioid prescribing and opioid use disorder topics in the internal medicine clerkship is important, despite wide variation in current curricula. Addressing curricular time constraints and lack of faculty expertise in internal medicine clerkships will be key to successfully integrating content to address the opioid epidemic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present milieu of rapid innovation in undergraduate medical education at US medical schools, the current structure and composition of clinical education in Internal Medicine (IM) is not clear.
    To describe the current composition of undergraduate clinical education structure in IM.
    National annual Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) cross-sectional survey.
    One hundred twenty-nine clerkship directors at all Liaison Committee on Medical Education accredited US medical schools with CDIM membership as of September 1, 2017.
    IM core clerkship and post-core clerkship structure descriptions, including duration, educational models, inpatient experiences, ambulatory experiences, and requirements.
    The survey response rate was 83% (107/129). The majority of schools utilized one core IM clerkship model (67%) and continued to use a traditional block model for a majority of their students (84%). Overall 26% employed a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship model and 14% employed a shared block model for some students. The mean inpatient duration was 7.0 ± 1.7 weeks (range 3-11 weeks) and 94% of clerkships stipulated that students spend some inpatient time on general medicine. IM-specific ambulatory experiences were not required for students in 65% of IM core clerkship models. Overall 75% of schools did not require an advanced IM clinical experience after the core clerkship; however, 66% of schools reported a high percentage of students (> 40%) electing to take an IM sub-internship. About half of schools (48%) did not require overnight call or night float during the clinical IM sub-internship.
    Although there are diverse core IM clerkship models, the majority of IM core clerkships are still traditional block models. The mean inpatient duration is 7 weeks and 65% of IM core clerkship models did not require IM-specific ambulatory education.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Over half of dermatologic conditions are seen by nondermatologists, yet medical students receive little dermatology education. Medical students in the clinical years of training at our institution felt insecure in their physical diagnosis skills for dermatologic conditions.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to implement dermatology-focused curricula within the Internal Medicine (IM) Core Clerkship to increase student confidence in diagnosing skin diseases.
    METHODS: Two dermatology-focused sessions were integrated into the IM Clerkship. A faculty dermatologist leads students on a dermatology-focused physical diagnosis \"Skin Rounds\", where patients are seen at the bedside and students practice describing skin lesions and forming a differential diagnosis. Students also participate in a case-based active learning session. A dermatologist selects images of common skin conditions that students describe utilizing appropriate terminology and offer a differential diagnosis. The impact of these sessions was assessed through survey-based student feedback and by comparing the results from the IM Shelf Exam before and after intervention.
    RESULTS: A total of 74 students completed the skin rounds survey (32% response rate). About 99% (n = 73) of students felt that skin rounds were effective and useful, and 92% (n = 68) of students reported that they felt more confident in describing skin lesions afterward. A total of 43 students completed the case-based learning session survey (37% response rate), and 98% (n = 42) of students strongly agreed or agreed that the session was effective and useful. Performance on the dermatologic questions of the IM Shelf Exam was analyzed. While not statistically significant at P < 0.05, students improved from an average of 77% correct responses before intervention to 79% afterward (P = 0.60).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case-based and bedside teaching interventions were met with high satisfaction from medical students and increased their confidence in describing skin lesions. This intervention can serve as a model to improve dermatology education and can be adapted to utilize the IM clerkship to address curriculum inadequacies at other institutions.






