Interdisciplinary studies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This article describes alternate models and policy recommendations created by an interdisciplinary team of researchers to increase gender integration at U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) recruit training. The USMC requested a study to analyze current approaches to gender integration at recruit training and provide alternate models that maximize integration, while continuing to train marines to established standards. USMC remains the only service that segregates recruits by gender at the lowest unit level (e.g., platoon) in recruit training and maintains gender-segregated drill instructor teams (i.e., same-gender teams train platoons of same-gender recruits).
    METHODS: A mixed-method, interdisciplinary approach was used to capture multiple perspectives and informed recommendations and alternate models for gender integration. The team studied select USMC, army, navy, air force, and coast guard recruit training locations, between June and November 2021. At each site, the team collected qualitative, quantitative, and administrative data as well as physical performance metrics and human performance outcomes. Study participants included recruits, drill instructors, training cadre, service leaders, and subject matter experts on gender integration in military services. Each alternate model was designed to maximize the feasibility of implementation within current USMC training conditions.
    RESULTS: The research team developed three alternate models and several policy recommendations. Alternate model 1 proposed a methodology for mixed-gender drill instructor teams within the Integrated Company model, USMC\'s current integrated training model. Alternate model 2 proposed an Integrated Company Plus model which increases the number and types of gender-integrated training events at or below the platoon level within the Integrated Company model. Alternate model 3 outlined an integrated platoon model where recruits fall out into integrated training platoons after their morning routine, with two options of varying integration based on USMC priorities for integration. The team also proposed a set of policy recommendations independent of the three alternate models to support current and future gender integration efforts at the Marine Corps Recruit Depots.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gender-integrated military training has been shown to positively alter perceptions and evaluations of women in military settings over detrimental aspects developed by gender-segregated training. The study team recommended USMC train recruits in the Integrated Company model with mixed-gender drill instructor teams (alternate model 1) and integrate more training events following the priority tiers outlined in the Integrated Company plus model (alternate model 2). The combined execution of these two alternate models would provide USMC recruits increased exposure to direct, sustained training from opposite-gender drill instructors and deliver intentional training opportunities for male and female recruits to work together and interact in meaningful ways. The integrated platoon model (alternate model 3) would offer USMC recruits the most direct exposure to training and working with members of the opposite gender, but it requires substantial changes to current logistics, accountability, and training procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Low back pain is a leading cause of disability and sick days worldwide. This type of pain has a fluctuating and recurrent nature, and affects all aspects of a person\'s life, with profound psychosocial consequences.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to explore the everyday life of individuals with low back pain over time and across various contexts.
    UNASSIGNED: A longitudinal Grounded Theory study with the concept, conduct of everyday life, as the theoretical framework.
    UNASSIGNED: The study was conducted in Denmark, and participants were sampled from a regional spine centre in a hospital context.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-seven individuals with low back pain referred to a hospital for assessment and treatment for herniated discs were sampled. Participants were divided equally between women and men 37-71 years old.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were followed through interviews and participant observation for 6-18 months. They were interviewed at least twice, at the beginning and end of the study period. The interviews took place in participants\' homes. Data consisted of transcribed interviews and field notes.
    UNASSIGNED: Two themes, \"When \'support\' systems become disrupters\" and \"Adapting to a new life\", describe important elements of the participants\' conduct of everyday life through a period of low back pain and the time after. The first theme explains how healthcare and sickness benefit systems play an existential role in the individual\'s life during a period of low back pain. These systems made extensive, often conflicting, demands on participants, which challenged their everyday lives. The systems and their diverse needs could take precedence over other concerns, challenging participants\' social self-understanding. In the second theme, we identified three typical patterns of how participants adapt to living with a potential exacerbation of low back pain over time: 1) Resignation, 2) Balancing and 3) Ignoring.
    UNASSIGNED: From the participants\' perspectives, healthcare and sickness benefits systems are supportive, but they often disrupt everyday life due to extensive and conflicting demands. Individuals with low back pain must continually adapt to everyday life. Therefore, professionals should support a balanced pattern of adapting to life with recurrent and fluctuating low back pain.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This article outlines the management of transgender and non-binary adolescents at CHUV. The current rise in visibility of this topic is associated with an increased demand for intervention and at the same time with an increased generation of continuously expanding medical evidence to guide interventions. The close collaboration among various specialized adolescent health services enables an interdisciplinary evaluation of diagnostic elements and indications for potential psychological, social or medical interventions. This article underscores the significance of an interdisciplinary and individualized approach to transgender and non-binary adolescents, respecting the diversity of the human being.
    Cet article présente la prise en charge des adolescent-e-s transgenres et non binaires (TNB) au Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV). L’actuel gain en visibilité de la thématique conduit à une augmentation des demandes de prise en charge et, parallèlement, à une augmentation de la production d’évidence médicale pour orienter les prises en charge. La collaboration étroite entre les différents services spécialisés en santé des adolescents permet une évaluation interdisciplinaire des éléments diagnostiques et des indications aux éventuelles interventions psychologiques, sociales ou médicales. Cet article souligne l’importance d’une approche interdisciplinaire, basée sur l’évidence médicale et individualisée des adolescent-e-s TNB, dans le respect de la diversité de l’être humain.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Anorexia Nervosa (AN) mainly affects adolescent girls and requires specialized, multidisciplinary care. In Geneva, the HUG\'s AliNEA unit and the pediatric hypnosis consultation have been collaborating since 2021 to integrate hypnosis into the management of AN. Hypnosis is seen as a complementary tool to the Maudsley therapeutic model, but not a miracle solution. It needs to be adapted to each patient\'s individual needs and to the different phases of treatment : re-association with the body, reinforcement of motivation, exploration of interpersonal relationships and consolidation of progress. Although scientific evidence is limited, patient testimonials underline its beneficial potential as a non-medicinal, individualized form of support.
    L’anorexie mentale (AM) affecte principalement les adolescentes et requiert une prise en charge spécialisée et multidisciplinaire. Aux Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG), l’unité AliNEA et la consultation d’hypnose pédiatrique collaborent depuis 2021 pour intégrer l’hypnose dans la prise en charge de l’AM. L’hypnose est considérée comme un outil complémentaire au modèle thérapeutique Maudsley, mais non une solution miracle. Elle nécessite une adaptation aux besoins individuels de chaque patiente et aux différentes phases de la prise en charge : réassociation avec le corps, renforcement de la motivation, exploration des relations interpersonnelles et consolidation des progrès. Bien que les preuves scientifiques soient limitées, les témoignages des patientes soulignent son potentiel bénéfice comme soutien non médicamenteux et individualisé.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias (IIPs) are a heterogeneous group of the broader category of Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs), pathologically characterized by the distortion of lung parenchyma by interstitial inflammation and/or fibrosis. The American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS) international multidisciplinary consensus classification of the IIPs was published in 2002 and then updated in 2013, with the authors emphasizing the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis of IIPs. The histological evaluation of IIPs is challenging, and different types of IIPs are classically associated with specific histopathological patterns. However, morphological overlaps can be observed, and the same histopathological features can be seen in totally different clinical settings. Therefore, the pathologist\'s aim is to recognize the pathologic-morphologic pattern of disease in this clinical setting, and only after multi-disciplinary evaluation, if there is concordance between clinical and radiological findings, a definitive diagnosis of specific IIP can be established, allowing the optimal clinical-therapeutic management of the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To analyze academic production about nursing models and theories in intercultural contexts applied to the field of education.
    UNASSIGNED: State-of-the-art study, which examined 50 articles from research.
    UNASSIGNED: Application of the cultural competence model was found as a trend at disciplinary level, and in at interdisciplinary level, critical pedagogy was used. Regarding the curriculum, it is observed that cultural competency is a subject that is taught, but it is not treated in transversal manner. The principal didactics was cultural immersion, which permits acquiring skills and aptitudes to care for diverse population. The evaluation in the educational act centered on characterizing the level of acquisition of cultural competency. The gaps indicate the difficulty of applying the models and theories in practice scenarios, while the recommendations focus on the importance of teacher training in cultural competency.
    UNASSIGNED: Interculturality is approached as a borrowed theory that, from education, contributes to the nursing practice from training that vindicates situational knowledge and its articulation with ethics permits developing skills to relate with others who have their own views regarding health care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MN1 C-terminal truncation (MCTT) syndrome was first reported in 2020 and only 28 patients have been recorded to date. Since MCTT syndrome is a newly defined and rare syndrome with many clinical features, the present study reviewed the manifestations and management of oral and dental anomalies. Gene variants of MCTT syndrome and their positive phenotypes were summarised. The phenotypes of variants in two exons differed from each other mainly in the craniomaxillofacial region, including brain MRI abnormalities and palatal morphology. Pathogenic mechanisms, especially in craniofacial and oral anomalies, were discussed. Appropriate treatments in the stomatology and respiratory departments could improve the symptoms of MCTT syndrome. The different sites of MN1 gene variants may influence the clinical symptoms and there may be racial differences in MCTT syndrome. We recommend oral and pulmonary evaluations for the multidisciplinary treatment of MCTT syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) programs are interdisciplinary, graduate-level training programs that seek to promote improved outcomes for individuals with disabilities and their families. Many of these programs include individuals with disabilities as members of the self-advocacy discipline. In this study, 10 self-advocate trainees were interviewed to provide insight into the value of including self-advocates in training and the kinds of accommodations and supports that facilitated their success and inclusion. Interviewees endorsed the importance of including self-advocates in LEND programs. Although several accommodations were discussed as helpful, interpersonal supports from faculty and peers were equally important in ensuring their success and inclusion in LEND. The findings from this study provide support for the expansion of self-advocacy as a formal discipline in LEND programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anatomical education is pivotal for medical students, and innovative technologies like augmented reality (AR) are transforming the field. This study aimed to enhance the interactive features of the AEducAR prototype, an AR tool developed by the University of Bologna, and explore its impact on human anatomy learning process in 130 second-year medical students at the International School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna. An interdisciplinary team of anatomists, maxillofacial surgeons, biomedical engineers, and educational scientists collaborated to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the study\'s objectives. Students used the updated version of AEducAR, named AEducAR 2.0, to study three anatomical topics, specifically the orbit zone, facial bones, and mimic muscles. AEducAR 2.0 offered two learning activities: one explorative and one interactive. Following each activity, students took a test to assess learning outcomes. Students also completed an anonymous questionnaire to provide background information and offer their perceptions of the activity. Additionally, 10 students participated in interviews for further insights. The results demonstrated that AEducAR 2.0 effectively facilitated learning and students\' engagement. Students totalized high scores in both quizzes and declared to have appreciated the interactive features that were implemented. Moreover, interviews shed light on the interesting topic of blended learning. In particular, the present study suggests that incorporating AR into medical education alongside traditional methods might prove advantageous for students\' academic and future professional endeavors. In this light, this study contributes to the growing research emphasizing the potential role of AR in shaping the future of medical education.





